A Deal With Lucifer (Currentl...

By Drift-Kagun

396 6 0

The tragic tale about a boy, unlike the rest. A sinful soul, with malicious bounding. The eleven-year-old boy... More

Table Of Contents (Extended)
She Told Me Not To
What I've Become
My Demons
Lock It Up
The One Enslaved
Darrel's House
Rush Recklessly
Contacting The Underworld
The Thing That Binds Me
The World In God's Image

All The Lives Taken

15 0 0
By Drift-Kagun

The crescent moon shone bright above the small town that we walked through. We weren't familiar with it, but we kept on walking. We'd eventually reach a bridge that lead out of town, and into a dark forest, where the only noise audible was an owl's coos. As I told Lamont about the horrible nightmare I had the other day, it grew colder, and my teeth began to chatter, my body shivering.

"I k-kind of wish that I didn't get rid of that demon yet. It's pretty c-c-cold out here!" I complain.

Lamont unpacks a coat and a pair of gloves from his backpack, placing them over his body. "Here" he says as he hands me his second pair of gloves, and a jacket to put over my current one. I get dressed in the new jacket, slipping on my gloves. "Only a mile more" I say to Lamont, looking up from the map. He gives a thumbs up, and puts in his earbuds to listen to "Battle Scars" by Lupe Fiasco and Guy Sebastian.

He jams to it bobbing his head as all I get to listen to is the noise of nature, and the wind blowing hard on the trees. "Oh god Danny, what's that smell?" shrieks Lamont. He points to my left, and my head follows his finger. "It's coming from there! It smells like old meat that's been left out for years! Wait no, it's worse!" I jog over to the area with Lamont trailing behind me.

Flies hover over a pile of leaves, and others crawl in. The smell is stronger now that we're closer. It was hard enough to bare to smell that mess, but when I took a stick and moved the leaves out the way, a dead man's corpse lay there partially decayed. Deep cut wounds were all over his stomach, exposing his organs which were leaking out the side. Maggots lie inside his open liver. Flies covered the corpse all over, and his brain was exposed, but only through a small chip in his skull. We both scream bloody murder, loud to the point where the surrounding houses could hear.

"D-Danny, I t-t-think we should go!" Lamont gags and vomits all over the grass. I swallow my vomit the second it comes up even the slightest. I look across the field, and about ten more corpses lie there scattered across the forest. I froze and stood there with no movement at all. The map fell right out of my hands onto the cold ground. "Danny what are you doing?! Let's go!" Lamont grabs me by the arm, dragging my across the ground. My pants picked up a bit of his vomit from the ground.

"Where's the map?" I ask him. "Screw the map Danny, we're going home!" I tug free of his grip and run back to the body, picking up the map. "You can go home if you like, I'm not going to go back after all this progress that I've made to get here!" He slaps the map straight out of my hand. "Danny no! Idiocy and your thirst for revenge is clouding your mind! Get a grip, we have all the time in the world to do this! Even so, we're still mortal! Don't you see Danny? He's the manifestation of all things evil Danny!"

"No! You don't understand!" I push him back and run in the direction of the map, and Lamont tackles me, picking it up. "Do you want me to rip this thing?! You clearly don't see that you could get yourself killed, and I want to protect you!" I shove him off and punch him right in the face. A drop of blood rolls out of his nose as he kicks me back and gets on his feet. "Lamont please! I just want to.. Give me back my map!"

Lamont flees to the side of me, hitting me hard in the stomach. I fall to the ground and he sits on my chest holding my arms down with his knees. "Danny just listen to me, it's not worth it! We can't go now, we're not ready yet." He headbuts me hard. "No, no, no, no! You're just not ready! I'm not going to let your fear drive me away from my goal!"

"I'm not scared Danny, I just want you to be safe! Another time would be great, because we need to learn more about him instead of mindlessly running into battle, don't you agree?!"

I let out a long sigh. "I guess so Lamont. I'm sorry, my anger got the best of me" he stands up and I slide from underneath him. "I'll keep the map just in case you try to go alone" I nod. We turn around, and begin the walk home. "Why don't we head back to Hell, and learn more about Lucifer? No use walking out here then going back" I ask Lamont. "You know what, you're right. Though the ouija board is at my place, lets head there".

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