A Deal With Lucifer (Currentl...

By Drift-Kagun

396 6 0

The tragic tale about a boy, unlike the rest. A sinful soul, with malicious bounding. The eleven-year-old boy... More

Table Of Contents (Extended)
She Told Me Not To
What I've Become
My Demons
Lock It Up
The One Enslaved
Rush Recklessly
All The Lives Taken
Contacting The Underworld
The Thing That Binds Me
The World In God's Image

Darrel's House

16 0 0
By Drift-Kagun

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. You thought you could escape without a trace? I've been needing to ask you, how did you get in here to begin with, hm?" The ghastly demon sat up from his throne, walking in our direction. "W-We used the ouija board." I say, in a low tone. The dark prince slowly approaches in a way that would be considered trudging. Lamont pulls his baseball bat from his bookbag, and calls out "Step away from Danny you diabolical incarnate!"

He turns quickly and runs over to Lamont. "Watch your mouth child Lamont. I can kill you with such ease!" Lucifer spit on him, right on his forehead. Lamont swings with force, hammering the devilman in the face. He lets out a loud growl as me and Lamont sprint full speed at hell's spire, touching it at the moment Satan grabs at our feet. 

We're telepoted on the earth's surface like we were promised, but on a different side of town. "Do you think he could have hurt me Danny? I was blessed before we went there." I just shrug it off, and pull out the piece of paper I was given by that strange man. I lift my arm, and index finger, pointed in the direction of an old shack.

"If I'm reading this right," I say. "We should be headed towards there." "Then what are we waiting for?" Lamont asks with a flicker of excitement in his eyes. "Nothing. Lets get a move on it before the sun sets." We start running at a slow pace, before breaking into a full-on sprint. The sun was halfway behind the mountains, and the sky was a beautiful reddish orange color, with streaks of pink.

"Do you think we'll see auroras tonight?" I ask Lamont. He nods, closing his eyes. "I think god will bless us with some after all the trouble we've went through." I smile, letting out a gentle breath of air. "Hopefully." I whisper. We arrive at Darrel's house, and knock on his door. The sun had set by the time, so the weather was quite cold. I pull my phone from my pocket, and turn it on. "Sixty eight missed calls from my mom! She must be worried sick." I cry.

Lamont takes some earbuds out from his pockets. "Here, Use these and call her back. Let her know that you're ok, and we're at the cinema." I take them from his hand. The door opens and a grown man peeks out from behind the door chain. In a low voice, he greets the two of us. "Hello?" Lamont whispers in my ear, telling me to wait outside. "Hello sir. We were sent here by your friend in hell. I'm unsure of his name, but we seek help."

Darrel balls his hand into a fist, and coughs in it. "Come in boys" he says as he takes the chain off the door. He grinned, revealing his teeth that were caked with yellow tar. His breath reeked of beer, and he looked semi plastered. Lamont walked into his house, and I called my mom with the earbuds in. "Danny where are you?!" She yells. "And why didn't you pick up my phone calls?" I pulled the earbuds out of my ears until she was done yelling. She was loud enough to be heard without them on.

"I'm with Lamont. We're at the cinema waiting for the trailers to end." She ends up giving me a whole lecture about going out and not telling her. She even tells me that Lamont's mom also didn't know where we disappeared off to. "Young man you better get back here after the movie, so we can talk. Bye!" She scolds. I hang up the phone, and walk into the house.

"Lamont.." I say with a low voice. He turns to look at me. "Hm? What is it?" He asks. "Thank you for coming with me, even though this is all my fault. I got us in trouble, and you don't deserve to be punished for my actions." He sighed, and looked me in the eyes. "Danny, it's ok. We're all human and nobody is perfect. Mistakes are a part of life, and if it weren't for them, we'd never learn. Just hang in there, we'll get you out of this mess. I promise that we'll fix it together.

If I have to, I'll beat the demon out of you. This whole experience brought us closer. Think positive. I'm here to help you because that's what friends do for each other." He smiles a bit. "You're not supposed to look after me. You're not supposed to suffer because of my idiocy." He just looks at me and smiles. "I am Danny because I'm your friend. Friends help each other." He puts out a hand in front of himself. "Don't leave me hanging" he says. I give him a fist bump, and smile.

Through happiness I thank him. "Thank you Lamont."

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