The Four Stones

Per manateegirl98

876 45 37

Wysteria has always been different. She looks different, acts different, and feels different. She has Albinis... Més

Chapter 1: A Normal Day
Chapter 2: Typhoon
Chapter 3: Where are we?
Chapter 4: What?!
Chapter 5: A Week of Fun
Chapter 6: The Festival
Chapter 7
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Untitled Part 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 16

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Per manateegirl98

Chapter 16: An A-Maze-ing Tower

The next morning Richard was the first one awake. He decided to go fishing while he waiting for the others to rouse themselves. Locating a nearby stream, he rolled up his pant legs and sleeves and waded into the water. Once about knee deep, he stood perfectly still and waited patiently for an unsuspecting fish to swim by, then

“SPLASH!” He grabbed it with cat-like reflexes and threw it several feet to the bank.

After catching two or three more, he decided that was enough to feed everyone. When he arrived back at camp Wysteria was tending the fire. She looked up when he entered the clearing and smiled at him.

“Good morning. I see you’ve been busy.” Wysteria said eyeing the fish slung over his shoulder.

“Yep.” Richard said proud of his catch.

“I gathered some fruit as well, so we’ll have a nice, healthy breakfast before entering the tower.” Wysteria said, smiling.

Richard nodded and sat down to skin the fish with his knife. Afterwards he gathered some sticks, put the fish on them, and roasted the fish over the fire. The smell of the cooking fish soon woke the others. After the fish were done cooking they all ate their fill.


    “No training today. We need to get to the tower as quickly as possible.” Malachi informed them.

    “Right.” the four teens said.

    After Wysteria treated Malachi’s wound, maybe for the last time before they separated, they started at a fast pace toward the tower. As they neared it, Wysteria noticed something strange about the area around the tower. The questions in her head were soon answered though when Malachi spoke.

    “The area around the tower is surrounded by an enchanted hedge maze. It is impossible to cheat without dire consequences. When we enter: do not cut at the hedges, try to go over, dig under, use your magic to elevate yourself, or try to go through the hedges. Breaking any of these rules could get you severely injured or killed.” Malachi warned.

Wysteria gulped. ‘This will be hard. That maze looks huge.’ She thought.

As they approached the entrance of the maze, Wysteria looked up at the hedges that towered at le above her head, seemingly touching the clouds. It also had an eerie feeling about it, like a haunted house eerie feeling. It gave her little goosebumps on her arms. She followed close behind the others as Malachi led the way through the twists and turns.

“I don’t like this place. It doesn’t feel right.” Wysteria whispered, more to herself than to anyone else.

“This place gives me the creeps to.” Jonathan said, suddenly right beside her. Almost by instinct, Wysteria huddled closer to Jonathan. He wrapped an arm around her protectively. “Don’t worry I won’t let anything hurt you.”

“Thanks.” Wysteria said, sighing in relief. The nervousness in her stomach lessened.

“That’s what brothers are for.” Jonathan said, squeezing her shoulders.

“Alright, we just have to turn right up here and there will be a staircase up the the outside of the tower.” Malachi said.

But, when they got there, it was a dead end. All the teens slowly turned their heads toward Malachi.

“Macky.” Jasmine started. “We’re lost...Aren’t we?”

“No.” Malachi said stubbornly.




“Okay fine. We’re lost.” Malachi finally admitted. “But I don’t know how. I memorized the way through the maze.”

“Malachi. How long has it been since you’ve been in the maze?” Jasmine asked, crossing her arms.

“Uuuuh…” Malachi started.

“Yeah. I thought so.” Jasmine said.

“Well, let’s retrace our steps.” Malachi said, trying to act casual.

Eventually they made it to the staircase after Malachi leading them to three supposed locations of the staircase. By the time they finally made it to the staircase it was about 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Then a very embarrassed Malachi led them into the tower. The inside of the tower was very much like the other one, but thankfully this one didn’t have near as many spiders. There were still traps though, so Malachi guided them along the safe path to the spiral stairs leading up into the tower.

The same illusion as in the first tower was painted on the ceiling, but after only a few minutes of climbing stairs Malachi signalled they had made it to the chamber with the stone. He pushed in a brick in the wall to reveal a hidden door and stepped inside. Wysteria’s stomach turned when she stepped inside. It looked like there was only a 100 foot drop beneath her. She gasped and flailed back toward the door of the chamber, clinging to the doorframe.

“It’s alright, Wysteria. It’s just a very realistic painting.” Malachi chuckled, walking over the floor as if the heart stopping illusion wasn’t there, but Wysteria refused to move from her spot until Jasmine dragged her over to the pedestal with the jewel sitting on it.

“It’s so realistic. I feel like my knees are going to collapse.” Wysteria breathed, not daring to speak any louder for fear of the floor collapsing beneath her.

“Don’t worry I gotcha’ Jasmine said, slinging Wysteria’s arm over her shoulder.

“Thanks Jasmine.” Wysteria said, smiling.

Malachi undid the seal on the stone and grabbed it off the pedestal. Then they bolted down the stairs again, ignoring the safe path they had taken before because the traps were deactivated and dodging falling debris from the collapsing tower.

Once they were out of the room with the seemingly bottomless pit, Wysteria was able to move again without Jasmine’s support. The exit was right in front of them. They were home free. Then a huge boulder crashed down behind them only inches from crushing them. The shock wave caused Jasmine to lose her balance and she fell to the floor, letting out a terrified shriek. Jonathan was by her side in seconds, shielding her from the debris. Malachi rushed over and slung both of them over his shoulder and ran the rest of the way out of the tower.

“Macky! Put me down! Your shoulder isn’t completely healed yet!” Jasmine cried struggling to get free.

“Yeah, what Jasmine said.” Jonathan agreed

“Don’t worry about my shoulder. Are you two alright? The debris didn’t hurt you did it?” Malachi asked, putting Jasmine and Jonathan back down on the ground outside the tower.

“No. I’m alright, and thank you.” Jasmine said, embarrassed that she been slung over Malachi’s sore shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Jonathan nodded his thanks as well.” Thank you as well Jonathan.”

“Uh, yeah, it was nothing.” Jonathan said awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

Malachi sighed in relief and smiled.” You’re welcome. Is everyone else okay?”

They all nodded. Wysteria then looked half-heartedly back at the maze not wanting to go wandering through it again. Malachi noticed this and chuckled.

“Don’t worry the maze’s enhancements have been lifted, so we can got over the top if we want to.” Malachi assured her.

“Good, but first, let me see your shoulder.” Wysteria said, giving Malachi a stern look.

“But-but-but..” Malachi pouted.

“No buts. Now let me see you shoulder.” Wysteria commanded.

Malachi complied but rather unwillingly. Wysteria examined the wound, but it seemed fine. Just to make absolutely sure, she did another healing session. This time when the glowing water disappeared only a small quarter sized bruise remained.

“There, all done.” Wysteria said, standing up from where she was kneeling beside Malachi.

“Wow! You’re getting good at that, Sterie!” Jasmine praised.

“I’ve had lot’s of practise as of late.” Wysteria said sheepishly.

“Not to ruin the moment, but we need to keep moving.” Malachi said, getting to his feet. “I’ll give you four the map that shows you where the four towers and the cave are. I know how to get to the cave from here, so don’t worry about that. I’ll also point you in the right direction of the last tower. Now let’s get down from this hill.” Malachi said turning eastward and walking to the far side of the hill.

    The four teens followed him. He got to the edge and looked out over the maze. Then Wysteria stepped up and decided to try something. Focussing all her power, she created an ice slide going right over the top of the maze and down the outside edge. Then she did something no ever thought she would do, she jumped on the ice slide, belly first and slid all the way down, squealing with excitement. The others just stood there dumbstruck for a few seconds.

    “Come on, guys! It’s fun!” Wysteria called from at the bottom of the slide. They shared looks of shock before Jasmine stepped up.

    “Woohoo!” She yelled, sliding on her butt, down the ice slide.

    Jonathan went next. “Look out below!”

    Then Richard. “YEEEAAAH!”

    And last, but certainly not least, Malachi. He didn’t shout anything. He just shook his head, smiled and said “Kids will be kids.” and surfed down the slide on his feet.

    When they’d all reached the bottom, Wysteria melted the ice, and turned the water into vapor, leaving no trace that the slide had ever been there. Malachi pointed them eastward and handed them the map.

    “Here, Jonathan. You hang on to this.” Malachi said handing Jonathan the ring that was once the Air Topaz jewel. “Your sword is enchanted with Air magic, so this will give it a boost.”

    “Awesome! Thanks, Macky.” Jonathan snickered, earning a laugh from Jasmine. Malachi facepalmed. Everyone laughed.

    “So, Wysteria, what was with that stunt earlier? I never expected that from you.” Richard asked, elbowing her in the arm.

    “Oh, that? Well, it was the first thing that came to mind as the easiest way to get away from the tower.” Wysteria said, embarrassed.

    “Well, it was fun. We should do it more often.” Richard said, smiling at Wysteria.

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