
By robilynes

938 57 80

When you have a choice to save your people or suffer in a never ending war, the choice is obvious. You pick t... More

PART ONE: Chapter One - The Letter (Leilah's POV)
Chapter Two - Anything for my people
Chapter Three - The decision
Chapter Four - The human world
PART TWO: Chapter Five - General Hank revealed *shock, horror
Chapter Seven - Telepathy phone call
Chapter Eight - Meeting my sis
Chapter Nine - G.H has maids?
Chapter Ten - Plan A (as they say)
Authors notes. This is important

Chapter Six - "Oh My Gosh we're twinsies!!" -Skylah

56 4 10
By robilynes

8 am. It’s bloody 8 am and I can’t believe I’m already up and running.  Must be a new record. But nothing can compare to the wake-up call I got this morning. Just. Plain. Ridiculous.

“Wakey wakey, Princess. Rise and shine. Wake up Princess. WAKE UP!”


“You suck your thumb?” chuckles.

I rub my eyes and let them focus. And all I can see is Daniels face right in mine.

“WHA – I do not suck my thumb! They’re quite dry thankyou!”

Daniels laughter was very vicious. “I only kid. I was quoting Madagascar. King Julian, such a great dancing lemur.”

“What in Uerotina’s name – Oh nevermind. But could you be ever so kind as to remove your face so close to mine?”

Daniel retracts still having that evil smirk on his face. “Alright. Get ready, let’s go! There’s a whole heap to see and a whole heap meet in a short amount of time. Now, OUTTA DA BED!”

“Ugh, seriously? What time is it? And what about breakfast?” my voice sounded sleepy as I talk through a yawn.

“It’s about 5:30 am, and for breakfast, TOAST. You can eat while we walk. I have a full day planned out and everything! BUT YOU HAVE TO HURRY!!” Daniel yells the last part, making it echo five, six times.

My first thought, shut up. Second thought, 5:30 am! And third, eat while waking? Is he crazy? He may call me Princess but he sure doesn’t treat me like one.

And that’s how we end up here. We looked at all the training facilities that they have to offer here.  The armoury, archery range, stadium, living quarters, mess hall, it was pretty much a gigantic sized summer camp or something. I met a few of the “important people” like the chief or whatever, and other people. Too early in the morning to list them all.

As we reached the sword arena Daniel says, “There’s one more person I want you to meet. He’s really cool. Trust me.”

“For every person you’ve made me meet so far you said, ‘he’s really cool’ and they turned out to be boring as.” I say in a matter-of-factly voice. And in return I get a chuckle. But I follow Daniel inside anyway.

“This place is mainly used for leisure training. So you can do all sorts of stuff, archery, hand-to-hand combat, sword fighting and just normal muscle building. The gym is broken off on the other side of the building. You do any of this stuff back home?”

“Yes but I was trained in school but because we have different creature living back home we have a separate training session to enhance on the special abilities that each creature has.”

“Cool!!” a new voice from behind catches my attention, “So you each creature has special abilities different from the other? That’s Awesome!!”

I turn around and see, a purple haired boy? When I say purple I mean a soft purple like lavender. He has one brown eye and the other an orangey amber. He’s about Daniel’s height but his quiff makes his height seem that way.

“Wassup bro, been looking for you all day.” Daniel walks up to the boy and gives him a ‘guy’s hug’ which consists of a lot of slapping on the back.

“And by ‘all day’ do you mean five minutes?” the boy say with the same jokingly rude voice that Daniel uses. From that I could tell that they are much alike.

 Daniel laughs and says, “Fine okay five minutes, though you were supposed to be first on the list but other people from the bottom of the list came in front so yeah. Oh yeah! This is Leilah, Leilah this is Skylah. He’s my best friend with the purple hair and heterochromia.”

“Oh My Gosh, we’re twinsies! Purple hair and your purple eyes. They’re gorgeous by the way. And hi I’m Skylah. It’s so nice to meet you!” Skylah’s cheerful voice and smile radiates off him making me smile back.

“Leilah, nice to meet you too. I also like your hair. It’s a nice purple.”

Then, we hear a taunting comment from behind us. “Hey gay boy! Instead of talking to your bf, why don’t you help in the frontlines and actually do something rather than drooling over us!” then chuckling.

“How dare they speak to you like that? That is really unacceptable. And Skylah, you’re gay?”

“Yeah I am. And don’t worry about it. I’m fine. To be honest I really don’t care. Getting affected and revenging isn’t gonna solve my problems. And it also means that I will have stooped as low as them. But thanks anyway Leilah.” Skylab says with an actual unaffected tone in his voice.

“Dude, deep words. Nice!”

“DANIEL! Don’t say that. Honestly you and your rude comments aren’t gonna get you anywhere. And is that really the attitude towards your best friend?” I’ve had enough of his rude comments and it’s only been less than a week since I met him.

“Leilah, maybe you should calm down. And move outside, away from the weapons wall. Because you look as if you could stab someone at any moment. Come with me.” Skylah’s words snap me out of whatever that was and I follow him outside. I turn back before I close the door and see Daniel already working on sword skills, practically ripping the dummy to bits.

Skylah announces that he’ll take me back to my room so I can rest. 5:30 wake up was probably what made me angry. Skylah asks me about Uerotina and what it looks like. I asked if he’s never been and he told me that he only joined the army a year ago and was training so that he could go but the chance to go left when they announced war was over. So I described to him as best as I could about what it was like in Uerotina. He seemed intrigued and was interested about everything, asking questions and wanting to know details. He was very much as innocent as a little kid.

“Skylar, how old are you and Daniel?”

“Well I’m 17 and Daniel’s 19. But we’re pretty close because we’ve been friends since elementary and we were neighbours so we hung out a lot. We were both born in England -but moved cos of this- and grew up together. Though he is my best friend it seems like he’s always protecting me like an older brother so yeah. A bit cheesy right?”

“No not at all. I think because you have a bit of an innocent personality that he may be protective. Plus you’re younger. Did both your parents serve here in the army?”

“Yeah, I lost mine when I was five so I lived with Danny’s family. But revenge wasn’t the reason why I joined. I wanted to join and make them proud that I followed their footsteps and fought for our safety. Again cheesy…. Haha” Skylah sounded so vulnerable and childish it was quite emotional. I needed to lift his mood.

“Skylah you like roses right? I’ve got a rose garden outside my room. Do you want to come look at them?” that seemed to lift his mood because he was nodding as if it’ll be the last time he can ever nod in his life. I laugh and we walk up the stairs to my room.

Author’s notes:

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed that chapter! Sorry it’s kind of a filler chapter but necessary because of the introduction of Skylah, a cocky but child-like and innocent character who loves nature! Hehe cute

Anyway I’m gonna dedicate this to youtuber Tyler Oakley, my inspiration for the character Skylah. His purple hair rocked so yeah!

So again, I hoped you liked this chapter, leave a comment and vote and please share this story to others. I would really love to get 200 reads on this story but I need your help to do that, so share the story to others you know, even if they’ve never read a story on wattpad before.

Thank you guys for the 139 reads!

Ttyl bros and happy readin’! Robi J

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