Laughter is the best medicine...

By Amnelove

44.9K 1.2K 571

Y/N is a not so normal nineteen year old girl. She is often bullied because she loves all things crazy and cr... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
I am very sorry for this/ REQUESTS!
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen (end part one)
Chapter Sixteen (End part 2)

Chapter Eleven

2.1K 71 23
By Amnelove

(A/N: I am so sorry about the problem i forgot my new update schedule and was updating the wrong story and i am very sorry about the delay in this chapter, to make up for it i will do five chapters in this week. Again i am very sorry for those of you who like this story and are waiting for me to update. If i am able i will do two today.)

Readers POV

My eyes fluttered open to reveal a room other than my own or the warehouse. I know looked at a white ceiling. I raised a hand to grabbed my throbbing head and i saw my hand was wrapped up. As was part of my torso due to me knowing after getting up so that my back rested against the metal frame of the bed. I looked around and saw no other bed but this did not look like a normal hospital, no monitors no IV no nothing just bandaged up. I could have sworn the wounds that i had received were worse than this.  I sat up in the bed and then felt a weight on my legs. There was a cat on my legs just sleeping only this cat was strange. It was smiling?

I looked closer at the cat and saw that it wore a creepy grin that never faded nor changed. It honestly intrigued me and frightened me. But that was not the matter of the cat here on my lap. Where am I?

Just then the door to the room opened and in stepped a doctor with a strange mask. It was decorated with a sharp toothed grin and his eyes were red as a ruby covered in blood might be. Behind him was a nurse with red hair and a black nurse uniform. Everything screamed don't trust them but i was not in the sort of situation to do anything about them at the moment. I looked on slightly scared but i was mainly curious about them until the sound of a grunt came from the doctor, seeming to get my attention.

"Your wounds could have been fatal, you are lucky. And you are also lucky that we were told not to kill you. I am Doctor Smiley and this is Nurse Ann. We have been taking care of you and your parents still think you are with the boy. You have been out for half of the day." Doctor Smiley said before turning on his heel and walking off. Nurse Ann was not far behind him in his exodus.

I was left only beside the smiling cat sleeping on my legs in the small room. I reached over and gave the cat a stroke which caused it to stir and look at me with the strangest eyes. Things are getting weirder as this cat reminded me of the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. Was i dreaming or was i in a wonderland of my own. Maybe i had just gone crazy on my own and that was the option that made the most sense in my opinion. There was a gentle knock at the door and then i was met with an abundance of black and white. The only color being a red tie and i raised my head to the faceless creature.

So he did exist? Well it would make a little bit of sense. I remember my friend going on and on about those horror stories she had read on the internet and things did seem like that. She really only talked about a few but i think she said something about a man in a polka dot suit, with a face. This one had neither. The faceless creature just stood there and stared at me for a moment through his non existent eyes.

"There is no need for thoughts like those child. A creature like that does exist as do everything your friend has talked about. My name is Slenderman and I run this house. You are very lucky that Laughing Jack brought you here while he could or else you would have been killed by that boy." The creature named Slenderman said. I just sat there wondering how he spoke that entire time while taking in everything he had said.

"Thank you sir for letting me stay here and get patched up. I will leave as soon a i am able and you may get back to your normal lives. I can not thank you enough and i am sorry for being a bother." I replied reminding myself of the manners i was taught at a young age. Slenderman nooded and stepped aside letting a black blur enter the room as he left me and the blur alone. When i could focus on the blur a bit more i saw Laughing Jack hugging my waist and burying his head into my lap. Sighing and taking in quick breaths. If i had not grown used to the monochrome clown I surely would have screamed.

I just sat there and the smiling cat looked up and gave an annoyed look at LJ for disrupting his sleep. It hopped from the bed and held its tail in that air so snooty like and left through the barely open door. I looked down at the relieved clown and gently patted his head not really knowing what to do. Were we friends? Acquaintances? Did he think something else like me as a lover? Well he did tell Ethan that he was my boyfriend so does he think that is true?

Then it hit me. Ethan. Where the heck was he? I swear i am going to kill him or if LJ brought me here after getting me he might have killed him already. That sort of made me happy but i still wanted to do something horrible to him. Killing seemed merciful in my mind now. As i was fuming LJ lifted his head to look at me from where he once laid on my lap. He had bags under his eyes like he had not slept since he brought me here.

"LJ?" i asked lightly and softly. Not knowing his current mood i wanted to be safe. He rose and sat on the bed now never really taking a part of me away from him. His hands that once held my waist covered my hands. I could see red in his black eyes like he had been crying or maybe it was the sleep. He wiped a stray tear from my cheek that even i did not know had fallen. So many things had happened since we really had any time together. I just wanted things to get back to normal.

"(Y/N). I did not know what happened until he had run off with you. I am sorry i let that happen. You had a full right to fear me, and if you saw what i had done you probably would never come near me again. But at first i thought of you as a victim for me. Well maybe i should clarify why. You see we are killers here. I have the blood of many young children on me hands. And i have taken the lives of teens as well. I wanted to kill you i did. But i couldn't something about you just wouldn't let me. It hurt just thinking about killing you." I was awestruck. He wanted to kill me? He continued. "I did not know what the feeling was, then i became overly curious about you. I did follow you that night at the fair. I did ride that ride with you and even took you away. I have done so much to hurt you and i don't know why. I guess i saw apart of myself in you. The part that was misunderstood. That part that wanted to be found but wasn't, my true self. I guess i did all this because..." He stopped there.

I wanted him to continue but he just looked away. I had thought about everything he had said as he did. The ride at the fair. The kisses he had stolen. The people he might have killed. But he was like me? How? My parents don't fight and love each other but then again i don't know anything about LJ.

"Because what LJ?" i asked wanting him to go one. His black eye met my (E/C) ones for the briefest moment. Neither of us moved for what seemed like an eternity the only sound was the beating of hearts and the short breathes we both took.  Until he grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me into a kiss. I had grown used to his kisses but instead of feeling like it was a claim or a prize of his it was soft and careful, like he did not want to hurt me. When he pulled away he whispered something under his breathe that i could not hear. He seemed unsure if he should say it but he at least had.

"LJ?" i asked again. He met my gaze again and pulled me close to him my body not in pain and he just cradled me. Like i was precious. He buried his head in the crook of my neck and whispered it again against my skin. But i still was unable to here what he was saying. I pulled back slightly and cupped his cheek in my hand, much like a lover would. What was happening to me? He returned the gesture to my cheek and then spoke softly but i could hear what he wanted to say.

"I think i have fallen in love with you. (Y/N) I love you more than my candy." he said after a pause. Blood rushed to my cheeks and i could not help but smile. I had the feeling i was falling for my fear but i never thought he would admit it. My smile turned into a small giggle that was returned by a saddened LJ. I gave him a kiss of my own and i felt him stiffen up. But then he relaxed a bit before his arms had snaked around me once more pulling me closer.

When we broke off again i gave another giggle. "Confessing to your girlfriend, shouldn't that happen before we start dating?" I asked reminding him of the conversation he first had with Ethan. He gave one of his creepy smiles at the memory and hugged me tightly.

"I guess that is how it is supposed to go yes. Oh i have a surprise for you then gumdrop." He said getting up and grabbing me hand. Helping me down the strange halls of this place he stopped at a wooden door with the faint sound of a groan coming from the other side. He opened the door and grabbed my hand leading me down the steps. There was only one light in the room and it was over top of a chair with someone tied to it. Golden string had wrapped around there body and a gag was placed in their mouth. Then they looked up and their eyes widened in fear and anger both at the same time. The person in the chair was Ethan.

"LJ? What is going on?" i asked. Ethan gave a yelp but it was muffled like he was asking for my help or was happy to see me i could not tell. Lj gently placed his hand on my waist and pulled me next to him seeming to make Ethan angry and staking a claim at the same time. He gently kissed my forehead and then looked back at the enraged Ethan tied to the chair.

"This gumdrop is a present. I wanted to kill him where he was when i had found you but i thought you would want to have some fun once you had recovered. My friend the Puppeteer had offered to hurt him but not kill him but it seems that he did not do anything but hold him down. So you and i will have a ball!" He ended his little explanation with that laugh of his, the one i now adored.

I took one look at the helpless Ethan and a wicked smile appeared on my face. This was going to be fun.      

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