By TheFanGirlAlways

107 25 0

In which Bella is insane and is searching for the only person to make her happy... her true love but the love... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12

Chapter 11

7 1 0
By TheFanGirlAlways

Karma had gotten back into her usual routine. She was finally happy again. It was hard seeing Bella again. It brought back memories she stored away hoping to never see them again but once Bella showed up they popped out to her like words on paper.

It took Karma five months to move on and be happy with her life again and it took one second for Bella to crush it. She was happy for 4 and half years. No Bella. No drama. Free. Happy. Wild.

A bit of Karma just wanted to leap into Bella's arms and kiss and never let go when she returned, but in doing so she knew Bella would destroy her again. Not on purpose but she would without even trying. That's how Bella is and was.

It had been 6 months since the encounter with Bella. 6 months since she last heard from her and for some reason Karma was worried about it. Karma missed her? She didn't know but what she did know was that Karma now thought of Bella every second of everyday. She was angry with herself for not getting to see if Bella had changed and became a better person or not. She was angry that Bella didn't put up a fight to take her,she was angry that she didn't get taken.

"Are you right Darling? You look... angry?" Nelson spoke, concern written all over his face. His muscly arm wrapped around Karma's waist as he kissed her head. Something Bella always did.

"I miss her so much. Why didn't she just take me instead of leaving me here! Why didn't she use her muscles or moves and kidnap me? Anywhere would be better with her." She thought to herself, surprising herself. No it wouldn't stop that!" She battled her herself. Her minds creaming one thing but her heart screaming a totally different thing.

After picking herself up of the floor in the bathroom that morning Karma went to the pub where she met Nelson and kicked it off right away. They've been dating for three months and he still has no idea that her heart doesn't belong to him and it never will. The answer won't change even if Karma keeps faking it.

"She messed me up!" Karma spoke out loud causes Nelson to flinch away with a concern look painted on his strong-featured face.

"Who baby? Talk to me princess" Karma nearly gagged at the nickname hating him saying it.

"That nickname was Bella's. She called me that. She sounds way better then him saying it. How her tongue rolls the letter. How much I miss that" Karma thought then shook her head getting rid of the thought. Why is she doing this to herself? She'll just be putting herself back in hell.

"Nelson. Nelson.Nelson!" She repeated in her head but her heart was repeating the opposite and Karma hated but couldn't ignore. "Bella. Bella.Bella!"

"Sweetheart you alright?" His accent strong and thick but not as perfect as Bella's. No one can beat Bella. She's perfect to Karma only she's crazy but maybe that's a good thing possible. Karma was crazy, maybe not to Bella's extent but she was, everyone was a little. Karma hated this, she was doing it again, making excuses for Bella just to make her want to go back to Bella more, to make her feel right about it.

"Yep. It's just my boss. Works been stressful" Karma lied

"Oh. Come lie down honey. It'll do you good" Karma smiled at the small gestor going and laying in the bed, Nelson tucked her in, kissing her forehead and walked out. Bella didn't walk out. She never did. She would lay and cuddle until she was feeling better. Bella's the best and Karma loved her dispirit being crazy, insane and having a couple of flaws.

Karma thought some more, she couldn't sleep with the sun shining and no cuddles. Bella wasn't crazy, insane or any of that until the couple's first ever Fight.

"Go shopping by yourself"

"But I like going together. It's more fun!" Karma jumped up and down smiling

"I'm busy!"Bella spoke not taking her eyes of the screen. Karma's smiled dropped

"You're always busy! You never spend time with me anymore.

"I'm with you 24/7, fucking hell!"

"No! You either watching tv or fighting crime we don't go out together!"

"But I'm still with you"

"I want more"

"Stop being a wining bitch. No one likes them"

"What the fuckkk!"

"It's true"

"Why can't you show me more attention!"

"Cause I'm busy" Bella yelled, her face red with angry. Karma knew it was time to stop but she didn't. This wasn't a playful fight like they usually do, this was real. That real that Karma felt like crying. The couple had been together for two years and they never had a real fight before... this was their first.

"Well show me that you care at least a little! Stop treating me like shit! God it's hard living with you"

"I wasn't the one yelling 'let's move in! We'll have so much fun' that was you not me" Bella yelled throwing anything her hands can grab. Karma ducked and avoiding the flying objects.

"You don't want me here?" Karma whispered, hurt at Bella's words. It was a stupid fight that was pointless and isn't a big deal but some reason it was to them and that's what caused it all.

"All you do is yell and talk. Does it even occur to you that I don't like talking in the morning or I like to relax in the afternoon."

"Yes"Karma whispered tears falling down her cheeks. She hated fighting but fighting with her lover is much worse to her.

"Give me some space god damn it!" Bella got up from the couch she as laying on and stormed out the house.

"Where you are going?" Karma questioned following Bella.

"Fucking hell! You don't need to know everything I'm doing or everywhere I'm going!"

"But I care and I love you" Karma stepped forward whispering words into Bella's ears as she stood in place not moving.

"Well don't!" Karma was taken back by Bella's words. She didn't know what to think or do. Why would she say such a thing?

"That's harder said than done!" Karma yelled. Bella sighed. It was pointless fighting back. It was only making the situation worse. So, Bella gave in.

"I'm going Downtown to the pub. Don't follow me and don't wait up" Bella turned and walked out of the building leaving Karma in a mess of tears.

That was the last day Karma saw her Bella. Her bright, fun, loving, kind Bella. That day changed Bella forever. Karma just wanted Bella back, her Bella, the one she fell in love with, the one she loved and the one she still loves.


It's been so long, I didn't realise that I never finished the book- I had the chapters written but never published them so I apologise for that- Will have this book up and completed along with publishing the first chapter of the third book- Revenge.

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