Laughing Jack x Male!OC

By Imperfect_Dream

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BxB Love Story between a simple teenage boy and a killer monochrome clown... More

Quick Little A/N
Important Authors Note


290 10 2
By Imperfect_Dream

I look up at my father blankly "I didn't hear what you were saying to me, I zoned out for a moment" I say as I mess with my hair. I hear a different male let out a soft sigh in annoyance to my response to my father, though whoever it was didn't speak up or try to insult me as I thought someone would. "I was explaining some rules that are set for this household" I nod not caring much for the rules, instead I walk past everyone and into a different part of the mansion going to look around the house admiring the old fashioned furniture and paintings hung upon the walls. I may seem like a very ungrateful teenager but in reality, I just don't know how to take this because this has all happened within only a couple days, first my mother died because of that asshole Kevin, he tried to do things to me, then an alien like man told me he was my father and took me to his mansion that has serial killers living there too. It's going to take time for me to get used to it and even then I won't be the same. 

After a few hours of aimlessly walking around the house I walk back to where I remember the living room to be and sit down beside a male that looked an awful lot like Link from Legend of Zelda, I was never big on games but there were times when I'd still play them with friends or even just let my friends gush about games they loved to play. The Link look-a-like and I didn't say a word to each other, he and I just sat there silently for a while. It didn't take long for him to say something though "wanna play a game with me, sweet cheeks?" he asks with a smirk holding a controller out to me, I shrug and grab it and snicker slightly "sure, i'm pretty shit at games though, but I don't think that matters. I'd probably lose even if I was good at games" "you got that right, sweet cheeks" I shrug off the nickname he decided to give me and I leaned back sitting cross-legged and let him choose the game not really caring which one it was.

"Damn it you fucking look-a-like! how the fuck are you constantly beating me?! I was bad-ass at this game!" I yell agitated after only an hour of gaming and toss the controller onto the couch next to me too pissed at the male to keep playing with him "I told you that you'd lose anyway" he laughed and began laughing harder as he noticed the pissed look that showed on my face. I huffed in annoyance and cross my arms "now I know I can't game with you until I get a shit ton better at these games." "yeah, he pisses everyone off, that's why no one ever games with him anymore, well aside from Jeff occasionally" I jump and quickly spin around punching whoever it was as hard as I could because he scared me, but when I looked it was a male wearing a yellow hoodie and a feminine looking white mask.

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