Daddy's Little Girl

By BrownEyedGirl97

6.7K 171 18

Daniella Romano has it all. Money, Power, Beauty. But she would throw away her killer looks in a heart beat i... More

The Romano Family
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 6

321 5 2
By BrownEyedGirl97

I rushed past Vinny running my fingers through my hair.

"Daniella Marietta Lucia Romano!"

A voice with a sharp Italian accent called out. My shoulders cringed up in recognition of that voice.


"Basta guardare a voi! Walking around half naked! And what the hell did you do with those curtains I bought for the living room? They are gone now!"

The petite Italian woman cried pointing her red manicured finger into the living room. Vinny stood by my side chuckling.

"Why didn't you tell me she was here?"

I snapped at him.

"I was on my way to tell you but you weren't in your room, so..."

I elbowed him in his ribs and put on a fake smile as my mother marched towards me.

"Ma? Is that all you have to say to your mother?"

She scorned pecking both my cheeks in quick kisses.

"How have you been, ma? And what brings you back so unexpectedly?"

I asked trying my best to not make her sound like an inconvienience. I love my mother, I really do, but I have always been able to get along better with my father.

"Don't act like you don't know. I got the letter in the mail."

She smiled.


"Vincent, it's been so long! How's your wife and little Lance?"

"They're doing good Mrs. Romano."

"And how is Christiano?"

"Everyone is just fine, ma. Can we talk for a second about this letter?"

I asked impatiently.

"As much as I'd love to I can't now, cara. Your Aunt Bianca and I have plans."

She winked and swung her Gucci purse over her shoulder.

"I'm going to be staying at the apartment in Manhattan with your Aunt Bianca. Addio amore mio."

She smiled and paraded her way out of the house. What the hell is she doing here and why is she so cheerful? We parted on negative terms. I was just left there "half naked" in my pajamas with confusion plastered on my face. She shows up back in the States without notice, brings Aunt Bianca back with her from Italy, and on top of that she is talking about some letter? I groan and turn on my heels back to my room. Vinny followed me back and closed the doors behind him.

"Now can you tell me what the hell actually happened last night with Nico, Danni?"

He calmly asked sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"It's like I said, Nico is working through some tough shit right now that will make him into the man he has to be to become a leader. And I'd really appreciate it if you didn't tell Ma that he is staying here right now. she's not exactly happy with him since he didn't show up at dad's funeral."

I said while getting ready.

"Ok, I won't ask any more and I'll keep quiet about Nico. Lance is having a t-ball game tonight and I missed last week's so Angelina would kill me if I missed tonight's. Mind if I take the night off?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Thanks, Dani. I'll be back in the morning."

He said getting up to leave the room.

"We aren't really doing anything tomorrow either. Spend another day with your family, Vin. I'm sure they miss you."

He smiled and added

"You can come later too if you have the time. I'm sure Angelina and Lance would be happy to see you."

before leaving. I finished my makeup then decided to head over to Gabriel's house like I said I would. I probably won't go to the t-ball game, it's best that they have some private family time. I wonder if Nico is awake yet.

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