I must play the player

By 1D_mania_love

115 4 2

Rhiannon Shay is a 15 year old girl who has just moved to England. After watching her Mum being shot she trie... More

The games

I must play the player

89 3 0
By 1D_mania_love

Chapter 1-  

I slid down the wall panicking. I heard him coming. Tears ran down my face as I panicked. The door slammed open. He stormed over to me and started hitting me. Bruises being bruised even more, bones breaking, happiness going, pain shooting through my body. Tears ran down my face as he hit me. My mum ran in. "Stop it!" She screamed "Your hurting her!". I could see she had been crying. My dad had abused me ever since I was 4. I was now 15. My mum was scared to leave him. He hit her but she shook it off. "No! I've told her times before that she shouldn't be out longer than 9!" He screamed at my mum. I was in the corner in pain. I looked at my dad. He pulled out a gun. "NO!" I screamed. I was scared. I knew I shouldn't have shouted it. "Shut up you slut!" He shouted at me. He pulled the trigger. The bullet hit my mum in the chest. His evil laugh made my body shiver. I knew she was gone but I still got up and ran over to her. "Mum" I cried. Choking on my tears. "Get away from her" he shouted at me. Grabbing me by the back of my t-shirt he dragged me back into the corner. He picked my mum up and walked to the kitchen. I heard him getting a black bin bag. He put my mums body in it and carried it outside. I heard him open the car boot. He put my mum in the boot. He was a monster. I cried. She was gone. My best friend was gone. I heard him start the engine and drive off. I curled into a ball and cried. I couldn't believe I had watched my mum die. His evil laugh playing over and over again through my mind. I went to my mums room. I sprayed some of her perfume on me. I seen her phone on the bedside table. I ran to it. I dialled 911. "Hello, this is 911, what's your emergency?" The operator said. "My name is Rhiannon Shay.My dad just shot my mum and drove off in his car" I wept down the phone. "Okay, hold on. What's your address and we will send the police and an ambulance round to see how you are" I told him my address and hung up. Moments later there was a knock on the door. I opened it an the police and paramedics ran in. While the paramedics attended to me the police asked me questions. "Can you tell us the story from the beginning?" The asked. I nodded. I began the story of how I went out to see my friend and arrived at 9:01pm home. I explained how I wasn't allowed out past 9. Not even a minute. I told them how I went into the living room. How he abused me. How my innocent mother ran in trying to stop him. How she had tried to leave him for years but he always dragged us home and abused us. How he shot her and laughed. How I ran to her knowing it was too late. How I cried as my mother was dragged into the kitchen and put into a bin bag. How she was chucked in the boot off the car. I told the car was a black range rover sport. The paramedics took me to hospital. I was put in a ambulance. The rushed me to hospital and we shortly arrived. I passed out as we entered the hospital. 

I woke up. I seen I was in bed. A nurse walked over to me. "Hello dear. I hope your okay. You passed out 6 hours ago and you've just woken up. Take things easy. There is a policewoman and social worked outside wanting to talk to you. Shall I send them in?" She asked. I nodded. She smiled at me and walked out. Moments later a policewoman and a social worker walked in. "How are you feeling?" The social worker asked. I didn't say anything her smiled faded. "I'm P.C Black and this is Alexandra Foster" P.C Black told me. Alexandra sat down. "Rhiannon I know you have been through a tough time but we need to talk about your future. Now your mother has been found but your dad is still on the run" Alexandra told me. Tears ran down my face as she mentioned my mum. I would never see her again. "The doctors said you can be discharged from hospital in a week. You're going to go and live with your mums sister Sue Collister. She lives in England. I've got to go now. Bye Rhiannon" She stood up and left with P.C black. I cried. I cried myself to sleep.  


I was discharged from hospital. Taken to the airport and left to board the plane myself. I got on the plane I sat down for the long 8 hours ahead off me. I plugged in my earphones to my iPhone that my auntie sent over. The script-Hall of fame came on. The plane took off and the flight went quickly. We shortly landed in England. I got off the plane and collected my suitcases. My auntie sue ran up to me and hugged me, I had met her once before. "Omg you've grown so much." She told me. I smiled. "I'm so sorry about your mum" she said. My smile went. "Sorry" she said. She took my hand and led me to her car. She put my suitcase in the boot. "You start school tomorrow" sue told me. I nodded. We arrived at her house. I looked at the time. It was 9pm. Her house was a mansion. "Do you live alone?" I asked. "No I have a 15 year old son who lives with me" she told me. She led me in and took me upstairs. "Here is your room" she told me as she opened a door. The room was massive. I couldn't believe it. This was just for me. I turned and hugged her. "Thanks for looking after me" I told her. She smiled. I pulled away and she turned and left. I un-packed my clothes and put my pyjamas on. I climbed into bed and in minutes I was asleep.  

I woke up early the next day.I Checked my phone. It was 6:30. I decided to get up and start getting ready. I jumped in the shower first. I decided to wear a Blue and pink shirt which I did every button up, including the top, some black skinny jeans and some white vans. I dried my hair and then tied my hair up into a messy bun. I applied some foundation and some black mascara. I grabbed a shoulder bag that I was going to use. I checked the time. 7:30. I could hear my auntie downstairs so I headed down. She was in the kitchen. "Hey, how did you sleep?" She asked. "Good thanks. You?" I replied." Yeah I slept great thanks.You look gorgeous" she exclaimed. I smiled and said thanks. "Grab what you want for breakfast" she told me. I did as she said. I finished eating and headed upstairs to brush my teeth. I came down and my auntie was waiting in the hall. "You ready? Ill take you to school. Lewis is waiting in the car." She told me. I nodded and headed to the car. I climbed in the back seat and seen Lewis sat in the front. "Hey" I said. "Hey" he growled back. I didn't say anything back. My auntie got into the car and started driving us to school. We arrived and she directed me the way to the office. I nodded and headed that way. Lewis walked off to see some if his friends. I arrived at the office. "Hello. Can I help you?" The secretary asked. "Ummm I've just moved here" I told her. "Oh you must be Rhiannon shay?" She asked, I nodded. "Ok Rhiannon, here is your planner and timetable, your form room is 205, here is a map" she told me. She handed them over. I nodded. I looked for 205 and seen it was just down the corridor. I headed there. I walked in. The teacher was stood in there. "Hello, you must be Rhiannon, I'm Miss Walsh, ill be your form tutor. Take a seat anywhere" she told me. I nodded and sat down in a seat where no one else was sat. Everyone started to whisper and stare. I just sat down confused. The bell went for the start of registration. About 10 minutes later a guy entered the room. "Cresswell your late again. 3rd time this week. Sit down" Miss Walsh told him. He walked towards me. "Get out of my seat" he hissed at me. I sat there looking at him. "I'm sorry, Is this yours?" I asked."Yes, now move" He spat at me. I stood up. I pretended to check the chair. "That's funny, I don't see your name" I told him. He glared at me. "Just move over onto that seat next to it" he told me. "No, why don't you?" I told him back. I could tell he was getting mad. Ha I wasn't moving. Suddenly I felt myself being lifted up. He dumped me on the chair next to him. I sat down and ignored him. "Psst Max, her name is Rhiannon by the way" someone told this 'max'. "Alright thanks" 'cresswell' told the guy who had told him my name. I learnt that 'cresswell' was Max. I rolled my eyes. The bell rang and everyone stood up. I looked at my timetable, History. Great. I walked out of the classroom until someone grabbed my arm. I turned. Some brown haired girl had hold of me. "Hey, I'm Alicia, can't believe you stood up to Max, no one has ever stood up to him, he's like the badass player, you shouldn't mess with him" Alicia told me. "Oh well I don't care, hey, what lesson have you got now?" I asked Alicia. "History, you?" She replied. "Same as you, can I hang round with you?" I asked. She nodded. As we walked down the corridor I seen Max heading towards us. I carried on walking. As he reached us he grabbed me by the shoulders and held me against the wall. Alicia was stood there wide eyed. "Go" Max spat at Alicia. She walked off, he turned to me. "Right, when I ask you to do something you do it straight away" he told me. He leaned in closer if that was even closer. " I know your a virgin and I can make everyone in this school avoid you and that could make you die a virgin. Now this lunch you will meet me in the locker room next to the canteen, ok?" He asked. I nodded. He smiled, an evil smile, and walked off. Alicia came back."He's going to play you" she told me. I smiled to myself. "Two can play that game" I told her.

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