The Definition of Red [A Kiri...

By ProtoTypeBK

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Red /red/ adjective 1. A color at the end of the spectrum next to orange and opposite violet, as of blood, fi... More

Chapter One: Forest of Feelings
Chapter Two: Something's Changed
Chapter Four: The death of me
Chapter Five: Tour of a Lifetime
Chapter Six- Comfortable Silence
Chapter Seven- Freedom Sweet Freedom
Chapter Eight - Late Night Walk
Chapter Nine- A confession
Chapter Ten- Fries and love
Chapter Eleven- Weekend Plans
Chapter Twelve: I Promise You
Chapter Thirteen- Winter Weather
Chapter Fourteen- You're a bad liar
Chapter Fifteen- Your lips are chapped
Chapter Sixteen- For My Melonpan
Chapter Seventeen- I don't hate you
Chapter Eighteen- My definition of red

Chapter Three: Scaredy Cat

2.5K 180 158
By ProtoTypeBK



1. A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.

Katsuki was furious. Nothing new really. Except this time, his anger was directed towards one person in particular. That damned redhead. Why the hell did he have to be the one to come in and send Katsuki's thoughts spiraling. The boy had run into the room and handed Mr. Ishiyama papers before leaving without uttering a single word. He may have tried to hide it, but Katsuki saw the look the boy gave him. One of surprise and curiosity. As if his reason for being in the class was any of his damned business.

As soon as the bell rang, he practically launched himself out of his chair, ignoring whatever questioning remark the teacher had. Katsuki was sure his head would explode soon if he didn't give the redhead a piece of his mind. So, he threw open the classroom door and sprinted out it. As he hurriedly pushed past the clumping bodies of students, he caught sight of bright red hair peering at him from the crowd. It was like someone flipped a switch. Suddenly Katsuki was swearing and shoving everyone out of his way, earning glares and quite a few words that were left unheard. He got closer and closer until he was finally able to reach out and tightly grasp the other's wrist. His skin was warm and soft, and when he turned to face Katsuki in surprise, his eyes were the same.

He only allowed himself to be entranced for a moment before tearing his gaze away and dragging the other forcefully through the crowd. Katsuki sent a glance over his shoulder and read part of a sentence that danced on the boy's lips. "-are we going?"

Where are we going? That's what he was asking. The hell if Katsuki knew. The only thing he was sure of was that the redhead would follow him no matter what. He felt it in his bones and his bones were always right. Well, he hoped.


They didn't go far, just far enough that Katsuki was sure that they wouldn't be interrupted. When he finally forced himself to a stop, he turned on the redhead with a glare. He huffed, trying to catch his breath as the other waited for him to speak.

"Who the hell are you," Katsuki said through a breath.

The other raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, "I don't think you should be the one asking that." At the words, Katsuki had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from saying something overly vulgar.

"I have the right to ask whatever I want, freedom of speech, mother fucker." Katuski didn't have the patience to read the others lips without blowing a fuse at this point.

"Kirishima. Kirishima Eijirou. It's common courtesy to tell me yours now." The boy looked at Katsuki expectantly but he had stopped listening after he got the others name.

He nodded, "Okay then, Kirishima. I'll give you one warning. If you tell a single person - and I mean anyone - you saw me in that class today, I will personally see to it that you are buried alive."

At his words, Kirishima seemed genuinely confused. With ruby red eyes filled with confusion, he tilted his head and opened his mouth, "What's so wrong about being in there?"

Katsuki stared at the other for a moment, searching for any hint that he was making some type of joke. When he saw that the other was completely serious, an indescribable look crossed Katsuki's face. "You really don't get it do you? You're more of an idiot than I thought," he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. His calloused fingers brushed against his cheek as he brought his hand away and his eyes shut for a split second as he stared into the darkness that played on the back of his eyelids.

Katsuki would have stood silently for a moment longer if it wasn't for the hand that came down and rested on his shoulder, the unexpected contact scaring the absolute shit out of him. He swore he jumped a foot in the air, probably scaring the other as much as he'd been with his string of vulgar curses. "Woah, woah, woah, calm down dude. Did you zone out or something? Sorry about that."

Kirishima wore a worried expression on his face but Katsuki ignored it, "Why are you even still here? I think I've given you enough warning to keep you from blabbing your loud mouth."

"Actually, uh, I live down this road," the other admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. Katsuki watched how the other averted his eyes, how his hand brushed gently against his neck, ruffling the hair that sat there. When he tore his eyes away, a groan rumbled in the back of his throat.

"Me too," he said begrudgingly. The last thing he needed to do was walk him with this idiot.

A beaming smile crossed Kirishima's face as he fell into step with Katsuki who had began his trek home. "So, I never did get your name."

"It's Bakugou, now shut up," he growled, ignoring the dejected look on the others face. It didn't take Kirishima long to break though. The redhead turned to Katsuki with a grin and, ignoring Katsuki's groan of annoyance, jumped into a much unwanted conversation.

"So, you're new here right? Have you got a good idea of where everything in the school is? Hey! What if I gave you a tour tomorrow?" By the time the other had finished his torrent of questions, Katsuki had already tuned out, his eyes focused on the path in front of them instead of on the others lips.

"Yeah, whatever," Katsuki grumbled, not realizing what he'd gotten himself into. Next to him, Kirishima pointed a fist towards the sky and cheered. Before Katsuki even had the chance to ask what he was so happy about, the other veered off into an empty driveway.

"This is my stop," he said with a grin. Slowly, he made his way to the front door, a grin shining on his face as he waved to Katsuki. "I'll see you tomorrow, dude. Don't forget about our agreement!" And like that, the other hurried into his house, leaving Katsuki standing bewildered at the end of the strangers driveway.

What agreement had he made and what type of torture had he submitted himself to? He really didn't want to know and the fact that he really didn't know, made his walk home all the more hellish.


When he first stepped through the door, Katsuki could practically see the deep and dark aura of anger that flooded the house. That wasn't anything new, with his mother around it was always like that. So, instead of searching for the source of death, he kicked off his shoes and b-lined straight for the stairs that led to his welcoming bedroom. If he was lucky, he wouldn't even have to see his mother's face.

But if there was one thing Katsuki didn't have, it was luck, so it was no surprise when he felt a hand grab the back of his t-shirt and yank him away from the stairs. If any other person had done that to him, he lost definitely would have been charged with homicide, but well, his mother wasn't just any other person. She was Mitsuki Bakugou and she was well... as much as he hated to admit, just a little bit scary. Scary enough that Bakugou didn't even attempt to throw a punch or two, he simply threw a few choice words instead.

"What the fuck woman," he yelled, trying to rip himself out of her iron grip.

Unfazed, she glared down at him, "Don't fucking think you can walk by me without telling how your first day went, you little shit gremlin."

"Why the hell do you care," Katsuki growled, finally freeing himself. "Besides, it was just like any other day."

"And by any other day you mean you sat in class and acted like an unapproachable asshole?" In the background, his father stood with a hesitant smile on his face, his eyes glancing at both of his loved ones from behind the frames of his well worn glasses.

Scoffing, he crossed his arms, "Not like I want to talk to anyone in that damn school." It was at that moment a question surfaced in his mind and he turned his anger towards another topic. "Oi, old hag, did you set up my schedule?"

His mother seemed a bit taken aback by the change in subject but quickly adjusted, a glare of her own crossing her face that was nearly identical to Katsuki's. "Yeah, do you have a problem with your classes, you little fucker?"

"Oh you've got no idea you old hag."

ACH, for some reason I really like the path this story is taking. Like I really, really like it. If it continues on like this, its possible it could surpass Chips and Soda on my list of favorite creature and let's just say that's a high marker.

Any ways, I hope you all enjoy your day/night and don't forget to not eat your vegetables because fuck that shit.

(Also, do you guys know who Mr.Ishiyama is cause if not imma be sad.)

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