Frozen Past

By FantasyAmy

7.9K 96 26

From where are Elsa's powers? Who is Iduna? Why isn't she talking much in the movie? Are Elsa, Anna and Rapun... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - 1
Chapter 2 - 2
Chapter 2 - 3
Chapter 2 - 4
Chapter 2 - 5
Chapter 2 - Part 6
Chapter 2 - Part 7
Chapter 2 - Part 8
Chapter 2 - Part 9
Chapter 2 - Part 10
Chapter 2 - Part 11
Chapter 2 - Part 12
Chapter 2 - Part 13
Chapter 2 - Part 14
Chapter 2 - Part 15
Chapter 2 - Part 16
Chapter 2 - Part 17
Chapter 2 - Part 18
Chapter 2 - Part 19
Chapter 2 - Part 20
Chapter 2 - Part 21
Chapter 2 - Part 22
Chapter 2 - Part 22.2


158 3 0
By FantasyAmy


Olivia's P.O.V.

In the next day, we met again, at the same time and place.

"So... what is your name?" he asked me first.
"Olivia. Sorry I didn't tell you, I thought you'd still remember." I was honest. Even if he changed in some way, he was still my brother and I felt comfortable around him. I missed him so much, I wish I could just hug him.
"I wish I could to."
"But you must remember something, don't you? What's the first thing that comes to your mind? It can be anything." I asked.
"Every time I try to think about my past, the parents that I possibly need to have, it's all black. It's just... I know that I had a family but there's something blocking my mind, I can't reach the memory."
"But the most important thing is that you're alive, isn't it?" I smiled.
"Yeah... well, if you can call that 'being alive'." He said with a quite and depressed voice.
"What do you mean?"
"I don't think I'm human. Everyone can't see me, except for you. And I can-", – I interrupted him.
"What do you mean 'nobody can see you'? Is that why you asked me yesterday, how I can see you?"
"It might be hard to believe, so let me show you."

He stood up from the bench we were sitting on and walked towards a random person. He then just stood there and waited for something. The person didn't seem to bother going out of his way, but walked right towards him... and through him.
I couldn't quite believe at first what I saw, but because I have already seen a lot of magical things, I didn't need to start questioning it.
I was confused, and so I stood up too and walked towards him. He was eyeing me. When I was in front of him, I hesitated. I was afraid of what I theorized and pictured in my head. But I overcame myself and lightly touched him on the shoulder. My fear was that my hand would go right through him like the person did before.
But that wasn't the case; I could feel his brown cape. It felt exactly the same as on the day I last saw him. He always wore the cape when we were going outside to play. But it felt a bit colder. My hand wandered to his neck and when I touched it, I was shocked.
It was colder than the snow in winter.
"Do you like this cape?" he asked, after watching me how I stared at it.
"What do you remember?" I asked, without answering his question. I needed to know what was going on. Everything felt like a dream but I was afraid of waking up from it soon.

"It was dark and cold. My body felt heavy. It was like something powerful pulled my soul from a different layer and pushed me back to my body. The first thing I saw was the full moon at the same height as my eyes. When I looked down, I was flying above a hole inside the ice. The ice was a frozen lake. My skin felt a bit wet so I assumed I was in the water before I woke up. Everything dried when I landed on the ground again. The hole behind me froze back, right at the time my feet touched the ground. I looked at my hands, my legs, my clothes. I wondered where I came from or why I don't remember anything. Then there was my stick lying on the snow. For the first I didn't know it was mine, but I felt a deep connection to it and so I picked it up. I accidentally hit the trunk of a tree. Beautiful snowflakes covered it. Have I done it? I wondered. I hit another trunk, and another one, and so on. I thought I was dreaming, but it was an amazing dream. I started dancing on the ice, and when I was so energetic, something pushed me up suddenly. I was flying. Although I couldn't control it, it was pretty amazing. The wind moved me to a branch of a tree and I held onto it."
"Wait, you can fly?" I asked. I wasn't so surprised about ice powers because the trolls had air powers, it was also an element and that was easy to get used to. But flying? That was pretty supernatural.
"Yeah." He giggled. Then jumped up, but didn't land and stayed in the air. My eyes widened, it was so nice. I wished I could fly too.
"From where do you have these powers? Or, why?" I asked curiously.
"I think the moon gave it to me. But I'm not sure though. Maybe it was someone, a witch or a wizard, who brought me back to life and then gave me these powers. I don't know who it was, but I am thankful. Except for the ghost part of course, but I guess you can't have everything..."
"Hmm, yeah..." I loudly thought. "Can you show me your ice powers?"
"Of course."

He looked at his hand, circled it and a snowflake appeared out of his hand. Then he pushed his hand away from his body, but not fast, and the snowflake flew towards me. When it landed on my nose, it melted. I laughed because it tickled a bit.
"I can do more incredible things with my stick, but this place is not the best to show it. Even though people can't see me, they can see the ice and snow I am creating." He explained.
"So, if you would draw a frozen path on the ground, people will just see the path but not you?" I thought.
"Yeah." He nodded.
"Does that also mean you are responsible for winter? Like, a winter guardian?"
"A winter guardian..." he repeated. "That is a beautiful name, thank you. And yes, I am the one who brings the winter after fall and before spring."

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