A Deal With Lucifer (Currentl...

By Drift-Kagun

396 6 0

The tragic tale about a boy, unlike the rest. A sinful soul, with malicious bounding. The eleven-year-old boy... More

Table Of Contents (Extended)
She Told Me Not To
What I've Become
My Demons
Lock It Up
The One Enslaved
Darrel's House
Rush Recklessly
All The Lives Taken
Contacting The Underworld
The Thing That Binds Me

The World In God's Image

12 0 0
By Drift-Kagun

—–——Lamont's POV——–—

I look over at Danny's body, and I sigh. "Oh Danny, why did you have to be so naive?" Hell's lord tried to use the same move that he used on Danny, on me but failed. I lean forward a tad, and lunge forward, piercing him in the side. He growls and backs up, grabbing his side.

He was quite exhausted after the blow, and I was certain I was gonna win this fight, so I just kept on walking forward when he stepped back, stabbing him over and over again. He just kept on begging me to stop. Finally, he fell over coughing blood on my face. His skin became very pale, and his face was that of a dead man.

I then swung my bat at him, hitting his head side to side as blood gushed out. "Hurry up and die already!"

"Lamont, I've always known you had it in you. If it weren't for you, Danny would've dug himself a deeper hole and would've died the day you fought him over the map. Yes, yes, yes; I was watching the two of you through your adventures. I found it fun to watch, but now your show is coming to an end hehe" I lift him up, holding him against a window. "My story? Do you mean your story?" I ask. "No, your story..." his face lightened up, and a large smile appeared on his face.

My arms began to hurt on the backs, and the pain causes my grip to loosen. "Get 'em, Hellion!" Calls out Lucifer. "Wha?" I turned around, to see a demon with its face shielded by a black hoodie. It tries to shove me forward, but it's hands just dissolved. It screamed as it's the whole body fades away. "What happened to my demon?!" Questions Lucifer. "I'm just as confused as you are but, beats me"

I turn my head back over in Lucifer's direction. "Oh, now I remember, I was purified! Demons can't touch me or they die!" I place my arms over Lucifer, speeding the process of his dissolving. "Get off me your mortal scum!" He cries. Suddenly, his skin heals and he shoves me back, stabbing at me with the pitchfork. I somehow manage to dodge, but he was able to cut me a bit. I groan in pain, and I grab my cut wound.


"Fatal mistake boy. You might be wondering how I'm not dead. Well you see, my healing process is much faster than your blessed can burn. You were only able to leave nothing more than a single scar upon my body. You're going to need a bigger amount on holy material if you wanna put an end to me, and a lot more faith."

I stood there in shock, fearful of mine and Danny's life. The Devilman Lucifer dusted off his jacket. "I'm tired of playing around with you Lamont; so say goodbye!" He lunges at me pointing out his pitchfork only inches away from my face. "Move and I kill you!" He warned with rage in his voice. I sit there praying to God that I could escape that place victorious. I put all my faith in him, and my prayer was answered.

I knew it was because when I ducked and pulled out the tactical switchblade once more to end Lucifer, the second I landed an attack on him, I watched as he dropped his pitchfork and shrieked in pain. "WHAT IN ALL THINGS UNHOLY! I never thought a child could have as much faith as you, but I was proved wrong. I underestimated the strength of a mortal once again, but I swear that you won't succeed in your path to rid demons from this earth!"

He fell over and coughed blood everywhere before throwing up his intestines as he burned in the holy liquids. As his final words, he began to chant "!deeccus lliw teerfA, deeccuss lliw teerfA, deeccus lliw teerfA". I continue to stab him until nothing was left but dust. I turned around just then remembering that Danny required help, so I ran over to him, threw him over my shoulders, and sprinted out of there.

He woke up from the sudden movement, and opened his eyes, looking around. "Lamont, where is he? Where's Lucifer? And where are we?" I looked down at him after hearing him talk and seeing that he was awake. "Danny don't worry a bit. I'm taking you to the hospital where they can fix you up, you're going to be okay, I promise." I ran faster, but there was no hospital in sight, we were too deep in the forest.

"Lamont, it's no use. I've lost too much blood, but don't be sad though, be happy. I'm going to see what it feels like to die, and I've already achieved my goal. Sure I still have a load on my bucket list, but it matters no more. Do me a favor, and check off "Put an end to Lucifer" on my bucket list will you?" Tears roll down my face, and I stop running to set him down on the ground. Rain began to pour, and I sat there hovering over Danny.

"I can't just accept it like that, but you're right, you lost too much blood. There's no use now, because the hospital is still too far away, and they couldn't stitch you back together in time. I didn't want it to end this way, but at the same time, I can't do anything about it. This is it I guess, farewell Danny" I put up my fist, and hope for him to show me a sign that he's still here.

He fist-bumps me, with his final words being "Promise me that you'll protect my mom when I'm gone, ok?" I nod and begin to cry more. I laid my hand on his chest, and there was no heartbeat. I then slide my hand over his face, closing his eyes for him, before I place him on the dirt by the road, for his body to decay.

Before I leave, I say a prayer, then stand up, and head home. It was a long trip, but we got to the end of it, finishing off the one that started this mess. All I could do now was hope that he would get to heaven. I pull out my phone and look at the time. It read 12:00 AM.

It wouldn't matter even if Danny had made it to a hospital, because the current day marked his Birthday, the mark of his 12th year on earth. The world was sinless now, other than a couple of demons roaming around, but other than that, the world was in God's image.

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