A Deal With Lucifer (Currentl...

By Drift-Kagun

396 6 0

The tragic tale about a boy, unlike the rest. A sinful soul, with malicious bounding. The eleven-year-old boy... More

Table Of Contents (Extended)
She Told Me Not To
What I've Become
My Demons
The One Enslaved
Darrel's House
Rush Recklessly
All The Lives Taken
Contacting The Underworld
The Thing That Binds Me
The World In God's Image

Lock It Up

21 0 0
By Drift-Kagun

"How do you expect to contact any demons?" I ask. "You made a deal with Lucifer, right?" Asks Lamont, but in response to my query. I nod to show agreement. "When you make a deal with the Hellboy Lucifer, you're wagering your soul to get what you want. We're gonna contact that demon inside you, and get him to spit info, and hopefully create us a portal." My eyes widened at what he has told me. 

"I bid my soul?! But I never said he could have it!" Lamont shakes his head and facepalms. "Answer this question honestly. Are you dumb or in some way mental? Because if you did your research, you would know that the man made you speak some backwards stuff about giving your soul during the ritual; and if your mind wasn't so clouded by idiocy, then you would've googled this stuff before shaking the hand of the devil!" I gasp. "I knew there was some sort of catch to it!" I exclaim. "You can't blame me for being young and naive. I'm just a young boy that's still learning."

Lamont sighs. "Are you gonna ever shut your big mouth for once so we can get to hell already? Because this is your own fault for getting into this. Not my fault that you can't live with asthma. I'm talking sense here Danny so listen here and listen good. Since I'm so empathetic, I'm coming with you so be grateful you have a friend like me." I had no response to that.

We began to play around a bit with the thing, asking stupid questions. Once comfortable enough, we started asking questions about the Black Angel, Lucifer. We gained much knowledge of him, though the demon we were speaking with ignored some of our questions. "Can you open up a portal of some sort, that leads to the hell dimension" asks Lamont. The glass piece glided across the board, dragging along the hands of Lamont and Myself, all the way to the section that had the word "Yes" printed on it.

The room drew cold, allowing the two of us to see each breath we took; But only when we exhale. A large overcast surrounded Lamont's house, giving life to seeds as it poured cold rain. Objects around began to shake, and the demon spelled out the words "Draw a pentagram where you wish for the portal to be" on the Ouija board. I stand up and place my thumb to my mouth, piercing it with my canines. I then place it on the wall, teeth chattering as I drew the pentagram.

The demon we spoke to opened a portal the second I finished it, and me and Lamont stepped in with the portal closing behind us. "Did you say goodbye?" I ask him. He shakes his head in reply. "It wouldn't go either way." He says. I place my hand on my chin, balling up my pinky, ring, and middle finger, leaving my thumb out, pointed in the direction on my neck. My index finger lay rested below my lip with the bottom segment pointed out, as the rest was curled up.


I tilt my head upward, letting thoughts flood my mind. "What is it you're thinking about Danny?" Questions the boy standing next to me. "I wonder how we will get out." I say in response to his question. We begin to take large steps around the hell grounds, looking to find the target Lucifer. We walk by a group of Hellhounds, chained to a pole. "Do you think those things will roam free on earth on the start of Armageddon?" I ask Lamont.

"I don't know" He responds. We set foot in a room, with more intense heat flowing through it. Large test tubes, big enough to fit people in them. Some even had human like beings in them, with protuberant horns on their heads, and others that had wings freeing themselves from their shoulder blades. They were all filled with transparent green liquids. There was also a large sign above a desk that had lab things on it. The sign read "Hail the one know. as Lucifer."

Loud footsteps were heard coming from the left side of the room. Lucifer and a demon entered the testing room. ".teerfA si eman siH .gnivil eht fo dlrow eht morf em devomer sah doG ecno lleH nur llahs eh dna ,mih dniF .ngilam htiw tpurroc gnillaf si legna nA" Demanded lucifer. The demon he stood above replied with ".ecno ta ti od ll'I dna ,won ti od ll'I .ksat ruoy etelpmoc llahs I yawa thgiR !ris seY-Y" in a shaky voice.

I turn to Lamont, and whisper in his ear. "I think they're speaking backwards." He nods as a reply, and tiptoes out of the room after satan left. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Where are you going? He's the one we're after, and we're gonna follow him!" I whisper. He picks me up over his shoulders, and runs out of there. "What are we thinking? We're mortal humans, we can't stop him!" He exclaims. "We can with the help of holy water." I reassure.

"I doubt you brought any. Did you?" He asks. "Well, no I didn't. Never thought this through." The boy shakes his head in disappointment. "Hey wait, how are we supposed to escape this place?" I ask him. His running comes to a stop, and he places me down on the ground. "I don't know, but we're gonna find out how."

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