Black Roses (Countryhumans)


26.7K 774 382

Working too hard, all day, can make you very stressful. Once Germany is annoyed to a point, he snaps. Everyon... More



4.9K 129 136

He was working again, inside of his very crowded office. Papers, books, and many other things scattered all around the room. Germany of course, didn't mind working all day, all night even. Not very often, but certainly never, others would come over time to time. More often than not, just to bother him things about money. He hated how they would especially do it in a meeting, or with more people. As if they couldn't get their way, they would just call him a Nazi. Simple as that, and sometimes, very rarely, he would snap at this. Today just had to be one of those damn days.

Germany was working on his computer, pushing up his glasses and than taking a sip of his warm coffee. He sighed, of course today was going to be a long day. He had missed a few hours of work from a meeting he had from the EU a week ago. Soon a knock made him snap out of his trance. It took him a moment to realize it was a sound coming from the door, that also made him realized how tired he really was. He got of his chair, stretching before walking into the living room, and opened the door. The sun hurt his eyes a bit, before adjusting to the light, and looked at the persons face. It was Greece, who Germany knew exactly why he was there, and surprisingly Poland. ''Hi, Germany.'' Poland smiled, a very small slightly forced grin. ''Guten tag, Polen,'' Germany said, moving out of the way to let both of them in. ''Please, come in,'' The two of them walked inside. Poland was slightly worried, as Germany knew that greeting bothered him, but he didn't want to push Germany too hard.

Germany sat down at his desk, checking his computer as the other two sat in front. ''Germany, I know you're upset about it, but please I need more time for the monies,'' Greece said, obviously extremely nervous about the subject. ''Greece you had enough time.'' Germany said, staring at the computer. ''You have no room to talk, Germany!'' Greece hissed, making Poland slightly regret coming with him. Germany looked away from his computer, and stared at him. ''Don't give me that look, you know exactly what I'm talking about!'' He said, glancing over at Poland. It made Poland a bit nervous, ''I can't fix that Greece.. I've done the best I can.'' Germany said, his voice dying out a bit. Regret was starting to consumed him from the inside, but he tried to locked it away. It was for their safety, he thought. ''Yeah, I have too!'' Greece leaned back into the soft cushion chair. ''Greece you understand-'' Germany tried to say, but Greece cut him off. ''No, I don't think you understand. Unlike you I'm not a cold hearted murderer!'' Greece, said slightly  motivating Poland to add on. ''Yeah, Nazi!'' Words it all it took, to snap Germany's mind to a completely different view on everyone, and everything.

Just by Germany's face, they knew they messed up big. ''I-I'm sorry Germany we didn't mean it..'' Poland spoke, regretting letting his thoughts just out of his mouth. Germany gave them a look, a shadow casted over his face. Poland and Greece backed away, realizing Germany's flag was quickling changing into the German Empire's. ''OH KURWA,'' Now they knew they really messed up, both running as fast as they could out the room. Luckily for them his office wasn't too far from the door. Poland unlocked it, and slammed it open. As they ran out, the German Empire went around the corner just in time to see the two ran out. His targets were fast, ah but he knew they couldn't define themselves. They could run for now, but when night struck. He would come, as it too risky for him to go out at day. As everyone could easily see that he's Reiching.

Poland and Greece stopped at France's home. Catching their breathe, and of course Greece drowning himself in France's wine. ''So what brings you here, boys?'' France said, a sweet smell coming from the kitchen. He was baking pastries, Poland was glad they came around a perfect time. As France's baking was most definitely delicious. France came into the living room, quickly noticing Greece. He placed the plate of croissants, and other breads onto the coffee table infront of them. France snatched away the wine bottle, clearly mad about it. ''If you wanted some, you could of just asked for a glass.'' He said angrily, his accent coming out thicker than it normally does. Greece coughed a bit, clearing his throat. ''May I please have a glass of wine?'' He asked, smiling a bit sluggish. ''God, you didn't have to ask like your my husband,'' France growled, pooring a glass for him. He sat infront of Greece, who quickly started chugging it down. ''W-Well France.. um, Germany is R-Reiching again,'' Poland said, crossing his arms holding onto his sweater tightly. He was terrified of all the Reich's, even the Holy Roman Empire. Who basically was a giant bird, who just wanted snuggles. Snuggles that could lead to death, honestly who reads the box. France almost spit out his wine, ''You're joking..?'' They made eye contact, and he knew by the fear in his eyes he wasn't. France sighed, standing up. ''I'll call Britain,'' He said leaving the room, into his room. Which was somewhat messy as he was lazy to pick up some things. Picking up the phone, he called Britain. Yes, of course they could stop him, but of matter of time. The Reich's where unpredictable, sometimes they could be incredibly strong, and other times they're just stressing out. He hoped they weren't too late.

Time has passed, but it felt like a week to Poland. Only just a few hours, felt like an entire week of just stress. Night bagan to fall, and he was a mess. Greece had passed out beside him, from all the alcohol he chugged. France walked out of his room, ''Britain is sending out countries to help search for Germany, for everyone's safety.'' He said, Poland sighed in relief. Maybe for once Poland would be protected by these two. ''Poland, it'll be okay. If you're that upset about it.. you two are welcomed to stay the night.'' France said, worring for the two. Poland lit up with joy, ''Thank you so much France!'' He hopped off the couch, and hugged him. France patted his back, ''No problem.'' He glanced out the window, it was definitely dark outside. France led Poland to the upstairs guest room, which had two beds inside. ''I'll carry Greece up.'' France said before heading back down stairs. Poland laid on the bed, tucking under the blankets. France took Greece up, gently putting him onto the bed. ''Bonne nuit,'' he said before shutting the door behind him. ''Dobranoc..'' Poland said, now feeling completely alone. Yes, Greece was there. Completely passed out, but there at least.

The German Empire knew it was his time. Running out of the house, thinking of who would be the quickest to take down. Ah, of course. A house near his, the home of Netherlands, Belgium, and the drug addict Luxembourg. Weak, he thought. Going behind the house, he realized how easy it just was. He knew the combination to their backdoor. Easy as that, he was in. Netherlands was arguing with his brother, Luxembourg. Belgium was drawing in a small sketchbook. Belgium would be easy to take out, not even paying attention to behind him. With a quick turn around the corner, he grabbed him covering his mouth. Taking him around the corner, knocking him out by hitting his head against the wall. The bang his head made against the wall was too loud, as it alerted Netherlands. ''Belgium?'' Netherlands said, turning to where the boy once sat. Luxembourg giggled, obviously not knowing what was going on as he was too high off his horse. Netherlands walked over, in the hallway. Nobody was there, German Empire hid in the bathroom with Belgium's unconscious body inside with him. Knowing his time, he quickly tackled Netherlands, bashing his head into the smooth hard stone floor. He drug his body into the bathroom along with Belgium's. He didn't bother with Luxembourg, what would be the point. He's the same high or unconscious, he's still practically a dead body to him. His stomach growled, holding it in pain. Looking back at the bodies, he knew why he came here. Belgium smelled sweeter than Netherlands. German Empire pulled down his color, and stunk his teeth into his flesh. He bit deep into the flesh, blood ran down Belgium's neck. The blood smelled overwhelmingly sweet to him, making him almost want to gag, but it only made him starve for more. After he was done, he cleaned off the blood on his mouth. Doing the same with Netherlands, he was satisfied with his work. Running off into the woods behind their house. He started to feel ill, slowing down bit by bit. His Reiching was almost done for today, and he passed out leaning against a tree.

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