The Baby Project

By shootingstarlight13

156K 3.2K 263

This is a bit of the book. Please do not copy. Hope you enjoy x. *******************************************... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fithteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chaper Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Tewnty -One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty- Six
Chapter Twenty- Seven
Chapter Tewnety-Eight
Thank youuuu!!!!
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty -One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Author Notes
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Tewnty-Five
Chpater Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty- Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Authors Notes
Chapter -Twenty Nine
My Wattpad Readers
Chapter Fourty One
Author's Note

Chapter Fourty

1.3K 30 3
By shootingstarlight13

I woke up in the morning to have breakfast already made for me. "This looks tasty. " I beam at him with a smile as my mouth waters.

"Yeah it's the least I can do for you leaving so soon." Kyle say as he smile gently at me. He places the food on the plate before handing it to me.

"Thank you." I say giving him a peck on the lips.

"I would invite you but it might be a bit too soon for you to met all of the family."

"Yeah, your right. It doesn't matter as long as you have fun. We can talk later or hang out." I say brushing it off because it indeed was to soon to met all his family.

"Yes we can because I plan too." He winks at me.

"Hmm talk or hang?" I ask teasing him.

"Talk to you and then there be another surprise. " He says with mysterious look as on I know something you don't.

"Ooo. Well I'll have to wait because you won't spill anything. "

"Yep! No spoilers baby." He winks "Now eat up before it gets cold. " Ordering me to eat quicker.  I huff before taking a bite to eat.
The children were running around playing with laughter. The parents were huddle in different little groups being social with one another. They still made sure to pay attention to the children. The atmosphere of my cousin party was lively which I was happy for.

"Broody! What's up man?" I recognise him at the table.

"Assessment work overlord and no chicks in my bed." He says swinging the drink and places it down. "Shame it's not ahcocol could do with some. " Broody pouts with disappointment.

"Children around ahcocol free duh." I say pointing at the children around.

"Sucks man." Still pointing his face at me. 

"Well.. no girls in your bed that's new." I tease him.

"Pff " Broody say waving me off. I chuckle. "Serena is here. "

"And?" I question him as if it's something important I should even care about.

"So you have moved on then?" He questions staring at my face to see if I was going to give anything away. 

"Yes. I'am loyal man now." I tell Broody. Reminding him that I have a girl now can't afford to be messing shit up. I really liked Leigh and wanted it to work out between us. 

He Laughs at me "Who's the lucky lady?" His turns to tease me as he question me about her.  "You don't know her but you will soon." I inform him. I wanted him to met Leigh at some point. He his one of friends after all.

"Alright bro!" He smiles. " I'm happy for you. "He says patting my shoulder before he whines "Aww! Man even have me questioning my maturity. "

"Maybe you should." I wave behind towards Logan. "Told you I will be your plus one. He winks jokely.

"Not really dressed the part." I joke at him. Dresses in casual jeans and a jumper.

"Well It's nothing fancy is it. " He then ruffle broody hair. "Long time no see."

"He's not hanging with the chicks."

"Really!" He says with a shocked face. "Did you finally wake up like Kyle over here?"

Broody shrugs. "Beside you finally went with Christina after-" Logan cuts him off by pulling his ear.

"Oww! What! You did say she wasn't your type look who is wrong now." He explains while rubbing his ear.

"Yeah, well she surprised me with her sassy self. " he smiles to himself.

"Broody! Kyle! Oh my god! Is that Logan?" We hear a voice shout from behind Broody and Logan.

We look at each other and instantly knew who it was. This will be fun. Note the sarcasm. "Hey Boys!" Serena says happily coming to stand beside me.

"Hey." We all great her. "How you all been?" She asks us all but was looking at me as she said it.

"Good" I say trying to keep the conversation short and hope she realised that we didn't want to socialise with her.

"That is great news . Kyle can I talk to you ?" Serena smiles while her hand was placed on my shoulder.

"Sure.." I reply looking down at her hand and removing her hand from my shoulder. I take lead to show her some where private. "Kyle, I know we were just friends with benefits before but I want to be more then that. I - I like you Kyle. "

"I'm sorry but I don't like you Serena and as of today we are no longer friends with benfits. I have a girlfriend now. Since you have feelings for me maybe it's best you stay away from me to help you get over me and make a fresh start. I'm not saying this be a jackass. I'm saying this because it would be best for both of us especially you." I spoke trying to sincere as possible.

I feel bad but then I shouldn't because I couldn't requite the feelings she felt and it is somthing that happens. She nods before running off into house. I didn't expect her to catch feeling towards me. I feel bad but things like this happen everyday.

"Dude, What happened?" Broody question waiting to know the juicy juice had gone on.

" She confessed her feelings but she didn't get the answers she wanted. " I state keeping it short and simple. The matter was personal so they didn't need to know everything. 

"I knew Serena had the hots for you but wow. She's not a Gold digger after all." Me and Logan state at him.

"No comment on that. Let's  just have fun while we are together today. Wanna play football?" I ask changing the subject.

"Let's do it." Logan says rubbing his hand together. 


"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to ..... "

"Happy Birthday to you!" Everyone was clapping before I started saying "Hip, Hip Hooray!" I was currently singing the the birthday tune along with everyone else. After we stopped singing the candles were blown out. Cutting up the cake took place and all the kids lined up to take their share. There was separated cake for adults so there would be enough birthday cake for the children to eat.

"Uncle Kyle? Don't you want some cake?" Oliver asks showing me his cake. 

"Yes buddy after all your friends have had a piece I will take one" I say ruffling his hair. "You have fun today?"

"Yes! This is the best party so much fun." I chuckle wait until he grows up this party probably won't be the only one.

"That's good you little monkey. " Oliver faces me smiling with one of his teeth missing.  His tooth must have fell out. Well someone is getting paid or some chocolate.

"Bye!" he shouts sprinting off to sit and chat with his friends.

" Cake?" I look at Broody holding the cake in his hand. How on earth did he get a piece already.

"Come on!" As I see a different line for the adults to get cake.


"Hey" I say with a smile opeing the door to Kyle. He texted me he was outside. So this was his surprise he was planning earlier.

"Whole house to your self? Nice." Kyles comments. Noticing the house to be incredibly quiet. Taking his shoes off and hanging his coat up. 

"Don't get any ideas" I warn closing the door behind him.

"Oh yeah." Kyles says walking towards me and having us corner up against the door with my back against it. He has a smirk on his face "Can't get the idea to kiss my girl?"

No but before I say it out loud to tease him. His lips are on mine. "Sorry where you going to say something?"

Yes I was. "Oh screw it." I say smashing my lips back on his. "Maybe it wasn't a bad idea after all." I whisper to him as I break the kiss.

"Yes indeed it wasn't." He smiles before kissing me again.

"What have you been up too?" he questions pulling away from me. He grabs my hand and leading me to the living room to sit on the sofa.

After leaving Kyle, I just catched up on some homework and looked after Melissa. She had been fairly quiet today. Maybe I should wake her up again to feed her . Then my mum came home and I was put on cleaning up duty.

My parent's had went out together, my Dad wanted to take my Mum out on a date. So they could spend some time together, out of the house and not because of business purposes.

"Just some stuff I needed to do." I say standing up to go get Melissa. I put the bottle to her mouth but she doesn't make a sound to show she is drinking.

"Guess she still isn't hungry." I frown as put her back where she was sleeping .

"She will wake up when she is." He says pulling me to sit down on his lap.

We pop on a movie but it didn't last long because we started making out. I didn't want to go all the way with him. He seemed to understand because he never went anymore then just that.

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