Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓

By renacollins

873K 34.9K 4.2K

Mature Content 17+ || Savage Wolves MC Book Two In the wake of tragedy, Callie never fails at staying positiv... More

Authors Note
Savage Wolves MC
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Savage Wolves Companion Book
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Ryder (Savage Wolves MC) #3

Chapter Twenty-Four

14.7K 662 256
By renacollins


Soft sheets surround my body.

Groaning, I turn over onto my back and open my eyes, seeing sunlight filtering in through the sheer curtains.

Sheer curtains.

My hotel had room darkening curtains...

Sitting up abruptly, I'm met with a splitting migraine that causes me to cry out and clutch my forehead.

"Ow..." Clenching my eyes and focusing on my head, I don't hear the intruder until after they've come into the mystery room.

"Good morning, Callie."

I scoot back against the headboard, confusion flooding my mind.

"Who the H E double hockey sticks are you?!" I demand, reaching for the lamp on the bedside table and grasping it between my sweaty palms.

Adrenaline wakes up my nervous system and I prepare myself to fight this stranger.

He laughs, casually sipping his coffee, "You can put that down. I won't hurt you."

"How'd I end up here? Where is here?" I look around the room and take in the elegant, classy design of the opulent bedroom.

Large floor to ceiling windows line the wall in front of me covered in tan, sheer curtain. A lovely settee and coffee table sit in front of the window facing the California King sized bed. Expensive artwork fills the walls in an expanse of beauty and color, adding life to the nude toned room.

"You're in my hotel room. In my bedroom at The Kilter. We came back here last night to pick up where we left off at the club. You puked in the hallway and I put you to bed." He finishes with a chuckle before slumping into the couch opposite the bed and continuing to sip his coffee that I can't help but think smells heavenly.

"You didn't—"

"I didn't touch you," He reaffirms with a nod.

Looking down, I realize I'm still dressed in my clothes from last night, completely untouched. A bit wrinkled from my, no doubt, restless sleep, but still in the same place they were before.

Also... wouldn't I know if something had happened last night? I feel certain that I could tell, and from what I'm feeling down there, everything is perfectly normal.

"Then where did you sleep?" I set down the lamp, sensing no threat from the stranger at the moment.

"There's plenty of other bedrooms in this suite. I figured I'd give you the big one for the night and sleep somewhere else, myself." He shrugs it off as if it's nothing, but I'm actually quite impressed.

Not only did he not ditch me in the hallway after my supposed puking incident, but he didn't touch me inappropriately, let me sleep in his bed, and didn't disturb me until after I got up for the morning.

Huh. A gentleman.

"What's your name?" I ask, sliding out from under the down comforter and setting my bare feet onto the elegantly crafted hardwood flooring.

"You can't remember?" He laughs again, setting his coffee mug on the table and leaning forward onto his knees.

I shake my head, drawing a complete blank from everything that happened after being ditched by Vera for that guy.

"I'm Ben. We didn't get to talk about much else other than we're both from Las Vegas and are on vacation."

My eyes widen in surprise. "Oh, wow, how neat! How long are you in town for?"

He smiles and a little flutter of uncertainty takes hold in my chest, a flash from the night before flitting through my mind of that very same, unsettling smile.

I shudder, ignoring the sensation and forgetting it ever happened as soon as he starts talking with that silver tongue again. "Just a couple more days. I'm flying back to Vegas to see family before heading back to Washington to finish out school for the semester, then coming straight back to Vegas."

I perch myself on the edge of the bed and fiddle with my hands in my lap, my nails instinctively pulling and digging at the skin around my thumbs. "Oh? What are you in school for?"

"I'm studying to become a doctor." He leans back and throws his arms onto the back of the couch, crossing one ankle over his knee.

My eyes widen. So he's studying to become a doctor, but he's very obviously already rich. He's going to make some girl very happy one day.

"Impressive." I cross my arms over my chest and give him an appraising look. "Is that why you felt the need to take care of me instead of dumping me off on the sidewalk last night?" My tone is playfully serious and he ducks his head before looking up, his brown eyes barely visible under his dark lashes.

"I couldn't just let a pretty girl fend for herself, now could I? It wouldn't be very honorable of me."

I blush. "Well, your parents must have taught you well, then."

His face changes at that. Darkening to a look I haven't yet been presented with by this man that has seemingly been a gracious host so far. "My parents didn't teach me anything."

Raising my eyebrows and nodding my head, unsure exactly how to react to his strange reaction. "Uhm, okay. Sorry about that."

He shakes his head, standing up and heading over to me, holding his hand out for my own. "I'm sorry, I get very... passionate when the subject of my parents are brought up."

"So I see." I give him a half smile and look down at my hands, picking the skin off my nails and flicking it away.

"Come on. Let me make my bad mood up to you with breakfast. What do you say?"

On one hand, I want to run. Run far away and back into the arms of Gray back home. I love him. With every fiber of my being.

But I can't have him. He'll never be mine if the club has their way, no matter what. I can already see the outcome of our relationship. Ash will never approve it, along with the vote of Blade. They'll never allow him to date me. Never allow me to become his Old Lady.

No matter what they say now, I know Gray is an unattainable dream.

And if I reach too high, I might fall, the pieces of my heart on the floor with no one to pick them up.

On the other hand, here is a handsome, albeit odd, man with a white collar future I know Blade would approve of.

Not that I'm planning my future wedding with Ben, but I know for a fact he'll be approved by the club.

I can already see their minds working to bring him into the fold and make him their second personal doctor.

Doctors willing to make illegal house calls are in high demand and not many preform those kinds of duties.

My heart pounds with the impossible decision weighing on my mind.

It's been a month without Gray. How many more am I supposed to suffer through? Am I going to go the rest of my life without a lover all because I can't fall out of love with someone I can't have?

Maybe seeing other people for a while will placate Blade and the rest of the club for the time being. Maybe, if they see that I've tried to fall in love with someone else, they'll realize it's impossible and allow Gray and I to be together.


I'll play them like a game of poker. I can do this. I just need the right hand. If I can prove it's impossible for me to fall in love with someone else, they'll have to take pity on me and allow me to do as I please.

I take his proffered hand. "I'd love to, but I need a change of clothes first."

At least, that's what I hope.


Back home in Vegas, I say my goodbyes to Vera as the Uber drops her off in front of her apartment complex.

"We'll have to do something like this again, babe! See you at work tomorrow. Text me!" She blows me a kiss and turns to go up the stairs.

The driver takes off and brings me to my apartment and I get out, grabbing my bags and making my way up to my studio.

I'm exhausted.

I flop onto my bed, my arms spread out and my long hair scattered around my head.

Just as I begin drifting off into oblivion, I feel the hum of an incoming text from my back pocket.

Pulling my phone loose, I read it before opening and see it's Ben, my handsome savior from New York.

He flew back here before me, but said when I got back that the two of us should have a real date and I agreed.

He must be psychic to know I was already back in town.

I smile, replying to his message.

Ben: Want to grab dinner when you get back to the city?

Callie: Sure! I'm back now and can be ready by seven!

Ben: Excellent. I'll send a car. What's your address?

I never give my address to anyone, only people in the club and now Vera, so I suggest an alternative.

Callie: How about I meet you at the restaurant instead?

It takes a few minutes for his reply to come in and I feel like I might have offended him, but my thoughts come to a halt when I see his message.

Ben: No problem, I understand. Meet me at The Vineyard, 7:30. I'll be the one with a red tie.

I giggle at that, slapping my hand over my mouth, having shocked myself.

Did I just get all giddy because someone other than Gray was being flirty?

Jesus, help me.

Feeling a burst of energy, I rifle through my wardrobe in my bathroom, searching for something pretty, yet elegant. The Vineyard is a fine dining restaurant and I can't very well show up in club attire or jeans.

I settle on a nude asymmetrical skirt and a white cotton blouse I've never gotten around to wearing.

Setting out my clothes, I decide to go ahead and shower, shave, and get ready. Better to be ready early than say past fashionably late.

"Callie?" A female voice calls from my entryway and I poke my head out of my bedroom area to see Letha looking around for me.

"Hey!" I rush forward, throwing my arms around her and pulling her into a tight hug. She returns it, smoothing down my hair I dropped from my bun when I got out of the shower.

"When did you get back? You didn't stop by the Den. Blade was sure you would. We all knew you were flying in today. I thought I'd stop by and surprise you before you got in, but it looks like I'm the one that's surprised."

"Letha, you know I don't want to be around everyone anymore. I can't. It's too painful."

She nods, her eyes sad. "He misses you."

Tears well up in my eyes and I'm thankful I hadn't started on my makeup just yet. "Can you get a message to him?"

She sighs. "Blade watches me like a hawk when he's around. He knows I'm more likely to slip messages back and forth between the two of you than anyone else."

"So... is that a yes?" I look hopeful.

She grins and pushes my shoulder. "Of course, that's a yes."

I bounce on my toes. "Okay great! Here goes - I have a date tonight!"

Her expression changes from excitement to confusion. "So you want me to tell your boyfriend that his girlfriend has a date with someone else tonight? Callie, I'm not following."

She shuffles backwards until her legs meet the couch and she can sit down.

I follow and sit beside her, grabbing her hands and holding them between mine. "I have the perfect plan! So, I met this guy in New York. Turns out, he's from here! He's studying to become a doctor and from what I've seen, he's loaded."

"Wow, he sounds perfect. But, Callie, you don't love him." Her hands squeeze mine in sympathy.

"That's exactly right."

Letha shakes her head, closing her eyes as she tries to process. "Wait, what? I don't see how that's helpful."

"That's the idea. I don't love him. I'll never love him. Blade wants me to see other people, that's no secret." Letha looks embarrassed and I know she must have talked with Blade about his wishes for me to see other guys before deciding on Gray. "Don't worry, it's okay, because that's exactly what I'm going to do.

"I'm going to go out with Ben. Blade is going to fall in love with him. The club is going to fall in love with him. All the while, I won't be falling in love with him."

"Callie, where are you going with this?"

"Don't you see? If I can prove to the club it's impossible for me to fall in love with someone as perfect as Ben, then they'll have to take pity on me and let me finally be happy with Gray. It's foolproof!"

Letha thinks over my outlandish idea first before squeezing my hands and pulling me into another hug. "Well, goddamn, if that might actually work."

"You approve?!" I squeal.

"Do I approve of you trying to sneak your way into getting Gray back? Yes. Do I approve of you using this poor boy in your schemes? No. If you can avoid hurting him, take as many precautions as you can. You say you won't fall in love with him? Don't let him fall in love with you either. It'll only make it worse when this sham of a relationship has to end."

I nod, having thought of this myself. I've never been manipulative or rude. This is so out of character for me, I'm not precisely sure everyone will make it out of this with their hearts in tact.

"I'll try my best."

She smiles and pulls me into another hug. "Have a good night and text me when it's over. I want all the details." She stands and grabs her keys before kissing my cheek and leaving my apartment.

It'll go smoothly. It has to.


"You look ravishing." Ben greets when I walk up to the table he's sitting at, led by a smartly dressed hostess.

"So do you," I say, slightly awestruck at his expensive suit and classy demeanor. He looks like he belongs here. Like he's in his element.

I can tell this is the kind of environment he thrives in. Surrounded by other rich people, flaunting their wealth and power.

But, he doesn't seem arrogant. No, he's... charming. Practically oozing the stuff.

For over an hour, the two of us drone on and on about our likes and dislikes. Our favorite vacation spots and greatest food destinations. Who had the best single of all time this past year and who we think is the next breakout star.

I'm surprised to discover we have a lot more in common than I would have expected with a rich kid, soon-to-be doctor.

We both like indie music, him having listened and loved Vivienne Burns almost as much as I do.

Thai food is his favorite, along with mine. Our favorite restaurant being Chopstix here in the city.

Westerns are both of our weaknesses, having an unbridled love and passion for the eccentric ways of the Wild West.

Towards the end of the night, he discussed how his parents that he didn't like to talk about much were no longer around, further adding to the multitude of similarities between us.

The coincidences kept on piling when he revealed he had a brother and I broke out into laughter, because it was obvious we are the same person.

Throughout the night, talking, laughing, and enjoying his company, Ben has actually grown on me.

He's kind, intelligent, animated, handsome. He should be every girl's dream.

Heck, he should be my dream with how alike we are.

Finding all of this out is only going to make breaking it off with him harder in the end.

At least soon he'll be going back to Washington until the beginning of May. An entire month for us to only video chat and text back and forth, further proving to my brother I'm trying to settle into a new relationship. Having him further away from me like that, though, may help in making me not actually fall for him myself.

"I've had a nice evening. Thank you for dinner," I tell him, swinging our arms back a forth a bit as we walk down the street to where I said for my Uber to meet me, taking in the evening lights.

Las Vegas is always more glamorous at night, what with all the lights more bright and vivid. The people are more alive than in the daytime, too, creating this bubble of enthusiasm that's bursting from the cities borders.

"Let's do it again. I leave next week, so how about tomorrow?"

"Sounds perfect!"

We stop walking just as a silver Honda pulls up. Ben checks with the driver to make sure he's who he's supposed to be before I get into the car.

"Have a nice night, Calista." He slaps his hand on top of the car and the driver pulls out onto the street before I can give him a response.

Odd. I hadn't told him my full name was Calista.


Stepping through the godforsaken rundown doors of my motel room, I'm met with the stench of rotting furniture, old cum and blood stains, but a neat and tidy bed.

Gravitating to the far wall, I stand before my work, looking over my lists to make sure I hadn't missed anything at dinner.

1. Vivienne Burns - indie artist, Calista's favorite

2. Chopstix - favorite Thai restaurant

3. Tombstone - favorite Western movie, loves Val Kilmer

All that and then some came straight from her very informative Instagram page.

Maybe if she'd had parents growing up, the little slut could have been told not to reveal every little detail about her life on the internet.

A few public record searches later and I discovered everything I needed to know about her family history.

Her disgusting pig of a brother and his motorcycle gang.

Really, it was too easy.

Fabricating every single bit of this life to make me into the perfect candidate. The perfect boyfriend.

Not that I'm not already perfect. I always have been. I'm sure I could make her mine regardless of all this nonsensical information.

"Oh, Calista. Sweet, innocent, naive, Calista." I stroke the photograph I took of her a few weeks ago outside of her diner workplace.

She's smoking a cigarette with tears streaming down her cheeks.

To be honest, it's my favorite shot out of the hundred that cover the wall before me.

I almost love it more than the one of my brother. The one where I practice throwing knives.

The one where his pitiful little face is twisted up in terror after being arrested for the murder of the people who doted on him and treated me like trash.

I laugh loudly, clutching my stomach before falling back onto the old mattress and sinking in.

"Better watch out, little brother, I'll have my revenge."

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