Corkedon Wells

By ChiliSpices

359 6 12

For 35 young students, chances of survival resist to lift from slim. Trained in the magical arts and chosen t... More

Chapter Two

Corkedon Wells

234 4 9
By ChiliSpices

"Welcome to the 236th Gallumstock Kingdom Tournament! I am Stutton Cteight, over-joyed to be superintendent of 47 years, now 11 incredible tournaments-!" The aged man peers around at the crowd, smiling triumphantly. "- - 7 of them fully traditional.. " He adds, hoping for some stray praise. "I'm nothing less than delighted to see all the fresh, young, brave.. and some pure- faces here today at Gallumstock Hall. Surely you're all just brimming with questions and emotions, hopefully to be answered by the end of my speech. The Gallumstock Kingdom Tournament is a representation of loyalty, pride, courage, and determination. Twenty of Gallumstock's secondary schools have competed for four years yet again, the four top schools: 9 students chosen at random from each. As most of you know the dominating schools in this tournament have been, Sanguis Fidelis Reginae, St.Geoff's, WGD, and Beusam High. The four schools this year we warmly welcome are Sanguis Fidelis Reginae, St.Geoff's, WGD, and Headland's Secondary School-" Sutton sighs, bringing along large brightening lights.

" Headland's? " A snarky voice in the crowd questions. The large crowd feeds starving noise, jambling amongst themselves.

"That's not a rumor!? That's a mutts school!" Burly voices make sounds of agreement in the huge gathering facing the stage.

"Well! We shan't have fools calling the children mutts- Sutton! " A woman calls, earning a slicing look from Seamus. "My kids have unchaste-blooded friends and family!" Her brow scrunches viciously.

"What should I call them, maggots in the cream? You're joking-"

"There's no joke here!" Sutton announces, wiry red moustache shaking.

"Loyal blood! "

"Do you not take the time to feed the dog just because you know it's dying next month, Seamus? Learn to bite your tongue like the rest of us here. The Gallumstock Kingdom Tournament is something to be respected. Most of the children here are 15 and 16, few being 14 and 17- And do you really want to be branding them, with the possibility of any 36 being knighted and portrait hung in the hall? Unchaste blood or not." Sutton gazes down at Seamus from the stage, daring a response from his fiercely pursed lips. "Right, carrying on then. Held every four years since the completion of Gallumstock and the war, 36 people are chosen, 36 of them being some of you here. Participating in The Gallumstock Kingdom Tournament is probably the most honorable thing that will happen to you young 36 and your families, later to be 35. This tournament is a very serious, dangerous thing, as I'm sure you've been warned before. You future champions have each agreed, you've made the choice to honor your families and represent your country, who you are, and where you came from. You have Gallumstock now at your fingertips, as Wary Gallum himself. The Gallumstock Kingdom Tournament requires lots of endurance and courage, which brings me to the 36-35 jump. 232 tournaments began and ended here, in each, all 36 chosen never denied and stood here in front of this stage up-tall showing a vast amount of bravery. One young man or woman was chosen at random to be bloodshed, in honor of Gallumstock's founder who lifted us from the war, giving everything, ultimately his life, for success. This trade, and sacrificial tradition was broken 12 years ago. In compromise, while keeping bloodshed for honor, instead of taking a life we'll be having the weakest two contenders come up on this very stage and fight."

Caren rolls her blue eyes up in her skull, turning away from Sutton. "Hmph"

"Whoever causes the most blood to fall in exactly two minutes will go on- although if before the two minutes, 30%+ of total blood volume is lost, the battle will cease early."

"So humiliation instead of murder? Why are we doing this to the children? This isn't 1066 Sutton-" Caren protests, arms crossed tightly under her chest.

"It's this same routine every 4 years, Caren. How much more will you try to change in our history?" The crowd makes noise of agreement in Sutton's response.

"How many more of my children do I have to bury for our history?"

"Your child now, like then, had a choice and chose yes" He declares, waving her off.

"God, It's not like they can say no! Saying no equals breaking the tradition of yes for hundreds of years, publicly losing honor for yourself and family, friends. Life wouldn't be the same, they'd rather die or be seriously injured than bear the shame this tradition forces on them. Only 75% of the children here will survive"

"I'm sorry you've lost your boy, I honestly wish the best of luck to your girl this year." Sutton recites, still waving his chubby fingers away from the stage. "Carrying on, The Gallumstock Kingdom Tournament is a series of seven taxing objectives, ending with only one successor. You young heroes will be put into seven teams of five, at random to prove fair. I'll be announcing the contestants, putting you in your groups, and gifting you in one hour. Afterwards we'll have the final feast, a two hour free period, then the short battle and departure for Corkedon Wells. " The round man nods at the crowd, unsuspecting of any response he makes his way to one of the shining doors.

"In the next 4 years, you wanna drag my youngest boy into the grave with your hero too?" Caren demands, jabbing a finger into Sutton's fleshy chest. "In the TOURNament "

"Gladly." Sutton expresses, grabbing onto the golden knob. " One hour " He turns the knob, sending him twisting underground and unseen.

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