Wonderland Destroyed

By taylormariemoxley

39 4 2


Chapter 1

39 4 2
By taylormariemoxley

        Shattered remains scatter this barren land, Wonderland it was once called but long forgotten in everyones minds. Once a brillant thriving city now a wasteland filled with pain and torment. Our once saviour Alice has been long dead, along with the White Queen and the wicked Red Queen. The ruler was the wicked knave of hearts favorite of the Red Queen. He of course had a queen by his side the female knave of hearts, she had a horrible temper but was quite civil sometimes. Her name was Ayla and like most of the Queen of Hearts subjects Ayla and Ilosovic were tainted by the Red Queens evil.

        The narrow path I was walking started to seperate at a wilting tree in between the two paths. "Wondering around aimlessly Ms.Hatter?" The cat-like voice asked me from the tree. "Chess did my father send you?" i questioned, my father always worried about me ever since my mother died he always told me I have to keep the hatter legacy going. "My dear child that is what I come to talk to you about" Cheshire said jumping down from the tree. His expression was grave and sincere for a cat "Queen Ayla is sending her card guards to capture your father." He stated. I fell to the mossy ground, why did they want my father? He had commited no crime against the wicked kingdom. "Chess where are they..." I got cut off chess pushed me into the bushes and dissapeared.

        The sound of marching was distant but became clearer and clearer in my ears. I could see the demented card guards being lead by that horrid king Ilosovic. I felt a tugging on my skirt and turned to see my friend Harold the dormmouse. "This way Ms.Hatter." He whispered I followed him out of the rotten bushes and down a crumbling alley. "Just a little bit more Analise" Harold shouted ahead of me. I ran into the ruins of white castle a once marvelous structure now a crumbling waste. "Ms.Hatter your late for tea!" The march hare screamed throwing a tea pot.  The aged Hare lead me through the castle and lifted a door in the ground. The cellar was large and spaceous for it only contained a few beds and dressers. 

        "Who have you brought into my crumbling home now?" A small female voice asked the Hare in the darkness. She lit three candlelabras and signaled for the Hare to answer  "Ms. White this is Ms.Hatter, Ms.Hatter this is Ms. White the late White Queens daughter." The hare said bowing. I curtsyed and she started to speak "I'm not royalty Ms.Hatter my mother may have been a Queen but Her kingdom is in ruins." She sighed and sat on the bed "I heard the kingdoms of long ago lived in harmony now this world is in anarchy." She said quietly putting her head in her hands. The Hare signaled for me to leave so I headed towards the cellar doors.

        Night had fallen since I escaped to this ruined castle. I was sick with rage towards the queen who imprisoned my father in her walls. I was interrupted in my thoughts as Cherlie popped up besides me. Cherlie was an abnormal citizen of Wonderland for she was a cat human hybrid. "Analise I have word of your father." She mentioned out of breath. "Is he safe? What has she done to him?" I questioned "He is safe for now he has to create the queen a new crown." She sighed. Ms.White came out of the cellar and walked towards me and Cherlie. "Ms.Hatter if you would follow me I'll show you your room." She said walking away from me.

        I follwed her down the old, tattered corridor, she stopped in front of one room labeled M.H. "This was your fathers room when he worked for my mother." Ms.White commented "That had been six years ago, when there was still hope in wonderland.". I opened the door and found the room neat and clean much like my fathers work space at home. I sat on the bed and wished I could go back home and be with my father but I knew I would never get the chance to anytime soon. My eyelids began to fill with tears and I layed on the soft bed and cried myself to sleep. 

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