By NaChOcHeEsE

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nunyaz now go shut ur face and eat a brandon rudder! More

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How To Eat A Brandon Rudder

107 0 1
By NaChOcHeEsE

How To Eat A Brandon Rudder

By: NaChOcHeEsE


1. Catch him in his 5th period class.

2. Tie him up so he can't get away.

3. Get a large pot like the kind witch people have.

4. Put water in it.

5. Put it over a fire.

6. Wait until the water is a 3,000 degrees.

7. Put Brandon in.

8. Boil him for 1 hour.

9. Make sure he is dead before you get him out. If he is still alive, boil him until he is dead.

10. Add salt, carrots, onions, cabbage, and tomatoes to the water Brandon is in.

11. Boil for another 30 minutes.

12. Get out a giant plate.

13. Get Brandon and the vegetables out of the pot and put them on the plate.

14. Let them sit and cool for about 20 minutes.

15. Get a steak knife and a pitch fork and an eyeball spoon.

16. Chop Brandon up any way you like.

17. Serve Brandon any way you like.

18. He is a good Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner.

Hope you guys like my recipe! :D


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