Peekaboo /Mdlg/ Roleplay/

By Kawaii-Care-Bear-16

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By Kawaii-Care-Bear-16

Name: Papillion J Tryiku

Nickname: Papi (she goes ny papi), Butterfly,


Age: Depends

Lil age: 0-2


Personality: When big Papi is a badass, she'll tell people off, she'll pull a knife on people. Shes very tough and acts like it as much as she can, although her childishness shines through. Shes very wild and loves to just be herself. As a little shes very clumsy and just kinda there. She loves being held and wearing her mommys shirt. She is very clueless and accident prone as well. She also gets very clingly to Cuppy (short for cupcake(, her stuffed bunny

Likes: Stuffies, feeling cool, showing off, parcore, having fun, jumping around, when shes little she also lovessss being cuddled and colors

Dislikes: Being lied too, the gang around her, the streets, being by herself too long. When people tell her to be her age, when she gets jumped


Lil outfits

Favorite stuffie

Backstory: Papi's dad passed away which made her mother spiral completely. By the time papi was 8 she had choosen the streets to her house that was always filled with drunk man. The street was better then being touched or being hit by men. So papi lived on the street and eventaully got into a gang. She slowly began to push away from it but there will be bad consequences if she does fully

Other: When shes little


Name: Lelo 
Nickname: Mama, Mommy
Gender: Female
Age: Depends

Personality: Lelo is honestly a sweet person who just likes to get along. She is a very soothing person and is really good at calming people down. When it comes to her little shes very sweet and mostly just excited to have a baby. Shes also soft hearted and its not hard to hurt her feelings

Likes: holding her baby, when her baby nurses, when her baby likes her, when her baby gets cuddly, little kids and going new places

Dislikes: her past, when her littles push her away, when people get mad at her, her emotions, when littles think they can walk all over her


* listens to mommy
*dont test mommy
*always call me mama
*always wear your diapee
* do what mama says, she knows best
*be careful and respectful.of mommys feelings, shes a persom too

*new stuffies
*day out with mama
*little day
*going somewhere cool

*hardcore babying

Backstory: From the age 12 Lelo wanted a babygirl and she carried that with her through out the years. By the time she was 16 she got checked and results came back saying shes infertile and to have a kid she would have to adopt..that completely crushed her. So now when shes with her baby she gets super happy and calm as she always wanted a baby and a little is the closest shes got

Other: She babies her baby more when she has anxiety as it calms her and grounds her

Name: Lisa
Nickname: Mommy, Ma'am Mistress
Gender: Female
Age ): Depends


Personality: Shes a very closed off person. Honestly emotions scare her so she keeps most people at arms length to not seem weak. She comes off as mean and extra at first sight but little things get her, like i love you or if she grows to love you, she gets sweeter. Until then she doesnt take any shit

Likes: Being in charge, when people listen, punishments, being herself, having a little

Dislikes: When her littles say "i hate you", when her littles are scare of her and being pushed away


*rember your place
*bedtime is 8
* no sweets after 6
*always call me mommy or mistress
*remember your mine and no ones elses
*dont touch whats mine
* dont touch without permission
* i own you
* dont lie
*hold my hand in public
*make sure you eats lot
*your still mine -_-

*a cuddle day
*a movie day
* a special trip
* a day where her little chooses
*something of littles choice

* spanking with items (hairbrush, whip etc)
* humiliation
* spanking and corner
* treAted like a pet

Backstory: Lisa was abused most her life and pushed away by the people who should of loved her. She moved outwhen she was 8 and just kinda figured it all out with the help of her sister. Despite what she may say she really does care about her family, it just hurts her as its never reciprocated

Other: shes more strict

Name: Merriam J Kyiron

Nickname: Merry (he hates that as it sounds girly ) mer ( he goes by that as he hates his actaul name)
Gender: Male
Age: Depends
Lil age: 0-3

Personality: Merriam honestly troes way to hard to act like a guy, he plays football, he talks girls (even though hes gay) and all and all is just a wannabe. He absolutely hates his name as he feels it makes him girly. In big space hes very dependant and usually plays dumb. As a little he loves feeling girly and wearing skirts and dresses and loves being called merriam or Merry, big him actaully resents how much little him loves being girly.

Likes: chocolate, fries, milkshake, in little space he likes, colors, Bimba, feeling cute, pacis and cuddles

Dislikes: Hid name, his anxiety, being called out, when his friends are stronger


Lil outfits

Favorite stuffie

Is name is Bimba (he mixes up his words when hes little, was orginally supoose to be Bambi)

Backstory: Merriam.used to be teased and picked on qhen he was little and as he got older it worsened due to being gay. Guys pushed him away and eventaully he moved. This time he was very closed off about his sexaulity and just tries to be one of the guys, although once you get to know him he begans to show his girly side a bit more

Other: hes clusmy and accident prone


Name: Luka

Nickname: Daddy, Dada and sir

Gender: Male
Age: Dépends

Personality: Luka is a very dominant persona and extremely flirty. Hes not the best at emotions buts he has split personality, he calls his other alter, Lincon and lincon usually comes out when Luka struggles.tol help his little or its super emotional. Lincon is more sweet and comforting.

Likes: Cuddles, being in charge, seeing his little blush, when his littles squirm

Dislikes: Being lied too, feeling insecure, being yelled at, when.people throw fits

Outfits:Same as Merriam, more black tho

*Im in charge
*do as i say when i say
*dont question me

* cuddles,
*sticker on the sticker chart
*get anything under hundred bucks

*leash and collar
*being babied deeply
*public humiliation

Backstory: He was only young before he got in the drug game and it really shifted something in him. He became.way more bold and confidenr with his words and very angry at the world. He simmered down when he hit his teens but the gang life is deep within him

Other: suuucks at emotions




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