The End of Total Drama Minecr...

By Radishologist

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Fifth and final season of the "Total Drama Minecraft" series. Read all four previous seasons before reading t... More

Episode 1 Part 1
Episode 1 Part 2
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
The 10th Anniversary of Minecraft
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Elimination Order & Fun Facts
Author's Final Note

Episode 17

559 26 223
By Radishologist

"Last time on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars, the mobs went back to 1.13 to see who could stay on an iceberg the longest. They were attacked with rain, phantoms, and hallucinations, and seven of the eight gave up at some point. Kain was the only one not to quit, which is a nice contrast to when he lost for his team in the desert challenge of season three. Since Kain won, he got to choose who was eliminated, and he decided on Pola because she was in the finale last season. What dramatic challenge will I force upon the mobs today? Find out right now, on The End of Total Drama Minecraft: All Stars!" Herobrine said.

✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

Remaining Contestants (7): Sno, Chloe, Kain, Creep, Agatha, Ory, Ech

✯       ✯       ✯       ✯       ✯

Agatha sat alone in the abandoned villains cabin. The bright red potion sat in her brewing stand nearby, untouched. But the witch was busy working on something else.


Agatha's Confessional

"I'm not going to splash this potion on the rabbit until after I eliminate Creep, just to be on the safe side. It's possible that creeper would be able to coax Ory back out of the Killer Bunny, which is why I need him gone.


Meanwhile, in the girls' room of the contestants' cabin, Sno, Ory, and Chloe sat silently.

"Hey girls?" Sno spoke up. The two looked at her. "Have you noticed anything...strange about Herobrine?"

"Nope," Ory answered.

"Not really," Chloe added. "Why?"

"Seriously? You haven't noticed that he seems way more tired lately, and that it takes a lot of effort for him to do his magic?" Sno asked.

"Magic is probably hard to do," Ory pointed out.

"Not for a god!" Sno insisted. "At the beginning of this season, everything was easy for him. But recently, I can tell all this time traveling and other magic stuff is putting strain on him."

"Even if you're right, what do you want us to do about it?" Chloe asked. "We're just mortal mobs." Ory nodded in agreement.

Sno sighed. "I don't know."


Sno's Confessional

"Obviously I still miss Ron, but I know I'll see him again soon. Whatever is going on with Herobrine, though, I need to get to the bottom of. It could be dangerous for all of us."


Kain and Creep sat alone in the guys' room of the cabin.

"Can't believe there's only two of us guys left," Creep said.

"Yeah. Those girls are gonna take us down if we don't do something about it," Kain replied. "I eliminated Pola last challenge, but there's still four of them over there."

"We should probably target one of them together," Creep mused. "But not Ory. She's on my side."

"Not Chloe either," Kain added. "Which leaves Sno and Agatha."

"Definitely Agatha," Creep said.

The wolf nodded.

The whole time, Ech was waving his wings in front of their faces. But neither of them noticed him.


Ech's Confessional

"This isn't good. I'm literally unnoticeable now! I can't go through this again! I have to do something about it."


"Challenge time!" Herobrine announced. He snapped his fingers, and the seven remaining mobs appeared in front of him. "Today, we're going back to the most recent update: 1.14!"

He snapped his fingers again, and reality distorted around the mobs as time was warped around them.

✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

The time travel felt normal that time. Sno looked at Herobrine as soon as they reappeared.

"Aren't we still in 1.14? So did you need to time travel?" she asked.

"Yes," Herobrine replied simply.

"Wait, if this is the last update, what are we doing after this challenge?" Kain asked.

"Well, with MINECON 2019 coming up in a couple of days depending on when you're reading this, maybe there will be some fun new challenges to do," Herobrine replied.

"Did you say 'depending on when you're reading this'?" Ory asked.

"And why did you yell 'Minecon'?" Creep added.

"Autocorrect," Herobrine replied. "Would you all shut up so I can explain the challenge? I don't have time for your questions."

"Why not?" Sno asked.

Herobrine glared at her. "Anyway! As you can see, there is a village over there."

The mobs looked around and realized they were in a taiga biome. There was a village nearby that looked very different from past villages. It had new architectural designs, new buildings, and even new looks for the villagers.

"1.14 was the Village and Pillage Update," Herobrine continued. "The villages got a major upgrade, but of course, we can't have village without pillage!"

"Oh, great," Chloe muttered.

"Pillagers were also added in this update, and so were raids! Much like the Area 51 raid that didn't happen recently, this village is about to get raided. It is up to the seven of you to defend the village from the raiders," Herobrine explained.

"How do we win?" Agatha snapped.

"Rude," the host said. "Killing a pillager will earn you a point. Killing a ravager will earn you five points. The contestant with the most points by the end of the raid wins immunity, and everyone will vote on who gets eliminated next. Any questions?"

"Weapons?" Kain asked.

Herobrine rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers. An iron sword appeared in front of each of the mobs. Creep sighed.

A raid bar appeared at the top of the screen. "See that?" Herobrine asked. "You better get going and stop those pillagers!"

The mobs picked up their swords and ran into the village.


Ech's Confessional

"I had a question."


"Come on, Creep!" Ory exclaimed, picking up her sword and hopping into the village.

Creep began muttering to himself. He picked up the sword with his mouth and awkwardly followed the rabbit.

As he walked through the taiga biome, he felt a sharp prick. "Ow!" He looked down and saw a sweet berry bush. The creeper inspected it, shrugged, and kept walking. He felt another prick. "Ouch!" He had walked into another berry bush.

"Who knew berries were so dangerous?" he muttered to himself, and entered the village.

He found Ory near one of the spruce plank buildings. "What took you so long?" she asked.


Suddenly, a meow was heard. Ory turned around to see a black cat strolling down the village path. "Hey, a cat!"

"GAH!" Creep shouted. He dropped his sword and leapt away from the cat. He hid behind the house, shaking, as the cat walked away without caring.

Ory hopped over to him. "Um, are you afraid of cats?"

"N-no!" Creep protested. "I, uh, thought I saw a pillager."

"Pillagers? Where?" came an unfamiliar voice from behind them. Creep and Ory turned around to see an orange tabby cat.

Creep screamed and ran away.

"OMG, what is his problem?" the cat asked.

"Tic Tac!" Ory exclaimed happily. "I'm so glad to see you!"

Tac looked her up and down. "Huh? Oh, you're that happy bunny girl. Sup?"

"Not much, how about yourself?" Ory asked.

"Life is great. I found this cozy new village to live in. Who knew villages could be so cute?!" Tac replied.

"Well, this village is about to get raided, so you might want to get inside," Ory said. "I'll catch you later!"

"TTYL," Tac called as the rabbit hopped away to find Creep.

✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

Ech flew into the village with his sword, preparing to fight off the pillagers. Nearby, Sno also entered the village.

"Herobrine doesn't seem to be having any trouble with his magic today," she murmured to herself as she walked. "But I know I wasn't imagining things last challenge. There's definitely somethi..."

Sno trailed off as an iron golem came into her view. It was facing the other way.

"R-Ron?" she squeaked.

The iron golem turned around. It looked at her, but didn't say a word. It kept walking.

Sno's heart sank, and she fell to the ground.

✯       ✯       ✯       ✯       ✯

"Wanna stick together?" Kain asked Chloe as they ran to the village.

"Duh," the ocelot replied.

The two of them ran over to the well and stood ready. A horn sounded in the distance.

A frantic-looking villager ran up to them. It rang the bell that was hanging from the well, then ran like hell and tripped and fell. "Lol," Kain said as a yell.

Near the edge of the village, five gray-skinned villagers with crossbows appeared. The pillagers charged into the village, ready to attack. One of them was holding up an illager banner as he ran, and one had an axe instead of a crossbow, making it a vindicator.

Kain and Chloe readied their iron swords, but before the wave even reached them, something attacked the pillagers from the side.

Agatha had sliced through the vindicator with her sword. She then splashed a potion on the ground in the middle of all of the pillagers, poisoning them. The witch leapt away, drank some milk to get rid of her poison, then tossed another potion at the pillagers. Three of them died. The pillager with the banner remained, but Agatha ran forward, dodging an arrow from its crossbow, and stabbed it through the heart, killing it.

Kain and Chloe's jaws dropped. Agatha dusted off her hands, then walked away.

"Agatha now has five points!" Herobrine announced.


Agatha's Confessional

"I need immunity. The other contestants are clearly starting to notice my superiority, and will likely vote me off soon."


"What the Nether?" Creep, who was in one of the houses, shouted. "Did she take down that entire wave by herself or something?"

Ory popped her head in. "Yes. Now if you don't come out here and help me fight the next wave, she's gonna win immunity."

"Are there any cats out there?"


Creep exited the house. He looked around, then looked at Ory, who was staring at him. "I'm not afraid of them."

"Whatever you say," Ory chuckled. A horn sounded. "Hey look, here comes some pillagers!" Three pillagers were indeed running in their direction.

"Ya know, I'm not sure if we're actually capable of fighting these guys," Creep said, hoisting his sword into his mouth. "We're not the best at combat."

Two of the pillagers broke off and ran out of sight, but the third was still running at Creep and Ory.

"Okay, this is slightly easier," the creeper said. "Let's get him."

Ory and Creep attacked the pillager, who fired arrows at them even when at close range. The two contestants struck it with their swords repeatedly until it died. Ory got the final blow, killing the pillager.

"That's a point for Ory!" Herobrine announced.

"Alright, you gotta get all the points now so you can beat Agatha," Creep said.

Ory nodded.

✯       ✯       ✯       ✯       ✯

Ech watched as two pillagers ran right past him. The bat sighed.

"Now mobs aren't even noticing me?!" he exclaimed. "I don't understand what I'm doing wrong!"

The bat sighed and chased after the pillagers. He turned a corner around a building, and was immediately struck by an arrow.

Ech dropped his sword and was flung into the opening of a nearby cave in the ground. He groaned as he sat up. "I have the worst luck. I bet Herobrine doesn't even remember I'm on this show. I might as well give up and stay in this cave."

He flew deeper into the cave, grumbling to himself. Eventually, he came to an abandoned mine with wooden columns lining the narrow paths. Ech flew aimlessly through them, his mind lost in despair.

"H-help!" came a voice from nearby.

Ech frowned and followed the voice. He found a lot of spiderwebs blocking the entire corridor.

"Help!" the voice called again.

The bat looked closer and realized a cave spider was stuck in the spiderwebs. It looked like he couldn't move.

"I know I don't usually ask for it, but I need help now!" the cave spider exclaimed. "Someone, please!"

Ech broke the spiderwebs, and the cave spider was set free. He looked around, confused. "Uh...hello? Did a ghost just save me?"

"It was me, Cavell. I saved you," Ech said.

The cave spider looked around blankly. "Huh. Whatever." He crawled away. "No, I don't need help!"

Ech sighed sadly.

✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

Sno was still on the ground when something pierced her back. She yelped in pain and turned around. Two pillagers were charging towards her, crossbows aimed. One fired an arrow at her, but missed.

Before the two pillagers reached her, the iron golem attacked them. The pillagers began firing at it. The golem fought hard, but it couldn't take both of them at once. The pillagers killed the iron golem.

Sno screamed in agony. She picked up her sword and killed both pillagers easily.

"Sno has two points!" Herobrine announced.

The snow golem breathed heavily and looked at the ground. A single rose lay where the iron golem had died.

Sno picked it up and shakily held it in her hands. Tears welled up in her eyes.


Sno's Confessional

"I can't do this anymore... Not without Ron."


Three vindicators were charging towards the village. "Come on, let's get to them before Agatha does!" Chloe exclaimed.

She and Kain charged at the vindicators and battled them. It went much better than in the woodland mansion, because this time they both had swords. The two of them easily killed the three vindicators.

"That's two points for Chloe and one point for Kain!" Herobrine announced. Kain and Chloe nodded at each other.

Another horn sounded in the distance.

"What the Nether is that?!" Kain shouted, pointing.

A ravager was barreling towards them.

✯       ✯       ✯       ✯       ✯

"Okay, ready for wave number three?" Ory asked.

"How many waves are there?" Creep whined.

"At least three!" Ory replied. "I don't see any illagers here. Let's move!"

Creep sighed and followed her. They were walking for just a few seconds when suddenly, cobwebs appeared around them, trapping them.

"Gah!" Ory exclaimed.

"Is this part of the raid?" Creep asked.

Agatha stepped out of a nearby house, smirking. "Nope." She walked towards the approaching pillagers.

Ory sighed. "She's gonna get more points! We need to get out of here!"

She and Creep began struggling through the webs.


Ory's Confessional

"That Agatha is evil! I don't know why I ever agreed to ally with her before!"


Ech hung on the wall of a ravine. Beneath him was lava.

"All my life I've been ignored," he said. "I've gone unnoticed by even the people I care about most."

The lava bubbled beneath him.

"And then I joined this show, and for a short time everyone was noticing me. And it was great, I had never felt better in my life!"

The lava sizzled in response.

"But then, all of a sudden, everything went back to how it used to be. Nobody saw me anymore. But I didn't change anything! I don't understand what's going on. It's almost like all my character development is reversing on itself!" Ech ranted.

He waited for a reply, but there was none. The bat looked at the lava below him.

"Well. I have no shot at winning the million if the host can't even see me. I guess I have nothing to lose."

Ech began to lean towards the lava. He got closer and closer until....


The bat opened his eyes. "Really? Nobody is gonna stop me? I don't even deserve someone to talk me out of cooking myself alive?"


"Nothing?!" Ech yelled. "I bet the author doesn't even know I'm here!"

More silence.

"Okay, that's it. Nobody wants to save me, fine! Nobody wants to notice me, fine! I'll go win this show anyway! Just out of spite!"

The bat flew back up to the surface.


Ech's Confessional

"I'm tired of this stupid character gimmick that I was given! I'll show these contestants, this host, these readers and these authors, that I'm worth more than this! I will win!"


Sno looked up as a single illager with an axe charged toward her. She looked down at the rose she was holding, dropped it, and picked up her sword.

The vindicator swung its axe at her. Sno ducked and sliced at it with her sword. The illager was thrown backwards, but came charging right back. Axe and sword clashed once again.

Sno landed another hit on the vindicator, but then she heard the sound of glass breaking, and immediately felt an intense wave of pain. The vindicator died, and Sno fell to the ground.

"Oops, so sorry," Agatha said as she walked by.

Sno groaned in pain.

"Agatha now has six points!" Herobrine announced.

✯       ✯       ✯       ✯       ✯

The ravager rammed into Kain before he could swing his sword, sending him flying far away. Chloe jumped into action and struck the beast with her sword. The ravager grunted and turned on her.

Now, Chloe was a tiny ocelot, and the ravager was a giant rhino-like beast. So their sizes were vastly different.

Chloe gulped and ran away.

The ravager gave chase.

Chloe jumped over a stack of hay bales, but the ravager barreled right through them, sending hay flying everywhere. Chloe dodged the falling bales, but was struck by one she didn't see. She fell to the ground.

The ravager was about to run right over her when a figure jumped in front of her and smacked it away with their sword.

It was Agatha.

The ravager and Agatha began battling. Chloe sighed in relief, but then remembered that killing a ravager was worth five points, and Agatha already had six.

The ocelot got to her feet and chased after the battle.

✯       ✯       ✯       ✯       ✯

Ory and Creep were still stuck in the cobwebs. There were so many of them, they weren't even close to getting out yet.

"Maybe we should just accept the fact that Agatha is better than us," Creep said.

"Don't say that!" Ory exclaimed.

"Why not? She literally created a cobweb booby trap entirely off camera. She's clearly gonna win."

"That doesn't have anything to do with—watch out!" Ory warned as she saw a group of three pillagers charging at them.

"Well. Guess we're dead," Creep said, as the two of them were still hopelessly stuck.

The pillagers tried attacking the two, but got stuck in the cobwebs as well. They angrily grunted as they slowly made their way to Creep and Ory, who had changed directions and were trying to escape the other way.

Suddenly, the pillagers started getting attacked by something they couldn't see.

"Great, it's Agatha again," Creep sighed. "She's invisible."

"Oh no!" Ory cried.

The three pillagers were killed by the invisible being. But, no announcement from Herobrine came.

Ech grumbled to himself as he flew away with his sword, breathing heavily from killing those three pillagers.

✯       ✯       ✯       ✯       ✯

Sno got to her feet. She saw Agatha and a ravager battling nearby, with Chloe chasing after them. She decided to go fight as well.

As the snow golem reached the battle, the ravager immediately rammed into her, sending her flying into a wall and knocking her out.

✯       ✯       ✯       ✯       ✯

Kain groaned and opened his eyes. The ravager had flung him into a wall of a house.


Kain furrowed his brow and turned his head. He was face to face with a chicken. "That wasn't a chicken noise."

"An-I-oop!" the chicken responded.

"Cl...Cluck?" Kain asked, confused.

"Yep! Hey friend! Sksksk I was just wondering where your hydroflask may be?!" the chicken asked.

"My...what? Are you sure you're Cluck?"

"Of course I am! I'm a vsco girl! Hashtag save the turtles! An-I-oop!" Cluck exclaimed proudly.

"Vis...wait, did you say girl? I thought you were non-binary, or whatever," Kain mumbled.

"Nope! I'm a vsco girl! I have tons of scrunchies and big T-shirts if you need to borrow any sksksk!" Cluck said.

Kain saw the ravager run by in the distance, with Chloe chasing after it. He shook his head and stood up. "Later, Cluck!"

"Don't forget to get a hydroflasksksksk! And I oop!"

✯       ✯       ✯       ✯       ✯

Agatha jumped on top of a nearby shop booth and tossed a potion down at the ravager. It grunted and tried to hit her.

Meanwhile, Chloe was behind it, striking it with her sword. The ravager grunted with each hit.

Agatha splashed another potion on the ravager. It roared angrily and stampeded through the entire wooden structure she was standing on. The witch went flying.

Chloe hit the ravager again with her sword, and it turned on her once again. She froze with fear, but then it was hit aside by someone else. Kain glanced at her and struck it again.

The ocelot joined him, but the ravager was able to land another hit on her, sending her flying away.

"Chloe!" Kain yelled. He struck the ravager again with his sword, and surprisingly, it died.

"That's five points for Kain, bringing him up to six points total, a tie with Agatha!" Herobrine announced.

✯       ✯       ✯       ✯       ✯

Ory and Creep were almost out of the cobwebs when Chloe was flung into the wall of the house near them.

Creep finally fell out of the cobwebs and landed on the ground near Chloe. The ocelot was getting up from the wall at the same time, which caused the two of them to be right next to each other.

"YAAAGGHHHH!" Creep screamed, jumping as far away from Chloe as possible.

The ocelot raised an eyebrow at him. Before any of them said anything, another horn sounded.

"How many more waves are there?" Ory groaned as she pulled herself out of the cobwebs.

Kain walked over to Chloe. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, you?"  the ocelot replied.

"Cluck is a visko girl."

"A what?"

"Here comes the next wave," Ory called.

In the distance, four pillagers, two vindicators, and three witches were charging at them.

"Is one of those Agatha?" Creep wondered aloud.

The horn sounded again.

Kain, Chloe, Creep, Ory, and Ech prepared themselves.

✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

Sno woke up in her bed at home. She looked around, confused. Snow was coming down fast outside the window. It was dark in the bedroom. She turned to see Ron lying in the bed next to her, facing the other direction.

The snow golem put her hands on the iron giant's back. "Hey, love." Ron sat up in bed and turned to look at her.

His eyes were glowing white.

Sno screamed and jumped out of the bed. She ran out of the room and out of the house. It was dark on their mountain, the snow was falling all about her, and she couldn't see anything but the darkness.

The snowman was breathing heavily. She turned to look back at her house, but it was gone. In its place, a smoky black figure was staring at her, white eyes piercing through her.

"Soon it will all be over," the being said. "Soon you will all be null."

Sno screamed and sat up. This time, she was back in the spruce village, sitting against a house. Her head was pounding. She turned to her right to see a fox staring at her curiously.

She heard the sound of a battle in the distance, and slowly got to her feet. "That definitely wasn't just a nightmare," she muttered to herself.


Sno's Confessional

"Null? That means nothing, right? Is that...thing saying he's going to kill us?"


Kain ducked under an arrow from a pillager's crossbow and swung his sword in a circle around him, injuring the nearby vindicators and pillagers.

Chloe exchanged blows with a pillager, taking an arrow to the shoulder but then stabbing the pillager through the heart.

Ory dodged a witch's potion. She could feel anger bubbling up inside of her as she fought the witches, thinking of Agatha, but made sure she kept it under control.

Creep swung his sword at two of the witches, missing both because he was holding the sword in his mouth. One of them threw a potion at him, poisoning him. "Ow!" he cried out. He hit it with his sword.

Ech was flying around, hitting all of the raiding mobs with his sword. None of them noticed him, and neither did the other contestants.

Ory was suddenly hit from behind by a pillager's crossbow. She cried out as she was flung into a wall, her sword skidding away from her. The pillager loomed over her menacingly, aiming its crossbow at her. The rabbit whimpered in fear.

Just before the pillager fired its arrow, it was shoved to the side by someone else. Creep stood in its place. He winked at Ory.

"Thank you," she said.

"Don't mention it," he replied.

The two of them went back to fighting the army. After a few more minutes, all of the raiding mobs were killed.

"That brings Kain to seven points, Chloe to four, and Ory to four!" Herobrine announced.

"Huh. Weren't there more than six mobs?" Chloe asked.

Creep shrugged. "I didn't kill any." The mobs were confused.

Ech rolled his eyes, as he had killed three of the mobs, bringing him to six points.

"Get ready for the final wave!" Herobrine boomed.

✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

Sno found the others. "Guys!" They all looked at her. "We need to do something! There's this guy that's planning on killing us! Or...something."

"You mean Herobrine?" Creep asked sarcastically. He looked to his left to see Chloe standing nearby. He shrieked and hid behind Ory. Chloe shook her head.

"Maybe Herobrine. I'm not sure. He has glowing white eyes and is made of black smoke and he said something about making us all null!" Sno rambled.

"Um, when did you see him?" Chloe asked, trying to sound concerned.

"A couple minutes ago, when I was knocked out!"

"It was probably just a dream, then," Kain told her.

"It wasn't, I swear! This thing is going to—"

She was interrupted as another horn sounded. The mobs looked in the distance, where an army of raiders was amassing.

There were five vindicators, a witch, an evoker, four pillagers on foot, and one pillager riding a ravager charging towards the village.

The six mobs raised their swords warily, knowing it would be difficult to take all of the raiders down themselves.

Before the army reached them, though, a figure dropped from the sky and landed between the two groups.

"Well, shoot," Creep said.

Agatha tossed a potion at the charging group of raiders. As soon as the potion hit the ground, all thirteen mobs died. The witch turned to look at the other contestants, who were staring at her in amazement.

"Instant death potion. I brewed it a couple minutes ago from the blood of their own," Agatha said.

Creep sighed. He turned and saw Chloe near him again. "Get away from me!" he screamed, and blew up, killing all of the contestants around him.

Herobrine appeared and saw only Agatha. He blinked. "You didn't have to kill the other contestants, too."

The witch shrugged.

Herobrine sighed and snapped his fingers. The other contestants reappeared, all glaring at Creep. "Okay, Agatha won the challenge and immunity. Let's go back home and vote someone off!"

He snapped his fingers.

Nothing happened.

He snapped his fingers again. Nothing.

"Herobrine?" Sno asked.

"Shush." He snapped his fingers. Again, nothing happened.

The host stopped floating and stood on the ground. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and snapped his fingers again.

Still nothing.

"Are we stuck in the past?" Creep asked. "Because that would be unfortunate."

"No," Herobrine replied. He kept snapping his fingers, but still nothing was happening.

"You better bring us back," Agatha told him. "I have a child to get back to after I win."

Creep scoffed, earning a glare from the witch.

"Eh, I don't care what time we're in," Kain said. "I don't have anyone back in the present I care about."

"Well, I do," Chloe replied. "Bring us back!"

Kain looked at her. "Oh right, your family. Okay yeah, bring us back, Herobrine!"

Herobrine was still snapping his fingers, and still nothing was happening.

Sno was watching him closely. He seemed to be concentrating as hard as he could, but he was struggling to make anything happen. She didn't see any signs of the smoky figure, though.

The rest of the mobs kept talking while Herobrine kept snapping. Eventually, the host yelled.

"SILENCE!" he boomed.

The mobs shut up.

Herobrine took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and snapped his fingers.

Reality distorted around the mobs as time was warped around them.

✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

The contestants reappeared around the campfire in the End. They looked around at each other, wondering where Herobrine was. The host didn't appear.

"We should go vote while we wait," Agatha said. "If you're all smart, you'll know who to vote."

The mobs looked at each other.


Sno's Confessional

"I'm really worried about Herobrine, I can't even focus on who I should vote. I'll just vote Creep because I was going to awhile ago."


Kain's Confessional

"Agatha is clearly the biggest threat, but she has immunity, so..."


Ory's Confessional

"I wish I could vote out Agatha! Well, I guess I'll vote for Kain. He's a pretty strong player."


Chloe's Confessional

"Girl power, I guess."


Creep's Confessional

"Agatha is way too good at challenges. I don't remember her being this good in our other seasons. Anyway, I'm voting Sno because of that conversation I had with Kain earlier. Let's hope I don't get eliminated. 'Cause I'm not sure if Ory will be able to avoid Agatha by herself."


Agatha's Confessional



All the mobs voted and were now sitting around the campfire, still waiting for Herobrine to appear.

"What if he's hurt?" Sno asked. "We have to do something!"

"What are we supposed to do?" Kain asked. "We're not magic."

Suddenly, Herobrine appeared with a loud crackling noise. He was standing on the endstone, doubled over in pain.

"Herobrine!" Sno called. "Are you okay?!"

The host coughed. He stood up and looked at the mobs. His eyes looked dimmer than normal. "I'm fine." He coughed again. "Just a bit of turbulence."

"That doesn't look like a bit of turbulence," Chloe pointed out.

"I don't—care what you—think," Herobrine said, coughing between his words. "You all voted, and it's—time for one of you to go home."

"We can postpone this if you need to rest or something," Ory suggested.

"No," Herobrine coughed. "If I call your name and toss you an Eye of Ender, you are safe."






It was down to Sno and Creep.

"And the last safe mob is..."


The snow golem sighed in relief.

"Creep, you're going home," Herobrine said.

"Darn," Creep said. He turned to Ory. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" Ory asked. "You've been a great friend."

"Sorry I can't be here any longer to protect you," Creep replied. "Watch out for Agatha. She's coming for you."

Herobrine snapped his fingers, but nothing happened. He sighed. "Can you just climb into the toilet please?"

"I don't have arms."

"I'll do the honors," Agatha said with a grin, and she splashed a potion on Creep. The creeper levitated into the air and splashed into the Toilet Portal of Shame.

"Any last words?" Herobrine asked him.

"Aww man," Creep said.

Herobrine pulled the lever, and Creep was flushed out of the End.

He turned to the other six contestants. "Do y'all think you can walk back to your cabin? I'm feeling a bit woozy."

"Herobrine, you're not okay. We can help you. You just have to tell us what we need to do," Sno told him.

Herobrine was standing on the edge of the End island. He turned and looked into the void.

"What more do I have in store for the mobs? Will—?"

He stopped abruptly and looked at the mobs, then into the air. Thick black smoke started to pour out from his mouth, ears, and eyes. It billowed into the air. The mobs gazed at it in terror.

The smoke formed into a single human being the same shape as Herobrine. It opened its eyes, which were glowing white.

Herobrine's body went limp and fell over the edge of the island, into the void of the End.

The floating figure looked at the six mobs in turn. It focused on Sno, who was frozen in horror.

"I am null," the figure spoke, but its voice didn't seem to be coming from it. It emanated from everywhere at once.

The mobs looked around at each other, shock plastered on their faces.

"You will all be null, too."


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