Make It Right

By minabi234

189K 3.9K 554

Love is unpredictable, but deep inside we do know it :) ~ Love has no appearance but it's unpr... More

Chapter 1: I'll be okay even if it hurts.
Chapter 2: Just wanna play
Chapter 3: Pretend All You Want
Chapter 4: I'm not alone
Chapter 5: Don't know what should I do
Chapter 6: I can't explain this feeling
Chapter 7: This smile : ) is because of you
Chapter 8: Never felt this way before
Update: yes im still here
Chapter 9: Still Waiting
Chapter 10: Happiness is here
SP Chapter: Other little Things
Chapter 11: Dont want anyone but you
Chapter 12: Can Not
Chapter 13 Underneath
Chapter 14 Something I can't see in your eyes.
Chapter 15 Right or Wrong
Chapter 15 R18+ Content
Chapter 16: Dilemma
Chapter 17 to force
Chapter 18 :What am I supposed to do? Pt 1
Chapter 19: what am I supposed to do? Pt 2
Chapter 21 Back to Ordinary life
Chapter 22: Keep me warm Pt.1
Chapter 22 keep me warm Pt 2
SP Chapter Nine X Rodtang : unconsciously, it's beginning.
SP Chapter Nine X Rodtang : Unconsciously, it's beginning. Part 2
SP Chapter : Other little things (Tee X Fuse)
Chapter 23: Changed (Unedited ver)
Chapter 24 Decision (Unedited ver)
Chapter 25 No Matter what I'm gonna trust you
Chapter 26 (Short summary)
Chapter 27 Brighter than diamonds (short summary)
Chapter 28 : Speechless
Chapter 29 : Is this LOVE?
Chapter 30 If Only I had a Choice
Chapter 31 It Ain't Easy

Chapter 20 No Replacements Found

2.7K 61 9
By minabi234

*Note: much better if you guys read thru in computer version cuz the mobile ver will have some difficuties looking at the format of the phone converstaion below.

Today we are going to play water at Chet Sao Noi Waterfall National* park together. Me and Tee have to wake up early in the morning (exhausted, really don't want to get up...) We have five people included (add up with my dearest dad who came as well, his expression happy as his business conference went good beyond his expectations) went to eat breakfast at the resort then straight check out of hotel and quickly hurry to the car to go to the waterfall park. In such a hurry because at on part of the day, Mom and Sis have still many other places they want to go. Lol. Can't they wait and relax a little? I and Tee stared with panda eyes, yawning all the way in the car. Sis often look back us puzzled, and asked us what we played last night and slept so late? Uh....I refused to answer to that.

Sis sat and guide the way with a GPS in her iPad and not long after that we have reached our destination safely. We look for our swimsuit in the bag from the car's back trunk to change inside. Because also Tee didn't bring his swimsuit along, I have to bring two sets as well. Hmm....just give him the red stripe pattern heheh and I'll have the ordinary black colour one.

The bathroom in the park is in very good condition. Although it is old, it is very clean and comfortable to use. Unlike some seaside bathrooms, not only do you have to collect money, but the water is not good, and the door is not shut tight. In contrast, this place is much better.

Sis Fing went to the other side, the female bathroom. (Mom and Dad wont be playing in the water and instead will be taking a walk around the park.) After finish changing into the swimsuit, I refrain myself from looking at the slender body of Tee from the weak sunlight around. Damn! From where that white colour aura come from, I tried to get you to wear that silly red colour but he still look good in it. Jeez!

"Err, can you still play in the water?" he turned to ask, cheekily, when he slowly remove his eyesight continuously down to stare at my hip. Bastard! If I catch that two hands of your holding the clothes with a handphone secretly, I'll make sure that skull of yours will have a hole in it!

"Of course, can! I'm not that weak!" I hissed at him, but that just make ai'Tee laugh loudly.

"Also, all of this is because of you......did it so hard last night all the way until my body so tired!!!" and this goddam person still have the edge to tease me.

"Enough already! Don't want to talk about this already---!!" I'm so embarrassed thinking about ittt ////////

"Hahaha. Ok." Then we walk to the waterfall, soon can hear the sound of rushing water which makes us want to hurry and jump into the water. "I asked you seriously, can you really get into the water? Does it hurt?" this time his tone was very serious, until I have to stop and think for a moment.

Err...actually, it hurts but it was less painful than the last time. Still have a bit of pain when walking. Its not so serious or anything like that. Probably also because I'm tired from yesterday so cannot tell how severe it is. (not so serious, I swear!)

"It hurts a bit but its better than last time."

As soon as I replied back, Tee nodded back, face clearly relieved but still look concerned about it. "If you're not ok, you must tell me. Don't play with the water too much" ah! Guess it right! I was just thinking the same thing.

"Yeah, I'm fine, really" I said brushing it off while slapping his shoulders two times to let lose his worry, but he still look concerned. Because at that point he insisted on helping me with the clothes in my hand. (is it that heavy??) if can you can also carry together with too.

"Are you going out? Walk where there is less people" because see that straight ahead have two three groups playing water with each other as well as have groups of four to five children playing ball in their rubber floats excitedly...also saw sis Fing in a one piece suit the far distance playing volleyball with younger group of boys. If she ever sees us, she'll called out to us to play along as well. (think of the horror) better leave quick

"Let's go now"

Me and Tee walk upstairs towards the waterfall which had 7 floors up ahead. The further we went the less people there are. The playful screams, the sound of the splash, began to become vague and makes things more excited. We stop at the fourth floor, because if go further up than this, the cliff will be steeper and water flow will be deeper as well. (I saw a lot of warning signs that are forbidden to go further. Maybe there was an accident before.) On the fourth floor, It is very wide and beautiful, the water is emerald green, and the plants on the side is blossom and lush, just like the picture taken in the movie! I really want to go down and play now, let me jump without regrets, yeah! ! ! ! !

"Don't jump, go slowly." ARGHHHHHH!!! I'm so irritated of this Tee, I turned to him and gave a annoying huff. Then I set aside my clothes on a nearby tree branch and little by little descend down into the waterhole. Uwaa....the water feels very cooling. Refreshing as well!

"Hurry up and come down, the water is just cooling!" I scoop up water and hurl it towards ai'Tee who is still arranging the clothes in a neatly order. I can hear vaguely his complains about his cell phone getting wet, but who cares! If such little water can hit an iPhone, then they shouldn't be selling it at all. I continue to scoop up water and splash at him. This time is not really called splashing at him but it's a ninja turtle wave power squirt*! Heheh Take this...!! Muahahah! look at his back wet half, very satisfied! He finally finish arranging the clothes and turned around and signalled a punishment for me.

"Having so much fun, right? That's fine—" he rushes in a running dog position and don't tell me he's going to jump over! Heyyy....BOOM!! there, miss no sooner said than done!! A huge wave of water rolling completely all over me, and even went up to my nose! Ohh!! This joker of an asshole!! I want to jump like that too!!!!

"You, cheater!!"

I don't wait any longer, I rush to grab his head of this idiot's big body and push down into the water, not taking care of the height difference between us. Obviously, Tee didn't react fast enough. I didn't expect my attack speed to be so fast!

"Fuse! Don't play like this!!... Cough and cough!!" now Tee is underneath my mighty control where I sat piggyback to grab hold and push down into the water to show that I'm stronger. (this is what ai'Moh thought me last year when we went to the sea.) haha Tee was splashing hurriedly like a naughty dog now.

"It be more fun if you can throw me down also! Hahaha" I challenge him to do that, if he's that concerned about me, he may not be brave enough to do it.

"Cough, you get down first, it's heavy, cough!....I don't know how to swim, and it's so deep here, Fuse...cough! my leg can't reach the bottom..." no way, I'm not going to be tricked again!

"What....only this little cannot take it..." I refused to come down, but the smile on his face slowly faded away, his eyes blink frequently staring higher at the water level... He gradually stopped struggling... and finally did not move.

"Tee...Tee...I'm not joking here..."

"......................................" Silent....I felt that Tee 's body was no longer floating, but gradually sank to the bottom of the water.

"Hey...Tee you ass...." I quickly got down from him, shit what happened? His entire body sank down into the water, and I avoid him, shocked and stunned, then I calm myself down and then hugged his arm full of muscles and kick my two legs fervently around the water for support to keep both of us afloat.

"Ai'Tee!!! wake up, I'm sorry, I don't know it would be like this"

My expression at the moment is definitely scary, just like seeing a ghost! Urggghh! If he dies, then it be my fault! What evil things am I thinking!! I smack my head harshly, this is not the time to be distracted, think more ways on how to save this person in my arms...his face starts to go pale, and his body starts to be pale whitish as well! Eh...or is it usually that normal colour ....when I see his pale orange lips slowly return to its normal colour, I feel relieved.

But what do I do now!??!

Right! Firstly I have to bring up shore first! With that realization, I then support Tee with one arm and put all effort into swimming to return back to the place where we hang our clothes at the tree branch. Such a tough body ai'Tee...Damn! so hard! He's so heavy that I can't swim properlyyy!

Now what?! No matter what, I can't leave him alone. I frantically stroked my hands and feet, but I only wandered around the ground but a meter. Erm, shouldn't have jump out and play like that. See what happen!

I looked at Tee and a sense of guilt came up, why did this happen? Choke on water and cannot breather, and why have to faint? Urrrhhhh! Or should I just give him artificial respiration like in those tv shows? (the location is fine right!?!)

"Argh! What am I supposed to do!?"

When I was to cry not knowing what to do, I suddenly heard a burst of laughter, laughing continuously the kind where there is no restraint but still tries to hold back.

"HAHAHAHA!!! Look at you!" ai'Tee open his eyes and start laughing, sounding satisfied until he squint's he eyes. He slap his hands repeatedly until he slid his hand down to his stomach, clutching unable to hold back the laughter.

You tricked meee!!!!!!!!!!!!! How smooth!!!!!!!!!


"I was waiting for you to give artificial respiration ah, but it was really hilarious. Cannot take it anymore, pff hahahaha."


I glare at him angrily, gnashing my teeth at him. I was so furious but had to hold it in, who else in the world will make fun of other people's feelings, not knowing how worried I was! I could only give him a middle finger in return, and then swam away in grouchy expression, his voice shouting after me.

"Heyy! Are you pouting?" Don't use the word pout on me woi! A manly man like me, Fuse, wont be pouting like a toot! "Wait for me, I was just kidding." Hearing the sound of him swimming towards me, but this is not the point I want to care about, I am better off from him.....but how is the situation developing? It's like we become water gymnastics, like he was racing in the Olympic swimming competition, because we start swimming in circles, chasing and swimming, and sometimes diving in the water. (Tee the bastard can really swim well, I have to change my strategy to get away from him.) Now, I'm starting to get tired, want to go and rest for a while but...I am not willing to be caught by him.

"Hey Fuse, you didn't warm up and didn't exercise very much, don't swim so much, be careful of cramps"

I turn to look at the tall person who's warning me whose not far ahead from me. I was ready to spit an insult back...if I weren't in the mood to not talk to him.

I shrug my eyebrows annoyingly and tsk at him, then gave him a not speaking, not listening expression, and then continued to swim away.

Now is getting late, the bright sunlight sinking further and I'm getting dizzier. So, I swim to the big rock in the shade to rest. After adjusting to the most comfortable position, but after surveying the area around, again, ai'Tee has disappeared...oh? or did he escape from me? This idiotttt, just like that, he left. But...his clothes are still here, huh.

Then, where did he go??

"Caught you!!" he emerge out of nowhere directly in front of me!! I thought it was a ghost!!

I almost got angry again for round 2, because now heart is exhausted already, not yet ready to be settled! "Bastard! Next time are you going to scare me to death?! How far are going to joke, move!"

"Oho, such a big pout now, heheh!" this little shit!

"I'm not pouting ah! You go play water by yourself, go! go! don't involve me in it!!" and why is he smiling like that againnn!?

"Heheheh, you go and try to ask someone else, see if they act like this also."

"No need to ask. Just go where you need to go. I want to play by myself" Am I really pouting? When did I become so emotional? Who knows, I was not like this before. Heii, why am I overthinking about this? I blame myself for thinking too much, then try to push of strong chest of the tall guy who is still sniggering, but he suddenly came forward and his two strong hands push to surround me back on the stone rear*

"Forgive me, I didn't mean to tease you, also, you started it first right? So, we're both even now ok? Please....please.....we're good now ok"

Ai'Tee lifted his pinky finger up to me and smiled toothily at the same time like a scene behind. "Come on, pinky finger with me, na...naaa...." beneath this guys gleaming dark keen-eyed frame stared at me suspiciously for a long time, I couldn't stand it, so I had to look back and look elsewhere. To be honest, I almost slip of a smile (fortunately I was able to press my lips back on time) because look like a little kid trying to reconcile, ehh, soo cutee. This shitty person must have a lot of experience don't you think so? If it was a woman, hundreds of many will agree.

But it's a pity, this person is unfortunately ai'Fuse!

"Erm......let's go back, treat me to eat at Otoya* then." I cross my arm, put on airs just to be more superior until ai'Tee cry out in amazement.

"Can only think of eating." Oh! Suddenly his hand that was doing a pinky finger change to slap my head instead.

"Yeah, you can go where you want to go. I want to play in the water." Then I splash the water onto his face, he didn't say anything this time, just sweep the water off his face.

"Okay, okay, I treat you to Otoya, hehhe, anything else you want to eat?"

"Mr Jones!" Tee went silent for little when I answer back immediately, he stroke his chin back and forth pretend to be thinking.

"Alright, is there anymore? I know you wont be full enough." Idiot, this time its my turn to hit his head instead. "You think I'd be afraid of upsetting is that it, I was just kidding only, not need to treat me to long as you accompany to eat with me is enough...." /////// oh god, what satan, ghost possessed me to say something like that! How bold of me to say that last sentence!!? Finnish talking and start to get embarrassed, I can guess what my face is like now. It's really shameless to get home like this.

"No problem! Then...." he raised his pinky finger again, swinging it around. I willingly agree to hook my little finger around his, and ai'Tee let cried out happily yay! Swinging our hands three times like an immature little kid, haha...if its not ai'Tee, doing something like this is horrifying...

"But you have to promise me first that you won't joke like that again, I was really shocked" I smacked back his shoulders harshly this time, but it seems that looking at his joyful smile widely, doubt that I hit him hard enough, haa...

"Are you worried about me?"

"Not worried at all! Nonsense!"

"hehehe, so you are worried, hehhee..." ergh, I realllyyy hate your laugh!

We continued to play for more than an hour, and soon at noon, older sister came over and asked us to change clothes. (big sis expression seem odd when she saw us, it feels so awkward that I secretly feel like she sense something?) We all stop by a stall at the side of the road nearby a forest area. Since its nearby, added that we all are hungry, we finish the food in just ten minutes, hahaha.

Afterwards, dad took us on a drive to Palio Khao yai shopping center. (the group of ladies want to shop again, men like us as a result cannot go against them, even if we want to go to an adventure to places like Thongsoomboon club or Bonaza.

Palio is basically is a very large (not know how big is the farm) that has been establish as a walking street for shopping. The characteristics of the shops and walking path themed similarly to a ancient European style city with a classic Italian atmosphere. Certainly a beautiful scene to take as many pictures as before....but Tee and I are not interested in it because....Mom! Dad! We're so sleepyyyyy, two of us walking here and there like a zombie. Don't even have the mood to take pictures. although Along the way, Tee kept asking me if I want to take picture of me? I persistently shake my head to refuse even though I normally was obsessed with it. Get up in morning and lack of sleep, it really is exhausting to my body.

We sat at a coffee shop, while the ladies went shopping and Dad is buying the popcorn he likes, with a strange crisp sweets, durian crisp, apple crisp mix to keep it at home. (Good! I'll help him finish eating it, heheh...)


The sound of a notification rang up as a reminder from the yellow cover iphone on the table. I slurp down the coffee while glancing the screen....oo Line message from ai'Lookmoh. I picked up the phone and slide upward to see the details.


< Damn it Fuse!

<Go on vacation never tell your friend!


                                                                                                                                               How do you know???>

                                                                                                                                                Who tell you???>

My head tilt, confused while I type to ask him, recalled that have told no one. Didn't have time to talk to anyone about this, except Jean? But Jean never dealt with these people.


< ai'kwaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!

<you upload a picture of you and ai'Tee

< You are at Khao Yai

< think that I'm stupid or what!?

< tomorrow 555555555555 talk of the town. I see that ai'Fuse go on a honeymoon with ai'Tee, his wifey* 55555555555555555

(Note*the meaning is new husband but wifey suits too right especially if Mo says it. LOL)

Are you typing with your ass!?!? Full of evil deeds!! I shake my head and type to curse back at him until satisfied.  


                                                                                                                                               Wifey my ass!!>

                                                                            I came with my family and ai'Tee came along, that's all>


< then why didn't invite me?

< Meanie! Sobs


Very sudden, just that ai'Tee is at my home, so my older sister invite him along>


< heeeyyy, why is he at your home????????????

<?????????? cornered by ai'Mo again (I didn't reply until the screen darkened. What am I really hesitating, what is there to hide, and this guy is like a dog's nose Nothing can be stopped.) I still don't know how to reply, I take the opportunity to type and simply end the conversation.

Have to go, bye, see you tomorrow>

I press to switch off the screen and put the machine down in its place, only to find ai'Tee staring directly at me with a grin.

"What were you talking about with your friend? Just now you tilt your head like you saw a ghost, so funny looking." Heey.... did I really do that?

"Nothing at all. Ai'Mo was just being an abusive little shit. Just let it be."

"Oh, that teasing friend of yours again?" he said uninterestedly, he was busy scooping the strawberry crepe cake in the plate to eat spoonful, but then he suddenly hurried to pick up something from inside his pocket as if he forgot something important. What is it?

"Nearly forgot, I got something for you." Hmm??

"What is it? Let me see"

"Wait..." He swayed in front of my eyes quickly. I hadn't had time to see it. I just thought of two palm-sized things, a brown one and a dark yellow one. What does he want to do, let me guess what is it?

"Wait, not so fast yet"

"Let me see again, give me a chance..." This time Tee slowly slid his hand out, I stare at it which appear to be a...heeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! Yaaayyyy!!!! The keychain Rilakkuma Queen Bee Limited Edition 2014 from Japan that I wanted to get for a long time. How did you get it. I almost want to scream!!! (but I won't because it will not be elegant sight)

"I even bought two of it!"

"Where did you get it? This is a rare item, its not so easy to find!!!" I was at loss for words, I tried searching to buy all over the places for a month till my butt hurts! Check from every shop since they sell the first day because its truly a limited model. Only for those whose truly fans of Rilakuma like it and I'm a big fan of it!

"Last two piece sell from Japanese manga figurine shop behind that." Ohhhh such a secret place hidden in Palio!

"There's a brown and also yellow colour. You choose one" I touched the two excitedly, picking up the yellow one and comparing it with my mobile phone. Holding the delicate item softly, the details of it nose, mouth, lip, ear are perfect! It's the real thing!

"I knew you'd like it, haha"

"how do you know I like these?"

"It's very easy. This kind of thing usually knows when you pay attention. Your iphone cover, the wallpaper, facebook timeline is all Rilakkuma. In the bedroom also have soft toys and the pillowcase too. A little bit obsessive. Hehe. I was just passing by and buy it but didn't know that its so rare."

After listening to I just smiled widely, did not think that he pay attention to these small details of others like this. The keychain may be rare but his sincere is may be more rare...perhaps no one as good as him.... "I will hang it on this bag....see, its cute"

"Um..Tee...thank you"

I'm very touched : )

Eventually, the sunlight begun to change to deep orange the time to remind its time to leave. The five of us let the employee help take a picture of us before returning. (as soon as it had taken as many as ten different pose, I was worried it would bother the staff's work...) and then its's time to return to Bangkok. Dad drove the Ford car straight to Palio to the Mittraphap Highway and reach home at 5:00 pm. Not many can reach to Bangkok safety at this hour.

I glance at a smile on Tee's face, the sunlight from the car window, the shadows drop to beam the bridge of his nose. It was beautiful like oil painting.

I glanced at Tee. He smiled and looked out the window. Under the setting of the setting sun, the handsome side of the face seemed to be inlaid with a layer of gold.

.....I am a little stunned, perplexed perhaps. I don't go out often but just by being beside him, this was the best trip. (smiles). 

-End chapter 20-

Fun Fact Time!! while wait next weeks chapter

Chet Sao Noi Water Park: an actual place near Khao Yai. Chet Sao Noi means seven little girls, referring to number of tiers the waterfall has.

Otoya: a Japanese restaurant in Thailand. Many franchise there.

Palio shopping center/ Primo Piazza : it real place at Khao Yai. And really have an Italic village theme around the place. if i rememebr correctly, the italions took over thailand before or something like that, thats why they a lot of italic themes stuff there. There's a small farm over there too. I have been to Palio before but haven't seen the Japanese anime store they were talking about. its really beautiful place, search it up. it's used in some thai MVs. Like one of Getsunova's music video.

Thongsoomboon club: Adventure park.

*WEEEEEEE* ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノ

Mr. Jones: a sweets shop in thailand, yumm

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