Tachya's Story (Book 2)

By ItsLavender

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Tachya McGrath. Just like her father, she gains a special power called Turbo Energy. 34 years has passed sinc... More

Surreal Dream Plus New Turbo Modes
Old Bases And Backyard Fight
Meet Hyden Winter, An Orphan because of Extroyer
Return Of The Ultralinks, I Think
CaptainEmber And The Sexy Romeo, Josh
Breaking Free Only To Be Trapped Again
Dependent On Turbo Energy
The Mystery Girl, Tonya
Calm Before The Turbo Storm
Chapter 19: Family Origins
Chapter 20: Precious Like A Jewel
Chapter 21: Turbofiy The Darkness
Chapter 22: Almost Normal Summer
Chapter 24: Turbo Marathon
Chapter 25: Forever In Loop
Chapter 26: Forever With Turbo

Chapter 23: Not Saying Yet

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By ItsLavender

“Let’s go! Come on you slow pokes. Tachya, you usually have more energy than this.” Katy was whining at how slow we all were. I especially didn’t know why I felt so tired but, I got dragged out to the beach anyways. And since Dark Violet is gone, Makino wasn’t going to come again because of what Jewel told me.

“Dark Violet brought those ultralinks from another reality where your dad was still fighting them. She exaggerated to make everyone scared.” Jewel said. But I couldn’t help but also think about what Daron had said back in the Sweetstone shop. About how Dredd was trying to rebuild the Turbo Star and why my dad and Steel were cautious when I told them.

“Katy, not all of us are tired! I’m ready to kick your butts on the waves!” Brock shouted running past us all. That’s when I felt something familiar fly past me. Or rather, something that only felt familiar because it was bad. “Guys! Look out!” I yelled. Luckily, Jewel was by my side and I went into Turbo Speed and Clone mode to keep my friends safe.

The thing let itself float as I glared at it through my helmet. “I don’t remember that existing before. Could it be a new villain?” Katy asked. I held my arms out and each clone grabbed each other’s hands to block the thing from my friends. “Tachya McGrath.” It said.

I gasp but didn’t lower my guard. “I should have known I’d see you again so soon. Especially since you’re the reason why I’m in this state.” It continued. “Who are you?” I asked. It chuckles and a face appeared through it's wisps. “Is it any clearer than this? To gain back my power, I will be relying on my acquaintances to put UltraViolet in a state of weakness.” It said.

“That’s Dark Violet! Don’t listen to her Tachya.” Josh says in a whisper. My eyes widened and I tightened my grip on the clone's hands. “How long will it be here until UltraViolet is finally mine again, hm? Laizen and R.C. will meet her in due time. Laizen has also told me about some reality of this universe that contains a version of Tachyon Energy in a shade of magenta. Rev Energy.” Dark Violet says.

‘Rev Energy? Have you heard of that from Violet before?’ I asked Jewel. “No. And I don’t think she would even know of it if I asked her. Besides, she’s taking care of Alyssa right now. I highly doubt she’ll have time for questions.” Jewel says in my head.

“What’s the point of you telling us this? We’ve already stopped you.” I said. “Because you haven’t seen me at my full potential. And you won’t get to witness that for a while. I believe when you meet a girl named Lacy, will you think back to now. Miles Dredd rebuilding the Turbo Star is impossible but, you all are so persistent and he’s nearly finished it. I hope you all are still around when I return.” Dark Violet says.

We all watched as she disappeared like mist. I gritted my teeth knowing all of this now. And I wasn’t about to tell N-Tek or my dad about it. Not yet, anyways.

“Tachya? Earth to Tachya, wake up before we throw you into the water!” Katy says. I blinked my eyes and realized that Jewel returned my swimsuit clothes. I held my head in my hands to think about what happened. “Maybe we should take her to N-Tek. They need to know about this.” Hyden says. “No, they don’t. We don’t tell anyone about this after what happened a few days ago. This stays between us until the time is right. Am I clear?” I asked suddenly.

My friends looked at me weird but they all nodded. Except for Josh. “We need to tell them. Especially what my father is doing right now! We’re protecting millions of people if we tell N-Tek what happened. Tachya please. You know this.” He says. “But we shouldn’t sorry everyone so soon when Dark Violet was still in Alyssa’s body. We can wait to tell them.” I said. Josh sighs and I realized what he was about to do.

He chuckles and looks to me. “If you won’t tell them yourself, then I’ll do it. And you can’t stop me.” He says. For him to act like that, makes me think back to before we became friends. When he was still working for Dredd. I frowned and he took off. I run after him and everyone else followed behind.

“Josh! Come on! Please!” I yelled while running. But, he just kept going. What I didn’t realize, was that he wasn’t heading towards the direction of N-Tek. But rather, the sounds of people screaming in terror.

When I finally caught up to him, I saw Dredd holding and object and my dad was already fighting him. “Just give it up Dredd. There’s no point in using the Turbo Star if you don’t have Turbo Energy to power it.” He says. “And you need an ultralink too!” Steel says.

“I told you. We should’ve told them sooner. You haven’t been yourself since Dark Violet showed up as that smoke-wisp thing.” Josh says. “Quit your gloating. We need to help my dad.” I said. Jewel put her hand on my shoulder and I turned my head to face her. “I know you care about your dad but, going in is too dangerous. He can handle himself.” Jewel says.

“I’m not going to leave my dad behind. He needs help and we’re here watching him get beat up.” I said. “If you go in, then my father will try to take you. Whether its as a bargaining hostage or to take your Turbo Energy, its not safe.” Josh says. I huffed in annoyance but thought about it. “Fine. We’ll go back to N-Tek where its safe.” I said.

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