Every Story is a Love Story

By elphiegranger2508

656 34 54

Two-shot. Musicalverse (post-musical) Elphaba and Fiyero are finally together, fleeing Oz for good. The separ... More

A Few Notes
Broken Promises

Promises Kept

221 13 36
By elphiegranger2508

It had been four years since Fiyero had left Elphaba. Tam was growing up fast, and Elphaba couldn't be happier. Her daughter's hair was a very dark blond, no doubt, but it was still brown enough that she could call it so. Despite being an almost exact facsimile of her mother, by some strange coincidence, Tam seemed to have inherited Glinda's bubbly spirit and perkiness. Elphaba found herself filling in the void in her life by bonding with her daughter. When her daughter was around, Elphaba could not bear to let her loneliness take over. Tam was her world now, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

Crisanta had moved out, back to the village. She had done it of her own free will, of course, but it had still hurt. But Elphaba would sometimes go to the village to see her(with her daughter in tow, of course), and she enjoyed having someone to bond with. She found herself forgetting about Fiyero as time went on. But there was one person she still pined for.

She wished Glinda could be there with her. Even if just to see how much Tam resembled her, even if she wasn't biologically related to Glinda in any way. She knew Glinda would find it amusing.

But, most of all, she wanted real company. Glinda had given her that years ago, and somehow, Elphaba only ever felt really comfortable around her. She hadn't wanted Fiyero to run off with her, for she knew it would have made Glinda unhappy. And Oz knows, she was already unhappy enough.

Despite being polar opposites, she had been closer to Glinda than to anyone else. They had somehow clicked, and that had made Elphaba realise that it was always supposed to be the two of them.

Which was why she regretted letting Glinda stay back when she herself joined the fight against the Wizard. She regretted taunting her on the cornfield the day Nessa was killed. She regretted the fact that she had listened to Fiyero and not gone back to tell Glinda that she was still alive.

She watched as her daughter played about with the children in the Animal village. She felt as though she was in a comfortable space whenever she went there. They all knew the story of what had happened with her and Fiyero, and they all reckoned she had done the right thing. They didn't judge her for being a single mother. They respected her more than Fiyero ever had, and among them, she felt a real sense of compassion and understanding.

"Momsie! Over here!"

Elphaba was jolted from her thoughts as she saw her five-year-old daughter run towards her. She called our, "Yes sweetie, I'm right here!"

Tam flopped into her lap and said, with a dramatic sigh, "Oh, Momsie, I'm so tired!"

Just like Glinda, Elphaba thought to herself. But she smiled and said, "So, what do you want me to do?"

"I don't know."

"Hmm...how about we have some ice-cream before we go home?"

"Yes, please!"

It was at those times that Elphaba was grateful that she actually had a job. Sure, it wasn't much- just a teaching gig at the village school- but it was better than nothing. Atleast it had given her some insight into how a child's mind worked, and it was helping her with her daughter. Because, honestly, Tam was a hyperactive little chatterbox who just couldn't sit still. Elphaba obviously loved her to bits. As they came out of the ice-cream parlour, Tam kept on chattering non-stop about her Animal friends, school and whatever else she could think of. Elphaba was more determined than ever- she would never let her daughter feel the absence of a father in her life. It was gruelling to fill both roles, but, truth be told, she enjoyed those challenges.
It was a dark, stormy night. Rain cloaked the world in thick sheets. No one would dare to be outside in such weather. Most people would remain sheltered in their home, by their warm hearths.

Except for one person- Glinda Upland, formerly Glinda the Good, the ruler of Oz. She had voluntarily stepped down a few months ago, and since then she had travelled the length and breadth of Oz, watching the progress of Animal Rehabilitation programs and such. She felt as if she would finally have made Elphie proud of her. If only she could have known how much Glinda had loved her.

Glinda found herself in an isolated area near the border. She knew the nearest village was at least a few miles away. But she trudged on. She would mentally flinch whenever she heard the thunder strike. She found herself wishing for Elphaba to be alive, and to be with her again.

She looked around. The path was empty. It scared her. Her carriage had broken down quite some time ago, and she wasn't sure when she would be able to go back. If she even had a back to go to. As she walked on, she saw a small cottage. There was a candle burning in the window- that gave her hope.

As she approached the cottage, she could discern a faint sound of someone- most likely a woman- singing:

"And here I am in this room again
Just as lost and small
That lonely girl with a desperate heart
Is who I am after all
There's no escaping her
But now the dream is gone
Because I spent a lifetime
Counting on true love
True love

I was looking for a fairytale
And dove headfirst into his
Turns out you can't find love
If you don't know what it is..."

Somehow, the voice sounded familiar to her. It had the same warm, rich tone as that of the woman she had loved so long ago. She felt a faint flicker of hope in her heart as she knocked on the door.

The door opened. Glinda gasped as if she had seen a ghost. For, standing in front of her was the very person she had thought to be dead for the last five years.

But she looked so different! There was a sad, but almost motherly softness in her eyes that contrasted beautifully with the fire in them. Her angles had softened slightly. But the biggest change was her hair. Short hair would be the last thing Glinda would have expected to see on her Elphie. And yet, now...her hair was in short, shaggy layers that just brushed her collarbone (had she recently had it trimmed?). It framed her face and magnified those amazing features of hers such that it made Glinda's heart leap. Those beautiful dark eyes went slightly wide and unfocussed as she said, softly, "Glinda?"

"Oh, Elphie, I can't believe this...how could you not tell me you were alive? How could you leave me all alone like that? Why?"

Elphaba smiled sadly. Glinda was relieved to note that at least her smile was still the same. She said, "You'd better come on in. The weather's terrible out there."

Glinda came in as she took off her cloak. Elphaba was still with her. Glinda felt a flutter in her chest. It was not just from the novelty of seeing her again, but also the strange charisma Elphaba possessed, which had always put Glinda in the shade. Also there was that unknown thrill which made Glinda shy, and caused her to rush her words, and to speak in a false high voice like an adolescent. How quickly you could be thrown back to the terrible uncertainty of your youth!

But then, she wasn't that old- not even thirty. But Elphaba's maturity somehow made her feel like a child again. Just as she was thinking that, though, there was a loud thunderclap outside. Glinda squealed and grasped Elphaba in a hug. Elphaba stroked Glinda's back as she whispered,"Some things never change, do they, my sweet?"

They would have stayed in that position forever had there not been a voice that called out,"Momsie! Help me!"

The loud, childish squeal jolted Elphaba from the moment she had been having with her oldest friend. She shouted back, "Yes, sweetie, I'm coming!"

As Elphaba ran in, Glinda followed her. She saw Elphaba settle down on the couch and take a tiny girl with long, curly brownish-blond hair and skin just as green as her own in her lap. She rocked the child back and forth, whispering to her. It reminded Glinda of all those times in their dorm room or even in the Emerald City, when there had been storms and Elphie had comforted her. She put her arm over Elphie's shoulder, and somehow everything seemed to fall into place. As the little girl drifted off to sleep, Glinda asked Elphaba, "Who's the father?"

The look on Elphaba's face pretty much answered her question. It hinted at wistfulness and hatred at the same time. Honestly, Glinda had never seen anyone else who could tell whole stories without words, just with expressions and eyes, as well as Elphie could. It was one of the traits that Glinda had fallen in love with. Glinda said, gently, "Oh, I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. Getting rid of that scumbag was for the best. Besides, Tam was the only good thing that came out of our relationship."


"Yes. She was the only reason I had left to live."


"Until you found me."

"Oh Elphie, why didn't you ever tell me that you were alive?"

"I wanted to, but..."

"I would've come to you, I swear!"

"I didn't want that to happen, my sweet. You could do so much if you stayed where you were. But I did want to tell you the truth."

"What did you see in me, Elphie? Why did you put so much faith in me when no one took me seriously?"

"My sweet, you have a way of getting things done that I haven't seen in anyone else. Not even myself. When I heard-from the Animals in the village- that you had succeeded in lifting the Banns and giving them their jobs back, I was over the moon. But then you stepped down..."

"I did what I could, Elphie. If I could make our troubles disappear with just a flick of my wand, believe me, I would have done exactly that. But changing the way people think is harder. They have regarded the Animals as lower beings and as the cause of their troubles for so long, it was hard to push for assimilation. No matter how hard I tried, nothing seemed to work. I felt so useless, just like a-"

"Like a wingless bird in a gilded cage?"

"Yes, exactly. It was so much better to just let go and break free from the cage. To stay in close contact with those whose rights I wanted to work for."

"That's just what I did. And look where that got me."

"Elphie, that was all the Wizard and Morrible. Not you. You could never be as evil as they painted you to be."

"You never believed them?"

"I never could. Elphie, they didn't know you like I did. You always felt for people. You would never kill to make a point. You were passionate, fiery and you didn't give a twig about what people thought. You intrigued me, and I admired you so much. I love you, Elphie."

"Wait, what?"

"What? I really do. In that way."

"Oh. Wow."


"I'm speechless."

"I like that."

"Thanks. By the way, I think we were both equally oblivious of one thing."

"And that is?"

"You never realised you loved me. Until it was too late. And I didn't realise that I felt the same way about you as well. It took me ever so long to understand that...but I love you, Glinda. I really do."

"Do you really mean it?"

"Yes, my sweet. You're the only person I've ever truly loved. Besides my daughter of course."

"You know, she looks awfully like you."

"And yet her personality is like an exact copy of yours. As she grew, I realised that she sort of brought you back into my life, and I loved her all the more for it."

"Let me share that feeling."

"Of course. I'll introduce you two tomorrow morning. We'd better get to sleep. I have work to do."

"Okay. Goodnight, Elphie."

"Goodnight, my sweet," Elphaba said, kissing Glinda softly on the cheek.

Tam awoke the next morning and walked down to the kitchen, only to see a blonde woman she didn't know lying down on the sofa with her head in her momsie's lap. She felt green with jealousy. But she said brightly, "Good morning, Momsie!"

"So, what does my little princess want this morning?"

"Little princess,huh?" The other woman muttered, which made her momsie laugh and say, "She is. Now shut up, my sweet."

"Momsie?" she said again, announcing her presence once again.

"Yes, darling?"

"Who is she? Do you know her?"

"She is my best friend. Her name is Glinda. I'm sure she won't mind if you call her Auntie though."

Tam bounced as she said, " Hi, auntie!"

Glinda looked at her and smiled before saying, "Hey kid."

Tam huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, saying," I'm not a kid! I'm five years old."

"Okay, okay, calm down. What's your name?"

"I'm Tam. Do you love my Momsie?"

"I love her a lot."

"That's not a good answer. How much?"

"She is my world. I would give up everything for her."

"Oh, eew."

"Do you love your Momsie?"

"Yes! She is the absolute bestest Momsie in the whole universe!"

"I agree."

"So, friends?"

"Of course!" Glinda said, with a soft squeal that made Tam laugh before she bounded off to get ready. Glinda turned to Elphaba and sighed, "Yeah, you were right. She really is too much like me. I love her!"

"And she seemed quite willing to share me with you. So that's one hurdle down."

"Hurdle? What do you mean?"

"You'll see."

"Aw, I hate surprises."

"You'll love this one."

"Ooh, how much longer?"

"Not much."

Glinda hugged Elphaba once again. Elphaba hugged her back and ran her hands through her curls. It felt like old times, and yet it wasn't. Elphaba disengaged from the hug as Tam ran back out and the two of them left, leaving Glinda alone.

On her part, Glinda decided to get some chores done around the house. Just to give Elphie a nice little surprise. As she was cleaning out their belongings, Glinda's eyes fell upon a little velvet box. She knew what it was: the engagement ring that had been designated for her engagement to Fiyero. Pink gold in a shape similar to two vines twining around each other, with green stones that looked like leaves framing a single pink diamond as the centrepiece. She didn't want to think of Fiyero. But the ring made her think of a different idea. One concerning herself and the girl she was in love with. But it was just a passing fantasy, perhaps. They could never be together, could they?

As she put it back, she heard Tam blabbering nonstop to Elphie. She mentioned something about a pretty gift which made Glinda curious. For all her status, Glinda still hadn't lost her love for gifts.

She hurriedly closed her bag as Elphaba walked into the room. Elphaba hugged her and said, "Hello, my sweet. Did you miss me?"

"Of course I did. When did I not miss you?"

"Can I just say something crazy?"


"My sweet, it's been so long. I wasn't sure if your feelings towards me had changed, but last night, you confirmed that it was still the same. You're my original little princess. When you came back, you reminded me, without meaning to, of course, of the little marriage pact we had made while we were still at Shiz. Well, my sweet, it's time we acted upon it. Do you want to be mine for the rest of my life?"

Glinda gasped as she realised that Elphaba had gone down on one knee before her. Elphaba had apprehension in her eyes. Glinda just said, "Can I say something crazier? Yes!"

She slid her hand into Elphaba's, and Elphaba slipped a ring onto her finger. It was an almost exact copy of the ring meant for Glinda and Fiyero's engagement, except the stone was a darker pink, the leaves had light blue jewels and the base metal was green. Glinda smiled and said, "Well, looks like pink still goes good with green."

Elphaba laughed as Glinda rummaged in her bag and took out another little velvet box. She slid the ring around Elphaba's finger, admiring the effect of the pink gold against the green. Elphaba said, "Well, took you long enough."

"I could say the same for you."

They kissed each other softly on the lips. As they broke apart, Glinda whispered, "You know, we have to tell Tam."

"Yeah, that shouldn't be too hard."

The two of them walked out hand in hand. Tam was lying down on her stomach, on the couch, reading. Elphaba cleared her throat, and Tam sat up and said, "Yes, Momsie?"

"I...we need to talk to you."


She snuggled into Elphaba's lap. Elphaba explained, gently, "Sweetie, you remember all those stories I told you at bedtime? I...well, I am close to my own happy ending now, but I need your permission."

"What for, Momsie?"

"I want to get married to Glinda."

"Ooh, so she'll also be my mommy?"

"Well, yeah, I guess?"

"Yay! I love Auntie Glinda!"

"Don't steal her from me, okay?"

"Oh no, momsie, I won't. But momsie..."

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Auntie Glinda won't leave you like Father did, will she?"

"Why don't you ask her yourself?"


Tam jumped off her lap and scampered towards Glinda. As Glinda kneeled down in front of her, she said seriously, "Auntie, momsie told me that my father left her when I was a baby. I don't want my momsie to be sad and alone again. Will you ever leave her like he did?"

"No, darling," Glinda said, soothingly. "I'll never leave your momsie. She is the only person I've ever really loved. Besides, your father was a lying, cheating scumbag who didn't deserve someone as beautiful and amazifying as your momsie."

"So you'll never leave her?"

"No. I'll stay with her. Always."

"Pinky promise?"

"Yes, sure,"Glinda said, smiling as she entwined her pinky with Tam's. Tam squealed with delight and tackled Glinda in a hug, which made her exclaim, "You wicked little elf!"

She hugged the little girl back and mussed up her hair, which made her let go of Glinda and pout. Glinda found herself laughing as she looked at Elphaba, whose eyes were dancing with barely-concealed amusement. Their dreams were finally coming true, and their story was finally going to have a happy ending.
It was finally the day if their wedding. It was to be a small ceremony, in the village courthouse (Elphaba still steadfastly avoided chapels), with just a few witnesses. Glinda looked at herself in the mirror one last time. In her mind, she looked beautiful in a light pink wedding dress with blue lace and flowers in her hair. She fingered her engagement ring before she headed out.

She met Elphaba at the entrance to the courthouse. If she was pretty, Elphaba, in her eyes, looked ravishing in navy blue and black lace, with a fascinator perched in her hair. They held each other's hands as Tam came bounding towards them in a puffy pink and green dress with flowers embroidered down the front and a basket of flowers in her hand. The old Rhino newsagent was officiating the ceremony. Elphaba and Glinda looked deeply into each other's eyes. Glinda untied her hair ribbon,which was where they had written their vows, and read,
"Before we met my ideas about what a relationship could be were so limited and unimaginative in comparison to what we have together. At that time, I was so innocent and ignorant that I judged you by what I saw you on the outside, and loathed you for it. I didn't know there could be such a rainbow of happiness and that someone could know and love me as intimately and completely as you do."

Elphaba smiled as she added, "The years we spent together have been the most beautiful of my life. Years where I laughed more than ever, grown and learnt more than ever, and where I felt freer than ever to be myself."

"I want to thank you for choosing me to be your person. And for your constant and unwavering belief in me. You were so patient with me and it felt like you would have fought for me forever. But thankfully you didn't have to, and what would easily have torn other people apart only made us more resilient and closer than ever."

Elphaba took a deep breath and said, "I like to view it as the core of our tree growing stronger. Time and experiences making the bark tougher, weather leaving grooves in the trunk and the leaves of our relationship stretching out into bloom. We saw every side of each other during that time and for me it only confirmed what I'd thought since we first became friends - that you are my home."

Glinda held back tears as she continued, "Since then almost everything about our lives has changed except how much we want to be with each other. You're still such a remarkable person to me. You're an incredible mix of kick ass and compassionate. Someone who makes big things happen, who always leaves an impression, who has the answers and who makes the people around you feel stronger. You're never ever boring. You care intensely about the people that you love and the things you believe in, and you're not afraid to stand up for them, often at cost to yourself. I deeply respect and admire you for that and I continue to look at you the way I did when we first met - like you are magnificent. And just like then, I still just want to be around you, to hear what you think about things. To ask you questions and tell you what I think. Because you make me feel like everything I think matters. Like everything I do is the best thing ever. And like I can do anything with you by my side, but that I don't have to if I don't want to. I want to make you feel like that, and I promise that's something I'll always try to do. I also promise to cheer you on, like you do for me, to be in your corner, as you are for me. And just as you help me to feel like I am enough, I promise to show you that you are never too much."

" My sweet, there was a time when I wished we could be unlimited together. And now, when that wish is so close to fruition, I'd just like to say one last thing: As your wife I will continue appreciate all of you, because everything you are deserves love and attention. I will listen to and believe in your ideas, because I know you have so many great ones. I will support your dreams, because they are mine dreams too. And will I chose you over and over again to be my partner, my future, my equal and my world. I love you."

"Oh, Elphie, I love you too. For being the strong, independent person that you've always been. And it shows even more now. I will love and cherish you for the rest of our life together. But, before we finish, I would like to call your daughter here."

Tam scampered up, and Glinda laid her hands on the little girl's shoulders as she said, "Sweetie, I know you and your mother have been all in all to one another these last five years. I just want you to know that I love and admire your mother for who she is. And I admire her even more now. Always be proud of her. I love you for standing by her and giving her hope in her darkest hour I hope you won't consider my presence as an intrusion into your relationship with your mother. Tamannah Nessarose Thropp, do you accept me as a part of your family? Of your little world?"

"Yes, Auntie, I do," Tam said, conviction in every word. Elphaba looked suspiciously misty-eyed as she hugged her daughter. As she stood up and looked into Glinda's eyes again, the old Rhino said,
"Do you, Miss Elphaba Melena Thropp, take Miss Glinda Arduenna Upland as your wife? To protect, cherish and nurture forever? In sickness and health, joy and sorrow, and through all of eternity."

"I do," Elphaba said, her voice thick with unshed tears.

"Do you, Miss Glinda Arduenna Upland, take Miss Elphaba Melena Thropp as your wife? To protect, cherish and nurture forever? In sickness and health, joy and sorrow, and through all of eternity."

"I do," Glinda said, her voice laced with an intense determination as they exchanged rings. Tam stepped up and tied their already entwined hands together with the ribbon.

The old Rhino coughed and said, "By the power vested in me,I hereby pronounce you woman and wife. You may now commence the exchange of saliva."

Elphaba chuckled as her lips met Glinda's, endless, pure and passionate love surging through the kiss they had dreamt of for years.
Eleven years had passed since Elphaba and Glinda had been married. Elphaba still kept her hair short, at Glinda's insistence "You can toss it better this way. And I love it. So don't you dare grow it out!" Glinda had said, and, as always, Elphaba knew that she couldn't deny Glinda this small request. Their love only seemed to have grown stronger, proof that true love could stand the test of time. The Animals in the village considered the two of them as an inspiration- a real "power couple".

Tam was sixteen now. She retained the perky innocence that had characterized her as a young child, but now it was evident that she was just as much a spitfire as her mother. And that her magic was just as strong. She was popular among the boys, but they knew better than to mess with her. Honestly, Elphaba and Glinda couldn't be any prouder of their daughter.

Their daughter. That statement seemed to fit so much better than calling her Elphaba and Fiyero's daughter. Glinda found it amusing that, despite the lack of any blood relation, Tam's was an almost exact duplicate of hers. And she was blonde. Well, Elphaba insisted that she was almost a brunette, but Glinda still regarded her as a blonde. And a very intelligent and sarcastic one, too.

One fine afternoon, Tam bounced into her parents' room after school and said, "Momsie, Auntie Glin, I want to go to University."

Elphaba smiled as she remembered her own pre-university days. She had applied in Nessa's name so that she could go, for her father would obviously not let her go on her own. She might have been sent as a mere chaperone for Nessa, but at least it was better than nothing. If anything, it had given her the two best things of her life- her daughter (indirectly of course), and her wife. But she was still worried. She said, "Hmm, we'll have to make some arrangements. Let me talk to Glinda. We'll tell you."

"Okay, momsie," she said, walking out of the room. Elphaba locked the door. Glinda could immediately sense her worry. She laid a reassuring hand on Elphaba's shoulder and said, "Elphie, all of Oz doesn't know the Wicked Witch's real name. She can still be a Thropp."

"Glin, everyone knows that Governor Thropp's daughters were the two Wicked Witches. And then her skin is a dead giveaway- don't deny it. If she goes as she is-"

"Oh come on, Elphie, it's not that hard. She can always go as a distant cousin on my mother's side, and it will be believable as well. She looks almost Gillikinese. And as for her skin, there is a masking spell that you can amplify with a permanence charm. So she'll have an absolutely normal colouring to anyone outside of her family."

"Yes, my sweet, I know of the masking spell. But can we make it work? Also will she be willing? She's old enough to take her own decisions, you know."

"And she still listens to you. Elphie, you're one lucky momsie. When I was sixteen, I never listened to mine. I actually came to Shiz against my parents' wishes."

"Alright. I guess she can go. Let's tell her."

Elphaba opened the door and motioned to her daughter to come inside. As she sat down, Glinda took a deep breath and said, "Sweetie, you momsie and I have decided that we'll let you go. But there are a couple of things that need to be taken care of first."

"Like what?" Tam asked.

"Sweetie, did I ever tell you that everyone in Oz thinks I am an evil person?" Elphaba asked.

"But momsie, you're not-"

"Shh. It's what they think, sweetie. They've been brainwashed. And-"

"And your idiot momsie forced me to promise not to clear her name," Glinda said, nudging Elphaba in the side with her elbow. "So even if I could have convinced them, I couldn't do it after all."

"Glin, be serious."

"Okay, Elphie, don't get your panties in a wad. So Tam, darling, your momsie and I have decided that, if you really want to go, you'll have to go as one of my relations. And that I'll have to do a magic spell to hide your colouring in such a way that only the three of us will know your true appearance."

"There's a spell for that?" Tam asked, shocked.

"Yes, there is. And I don't mean to brag, but both your momsie and i have pretty strong magic. So between us, we can pull it off. That is if you agree to it."

"Okay, Auntie Glin. Do what you have to. I really want to go. But let me choose what fake name I want to take up."

"Okay, sweetie," Elphaba said. All we know is that you'll be going as an Arduenna. As a cousin of Glinda's. So you'll only have to choose a first name."

"Oh, I already have one. What about Talia?"

"As in what your preschool teacher accidentally called you?"

"Yes momsie."

"What do you say, Glin?"

"Sounds perfect," Glinda said, with a smile. "Now for the spell."

Some time later, Glinda and Elphaba were leafing through a spell book on disguises that Glinda had borrowed from the village library. When they had found the spell they were looking for, Elphaba took a deep breath and focussed on her powers. The two of them chanted in unison, feeling their magical energies merge.

Tam felt a peculiar tingling spread over her body. She steeled herself. Once the tingling had subsided, she allowed herself to look at her own reflection in the mirror opposite. What she saw surprised her.

She saw a beautiful young woman with wild brownish-blond curls, a perfect pale complexion and green eyes. But, within moments, she saw herself again. Elphaba joined her and explained, "Auntie Glin and I managed the spell so that you can see yourself as you are. As can the two of us. Everyone else will see you the way you first saw your reflection. Only those who know your innermost self will see you as you are. And who knows, maybe you will find that one friend who sees your true self when no-one else can."

"Yes, momsie."

"Get ready for a new epoch of your life, Miss Talia Arduenna. Go, find the pink to your green."
Elphaba was over the moon. Her daughter's Shiz application had been accepted. But she felt sad as well. Her daughter was moving away after all. She hasn't dreamt she would feel so deeply attached to her own child. Tam- sorry, Talia, to give her new name- was now all grown up, an independent woman who was living the dream Elphaba herself had had years ago.

Talia was running through the house, more excitable than usual. Even Glinda couldn't keep up with her energy. As she was dragging out one of her suitcases, however, a carriage passed by at high speed, almost knocking her over.

Fiyero woke up inside the carriage. He felt it hit something. As he rushed out, he saw a young girl with a heavy trunk. She looked vaguely familiar. He bowed and asked, "Do you need help?"

"No, thanks. I've got this."

Fiyero had only been rebuffed like this once before. So, naturally, he wasn't used to it. And it didn't help that his first refusal had come from the woman he missed the most. He heard someone call out, "Talia! Who is it?"

"I don't know, momsie," the girl- Talia, if he had the name right- shouted back. Talia mother came out with more baggage in her hands, and the sight of her made Fiyero's heart leap.

For it was her. Elphaba. The sight of her took his breath away. Especially the way her now short hair drew attention to the eyes he had fallen for.

"Wow, Fae...you actually look hot."

"Fiyero, this compliment game isn't going to get you anywhere with me. Leave it."

"So is Talia our daughter?"

"She was never yours to begin with, Fiyero. You never cared for her. All you cared about was making love. And when I couldn't give you that pleasure, you sought it elsewhere."

Talia narrowed her eyes and asked, "Wait, momsie, you two know each other?"

"Yes," Elphaba replied, glaring at Fiyero. "He is your father. But Talia, we don't need him anymore, do we?"

"I don't think so," Talia said, with a smirk that resembled Elphaba's.

Fiyero attempted to take Elphaba's hand in his, only to draw back when Elphaba smacked him hard across the face. The message was clear: Elphaba didn't want him around her or her family. At all. But he was still going to try.

"Wait a minute," Fiyero asked, just as Elphaba was leaving. "Fae, are you married?"

"Oh, I am married. Just not to a man," Elphaba said, shrugging her shoulders as she turned her back on Fiyero.
Okay, so I really did enjoy writing this. And not just the Gelphie part. The ending scene gave me a real sadistic pleasure. Oh, how I love hurting Fiyero. Hope you loved this!
(The song is 'True Love' from Frozen on Broadway)

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