Cat Flash?

By Typical-Loser

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Wally West life was decently normal. That was until he was turned into a half cat half human hybrid. What's a... More

Simple? Never.
New Acquaintance
First Time
Finally Home
New School?
New Lover?
New Me
A Good Laugh
Auntie Harley and Auntie Ivy
Momma Cat
Just a Friend: Part 1
Just a Friend: Part 2
Are You Kidding Me!?
Let's Get This Party Started
Bet: Part 1
Kiss Kiss
Bet: Part 2
'm Sick
The Names We're Called
Was Lost, But Now Found
Tick Tock
A Cat? A Flash?
Alternate Ending
Another Alternate Ending

Can I Have This Dance?

95 4 3
By Typical-Loser

The team were all in position, Roy was near the drinks, M'gann and Conner were dancing, and Dick was talking to other rich folks, while Artemis and Aqualad were outside on either side of the building. Keeping an eye out for anybody sneaking in. 

'Have you guys spotted anything?' Spoke Robin through the mind link.

'No..' Artemis answered impatiently, 'are you sure anyone is even coming?'

'That is what we are here for,' reminded Aqualad.

'Guys... I have eyes on Catwoman.' Roy spoke up, albeit a bit distracted.

'Catwoman?' Spoke Dick alarmed, 'that means Catboy is here.'

'Well, there is a young boy with red and black hair dancing beside us with black cat ears in place.' M'gann informed, keeping an eye on the boy who she noticed kept glancing at them. 'I think he recognizes us.'

'Try and keep him there. I'm on my way," growled Dick through the mind link, 'Roy?'

'Busy.' Was the only response, before he cut the link.

'Wonder what he's doing?' Scoffed Artemis.

'M'gann where are y- found Catboy.' He spoke with dismay.

'I didn't even hear him leave,' Conner spoke up for the first time. 'Where is he?'

'Right in front of me,' He said before cutting himself out of the link.

"Hello?" Dick spoke with fake politeness, "and you are?"
"Can't say.. I'm wearing a mask for a reason," he said with a small smile, pointing at the mask.
He bows a bit, extending his hand, "can I have this dance?"

*20 minutes earlier*

Selina parks the car, stepping out, Wally following suit.
"See we're not late," he spoke with pride.
"The party started an hour ago," she growled out to him playfully.
"Exactly! Not late."
He walks up to the place like he owned it before stopping.

Not stopping because he was scared, but because of the sweet smell of food making his mouth water.
"I smell the food!" he exclaimed, grabbing Selina's arm and dragging them in.
She giggled, but let herself be dragged.
They stopped near the drinks, Selina going over the plan to Wally who stuffed his face.

They didn't notice the redhead walking up to them.
"May I have this dance?" Selina turned around in shock, staring into blue eyes.
Wally choked on his food, noticing the other redhead.
"Roy..." He whispered out.

He glances at him, giving a soft, "Hey Wally," before turning back to Selina.
"Well..?" He extends his hand out, Selina glancing at it briefly before accepting it.
"Of course, Red." She smirks at the shock that passes his face before a scowl replaced it.
Gripping her hand, he dragged her away into the crowd.

Wally paced, a bit worried, before bumping into another young boy. "Sorry," he instantly apologized.
He looks up and is met with a familiar face.
"Brian?" He questioned.
Said boy turned and checked him from head to toe. "Do I know you?"
Wally instantly answered, "it's me, Wally."

*With Selina and Roy*

"Tell me, Speedy," Roy growled at the name, "why did you drag me away from my Kitten? Couldn't wait to get me all to yourself now could you?"
He growled once more before speaking, "I came to talk about Wally."

She stiffened before narrowing her eyes, "what about him? He's not going back there where he'll just get hurt more."
"I didn't come to bring him back. He's happy with you no matter how much I hate the idea." He hurried to confess. "What I want to talk about is his nightly activities."
She stared before deflating a bit, "I know..."
"You know?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"I know it's not healthy for him. Trust me I do. I don't want him to end up in this life. I admit, at first I was just using him because he had no control. But then I fell in love with my little Kitten. Took him in.. He deserves a better life than this. Harley said that he's just acting out against you all and should get over it soon, but I don't know.." Once finished she had tears in her eyes. "He's made me an emotional Momma Cat that's for sure."

He chuckled at her words before sobering up, "why don't you just talk to him about it. He's not some villain-"
"But he's put it in his mind that he's not a hero either."
A silence falls between them.
"I just want my Kitten safe, Roy..."

*With Wally and Brian*

The moment the words left his lips Brian started laughing his head off.
"Dude! What's up with the cat ears?"
Wally's face burned red, "shut up.. My mom made me wear them."
That just caused him to laugh even harder.
Wally looked around noticing something amiss.
"Where's Jake?"

Brian instantly shut up, going into a sulk instead. He points over towards a boy flirting with any girl possible. "Since the mask covers his face he said it gave him confidence. So now he's out and about flirting with everyone."
"Everyone but you," Wally pointed out with a knowing look.
Brian's face lit up like a Christmas tree, instantly denying what Wally was suggesting.

He sighed to himself before grabbing Brian's hand, causing Brian to snap his mouth shut.
They walked passed Jake and the other girls, Jake's attention instantly going to them and glaring. Wally catches his eyes and smirks before placing his hands on the other's hips and Brian placing his hands around Wally's neck.
Both swaying slowly.
"What are you doing?" He hissed out in fear.

"Making lover boy over there jealous," Wally stated like it explained everything.
Brian groaned, throwing his head back before making eye contact with Jake and looking away with a blush. Wally twirled them around to get a look but instead, a grumpy brunette and a smiling redhead caught his attention.
His eyes widen at the sight of his two ex-teammates.

He instantly looked away before they noticed him staring, but couldn't help but to glance that way every few seconds.
When he finally glances in Jake's direction he sees him heading towards them.
Wally, without a final goodbye, detached himself from Brian and walked off. He gave a smile when he saw Jake take his place and Brian blushing.

He turns back around and sees two beautiful, two familiar blue eyes.
He stops, before heading over without a second thought.
Like he was in a trance.
He was soon in front of the boy, who looked up in fake surprise before putting on a charming smile.

"Hello?" He asked, "and you are?"
Wally freezes, before his mind comes up with a quick response, pointing to his mask. "Can't say.. I'm wearing a mask for a reason."
He extends his hand with a nervous smile and bows, "can I have this dance?"

Dick was actually surprised by the genuine question. He took notice of the other's scared and bashful expression.
He feels bad for what he's about to do, but why should he?
"I-I'm sorry.. I don't dance with guys.. I'm not-" "What do you have to lose?" He spoke up from in front of him, inches closer than what he was before.

"We're both wearing masks. No one knows who we are. So what do you have to lose? Live a little," he gives a boyish smile down to the shorter boy. His heart beating fast while he kept his hand extended. "Come on~ I know you want to~."

Dick sighs before straightening out, a smirk on his lips now. "How do I know you're not some kind of kidnapper?"
The other chuckles before responding, "wouldn't you need to be worth something?... Are you worth something? I mean, I'm not a kidnapper or anything! Come to think of it your eyes do look familiar. I-"

He giggles, giggles! Before looking at the stunned and dazed boy.
"You really don't recognize me?" He questioned a bit startled.
Wally gives him a confused look, playing along, "should I?"
It's silent for a moment before Dick looks back up, "nope.. Now, about that dance?"

Wally's smile could light up the entire world. He grabs his hand and drags him out to the dance floor.
Not many people were there, not even M'gann and Conner were there anymore.
He looks up at the red and black-head wondering which was his real color.
He looks at the smiling boy's eyes that wore a yellowish tint to them in slits.

He had to ask, "are those contacts?"
Wally, stunned by the sudden question, froze, Dick noticing this slight detail and storing it away for later. He finally snaps out of it before answering. "Yea, mom wanted it to go with the cat look I'm sporting."

"Why are you dressed as a cat exactly? This isn't a Halloween party you know?" He asked with a teasing voice.
He found it odd that he could instantly relax like this. The last time he was able to do that was with Wally.

Wally chuckles above him, hot breath hitting his face. "That's a secret I can't tell yet."
"Oh, God! You are a kidnapper!" He feigns fear before laughing alongside the other boy.
Wally looks down with a grin, "do I get to know my mysterious Bluebird's name?"

Dick froze, staring in shock before forcing himself to calm down. A nervous chuckle slipped his lips, "Bluebird?"
"Well, yea! Your stunning blue eyes. I couldn't think of anything to say to go with blue... So Bluebird was the first thing I thought of. Plus your beautiful laugh helped."

Dick looks down blushing before looking back up. "Don't I get to know my mysterious KitKat's name?"
"KitKat?" He exclaimed with a laugh.
"Well, yea!" He mocked, "the cat-theme you have going on there? Red and black hair?" He smirks at the other's blush feeling pride in himself for causing such a reaction.
But why?

Wally gets a thoughtful expression on his face, "how about we play a game?"
"A game?"
"A game."
The other looks cautious for a moment before looking up into yellow-green slits. "Alright. How does this game work?"

Wally smiles once more, "we guess a letter until we spell the others name. Each time we get a letter right we get a kiss until we complete the name."
Dick was frozen in shock, instantly shaking his head. "I'm sorry, but no. I can't. I'm not-" "What do you have to lose?" Wally knew he was pushing it, but he couldn't help himself.

Dick looks up at the sorrowful look, feeling his gut twist with guilt.
But why?
He sighs, "a kiss where?" His voice cracks, hinting at his puberty and nervousness.
The other instantly denying, "wait! You don't have to. I pushed my luck. I shouldn-" "a kiss where KitKat?"
The other freezes before smiling softly, "anywhere you're comfortable with Bluebird."

He nods a bit hesitant, Wally taking notice of this.
"I'll start since I came up with the game... Hmm" he sticks out his tongue, Dick momentarily reminded of Wally for a bit. "N?" He shakes his head causing the other to deflate. "J?" Another shake, "M? D? R?" Dick freezes, before reaching up and placing a gentle kiss on the others cheek.

Both boys look away with a blush, "umm... O-ok.. Ro- O?" He continues while Dick shakes his head, a small smile on his face. "Ru- U?" Another shake, "Ri- I?"
Once again Dick stands on his tiptoes and places another kiss along his cheek.
"U-umm.. Ric- C?" Then another kiss along his jaw. "I-I think I know what your name is.."

"Hmm.. And what is it?" He says with a devious smirk.
The other gulps before responding, "Rick?"
Dick stares before starting to laugh, "oh god no!"

Wally huffs before continuing their game, "well how about H?"
Dick stops laughing, instantly placing a kiss on his chin.
"Rich? Your name is Rich?.. You must be Rich then huh?"
Dick snorts in the other's shoulder, "my name isn't Rich. Call me that and die."

"Well, how about Richy?" He questioned in a teasing manner.
"Oh god that's worse," he groaned out.
He looks up to a smiling cat, "on with the game then!.. Richi-I?" Dick shakes his head once more.
"Richu-U?" "Since when does anyone spell their name R-I-C-H-U?" He asks exasperated.
"Hey! It could happen!" He tries to defend himself to no avail.

Dick laughs, "continue."
"A?" He leans up and pecks the other on the tip of his nose. "Richar-R?" Again he leans up and kisses one eye.
Wally blushes at the attention, while Dick's confused about why he's acting like this.
He's straight, right?

"Richard... Richard? Is your name Richard?" He asks knocking Dick out of his thoughts. He instantly pecks the other eye.
"Ding ding ding! We have a winner!" he laughs, his cackle slipping out.
"What a beautiful laugh," He hears someone mumble, looking up to see the other with a soft smile.

Dick looks down blushing, "people think it's weird.."
"Well, I think it's lovely Richard." Dick gets a weird feeling in his stomach, hearing the other say his name.
"Y-you can call me Dick.. It's what everyone else does.."
Wally feels like he can't stop smiling, "ok... Dick."

"Ok.. Umm my turn," Dick starts, "Hmm.. M?" Wally shakes his head, "S?" Another shake. "F? D? A? L? W?"
Wally freezes, Dick instantly noticing and looking up with a spark in his eyes.
Wally coughs before shaking his head no. "Not W?" He asks with despair, "I thought... You froze like you were thinking about something.."

"My last name started with a W before I got adopted and changed it. Bad memories with W.." He chuckles nervously, Robin having an apology on his tongue, but Wally interrupts. "It's fine, really.. Continue?"

"Ok.." He whispers out, "K?" Wally instantly reaches down behind Dick's ear and leaves a kiss.
Dick gasps at the sensation but quickly covers it up. Wally comes back up with a smirk though, already knowing what he just did to the Boy Wonder.

"U-umm.. Ke-E?" Wally shakes his head, "Ki-I? Ko-O? Ky-Y?"
He leans over the smaller boy's frame, placing a simple kiss on his forehead.
Dick blushing at the intimate contact, wanting him to do it again.
Wait, no he doesn't. Cause he's perfectly straight.. Right?

"Kyl-L" Wally leans down and leaves a kiss on his cheek, keeping his lips in contact with the other's skin.
"One more," he murmurs against the skin, sending shivers down Dick's body.
"E-e?" He stuttered out.
Wally instantly trails down to the other's lips, but not touching.

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, Dick instantly getting the message.
He slowly leans up, placing a soft delicate kiss to the other's lips.
Wally's arms wrap tightly around him, pulling him flush against himself.
The soft kiss soon turned heated.
Their tongues soon find each other, dancing to an unknown song that only they know.

They would have continued if it wasn't for the cries of their teammates.

'Robin! We need help with Harley!' Aqualad screamed in his head. 'Roy is looking for Catwoman once more!'

"Catboy let's go! We have what we want!" Screamed Catwoman in his earpiece.

They both pull away with a gasp, both boys panting.
Hot breath hitting the others face, eyes closed, and foreheads touching.
"I-I have to.." Wally gasps once more, "I have to go.."

He reaches up to the other's hand, which somehow got tangled in his hair, slowly pulling it away.
"M-me too," Robin breathes out.
They slowly pull apart before going into opposite directions.
Wally walks out of the mansion a dazed look on his face as he hops in Selina's car. She looks over at him and sees his disheveled look.

"Have fun?" She smirked.
"Yea," he breathed out repeating Jinx's words over and over again.
I can guarantee you can turn him gay.


Robin, after getting changed, walked out to his team, after losing sight of Catboy, who was covered in some goop with vines wrapped around them.
"Harley and Ivy?" He asked.
"Yep," growled Artemis, cutting another weed. "Where were you?"
"I was distracted by Catboy..."

Then the thought struck him... He just made-out with Catboy... Who's name was Kyle... But he wouldn't be that stupid, would he?... No... But what scared him the most was that he was thinking about Wally the entire time.
"Earth to Robin!" Screamed Artemis in his face.
She groaned, "nothing Boy Blunder!"

She stomps off in a huff, Aqualad apologizing, saying Ivy mentioned her father.
As they were walking back to the bioship, Robin reached up and touched a finger to his lips.
Red Arrow looked at him with a questioning, if not amused and pleased look, while Robin looked down with a blush.
He was straight... Right?
.. Apparently not.

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