Cat Flash?

By Typical-Loser

6.2K 297 52

Wally West life was decently normal. That was until he was turned into a half cat half human hybrid. What's a... More

Simple? Never.
New Acquaintance
First Time
Finally Home
New School?
New Lover?
A Good Laugh
Auntie Harley and Auntie Ivy
Momma Cat
Just a Friend: Part 1
Just a Friend: Part 2
Are You Kidding Me!?
Let's Get This Party Started
Can I Have This Dance?
Bet: Part 1
Kiss Kiss
Bet: Part 2
'm Sick
The Names We're Called
Was Lost, But Now Found
Tick Tock
A Cat? A Flash?
Alternate Ending
Another Alternate Ending

New Me

146 8 0
By Typical-Loser

*knock knock knock*
"Master Richard, Master Wallace you two are going to be late if you don't get up." States Alfred calmly.
"Ugh! We're up Alfred!"
"Yea! And I told you Wally was just fine!"
"Indeed," Alfred says with a chuckle, before walking away.
"He's never gonna call me Wally, is he?" Asks Wally with a groan from inside the room.

Robin cackles, "nope! Now dude get up! You're gonna be late for school."
"Dude, superspeed. Remember?" He says, before laying back down to catch some more z's.
Robin got a devilish grin on his face, before sneaking away into his private bathroom. He soon walks back out with a bucket full of ice, cold water.

He walks over to Wally, listening for his heavy breathing.
When he realizes Wally was fast asleep he poured the entire bucket on him.
Wally jumps about 10 feet in the air, a surprised yelp/meow escaping his lips. Wally lands on the ground on all fours before he could register what happened.
Robin cackling in the background, "Dude! You should have seen your face! And did you seriously meow like a cat?"

Wally goes red in the face before standing up, "sh-shut up! I'm up, ok? Happy?"
"Very," he continues cackling before he feels cold wind blow by him. He stops and looks up to see Wally dried head to toe and in new clothes.
"Alright, I'm ready. See you in the kitchen!" He says before zooming off.
Robin hears Alfred in the background telling him not to run in the house.
He chuckles a bit more to himself before getting ready himself and heading downstairs.

Once seated, Alfred walks out with his plate of food. Wally done on his third plate.
"You both have a special training exercise with Black Canary and Martian Manhunter after school. They expect you to be on time," Alfred says with a pointed look towards Wally.
Wally gives him a sheepish grin, "No promises Alfie!"

He rolls his eyes before walking away with a fond smile.
They ate in silence, the occasional bicker here and there before Dick's alarm went off.
Wally walked Dick to the car. Once there Alfred drove Dick to Gotham Academy while Wally ran back to "Central."
In reality, Wally ran to his new school which was on the other side of the city and away from Dick's school.
Lucky him.

He was wandering around, before bumping into someone.
"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going. I'm looking for a Wally Kyle..." The mysterious person said, picking herself up before helping Wally.
"Yea.. That would be me," he said before looking up. "Nicole?"

"Wally?" She gasps before jumping on him and hugging him.
"Nicole," he gasped, "can't. Br-breathe."
"Oh! Sorry," she said sheepishly before letting go. Wally taking himself some much-needed breaths.
"You're the new student? That's great! I'll be showing you around and to your classes!" She explained before snatching his schedule out of his hands and walking off. Wally having no choice but to follow.

"Hey, guys!" Nicole yelled, walking up to an all to familiar group. "Look who's the new student!"
"What?" An all to familiar voice growled from behind.
Wally smirked before turning around, "Isaac! Pal of mine! Did ya miss me? Cause I know I didn't miss you!"
He walks over and wraps his arm around Isaac's shoulder, abruptly letting go when Isaac elbows him in the gut.

Jaxon laughed, "this year just got more interesting!"
The rest of the group either smirked or smiled at the fuming blonde male and grinning redhead male.
"Alright Wally," starts Nicole, "give me your schedule." Wally stares at her, while everyone else laughs or smiles.
"Come on! Don't keep me waiting!" She says, stretching her hand out.
"Um, Nicole?" Starts Willow.
"It's in your hand," finishes Alex in her monotone voice.
"...oh!" She flushes a bright red before looking over it. "This is great!"
"It is?" Wally asks uncertainly.

"Yes! You have:
~1st: Advanced Biology 2/Chemistry with Jaxon and Willow
~your 2nd period is a free period for you to go to the library or something.
~3rd is Advanced English 2 with Alex
~4th is Calculus with me, that's also lunch. You go before class. Luckily we all have the same lunch.
~and 5th you have gym with Isaac."

Isaac grins, "gym huh? Wonder how well you'll do?"
"Shut up Isaac. You're only saying that cause you're at the top of your class in gym," Willow states.
"But yet you're failing all your other classes," finishes Alex.
Jaxon looks over Nicole's shoulder,
"You must be really smart to be in all the advanced classes."

Wally flushes, "well.. I'm technically a prodigy. All I need to do is pass Sophomore year then I'm straight on to Senior year. After that I can practically get into any college I want."
They all stared at him before two random girls came up to them. Both clinging onto either side of Wally.

"I'm Cherry-"
"-and I'm Sherry." They both said.
"Hi.. Umm.. I'm Wally," he stammered.
"You're cute," starts Cherry.
"Yea, why are you hanging out with these freaks?" Finishes Sherry with a sneer to the group.

That made Wally mad, "these freaks are my friends. Call them that again and I'll make sure everyone knows you *looks at Cherry* aren't a real blonde, and that you *looks at Sherry* stuffs her bra. Cause honey," he leans close while they both gasp and shake with anger, "your roots are popping out, and you have a bit of toilet paper sticking out from the top."

He leans back smiling, both girls fuming before running off. One holding her head and the other holding her boobs.
Wally turns around to find everyone smiling at him.

"That. Was. Awesome!" Yells Jaxon, people giving him weird looks as they pass.
"I'll admit, that was pretty cool," Alex says with a small smile, causing Wally to smile back.
"Yea! Tweedle Dee and tweedle Dum needed to be put in their places." Boasts Willow.
"I'll admit. You did earn some of my respect Kyle." Isaac says, with his arms crossed.

"Shoot that's the warning bell!" Exclaimed Willow.
"Yea and Mrs. Autumn doesn't like to be kept waiting." Jaxon calmly explains.
"He's always late." Willow explained, "come on!"
She grabs onto both Wally's and Jaxon's hand before running off.
"Bye guys!" Both boys yelled back before rounding the corner.

Hours later and it was time for lunch. Wally was famished.
Especially after Jaxon just about blew up the entire lab, being sent to the office over it, being "too loud" in the library during 2nd, and defending Alex in 3rd. He was pretty tired.

Alex and Wally were walking to lunch quietly, which was an accomplishment on Wally's part.
"Thank you," Alex whispered so quietly that he had to strain his ears to hear.
"No problem. It's what friends do." He answers back honestly.

A small smile makes it's way to her face, "this group is the only friends I have. But if it wasn't for Nicole I would have been alone. You're only friends with me because you get along with everyone else."

It was silent before Wally spoke up, "I'm your friend cause I like you. You're pretty cool and someone I feel like I can talk to about anything. Being alone sucks. All through my school life I have been alone, picked on, teased, hit. I know the feeling.

I promised myself no one would be alone again. Not if I can stop it. Plus you're my friend, don't try and deny it or say otherwise, of course, I'm going to help you. Protect you even. I'll be your knight in shining armor." He adds a wink at the end causing Alex to smile, even giggle a bit.

They continue talking some more before they hear a yell, "Hey guys! Over here!"
They look over to see Jaxon waving his arms around like a lunatic, while Willow was trying to get him to sit down.
They walk over, Alex sitting beside Jaxon. While Wally sits on the other side beside Nicole.

It was Alex, Jaxon, and Willow on one side. Wally, Nicole, and Isaac on the other. Wally instantly digs in, but one question almost made him lose his appetite... Almost.
"Wally, when we first met you you said your name was Wally West. But on the papers, it says Wally Kyle. If you don't mind me asking, but why?" Asked Nicole.

Wally froze and looked up.
Everyone at the table was watching his every move. He looked down again, avoiding everyone's gaze.
"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry if you're uncomfortable. I di-"
"I was recently adopted," he interrupted.
The table went silent for a few moments.

"Cool," Says Jaxon, scooping up more of whatever he was eating.
Wally looks at him shocked, "cool?"
"Yea, we all have problems of our own. Heck far I was adopted too, Alex is in a foster home with 4 other kids, Willow is a runaway orphan. The only two that seem semi-normal are Nicole and Isaac and that's only because their mom passed away two years ago. We're not going to judge you. You're one of us now, but that doesn't mean you have to tell us everything. Only when you're ready." Explained Jaxon with the most serious voice Wally has ever heard from him.

Everyone around the table voiced their agreements.
Wally looked down, "Thanks, guys... Really." He stares at Jaxon with a smirk, "but that's probably the most normal/sane thing I've ever heard you say since meeting you."
Everyone starts laughing while Jaxon threw some fries at Wally.
"Don't get used to it!"
Wally groans, "fourth."

All of a sudden he was yanked up from his seat by Nicole. For a small petite girl, she was strong
"Come on, that was the warning bell. We can't be late. Especially for your first day of school!" She yelled, her quiet voice gone at the moment.
"But my food!" Wally yelled back, looking back longingly at his food and friends. Sending a glare to Jaxon for stealing his food before rounding the corner.

*Time Skip*

4th actually went pretty well. He met some of Nicole's other friends. The teacher adored him and ironically so did some of the other students. All that was left was gym... With Isaac.
He had trouble finding it at first but when he did he shuffled inside, not really knowing what to do. He looks around for anyone he knew and couldn't seem to find anyone.

He did spot Isaac though, who was obviously standing with a group of jocks.
Their eyes met and Isaac smirked at him, a challenging look in his eyes.
Oh, this should be fun.

The coach walks in minutes later and blows the whistle. Everyone instantly got in a line, Wally scrambling behind awkwardly.

The coach looked out at all of them before his eyes landed on Wally.
"Looks like we have a new student!" He yelled, "come on up here boy, don't be shy!"
Wally shuffled up in front of the group awkwardly, some laughing at him.
"Go on. Tell the class your name." Encouraged the coach.
"M-my name is Wally," he stuttered out.

He rolls his eyes at hearing a few chuckles at his name.
"So Wally, have you ever been on a team back at your old school?" He asked.
Wally froze, "no sir."
The coach smiled, "well class! Let's give Wally over here the proper welcome here from our school!
Dodge ball!"

Many kids groaned while some, Isaac included, cheered.
The teams were in two separate groups.
The whites vs the buffs.
Or nerds vs jocks.
And Wally just so happens to be on the nerds' side.
Lucky him.
They got in position and Wally yet again caught Isaac's eye. He smiled while Wally glared.

Then a thought struck Wally.
'New school. New me.'
He slowly smiled back at Isaac, the latter getting confused. Before anything else the whistle blew. Everyone either went running or hiding.
Wally was able to get two balls. On his right, another kid did so too. And on his left, another had at least one ball.
When he looked back up he saw that most of his team were out already.
He looked at the ball in his hand, pulled back his arm, took aim, and fired!
"Blake! Out!"

Said person looked up in shock then over at Wally, who was in about a similar state. A ball zoomed by his head, knocking him out of his shocked state. He aimed again and threw it.
"Grace! Out!"

He continues to dodge and looks to his right. The boy beside him doing the same, but he still had the balls.
"Hey!" He yelled out, said boy looked over. "Mind if I-" he gestures to the balls.
"Y-yea! Here!" The boy threw the balls at Wally and the moment he caught them he threw them. Getting two more people out.

"Names Brian!" The boy, now Brian, yelled out.
"Wally!" He yelled back before looking at the kid to his left.
He noticed a ball heading straight towards him. He instantly jumped in the way, catching it.
"Jonathan! Out!"

Wally looks behind him after throwing the ball. "Mind if I have that?" He asked, pointing to the ball still in his hands.
The kid nods his head quickly, giving it to him.
"My name's Jake!"
"Wally! Umm.. Brian! Jake! You two get me the balls and I'll throw them, ok?" Both boys nodded their heads before getting to work.

Many minutes later and it was down 3 to 3.
Brian, Wally, and Jake standing on one side.
Isaac and two big dudes Wally didn't bother learning the names of on the other.
The problem was they had the advantage. They had all the balls on their side.

They each picked up two and then threw them all at once. Wally dodged flawlessly, but the other two... Not so much.
"Brian! Jake! Out!"
Wally looks up and sees the dude on the right of Isaac have a ball in his hand. Wally kept his eye on him while slowly reaching down to pick a ball of his own.

They both stared each other down, the crowd was silent, waiting for the next move.
They both take aim, but before Wally throws it to the dude on the right he switches course and hits the dude to the left of Isaac.
"Andrew! Out!"

But the ball the other guy threw was heading straight towards Wally. So he did the first thing that came to his mind.
Which was jump over the ball and catch it midair. The crowd gasps, then the mumbling started.
"Oops," he whispers to himself once he landed.
"Josh! Out!"

But when Wally looked up he saw that Isaac had done threw a ball right at him. Before he could react, it hit him in the shoulder, knocking him down. The ball fell from his hands. The crowd gasps and he looks up.
The ball was falling towards the ground. He slowly reaches out, everyone on the edge of their seats. The ball falls and he slides a bit to reach it and...

He catches it! "Isaac! Out!"
Everyone cheers, running up and congratulating him.
He looks over to Isaac who had a dumbfounded expression on his face. It soon turns into a smile when their eyes met.
He nods his head and Wally returns the gesture, a smile of his own on his face.
'Maybe this new school, new me thing won't be so bad,' Wally thought.

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