Cat Flash?

By Typical-Loser

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Wally West life was decently normal. That was until he was turned into a half cat half human hybrid. What's a... More

Simple? Never.
New Acquaintance
First Time
Finally Home
New School?
New Lover?
New Me
A Good Laugh
Auntie Harley and Auntie Ivy
Momma Cat
Just a Friend: Part 1
Just a Friend: Part 2
Are You Kidding Me!?
Let's Get This Party Started
Can I Have This Dance?
Bet: Part 1
Kiss Kiss
Bet: Part 2
'm Sick
The Names We're Called
Was Lost, But Now Found
Tick Tock
A Cat? A Flash?
Alternate Ending
Another Alternate Ending


158 8 2
By Typical-Loser

Wally didn't show up to school the next day, or to training. Or the day after that and after that.
To say the least, everyone was starting to get worried. It wasn't like him to ignore everyone's calls either. He finally showed up after a whole week.

He looked awful.
Like he hasn't eaten in weeks.
"Dude, what happened to you?" Asked Robin hesitantly, noticing the dazed look in the other's eyes.
"Huh? Oh, nothing.." He slightly slurred. Falling forward, Robin had to catch him. He led him all the way to the medbay.

"Noo. Do-don't need here. Jus' food. Kitchen." He slurred, turning the other way.
"Wally.. You're not ok. We need to assess your injuries," Robin said exasperated, trying to change the speedsters course back the other way.
"No injuries. Jus' hu'gry," He said, tripping over his own feet.

This was the longest he's gone without eating ever since he got his speed.
They got him to the kitchen and almost everyone helped make him something to eat.
M'gann and Robin were making something to eat, while Artemis and Connor watched over Wally, making sure he doesn't hurt himself or fall over. Aqualad was currently contacting the Flash and Batman.

By the time they got there, Wally was eating his third sandwich. He was looking a bit better, but he was still very thin and pale. "Kid, what happened to you!?" Asked Flash, rushing to his nephew.
"I don't know," Murmured Wally, not being able to come up with a lie in his current state.

"What do you mean you don't know?! Bats does he have amnesia!? Should we get J'onn to look at him!?" Yelled Flash panicked. "Why does this keep happening?" He mumbled under his breath.
"No, Barry. I'm ok, just hungry. Nothing happened to me. I just.. I was experimenting with how long speedsters can last without eating.."

All was silent, "Kid!" Burst Flash in a bit of anger, "I told you our limit. Why would you do that! Are you that stupid! Wha-" "We're different Flash! You're faster than me, I'm much slower. I'm not stupid! I-I'm not..." He said dejectedly.
*sigh* "Kid, you can't do this to yourself. Our bodies are fragile. I'm sorry for calling you stupid, you're so much smarter than I'll ever be."

That brought a smile to his face, "but you can't do that to yourself. Promise me you'll take better care of yourself." Flash finished.
"I promise Uncle B," He said sincerely. He looked around and saw everyone's concerned faces.

He sighed, got up, then ran around making 10 more sandwiches. Once he was done he ended up falling back over from exhaustion, Flash having to catch him.
"I'm jus' gonna go to m'room and eat these there and res'," He slurred.
He could barely hold himself up, so Flash picked him up while Robin got his food. Together they walked to his room.

Once inside Flash gently set him down on the bed, propping him up with all kinds of pillows. Robin sat beside him handing him a sandwich.
Wally tried to take it, but he could hardly move. Flash reached over to take the food and feed Wally, but Robin done beat him to it.

"I'll leave him in your care, ok?" Said the Flash quietly.
"Of course," Robin answered with a worried look in his eyes.
Wally was halfway asleep, barely touching the sandwich.
"Why Wally?" Whispered Robin, once Flash left.
"Ugh, sorry dude," He groaned out, "I'm tired. Can we go to bed?"
"Wally, I need you to eat first," Said Robin, a tone of worry lacing his words

Wally stares for a bit, smiling, "mkay," He opens his mouth allowing Robin to feed him. After the fourth sandwich, Wally had enough strength to hold up his arms and eat himself.
"Thank you," Wally says in a tired tone.
"Anything dude. But don't ever do that again," Said Robin angrily.

"Mkay Rob," He gets up to leave Wally to let him rest when a hand catches his wrist, "can you stay.. Please," Said Wally in the smallest voice he's heard.
He looks back to see a look of terror cross Wally's face, vanishing just as quickly.
Robin sits back down and leans into him. Wally groans, but wraps his arm around him anyway. Together they fall asleep like that. Both of them terrified but for completely different reasons.

*Time Skip*

It's been a couple of days since the Wally fiasco. Everyone has been more protective than usual and it was getting on his nerves!
He felt like a caged animal, which come to think of it, he was.

They were trying to get him to agree with prodding his mind, some not believing the excuse he gave, but he refuses that with a passion.
Eventually, he was finally alone.
His phone started ringing, he pulled it out and it was Robin. Probably having Superboy track the noise down. He ended the call, but another soon came through. It was Selina this time!
He smiled, "hey Selina!" He answered with glee.
"Someone seems to be in a good mood," She chuckles.

He groans, "quite the opposite. They won't let me leave the mou-place. I feel like a caged animal!"
"Crawl through the vents then," She suggested like it was obvious.
"It's not tha-" He stopped, hearing the team approaching the door. He looks up and sees a vent, "good idea. Bye!"

He leaps up and grabs onto the vent, unscrewing the bolts.
He finally leaps through, screwing the vent back in place, before crawling away just as the team opened the door.
He follows the scent of the sea, eventually making it to the end. Looking down he sees the ocean.

With a triumphant smirk, he crawls out. Once his feet hit the ground he's off. All he's been doing at the cave is eating, thanks to Miss M. and train, so he's practically in great condition.
He finally arrives at the one place he's been dying to be.
Selina's place.

He knocks on the door hesitantly. She opens it with a smile, "I thought you'd come down here."
"I feel trapped," He states, she moves aside and lets him in.
He whistles, "you did a great job on the living room,"
"We did a great job on the living room," She says with a smirk.

He looks around, and sighs, "what's wrong Kitten?" She cooes.
"I was supposed to help you," He grumbles irritated, stuffing his hands into his pockets and shuffling his feet.
She smirks, "then I guess you'll be happy that I didn't paint my room yet."

He looks up with a smile then dashes off.
He comes back with his clothes from before and two paint buckets.
"Is it ok if I hide out here?" He asks bashfully.
"You're always welcome for however long you need," She says, walking by and kissing his cheek.

He smiles, who knew he could find comfort in one of the most famous villains in Gotham.
He froze, Gotham.
Home of the bat.
Batman and Robin.
Dynamic duo.

Selina pauses and notices the scared look forming on his face, "umm.. Mind if we go somewhere else? Batman could be watching. Or he could be on his way right now! Ma-"
"Wally! It's ok. Batman hasn't found me yet as Catwoman. He's not going to find you." She says, grabbing his shoulders.
"Promise? I hate it there Selina. They're all like mother hens!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands, and paint, around everywhere.

"Hmm.. Care to tell me what happened exactly? All I know is that you went home then didn't come back in days." She says with a contemplative look.
"Uh.. No," He says quickly.
She sighs, "I won't force you into telling me. But I'm here if you need me,"

"Thanks, Selina. You're actually the first person to ever tell me that. Everyone else wants to prod my brain," He finishes with a sincere look in his eyes.
"Now, shall we get started on my room?" She says dramatically.
"We shall," He states just as dramatically.

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