" Doc " hawks×reader ✔

By SizzlerSixZero

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Animals are nice. Except for when they won't shut up... <3 contains: -cringe -cringe made by a middle school... More

◇37 out of 37◆


5.6K 239 274
By SizzlerSixZero


Y/n's pov

After you got home, Sonnie greeted you with a, 'Hello beatch!' before she fell asleep.

Following in her lead, you fell asleep to, but luckily you made it to your bed, unlike Sonnie who just crashed on the rug by the couch and called it good. 

Because tomorrow is Saturday, you have it off. You would have anyway, if it wasn't for you accepting to help Hawks with the stray dog.

Instead, once you woke up the next day, Hawks and yourself engaged into a conversation over FaceTime.

You guys decided that you would meet Hawks at his hero agency, then he would fly the both of you over to U.A.. Where you could find the dog, -hopefully- then take him to the vet clinic where you work.

After getting ready to leave you checked yourself over to make sure you aren't missing anything.

"Sonnie! I'm leaving!" You called out to the Calico cat as she fell from the couch.

"Don't fucking yell! I was sleeping you rude piece of flesh!" Sonnie yelled back.

"Bye, love you to." You said as you slowly closed the door waiting for a reply.

"Close the door. Bugs are gonna get in and I don't want my beautiful fur to get infested." Sonnie said.

She can't even see me.

"I can hear you dumb bitch." Sonnie said getting comfortable on the couch.

"Okay that makes sense. Now bye for real."

"Whatever, don't let your date get cold."

"He's not food."

"Not yet."

The sound of the door closing and locking made Sonnie lay her head down and close her eyes, as she drifted off to sleep.

On the other side of the door stood a slightly confused and flustered y/n.

Wait did she mean as in actually eating him, or as in... never mind.

You made the smart decision and forgot about what Sonnie had commented. Starting the walk over to Hawks' agency on this beautiful morning.

The clouds looked like someone had just painted them on the big blue canvas we call the sky.

Birds chirping/singing, and squirrels rushing around finding and hiding nuts for the upcoming winter.

The peaceful morning was like no other, but you could tell that it would soon come to an end.

Oh, how I love my impending doom.

You soon found yourself at the doors of the agency. You walked through them like the queen you are, and told the receptionist that you're there for Hawks.

She asked for your name then told you, "He has a group training session right now, but you can head on over there." She said in a kind voice boosted with a small smile.

"Just be mindful of the chaos unfolding around you. It gets hectic here." She sighed and looked around the room.

As much as you were trying to ignore it, the large main entrance was currently filled to the brim with all kinds of bird related hero's.

Some had stacks of papers, others had boxes, a few rushing outside or to another room of the tall building. You also saw one guy crying in the corner.

I wonder what happened to him.

The man sobbed and you could slightly hear him say, 'I can't buy any chicken nuggets.'.

Okay time to leave.

You thanked the kind receptionist and followed where she told you Hawks was.

You soon stood in front of a two door doorway, with what you could only guess was a full on battle to the death, on the other side.

Slowly opening the door you could see men and women of all kinds fighting eachother.

But in the middle sprouted two red wings you noticed after a small skim over the large room.

His laughter rung in your ears as you slowly stepped into the room full of combat.

Ok so, today I might just die.

Hawks' laughing continued and you decided to follow it. Human and bird limbs flew all around you as you tried to find the man in the mess of hero's.

Can I just lay down and accept my fate or is that frowned upon?

After you started to think that you would never find the bird man a small clearing made itself visibly to you.

In the middle of the training room was a small circle where no one but Hawks and a boy with a bird head stood.

"Honestly kid, you crack me up without even trying!" Hawks said in between his now small huffs of laughter.

"I still don't understand why you're laughing. Is the name "Black Fallen Angel" not a good choice for my move?" The bird headed boy asked Hawks genuinely confused.

"No it just-" Hawks cut himself off by his short giggles and you decided that now was the time to make yourself known.

You walked over to Hawks slightly slow, mostly because you didn't want him to mistake you for one of the hero's training in the room.

Boy did that work out.

The boy with a bird head was to busy thinking that he spaced out and didn't notice you. Hawks' back was facing you so you suspected that he didn't know you were there.

So, you tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

Hawks then grabs your wrist and pulls you to him while he turns around to face you.

He then gets into position to flip you over and because you rather not, you grab Hawks with all the might you have and flip him over on his back.

With the wind knocked out of him, Hawks starts to cough and looks up to you. You then notice that the once loud room has now fallen into silence.

Oh, shit. I messed up didn't I?

You moved your hands to cover your mouth as what you had just done finally set in.

With wide eyes you looked down at Hawks who was also looking at you with wide eyes, but instead of shock like you had, Hawks' eyes were shining with pride and joy.

The bird boy was even more confused by the new events, that is until he recognized you as the woman who had come to U.A. to pick Hawks up after his day with the 1a class.

"Y/n, that was amazing." Hawks said, with a proud voice.

"I'm so sorry." Is all you could mange to push out of your mouth as you were still seemingly mortified by what just happened.

With the room still silent you took a few deep breaths and held out your hands for Hawks to hold and get up with.

As he got up he said, "In these training sessions, everyone is supposed to fight and battle eachother but whenever someone comes to battle me they usually can't even get one hit on me."

He looked into your eyes as he stood in front of you, one of his hands still connected with one of yours. "I'm impressed to say the least."

If Sonnie was here she'd say he's turned on.

Somehow you got your breathing to even out, and with a calm voice you said, "You really shouldn't be impressed."

Hawks smirked and shouted, "Okay everyone, get back to training!"

You opened your mouth ready to talk when a loud voice non-discretely said, "Wow, Hawks' girlfriend is so cool!"

A pink blush flooded both yours and Hawks' faces, but you decided to ignore it and instead continued to talk like nothing was said.

And in the same old calm voice you always had, you asked, "When do you want to leave?"


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