Sonadow (Beauty and the Beast)

Od Sonadow1232

465 12 0

This will be a one time thing unless people like it and I will make more :) Více

Sonadow (Beauty and the Beast)

465 12 0
Od Sonadow1232

(It's so long I know but it's worth it :) also I love this ship so don't hate on it also Sonic, Shadow, Tails and Knuckles are very out of character)

Beauty and the Beast


Close to a little town there was a castle that stud almost five feet high with the roof of the towers almost touching the sky around the castle everything was peaceful and so were the creatures but it was what was inside the castle that lived with hatred and not everything was as beautiful as it seemed for inside this castle a cursed beast lived inside once they weren't a hideous beast they were once a peaceful hedgehog that was sometimes kind and caring when they were in a good mood but most of the time they weren't and they didn't care about others but it wasn't very much but one night on a very stormy day a women came to the castle asking if she could spend the night in exchange she would reward his generosity she was an elderly lady maybe late 50's 60's and she was wearing just a cloak and a worn out dress the hedgehog wasn't in the mood to be very generous he told the lady that she was not allowed to stay and to go away then he slammed the door in her face, shock by what she heard the lady kicked open the door and came in but her appearance had changed her eyes were glowing white her hair had went from gray to ebony black and she was glowing bright white to she then spoke

"You have been deceived by your cold heart I place a curse upon your home and all who live within, until you find someone to love you as you are you shall remain forever a hideous beast"

All the servant in the castle started changing as they worked they turned in to household objects as for the hedgehog their appearance changed the most they became more hairy and grew claws and sharp fanged teeth when it was over the lady then left a single rose for the beast it would be for him to watch its petals fall as a way of saying that he had until the final petal fell if he didn't find love or learn to be kind and nice he would remain a beast till his dying day she then left him with another one but this one was a necklace it was for the one he found to love him she also left him a crystal ball, before she left she made a huge forest grow separating the castle from the little town then she disappeared when she left the castle fell into despair and ruin it became a dark place after a few years past all the beasts luck and hope ran out within that time he thought whoever could love a beast. In the little town the townspeople where going about their business till a gunshot went off and a bird from the sky fell into the fountain it scared a few of the kids that were by it and some of the adults too a small bee flew over and grabbed the bird then he ran off to see the shooter.

"Wow you didn't miss that shot Knuckles you are the best hunter in town"

Knuckles was a red Echidna he was pretty buff and as his bee friend said he was the best hunter in town there wasn't anything Knuckles couldn't hunt down according to some folk but there was something he was hunting something he really wanted a little while ago someone new moved in to town they were very odd since they were new and didn't really fit in and to Knuckles the new person was going to be his best catch and he would name this catch his partner. The newbie lived in a house just across a small bridge near some fields that was used for growing crops it was a pretty little place, The newbie came out their house holding a bookbag as they walked towards the town they were going to buy some things when they walked in to town Knuckles spied them right away.

"There they are Charmy there will be my best catch if I can win their heart"

Charmy looked to where Knuckles was pointing

"The weird inventors brother"

"Yes Charmy not many pretty things like him come through here everyday and I want to make him mine"

"Whatever you say boss"

Knuckles went over to the newbie

"Hello there Sonic"

"Hello Knuckles"

Knuckles took the bookbag away from Sonic

"Knuckles can I have my bag back? please"

Knuckles looked in the bag he looked at everything inside it "hmmm bread, milk, cheese and butter you came for just theses? nothing else?"

"Knuckles, I always come for these things if we need them, now if you don't mind I have to head back home"

Sonic put his book bag on his back and he started walking home shaking his head, Knuckles was nice but Sonic didn't have time for him

"How's that crazy brother of yours anymore wakie inventions that will go crazy like him?"

Charmy and Knuckles laughed

"Hey he's not crazy he's very smart and he's just having a few issues with his inventions he's not doing harm to anyone"

"Say that to the smoking house"

Sonic turned around and Charmy was right there was smoke coming from the house he ran to the house and went inside nothing was on fire then he went to the workshop it was full of smoke

"Tails are you in here?"

"Why did that explode? why?"

The smoke cleared and there was a fox covered in sut holding a broken jar Sonic laughed at his little brother, Tails wasn't related to Sonic in anyway but they had been friends for so long that they thought of each other as family.

"What happened?"

"I'm not sure I guess I mixed the wrong chemical or I just messed up"

"Don't worry Tails you'll get it right by tomorrow"

"Yea I will keep trying"

Tails was a small fox he was very clever for his age most people thought he was just plain crazy but to Sonic he wasn't crazy he just wanted to invent things that could benefit others Tails tried to fix his weird experiment ready for tomorrow at a science fair he was invited to because someone else thought he was smart.

"Knuckles has been harassing me again"

"Can't he get it in to his head your not interested"


"He will sooner or later or I'll make him"

"He's weird"

"Yup I guess he's just one of them kind of people anyway Tails don't overwork yourself ok"

"I promise I won't"

Tails kept working through the night till early hours of the morning he had finally done it he had perfected his experiment for saving power through storing it in to a smaller form of itself. Tails got ready to leave he packed up everything he needed he ate his breakfast and then he set out to leave

"Good luck Tails hopefully you will be the best one there"

"Thanks Sonic"

Tails waved goodbye to Sonic as he walked his way to the science fair while he was walking it became very windy and his map blew away he tried to fly but the wind was too strong for him to fly in so he was basically walking blind it also started to rain quite heavy. Tails had no idea where he was going or where to go till he came to a sign that was badly damage and it was hard to read they were pointing in three directions he took a chance and took the left road that lead in to the forest the forest was cold, dark and the only thing in it were wolves that were not the friendly stop and chat to you types they prefer to hunt you down and eat you.

"Where am I? I thought the science fair was easy to find guess I took a wrong turn"

Tails kept walking hopefully this path lead back to that sign he saw but it didn't as Tails walked he heard twigs behind him snap when he turned around to see what it was. His eyes came face to face with a pack of wolves they were licking their lips they were hungry for blood. Tails ran off trying to get away as fast as he could, the wolves gave chase they didn't want this free meal to get away.

As Tails ran his backpack got stuck on a stuck out tree branch he was forced to take his backpack off he then kept running he then came to some gates he grabbed them and pulled but they wouldn't open he heard the wolves coming closer he then pushed on the gate and it opened he quickly went through then shut it just as the wolves were about to pounce on him, Tails sighed in relief he was safe but where was he, he turned around and saw a big castle he ran to the door as it started to rain very heavy he knocked on the door and it opened but there was nobody there to greet him maybe the person or people who lived here forgot to lock their door Tails stepped inside being a gentleman he shut the door after himself


No response,

Tails walked in to the castle more it was nicely decorated but some of the photos that were hanging up had someone's face clawed up Tails touched one, when he pulled his hand back it was covered in wood and dust whoever scratched these faces out had either complete hatred for this person that they almost when through the frame and they never cleaned it he walked more he came to a room that had a fire burning away he walked over to it and sat in front of it to warm himself.

"Who lives here?"

Tails then heard something coming towards him it sounded like tapping he turned around and he saw what looked like a tea cup hopping over to him it stopped right next to him it had tea inside it Tails was confused tea cups don't move unless you hold it and move it yourself Tails picked it up and looked at it nothing seemed weird he then took a sip of the tea then he heard another sound this time it was a lamp it hopped over to him and it had a blanket Tails grabbed it and wrapped himself up in it.

A few more things came in to see Tails there was a teapot, a clock and a candle stick holder they all asked Tails why he was here Tails explained that he was on his way to a science fair but he got lost they all felt sorry for him he was very young and shouldn't be out in a storm like this especially at night, The teapot started to worry if their master saw Tails he wouldn't be happy her fears were right there was aloud slamming of a door and their master came in the room Tails saw him and was afraid of what he saw it was a large beast like none he had ever seen it's eyes were blood red and its fur was black with red tips at the end of its tail and legs and a white patch on its chest it also had sharp claws that would slice through flesh within one second and its fangs were as sharp as knives, it came over to Tails, Tails stud up and backed away

"What are you doing here?"

"I...I...was...lost in the woods"


"I didn't mean any harm I just stumbled upon your castle and thought I could stay till the rain stopped"


The beast grabbed Tails by the arm Tails begged for him to let him go but the beast didn't the objects that came to see Tails all hid and just watched as the beast dragged Tails away.

Back in the little town Knuckles had gotten a weird party together for his so called wedding he had been planning since Sonic and him met when Sonic first moved to the little town he just had to ask Sonic if he would marry him and then if he said yes it would happen right away.

"I bet Sonic is going to get the surprise of his life, huh Knuckles?"

"Yes Charmy this is going to be his most luckiest day now when he and I come out make sure everyone cheers"

Knuckles went over to Sonic and Tails house Sonic was inside sitting at the dining table he was looking at the clock Tails should have arrived back from the fair by now maybe he was just enjoying himself that he was running late then there was a knock at the door.

"Must be Tails"

Sonic got up and opened the door but it wasn't Tails just Knuckles

"Hello Knuckles, what you doing here?"

"I just came to see you on this lovely day"

"Is there some occasion going on?"

"Not really but I would like to ask you something Sonic"

"Ok ask away"

Sonic started tidying up while Knuckles came in and sat at the dining table and put his muddy shoes on the table

"You know, to stop everyone calling your brother crazy you would-"

"He's not crazy"

"Let me finish, people would stop calling him crazy and everyone would respect him more if one person would do him a solid and agree to be something to me guess who that is?"

Sonic dropped the plate he was carrying at Knuckles coming so close to him.

"Let me think about it"

"It be you Sonic if you were with me if you marry me nobody would think your brother was crazy and it wouldn't be weird"

"Umm Knuckles I'm speechless"

Sonic stud against his door as Knuckles got closer

"I don't know what to say"

"Say you'll marry me"

"I'm sorry Knuckles but I'm just...I'm just not interested in you"

Sonic opened his door and he stud aside as Knuckles fell out of it he then quickly shut the door. Outside Knuckles fell in to the river and he was very angry, Charmy came over.

"How it go?"

Knuckles stud up and grabbed Charmy

"I will have him, be sure about that Charmy"

Knuckles then walked off to the pub.

Sonic looked out and saw him leave

 "He asked me to marry him what the heck is wrong with him?"

Sonic went out into the back garden .

"I would never marry him he's not my type he's such a looney"

A man dressed in all white came over to Sonic

"Are you Sonic?"

"Yes sir"

"Here" The man held out a note for Sonic

Sonic took it and read it, it was from the science fair it said Tails had not turned up

"Tails didn't turn up? he must of gotten lost on his way I better find him"

Sonic finished feeding the chickens then he left to look for Tails. Sonic went to where the fair was going to be he saw the signs

"Tails must of came here and was not able to read the signs hmm"

Sonic walked down the path Tails took he walked for a bit he then saw something hanging from a tree he grabbed it, it was Tails's backpack.

"Tails did come through here where did he go after that?"

Sonic then saw the castle.

"He must be here"

Sonic went to the gates he went through then he walked to the castle door he opened in and went to the castle it was very dark and cold Sonic felt like this place was not a very good happy place.

"Tails?, Tails are you in here?".

Deeper in to the castle in the kitchen the objects that had met Tails were talking among themselves.

"I was worried that something was going to happen to that poor boy"

"I've never seen the master so angry before something must of put him in a bad mood"


The objects looked over to the kitchen entrance and they saw Sonic walking past they had never seen anyone like him before who was he?

"Did you see that?"


The candle holder and the teapot looked out the door

"Another one?"

"No not a fox this one is a hedgehog like the master was"

"What are they doing here?"

"Maybe they are looking for that fox let's follow them"

The teapot and the candle holder followed Sonic, Sonic went up some stairs he could feel cold air against his face this was either a tower or there was windows near by where cold air was coming in.

"Tails where are you?"

Sonic came to a door he opened it, it lead to a dark room that was only lit by a few lights and there was a cell Sonic looked in the cell he saw Tails.


Sonic ran over to the cell.


Tails looked up and he ran to the bars he was glad to see Sonic.

"Sonic? How did you find me?"
"what happened Tails? why are you in here?"

"Sonic you have to leave"

"Who did this Tails?"

"No time just go"

"I'm not going to leave you here"

Sonic was grabbed and thrown across the room.



"Who are you? whos there?"

"The master of this castle"

"Please let my brother out he's just a kid"

Sonic stud up his head hurt a little bit from being thrown across the room and hit in to a wall.


"Please I'll do anything just let him go"

"There's nothing you or anyone can do for him, he's my prisoner"

Sonic thought for a second.

"Wait...take me in his place"

"You would take his place? why?"

"Sonic no don't do this"

"Because he's my brother he's only a kid, if I do take his place will you let him go?"

"Yes but you must promise you will stay here forever in his place"

Sonic gulped but he had to do it for Tails

"I promise"


The beast walked over to Tails's cage and let him out Tails ran over to Sonic and hugged him.

"Sonic why did you do that?"

"Your just a kid Tails I had to"

The beast grabbed Tails and dragged him out and threw him outside

"Take the next five lefts through the forest and you will be back where you belong"

He then shut the door Tails stud up he tried to get back in the castle but the door was locked and the windows where either broken beyond prepare or locked Tails sighed and walked away, Sonic watched him leave through a window the beast came back to Sonic he was stopped by the teapot.

"Master maybe you should be nice to this hedgehog he seems nice"

The beast moved the teapot away and continued walking

"Why didn't you let me at least say goodbye to him"

The beast looked away for a second maybe he should be nice to this hedgehog or maybe not.

"I'll show you your room"

"My room?"

"You rather stay in this freezing cold cell"


"Then come on"

Sonic followed the beast through the halls he was still a bit upset about Tails, the beast looked back at Sonic then he stopped.

"Here's your room"

The beast opened the door Sonic went in to the room it was a very nice room it looked like it could belong to royalty.

"This is your home now you can go wherever you want apart from the south wing"

"What's in the-"

"It's forbidden, look just stay away from it, if you need anything my servants will help you with it soon you shall join me for dinner in the dining room downstairs IT'S NOT A REQUEST"

The beast then slammed the door Sonic sat on his new bed he held his face in his hands and cried he was now a prisoner in a horrible place with a horrible beast.

An hour passed Sonic was now laying on his new bed he was depressed then there was a knock, thinking it was the beast Sonic ran to the door and held it shut.

"Go away!"

"I'm not the master sweetheart"

Sonic sighed then he opened door, the teapot and some cups came in they were worried about Sonic and wanted to see him

"I thought you needed someone to talk to"

"Your a talking teapot?"

"Yes I am a teapot you may call me Vanilla I was once a rabbit"

"A rabbit?"

"Yes and this is my daughter Cream, she sadly is now a cream holder"

"How are you a teapot?

"Awhile ago the master was cursed and it effected us all"

"That's right we've been cursed"

Sonic got a fright and he fell on the floor

"A talking wardrobe?"

"Excuse me but I am a bat thank you I'm Rouge the bat but now I am a wardrobe that holds clothes"

"you were very brave standing up for your brother"

"Everyone thinks so"

"I just hope that he is ok he's just a kid"

"Don't worry he seemed very capable of handling himself now we must go and get ready for dinner I hope you join us"

Vanilla hopped out the room

"Bye bye mister"

Cream hopped out too, Sonic smiled they were nice

"You best get ready for dinner too the master will be expecting you"

"I will not be dining with him"

"But you must or he will be angry"

The door opened and the candle holder walked in

"The master is waiting for you"

"Tell him I won't be coming"

The candle holder nodded and hopped out Sonic shut the door.

Downstairs in the dining hall the beast was sitting in front of a huged fireplace

"I've been waiting for over 30 minutes where is he? WHY ISN'T HE HERE YET?"

Cream, Vanilla and the candle holder were sitting on the table where a big feast had been prepared.

"Please try to calm down Shadow the poor boy has lost his little brother and his freedom in one day he's feeling a little depressed"

"It may be possible that you could be more nicer have you thought maybe this was destiny that the curse could be lifted if this is the one"

"OF COURSE I'VE THOUGHT ABOUT it I think about it everyday since I was cursed I think about it all day and night I once had hope that one day I will meet someone but it will never happen because LOOK AT ME"

Vanilla and the candlestick holder looked at each other

"You must make them look past that your a good guy"

"I don't know how too"

Vanilla got mad and hopped off the table and went to the beast

"Well for one you could be nicer and act like a nice well mannered gentleman"

"Yes, you should show your best smile the smile you always had on your face Shadow not the creepy one"

"And don't scare him he's scared enough and above all"


As the candlestick holder and Vanilla said that the door opened

"Here he is"

Shadow looked up at the door a golden clock came in


"Where is he?"

"Who? oh the hedgehog well I heard that he told...umm the other  candle holders...tha...he is in the umm...hes not coming"


Shadow got up and he opened the door and ran up to Sonics room and slammed his fist against the door hard.


"I'm not hungry"



"Master try a gentle approach"

"Will you come down?"

"No, I will not"

Shadow raised his fist

"Don't scare him try again but more kinder"

"It would be nice and it would benefit us both if you'd join me"


The clock tapped Shadows shoulder reminding him to say please as it was nice to do



Shadow hit the door hard leaving a dint in the wood


"Watch me!"


He then turned to the clock, Vanilla and the candlestick holder

"If he doesn't eat with me then he can't eat at all and he stays in there"

Shadow ran off down the corridor and slammed the door making the whole castle quake

"Well that went bad"

The clock and candlestick holder sighed.

In a beat up room Shadow was complaining and throwing things around as he came in to the room.

"I try to be nice and I get a big fat NO what would he want me to do? beg!"

Shadow grabbed the crystal ball on a desk it was his only connection to the outside world.

"Show me the blue hedgehog"

The ball fogged up then it showed Sonic in his room lying with his head in the pillow and the wardrobe was petting his back

"He's not that bad if you get to know him give him a chance"

"I don't want to, I want nothing to do with him"

Sonic lifted his head up he was crying his eyes out, the crystal ball then when back to being clear, Shadow felt bad he made Sonic cry.

"Who am I kidding he's terrified of me he sees me nothing more than a..."

Shadow looked at the rose that was in a bell jar a petal fell from it and landed on the table almost seven of them had fell Shadow then looked at the rose necklace next to it.

"I'm a monster, this is hopeless"

Later the door to Sonics room opened Sonic peeked out to see the hall he walked out and shut the door he saw there was a big dint in the door he touched it it any more hits and it would of gone through the door, he walked along the hallway he then smelt something nice he followed the smell downstairs.

In to the kitchen

"He even said please"

"He can't control his temper it'll be harder for him and this hedgehog to get along you know that Espio"

Sonic peeked his head in the kitchen and saw Vanilla talking to the candlestick holder


"Your out your room dear"

"Your not suppose to be out your room it was the masters rule"

"Forget the rule Espio this poor boy is probably just hungry"

"I am a little bit hungry"

"That's good dear here there's some leftovers you can have"

"Thank you very much"

Sonic sat down and started eating some leftover food


Vanilla turned towards a oven that had ports and pans on it


"He can't just eat leftovers he needs good food"

Some plates and cups jumped out the cupboards and then Vector the oven started make food for Sonic, when it was done Sonic was served some nice looking food. Sonic started eating the food it was absolutely tasty, Sonic had never ate anything like this.

"This is amazing"

"Thank you I do my best"

"A talking oven?"

"My name is Vector I am the chef or was the chef"

"I see, well you do a very good job Vector"

Sonic finished he felt stuffed the food was so good

"Well it's best you go to bed"

"But I would like to look around the place may I look around your enchanted castle"

"Enchanted castle? it's not enchanted silly, well I guess it can't hurt for you to look around I will show you around also I am Espio the now candlestick holder"

Espio hopped on the floor and started hopping, Sonic followed him, Sonic then saw some stairs that lead to a dark area he was about to go up them but Espio stopped him.

"What's up there?"

"It's forbidden"

"This is the south wing?"

"No, no"

"Then why's it forbidden?"

"How about I show you the Library"


"Yes it's got all kinds of books and every single one has not been touched in years I will show you"

Sonic did like to read in his spare time, Espio hopped off Sonic followed, when Espio was far enough away Sonic went up the south wing stairs he wanted to see what was up it he walked through a door into a room there was a lot of smashed furniture and cobwebs inside, it was very creepy and dark in the south wing Sonic didn't like it much he then saw a big picture of someone it was a bit ripped Sonic could see the ruby red eyes of the person he stared at them for a bit then there was a glow. Sonic saw the rose sitting on the table he went over to it he looked at it he wanted to see if it smelt just as nice as it looked he took the bell jar off it and was about to smell it when he got a fright from something at the window it was the beast it leaped at him and covered the rose with the bell jar again.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm sorry I just wanted to see it"

"I told you not to come here"

"I wasn't going to hurt the rose I would never hurt something so nice and beautiful"


Shadow struck Sonic across the face Sonic fell on the floor he looked at the beast it was more of a monster than beast


Sonic got up and ran out holding his face he ran out the wing and down the stairs he fell down the last set he thought Shadow was coming after him he hit the floor hard he sat up and held his head it was bleeding badly he got up and ran out he passed Espio

"Where you going?"

"I'm not staying here"

Sonic ran out the front door it was snowing very hard and really cold.

Espio hopped up to the south wing to Shadow.

"MASTER! The hedgehog he's ran away in to the forest the wolves will get him if we don't help"

Shadow looked out his window and saw Sonic running in to the forest Shadow jumped out the window and landed on the ground he saw where Sonic had ran there was a trail of blood in the snow.

"He's hurt...the wolves will sniff him out easily if he's bleeding"

Shadow followed the blood trail, Sonic kept running he heard wolves howling then he saw them he tripped over and fell into a lake it was so cold like a million knives had stabbed him all over his body but he managed to get out and continued to run but he was a bit slower as his clothes were waterlogged and they were weighing him down, the wolves got closer he eventually couldn't run anymore from becoming light headed he grabbed a branch and got ready to fight them off he managed to hit one of them away from him but more and more came he went to hit another but he missed and it grabbed the stick and snapped it Sonic fell backwards he backed away and waited for them to strike he closed his eyes but it didn't happen he heard sound of the wolves being hurt and them whimpering and running away.

Sonic opened his eyes he saw Shadow attacking the wolves when he had hurt them enough or shown he was the dominant one the wolves ran off, Sonic laid on the ground his head still bleeding, Shadows arms were bleeding too but right now Sonics head wound was worse Shadow walked over to Sonic, Sonic backed away more Shadow backed off a bit Sonic started to feel more light headed he started to pass out Shadow grabbed him and made sure to support his head to stop it hitting the hard ground Shadow then picked Sonic up he put him on his back as he would be unable to support him with the wound on his arms he then started walking back to the castle when he arrived everyone was worried for both of them

"What happened master?"

"Wolves attacked us he needs our help"

Shadow lay Sonic on the floor in front of the fireplace

"We need bandages, needle and thread quickly"

"Right away"

The servants fetched him the needle and thread Shadow carefully sewed Sonics head wound up and he wrapped a bandage around his head to make sure it didn't bleed anymore, Sonic then started shivering he was freezing.

"Go get him some warmer clothes these ones are soaking and will make him freeze more"

The servants nodded and went to get Sonic warmer clothes, Shadow grabbed a ripped curtain and laid it on Sonic to cover him while Shadow got the wet clothes off him, the servants came back with the clothes and gave them to Shadow, he managed to get them on Sonic hopefully what he had done was enough to keep him warm, he should be very warm from the fire too, Shadow then sat and waited along with his servants to see if Sonic would wake up.

A few hours when by but eventually Sonic woke up he opened his eyes and saw everyone around him he sat up.

"Are you ok?"

Sonic looked to his side and saw Shadow sitting next to him

"What happened?"

"You were hurt and were being attacked"

Sonic got angry it was Shadow's fault after all.

"If you hadn't of scared me and hit me this wouldn't of happened"

"Well you shouldn't of been in the south wing"

"Well you should learn to control your temper mister"

"I'm sorry"

Sonic looked at Shadows arms and saw the dry blood on them

"Your hurt"

Sonic grabbed Shadows arms

"This is nothing"

"You still need to get these cleaned and wrapped up"

Sonic grabbed a cloth

"Vanilla I need hot water and a bowl"

"I have some hot water and there's a bowl there"

Sonic grabbed Vanillas handle and the bowl close to him he poured the hot water in to the bowl then dipped the cloth in and then he placed it on Shadows arm.


"Don't call me an idiot and it's meant to hurt and it serves you right and it means that its cleaning anything in it out and don't move"

Shadow sat still as Sonic cleaned his wound.

"By the way thank you for saving me and for the help"

Shadow was surprised at Sonic saying thank you to him nobody had said thank you to him before well his servants did but he knew them very well but Sonic he didn't know much about him

"Your welcome"

"By the way my name is Sonic"

"I don't think I told you mine"

"I don't recall it but if you did I might not remember"

"Well if you want to know it's Shadow"

Back in the little town Tails was trying to get everyone to help him go back for Sonic but everyone ignored him and called him crazy even Knuckles got an idea that might just seal Sonics hand in marriage he went to the asylum that was close by and made a deal with the owner that if he would throw Tails in the asylum Sonic would be forced to marry him if it was to get him out, the asylum owner laughed at that plan and he agreed to it, At Tails and Sonics house Tails was getting ready to go out

"If nobody believes me and won't help I will go back alone, Sonic put his life on the line for me now I have to help him"

Tails then left, A few minutes later the asylum car rolled up with Knuckles, Charmy and the asylum owner Knuckles opend the door.


"Seems like they aren't here"

"They will be back soon Charmy stay here and wait till they get back then come tell me"

At the castle Sonic was outside with Cream and a piece of furniture that was meant to be a dog it jumped on Sonic and it seemed happy Sonic was happy too, Shadow was watching from a balcony not to far away

"He seems happy now I want to do something for him but what can I do?"

"When I told him out the library his eyes lit up maybe he likes to read"

"Your right maybe I should allow him to use it whenever he wants and make it his own"

"Good idea master"

"Sonic could you come in for a second I want to show you something"

Sonic when back inside the castle Shadow was waiting for him at the stairs

"It's this way just follow me"

Sonic followed Shadow to a doorway

"In here is something I want to give you but you have to close your eyes"


"It's a surprise"


Sonic closed his eyes Shadow opened the doors he held Sonics hands and walked in with him

"Can I look yet?"

"Not yet hold on a second"

Shadow opend some curtains so light could come in

"Now can I look?"

"Yes you can look"

Sonic opened his eyes he saw lots of books so many he couldn't even count them he was going to enjoy reading more than ever now

"Wow I have never seen so many books"

"It's yours if you like it"

"I do, thank you so much I appreciate this very much"

Espio and Vanilla were watching to see what happened.

"I knew that would work"

Sonic looked around the shelves at the books

"I'll leave you to read if you want"

"Why don't we go back outside its a very nice day outside even though it's  snowing"

"I've ummm never been outside in the snow"

"Well it'll be fun come on Shadow"

Sonic grabbed his coat, a hat that Shadow had given him, he then walked outside, Shadow looked outside everything was all white and the water had frozen over too.

"Come on it's ok"

Shadow came outside and walked with Sonic

"See it's not so bad"

"No its not"

"I told you it's not bad"

Sonic walked over to some birds that were sitting on a frozen bird bath he pet one of the birds and it started to flutter it's wings Shadow tried to pet the other bird but it flew away from him Sonic noticed this he held Shadows hand and laid it on the frozen water.

"let them come to you"

Shadow waited then the bird came back it went close to Shadows hand then it hopped in to his hand and happily cheeped.


Shadow moved his hand up to his face to look at the little bird he then pet the bird with his other hand.

"It's so fluffy"

Sonic smiled and walked off with the other bird and put it on a bird feeder that was hanging from a tree Sonic then looked at Shadow who had a few more little birds come to him it made Sonic smiled then he got an idea he rolled up some snow in to a ball then he threw it at Shadow, the birds quickly flew away as the snowball hit Shadow in the face Shadow stared at Sonic who was laughing his head off, Shadow grabbed some snow and was ready to throw it at Sonic but Sonic was ready for it he threw another one and it hit Shadow in the chest making him drop the snow on himself.


Sonic rolled up another one but he was a bit late and he got hit in the back of the head with a snowball.

"Got you!"

Sonic threw another then he ran off Shadow ran after him and threw another that hit Sonic in the leg hard and made him fall in the snow Shadow ran over to him

"Are you ok?"

Shadow turned Sonic over Sonic had his eyes closed

"Hey come on wake up"

Shadow tried to wake Sonic up

"Sonic wake up"

Sonic had snow in his hand he reached up to Shadows face and rubbed the snow in his face.

"HAHAHA got you back"

Shadow brushed the snow off his face

"How dare you, don't do that to me"

Shadow walked off back into the castle he was very angry


Sonic lay back in the snow

"Why's he a grump I thought I was getting through to him, oh well"

Sonic lay in the snow for a bit longer he started making snow angels.

Shadow went to the south wing he went to the rose it had a few petals left his time was almost up.

"I'm not sure if I can do this, maybe I should let him go home"

Shadow picked up his crystal ball again.

"Show me Sonic"

The crystal ball changed and showed Sonic making snowman he looked happy the crystal ball then went clear.

"Show me the fox"

The crystal ball went red and showed Shadow the woods Tails was making his way back but the snow wasn't helping him as he was just a little kid

"This kid needs him more than I do show me Sonic again"

The crystal ball changed and showed Sonic coming back inside and head to the library Vanilla came in and saw what Shadow was looking at.

"Shadow are you ok?"

"Vanilla I'm worried about him"


"The young fox needs Sonic more than I do I rather be a beast forever than separate a family, go tell Sonic to come here so I can tell him he can leave he's in the library"

Vanilla smiled Shadow was learning to be kind she hopped to the library.

Sonic was sitting reading a book about a far away land that was ruled by a boy who found a magic sword and became a king, Vanilla came in and saw Sonic reading.

"Sonic, the master wants to see you in the south wing"

"The south wing?"

"Yes he wants to see you there"

"Ok I'll head there now"

Sonic put the book down and he walked in to the south wing when he went in the wing he saw Shadow looking at the rose.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes I wanted to see you Sonic I'm letting you go"

"Letting me go? you mean?"

"I'm releasing you your no longer a prisoner"

"But I'm happy here with you I don't want to leave you"

"Sonic, I have to let you go your brother needs you more than me, he's on his way here but he will die from the storm that is currently in the forest please, Sonic go"

"If you really want me to go I will go"

"Before you go take this"

Shadow handed Sonic the rose necklace.

"So you don't forget, it was a gift from a friend, I want you to have it now"

"Thank you Shadow"

Sonic hugged Shadow, he then put the rose necklace on it glowed a little bit but not enough to be noticed then Sonic left, Shadow watched Sonic leave Sonic looked back and he saw Shadow watching him as he walked out into the forest


Sonic walked through the forest till he came across Tails laying against a tree Sonic ran over to him.

"Hang in there buddy"

Sonic helped Tails up he was really cold.

"Let's go home"

Sonic and Tails headed back to the village and back home Sonic got Tails inside and he wrapped him up in a warm blanket

"There you go Tails take it easy"

Charmy poked his head up in the window and saw Sonic and Tails

"They're back"

Charmy flew off and he went to Knuckles and told him that Sonic and Tails were back. Tails opened his eyes and he saw something blurry in front of him.


"I'm here Tails"


Tails hugged Sonic

"I thought I'd never see you"

"I missed you Tails"

"How are you here? did you escape the beast?"

"No he let me go"

"But he was horrible to us"

"He's different he's changed he became nicer"

"I'm just glad you are ok Sonic"

"I'm glad your ok Tails, what were you thinking going out there on your own you could of died"

"I wanted to try help you"

Sonic sighed and pet his little brothers head

"Well your ok now"

There was a knock at the door

"Probably Knuckles asking me to marry him again"

"I'm starting to hate that guy"

Sonic walked over to the door and opened it but it wasn't Knuckles it was someone Sonic had never seen before and the whole village

"Who are you?"

"My name is Scourge I've come for your brother"

"My brother?"

"Don't worry we will look after him"

Scourge showed he was the owner of the asylum.

"TAILS IS NOT CRAZY I think you need to leave"

Tails came out to see what was going on he saw the whole village outside.

"Tails, good to see you tell us about this beast you saw in a castle"

"He was huge bigger than me about maybe ten feet and he had huge teeth and he was very aggressive"

Everyone started laughing at Tails they didn't believe him only Sonic believed him.

"Well it proves he's very crazy"

Tails tried to explain but they didn't listen to him some men grabbed Tails and took him to the asylum van that was outside the house.

"Let him go he's just a kid and the beast is real I've seen him I was at his castle he was aggressive and mean but now he's kind he was kind to me and he let me go to help Tails"

Nobody listened to Sonic they just ignored him then Sonic saw Knuckles maybe he would listen.

"Knuckles you know Tails isn't crazy"

"Maybe I can clear this up with everyone on one condition"


"You marry me and Tails will be set free"


"One word Sonic and he will be free"

"I will never marry you"

"Have it your way then"

Sonic tried to stop them taking Tails but he couldn't they threw Tails in the van Sonic held on to the rose necklace Shadow gave him he clutched it tight it started to glow again.

"Shadow I wish you were here to help me"

Just when the van was about to drive away something appeared in front of the van and made it stop, it flipped the van over the doors flew open Tails crawled out and ran to Sonic

A few villagers became scared when the van flipped over and they saw what caused it.

"What is that thing?"

Sonic looked at what appeared and saw the red eyes of the thing.


The beats ran over to Sonic and Tails when it was in the light from the van it was more clear to see what it was.

"Shadow your here how?"

"I don't know I had a strange feeling that you were in trouble somehow I had to come then I heard you trying to save your brother".

Sonic smiled, Knuckled was shocked at the sight of Sonic smiling at this beast.

"He's just as crazy as his brother this will kill us all if not that it will sneak in to our houses as we sleep and kill us in our sleep"

"No he's not like that he's kind he's my friend he's nice he won't hurt anyone"

"If I didn't know any better your saying you have feelings for this monster"

"Your the monster Knuckles"

Sonic stud in front of Shadow and Tails defending them both Knuckles got very angry he slapped Sonic out the way Sonic fell on the floor Tails ran over to him.

"Sonic! are you ok?"


Knuckles got his gun and pointed it at Shadow, Sonic saw Knuckles holding his gun ready to fire.


Sonic ran at Knuckles and knocked him over making him miss his shot it just skimmed past Shadow, Sonic held Knuckles down.


"But Sonic"


Sonic struggled to keep Knuckles down.

"Do as he says go"

Shadow ran off and headed for the forest Knuckles kicked Sonic off him.

"Your not worth marrying anymore"

Knuckles pointed his gun at Sonic but he changed his mind and he ran after Shadow with some of the townspeople Sonic got up.0

"I have to go after them"

"Sonic, Knuckles will kill you"

"I have to stop them"

"You love him don't you?"

Sonic looked at Tails it was clear that Sonic did love Shadow a lot

"Well don't just stand there go"

Sonic hugged Tails then he ran after Knuckles and the villagers.

Shadow ran back to his castle he ran inside and hid in the south wing Espio, Vanilla, Cream, Rouge and the other servants saw Knuckles and the villagers coming to the castle they barricaded the door.

"What we going to do?"

"I know act like real furniture don't hurt them just scare them away"

Everyone let go of the door and they placed themselves down like they were just objects, when the villagers came in the castle all they saw was furniture not servants at all.

"Take anything valuable but the beast is mine"

Knuckles went in first and he headed upstairs and he looked in all the rooms when the villagers came in the servants attacked they didn't hurt them enough to cause them injuries just enough to scare them while they were doing this Knuckles entered the south wing Shadow was hiding behind a broken statue he saw Knuckles coming in.

"Come out beast are you scared to face me, you know Sonic will never love you he will never love a monster like you and from the way you were acting he has you wrapped around his little finger"

Knuckles kept taunting Shadow.

"When I'm done killing you I will mount you on my wall and I will make sure that Sonic sees it everyday I will force him to look at it even if he refuses"

This made Shadow very angry who did this guy think he was? Shadow had enough listening to him, he came out and attacked Knuckles.

Knuckles was a bit stronger than Shadow, Sonic ran in to the castle he saw the villagers and the servants fighting one villager had grabbed Cream and was about to throw her Sonic quickly ran over and grabbed Cream before the villager could smash her.

"Don't hurt my friends"

Sonic put Cream down carefully.

"Cream go to the kitchen and stay there with Vector hurry"

Cream hopped in to the kitchen and she hid with Vector. Sonic ran up the stairs and in to the south wing he saw Shadow and Knuckles fighting Knuckles pushed Shadow in to the table with the rose on it it knocked the bell jar over Shadow tried to grab it but he wasn't fast enough because Knuckles attacked him again Sonic quickly ran and dived on to the floor he caught the bell jar in his arms the rose was saved from being destroyed but due to the force it took from Knuckles pushing Shadow in to the table its petals fell off leaving one single petal on it. Knuckles and Shadow took their fight outside they started to fight on the rooftops just above the entrance Shadow managed to get the upper hand he grabbed Knuckles and hung him over the edge of the roof Knuckles started to beg for his life.

"No don't kill me I'll leave please I promise I'll do anything"

Shadow wanted to let Knuckles go but he wasn't like that anymore he put Knuckles back on the edge of the roof safely.

"Leave and never come back"

He let go of Knuckles although he already regretted it.


Sonic came out holding the bell jar in his arms


Shadow climbed back up to the south wing balcony and he hugged Sonic

"I saved your rose but it's only got one petal left"

Shadow smiled he took the bell jar and put it back on the table.

"Thank you Sonic even though there's one petal left I'm just glad your ok"

Unknown to them Knuckles had climbed back up he held his gun and he fired but when he did he lost his balance and he plummeted to the ground below when Sonic and Shadow heard the gunshot they both looked at each other to see who got shot Shadow was fine but when he looked at Sonic, Sonic had been shot through the stomach.


Sonic fell on the floor coughing on his own blood.


Shadow held Sonic.

"No come on Sonic you're going to be fine it's just a little bullet come on your ok"

Shadow put his hand on the gunshot wound to try stop the blood

"Shad...ow I'"

"Don't apologize this is my fault I caused this I should of let your brother go from day one"

Shadows eyes filled with tears

"I....if you did...we wouldn't off met"

Sonic placed his blood covered hand on Shadows cheek Shadow held Sonics hand as a tear fell down his cheek the servants ran in and saw Shadow holding Sonic and blood on the ground

"Oh no" Vanilla looked away Espio hugged her as he tried not to cry

"Sonic please don't die"


Sonic took his final breath and he closed his eyes his hand fell from Shadows face and landed on the ground.

"Sonic, no don't you dare leave me Sonic come back"

Shadow hugged Sonic close "I love you too" Shadow then kissed Sonic his  lips were warm but slowly turning cold.


Shadow looked at the rose and saw the last petal fall.

"I'm sorry everyone looks like we are stuck like this forever"

"It's ok Shadow as long as we're togeth-"

Espio stopped talking as he started to glow

"Whats happening?" Espio changed back in to his normal self then Vanilla turned back in to a rabbit.

"Wait CREAM!"

Cream came running in she was her normal rabbit self to she and Vanilla hugged everyone else changed back they were happy to be normal Shadow looked at himself and sure enough he was back to his hedgehog self but he wasn't happy Sonic was gone,

"The curse is gone but Sonic is gone to".

Shadow lay Sonic down on the ground everyone came over and kneeled next to Sonics body they all started to cry then the necklace around Sonics neck started to glow brightly the rose broke from its chain it then went over to the petaless rose and a pink ball of what looked like magic broke the bell jar it then it landed on Sonic and Sonic started to glow Shadow and the other watched as Sonic started to glow his body started to float then he started to glow bright white and then the castle started to change from being all dull and scary and returned to it's natural beauty then when the glowing stopped Sonic floated back on to the ground his gunshot wound was healed and the blood was gone.


Sonics eyes opened he then looked at Shadow

"Shadow?" Shadow hugged Sonic

"Owww can't breath"

"Sorry just I'm happy your not dead"

"What happened to you? your less fluffy"

"The curse on us is broken because of you"


"Yes the master had to find someone who would love him for him and not for him being a beast and the master had to learn to be kind and I say he has done it"

"Sonic, did you mean what you said?"


"That you loved me?"

"Yes, Shadow I meant it I love you"

"I love you to Sonic"

Shadow then kissed Sonic on the lips again but this time Sonics lips were warmer and he was alive. Later the villagers came to the castle and apologize for what they did the servants forgave them all the villagers even apologized to Tails for calling him crazy the villagers weren't just there to apologize they were also there for something special they were there for Sonic and Shadow's wedding.

Upstairs Sonic was in his room getting ready, he was on one knee and Vanilla was holding something for him

"This is perfect for you dear"

Vanilla placed a sparkly crown on Sonics head

"Your ready?"

Sonic stud up he was dressed all in blue

"Are you ready yet?"

Tails came in the room he tried not get emotional

"Yes, Tails I'm ready"

"Ok I'll go tell everyone"

Tails then left he had to hold back his emotions he was so happy for Sonic.

"Vanilla I would be very happy if you'd be the one to give me away"

"Sonic it would be my pleasure"

"let's go then".

In the big dining room all the villagers were waiting along with Tails, Shadow and the servants.

"You nervous?" Tails elbowed Shadow to get his attention

"A little what's Sonic like?"

"He's an amazing brother also just don't let him near big pools of water he kind of freaks out but that's all"
"I see"
"Look after him for me"

"I promise I will look after Sonic for the rest of my life"

The doors to the dining room opened there stud Sonic and Vanilla, Vanilla linked her arm with Sonic.


Sonic took a deep breath

"Yes, I'm ready"

He and Vanilla walked towards Shadow and Tails, Tails had to wipe a tear from his eye when Vanilla and Sonic reached Shadow Vanilla placed Sonics hand in to Shadows hand

"You ready for this Sonic?"

"Yes let's do this Shadow"

Espio stud in front of Sonic and Shadow and he performed the wedding ceremony Sonic and Shadow were now married they both shared a kiss as the villagers cheered for them from that day on Sonic and Shadow lived happily ever after.


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