Give Your Heart a Break

By AnujTiwari1

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When is it enough, really enough? In love, never! In abuse, forever. Written flawlessly with tenderness and... More



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By AnujTiwari1

Agastya is weary. When after some time he cannot bear it, he calls the lawyer early morning. Even in anger, he has a sense of pleading in his voice. He says, 'Uncle why are you not able to solve the case? We are not even able to defend the case. We are just getting dates. My sister needs a divorce but with all the rights she deserves. That man took all her savings, treated her like an animal every day. Don't they see marks on her skin? Is it that tough to get justice?''Yes, Agastya, it is that tough to get justice. Marks can be created, and people do that, so the only way is to come up with proof, which we do not have as of now. And even if we do, they are not substantial enough to steer in our favour. We need to sit and discuss in detail. This is becoming complex, but we are trying,' the lawyer says.'Okay. I will see you tomorrow.'
'Life has betrayed me at every point in life; I'm fed up with this world. I want to take the case back. I was only fighting for my rights and respect that I am already losing in the process of attaining justice. I am just regretting my decision.I would rather leave this country and settle somewhere far off where respect and dignity actually exist, than have myself condemned for fighting the societal atrocities,' an exhausted Addya says in fury.Agastya looks at her—the penetrating stare makes her regret being so negative.'Nothing has deluded you. Do not judge your whole life just because things are not in your favour. Let me tell you one thing, you are just thirty and still have a long life to live. I promise you that I will give you what you have lost, even more than that. I just want you to stay strong.'Agastya holds her shoulders and looks into her regretful eyes, which are now filled with strength. This reminds her of her childhood when her father used to teach her life lessons holding both her shoulders to make her feel strong. It worked then, but it does not work now.'It's easy to say but how do we prove that in the court. No one knows about my situation. The court thinks he never hit me. He used to grab my neck so tightly that it was sore for days. He would leave cigarette marks on my skin and would give me shocks with the gas lighter when I dared to say, "Not tonight." How can I make them believe that all this happened to me, and not just once, but many times,' Addya says, in tears.Agastya remains silent. A new bout of rage appears in his eyes. A passive aggressive muffled rage. He restrains his thoughts and says, 'Once you think negatively, you start feeling worse. And then it sticks. It lingers. It is always there. Always. So, do whatever you feel like, just do not let negativity enter your life. You have to be the strongest right now, for mom and for me, even if it goes beyond this. We'll fight until you get what you deserve.'Agastya controls his tears and Addya hugs him tightly. Her grip is enough to define her emotions. She cries, 'I want to do something so that I can change my life to how it was before. I want to come out of this. It eats me day and night.'Nothing can break Agastya but tears in his sister's eyes shatter him into pieces. 'I know. I will take you out of this. I can get back everything you had before, trust me.'A message from Tarjani flashes on his cellphone.Why is Addya not picking up my calls? Where are you? Is everything okay?Agastya replies.All ok. I'll call you back.He takes the water bottle and gives it to Addya.'Tarjani told me that you are going for the event in Dubai. She trusts your work and understands your skills. You can also help her in e-commerce organization and brand building. You are now an important part of Uzaro and are going to Dubai—that's no mean feat. Very few people get a chance to speak at such an esteemed platform. So, for now, please try to concentrate on that,' Agastya says, looking at her.She wants to implement his words. She continues, 'I don't know... I know I can't change the things that have happened in the past but at least I'll not have regrets in life that I did not try, right?' She looks for his suggestions and strength as she is unsure.Agastya thinks about something for a moment and then says, 'That's why I was telling you to concentrate on things which inspire and give you joy. You both have done some commendable work together. Trust me, even I didn't think when I saw Uzaro for the first time that it would attain global recognition. She has made it that big single-handedly. If she thinks you can be of help and you both can take it forward, what is stopping you? You should definitely take it up.''But I am worried, can the date be changed? Because I guess the event is on the same date—April 18.'Agastya pauses and says, 'I'll talk to the lawyer. I am sure the date can be postponed. So, let us keep everything aside and you prepare your speech. Once you come back, we'll talk about the case, okay?' he beams.'There is no "you", you are also coming with me. Tarjani won't be able to join us because she has to take care of a few deals she has recently secured from a restaurant chain, but she discussed it with Arjun and Dimpy Aunty, and Dimpy Aunty is also coming with us. So, you must too. Arjun said he'll talk to you about your flight tickets.' Now that Addya knows she will be with the people she loves most, she is looking forward to travelling with them.'Oh yes, I do not have the luxury of international sponsored travel,' Agastya mocks her.'Just like the rest of the year when you roam around sponsored,' Addya responds cheekily.'Let me talk to Arjun and Dimpy Aunty and discuss the plan,' Agastya says and leaves the room.Agastya also wants Tarjani to join them. He thinks of calling Tarjani, but first he needs to call the lawyer.Agastya knows how excited Addya is about the event and he is even more excited to see her fall back in love with life. He has to speak to Mr Bhardwaj about the possibilities of postponing the date because if Addya is not present at the hearing, it will weaken her case and Mr Rastogi will appeal for ex parte. An ex parte decision is one that is decided by the judge in the absence of the other, which means Addya will lose the case.'The court has given the final date and you should bring Addya,' says the lawyer. Agastya pauses.'Nothing can be done?' he asks him again.'I can try but if the application gets rejected, it will be a problem. If we could avoid the appeal we filed before to transfer the case outside Delhi, there would be a chance to postpone the date easily, but for now, I suggest that you be available for 18 April. We are leaving a bad impression on the judiciary from the very first notice because we never received two notices, and only appeared in court after the third one. We are on the right side, but I hope you understand the situation.''Okay. Thank you,' says Agastya and disconnects the call. This is when Addya enters Agastya's room.
Asking questions does not mean doubting someone. They are meant to be asked to get answers and then move on. No matter how strong your bond with the person is, when you have a question you should ask before it becomes a dilemma. Addya had often noticed Agastya talking over the phone in a hushed voice with someone but she ignored it. However, today, she had found a new cellphone in his drawer when looking for her credit card.Addya casually asks Agastya, 'Whose phone is this?'His expressions create confusion, he takes the cellphone from her hand, and switches it off.'Nothing, it's an official phone,' he says.'This? Was there nothing older than this?' she says while looking at the cellphone. Addya suspects that Agastya is not telling her everything.'Are you hiding something?' she questions. Expressions matter as much as words. Agastya gets conscious and responds, 'Are you doubting me?''Never. I trust you.''Then don't worry about things. Also, I spoke to the lawyer, and the date will be postponed. So, you can happily go ahead and deliver your best speech. But make sure you prepare a good one. Let me know if you need any help. Tarjani suggested we go to Mumbai, and then we will all go together to Dubai. She has booked our tickets accordingly,' Agastya pinches her chin and goes back to his work.

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