Missing Agent [On Hold]

By Kitandrew

672 9 8

Black Friday 2015 the worlds largest smallpox epidemic occurs killing hundreds in New York city. With the cit... More

Ch 2 Lost and Found
Ch 3 Alert

Ch 1 Hunted

295 6 4
By Kitandrew

December 15th, 2015
New York City

[Your gear set is a Stricker set with 4 and a Path of the Nomad set with 2 and your weapons for now are The Liberator, and The Centurion and you look like this guy but your face is the characters]

With the JTF pulling back, the amount of missing agents and the talk of rogue agents killing other agents. Also with word of a second wave of agents being deployed. I just couldn't handle the stress. As I made my way down the street using cars as cover as I was on my way back from spying on the Last Man Battalion or the LMB. I just couldn't shake the feeling of being watched and the chance of being followed. As I made my way into a dark alley to by pass an intersection my comms went off.

???:"Phoenix you still out there, how copy?"

Me:"Yeah Vanguard surprisingly I am, just can't stop thinking that I'm being followed, over."

Vanguard:"Well try to get to the police station I got a back door open so just head on in."

Me:"Roger that just keep the light on, Phoenix out."

As I continued my way through the now dark and quite city. Overtime I became a little more cautious and jumpy as time went on being on duty with so little sleep. When I eventually made it to the station I went around back I saw the light above the door on and a broken camera on the ground. As I made my way to the door I got ready to breach but decided to radio in first.

Me:"Phoenix to Vanguard do you read me over?"

Vanguard:"I got you Phoenix how long you gonna take."

Me:"Just out back wondering if you were still here, coming in now."

I opened the door to find a small hallway that led into a office area. I had my pistol out just in case, when all of a sudden the lights came on. I swung to my right and had my gun inches away from Vanguard's face. When I saw him I holstered my gun and let out a large breath in comfort of safety.

Me:"God Keener I almost shot you." I said as I sat down on the floor against the wall.

Keener:"Sorry for the surprise, come on I found a few office's with couches." He said as he walked in the opposite direction as I got up.

I caught up with Keener as we walked the quite halls of the once busy building. We walked through some double doors as we walked by what some would call the wall of the fallen. I stopped as I looked at a photo that said 'Remember 9/11' with a photo of my dad on it. I remember the day when I was at West point. The memory brought tears to my eyes as I dropped to my knees. Keener turned around and came back to check on me.

Keener:"Do you need a moment?"

Me:"No" I said as I got up. "Come on where's that couch you told me about."

We continued on until we got to a big room with desks and small office's. We eventually found a suitable one and relaxed. Keener got up and I was about to say something, but Keener beat me to it.

Keener:"You heard about the pull out?"

Me:"First I've heard."

Keener:"Yeah and I don't like it we can't just leave them."

Me:"I know it's just, if we don't won't we be marked as rogue?" I stated with concern.

Keener:"Come on they don't care about us and you know it. They didn't give us the help when we needed it the most why should we stay? Were better off alone."

As I contemplated his words most if not were true. Yet the thought of going rogue would mean no turning back.


The term ment for when an agent disavowed the Division. Any rogue agent is considered hostile and to shoot on sight. When I was thinking I saw Keener's watch flicker from orange to red for a split second. I could have sworn I was seeing things, but before I could say anything he started to talk.

Keener:"The question is do you want to be on the winning side kid? That's all I'm asking, nothing more nothing less."

This was where I had to make my move as I went to stand up from my sitting position I readied myself to draw my pistol just in case. Before I could move a muscle a 'click' came from behind me.
Keener who was in front of me looked at me with guilt as he didn't want to do what was needed.

Keener:"You just don't get it do you? Well then, you can suffer with them."

When whoever was behind me stepped forward I grabbed their arm, twisted till they dropped their gun in doing so gave me a weapon to shoot Keener with. As he dove for cover I fired off a few rounds and ran out of the room. As I kept running I came upon a window leading outside. So my choices were A: Play pac-man with guns or B: Jump outside. I chose option B, as I jumped out the window rolling to save momentum. With no where to go I chose the least obvious place anyone would check. A place where many go and few come back from, the Dark Zone. While running to the exposed wall I heard voices behind me. I looked behind me to see LMB forces closing in with one intention, to kill me. The only things on hand I had were a few grenades. I chose a flashbang and a smoke to follow up so I could escape. While running I tossed the flashbang far behind me, when I heard it go off I toseed two smoke grenades to mask my retreat. With my problems dealt with I made my way to the exposed wall and made my way up. On my way up I lost my grip and dropped my pistol [The Centurion] instead of going back for it I continued to climb knowing I'd wasted to much time. I needed to get away and that ment going MIA. Before I dropped over the edge I put on my mask and hoped down.

ISAC:"Transmissions jammed, proximity coverage only. Backup activated. System rebooted."

Me:"ISAC initiate wolf protocol as of December 15th, 2015 at 6:24 pm agent Andrew 'Phoenix' Davis is pronounced, MIA."

ISAC:"Wolf protocol is engaged logged at 6:24 pm. Weapon stash marked on map plotting wave point now, Hunter."

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