College Confusion

By looxired

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Camila Cabello is a popular girl, dating the varsity football quarterback, Austin Mahone. When a girl named L... More

Chapter One: The New Girl
Chapter Three: Threes a Mess
Chapter Four: Library 4 A Peck
Chapter Five: 5 Minutes
To Continue
To Continue

Chapter Two: Party for Two

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By looxired

Lauren's P.O.V

After the baseball game, I rode with Keaton to the party. We pulled up to the guys house. It was a nice looking. It was actually pretty big. Good area too. When we walked in, people were every where. Two girls were passed out on a couch and these other girls were drawing on their faces. Of course, a few couples making out. Then, I spotted her.


She was a challenge, but I mean, who doesn't like a challenge? I know I do. She's straight, she's taken. But that wouldn't stop me. Usually it would, but Camila seemed different.

I walked up behind her and poked the side of her stomach. She laughs and turns towards me.

"You are not Austin..." She says looking at me.

"That I am not, but I am Lauren. Which is so much better." I smirk,  making her chuckle a little bit.

"What do you want, Lauren?" She asks.

"I just wanted to have a simple conversation with you. Is that to much to ask?" I give her a pouting face, which makes me slightly smile.

"If you didn't come off to strong, we'd be good friends." She states.

"Really? Well, if I lower it down a bit, would I be ok then?" I smile and ask.

"You're ok now." I smile at her response and meet her gaze. "My friend Rita has a liking to you." She points out to Rita, who is looking at us.

"Yeah well, I have my eyes set on someone else." I slide in and it makes her blush.

"Whatever you say. I can't stop you. But hey, if I was into girls, trust me, I'd be all over you." She gives me a smirk, winks at me and walks to Austin, leaving my breathless.

"That girl will be the death of me." I say to myself, watching her walk away.

I was outside in the backyard when I hear Keaton call my name. He comes up to me, obviously a bit drunk.

"Lauren, if you could have any girl here. Who would it be? You pick and I'll go hit in her." He laughs off.

"Um, well, Camila. That's your friends girlfriend though so, I guess that girl." I point to a girl with nice long hair in a pony tail. Her skin looked smooth and damn, she was gorgeous.

"Alright. Ugh, oh! That's Ariana. I got this, I got this." He says and Awalks over to her. I watch him and I couldn't help but laugh when she pushes him away, so I walk over to calm things down.

"I am so sorry for my friend.. He's drunk and an idiot." I simply put it.

She gives me a genuine smile. "Oh no, don't worry about it. I know him too, he dated one of my friends. Um, I'm Ariana." She holds out her hand and I take it.

"Lauren." We smile at each other and let go. Um, I should probably get him to a couch or bed, better yet. Let him sleep this off."

"I can help?" She asks.

"Oh no, I wouldn't want to bother you anymore." I say, slyly.

"Oh please, I wouldn't mind if you bothered me a bit more." I smile at her response.

We both throw one of Keaton's arms around our shoulders and carry him upstairs. We lay him on a bed and laugh after looking how passed out he was.

"Wow. We've only been here a good couple hours and he's passed out already." I joke.

"That's Keaton for you." she says laughing.

"How'd you know where to go? This person must throw a lot of parties if you knew where to go to so easily." I suggest.

"Oh, they don't throw a lot, just a few. But, I mean, I'd hope I knew where I was going in my own home." I loom at her, eye widen, looking a tad bit shocked and feeling stupid.

"I'm sorry, I totally didn't know." I say, shaking my head in embarassment.

"It's fine, how could you? We only just met a good 20 minutes ago." She laughs. "Come on, let me get you a drink and take you on a tour of the house."

She takes my hand and we go downstairs. Once we get a drink, we shows me around the living room, dining room, kitchen, movie/game room. At first, I didn't really pay attention to the looking of the house, but once she showed me around, it was a really nice ass house.

We walk up to the last roon that's downstairs and stood by the door.

"This is probably my favorite room. You're going to think I'm a nerd, but I don't care. It's my getaway room." She says.

She opens the door and we walk in  It's a library. It was about the size of the dining room and books were every where, of course. There was an old vintage white desk in the middle, it was cute. Ariana began to look around at the books.

"Wow, you can barely hear the music out there." I point out.

"That's one of my favorite things about this place. When my parents fight, I come in here, grab a book and just escape into it."

She began to open up a bit about the books she's read and what her interests are. I didn't know why she was opening up to me. I only met her about an hour and a half ago. Still, there was something I liked about her opening up. I thought it was cute and reassuring that there are still people out there that aren't afraid to show who they are. She was actually really fascinating to me. She passion that she had when she'd talk about books was really astonishing. She showed me a few of her favorites and described them to me. I couldn't help but get lost in get words. She sounded so at peace in there. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't in love with her mind almost instantly. After a good 45 minutes, the conversation comes to an end in the library.

"Wow. I don't think I've talked that much to someone I just met..." She realizes and looks down.

"Hey, I actually found it pretty great." I say as we walk out of the room and stand in front of it again.

"Really?" She asks, giving me an uncertain look with doubts.

"Yes, really." I smile. "I kind of loved how you talked about the books. It's good to be passionate about something. Esoecially since it's stories." I hear her chuckle and can see that she's blushing.

"Thanks.. That's probably the first time someone has said that too me." She states. We get cut off when Camila and Austin come up to us.

"Lauren, I see you met the host of the night." Austin says, clearly drunk since he's stumbling. I can see that Camila is annoyed, having to hold him up from falling.

"That I did, Austin." I say in a rather easy, sarcastic tone.

Austin behind to laugh until he leans against a table but falls down. Camila rolls her eyes and just looks at him.

"He'll be fine right there for a bit." She says and we all laugh. "So, what are y'all doing?"

"She's giving me the tour of the house." I state. Camila's eyes widen and her eyebrows lift. She nods her head and push her lips together.

"Sounds fun..." See says, continuing to nod.

"Yeah, well now it's time for the upstairs." Ariana says. "See you later, Mila." She takes my hand and heads me over to the stairs. I look at Camila and see that she's a bit on edge or sad. I'm so hoping that she's jealous.

Once she was done showing me the upstairs, we stopped in her room.

"I hope you know, this wasn't some ploy to get you into my room." She jokes and sits in her bed next to me.

"I didn't think of that at all." I say with a smile, looking at her.

"Good." She says softly. We look at each other for a little bit and begin to lean in. Our lips soon touch. It was a good kiss. Her lips are really soft and gentle. She cupped my face and I pulled her closer to me, holding onto her hips. The kiss was a bit slow, but it felt good. I didn't want some full fledge make out session, especially since I barely knew her.

Once we parted lips, we shared a smile together.

"We should probably get back to the party." I suggest. She laughs and stands up.

"Probably." She says back. She holds out her hand and I take it, leading me back downstairs.

As the night was coming to an end, she walked me outside to Keaton's car.

"Just call me when he wakes up and I'll come back to give him his car." I say to her.

"I have your number, so that'll be no problem." we both smile and she comes closer. "I had a good time."

"I did too." She kisses me one last time for the night and heads inside. I couldn't help but smile at how well tonight went.

I knew I could end up liking the girl. But something in me was telling me to keep getting to know Camila and I was going to no matter what.

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