SWCW: A 501st Story: Brothers...

By DefinitelyNotPearson

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This is a fan fiction made with Characters based on real players in a Garry's Mod Star Wars Server. In a war... More

Chapter 2: Operation Yeldog
Chapter 3: The 501st Finest Hour
Chapter 4: The Titan
Chapter 5: Escape of a Frozen Soldier
Chapter 6: Troopers of the Round Jacuzzi
Chapter 7: A New Trooper
Chapter 8: A Legend Thought Gone
Chapter 9: The Vanguard
Chapter 10: One Step into Hell

Chapter 1: The 501st

115 1 1
By DefinitelyNotPearson

The chill of the metallic room seeped into Commander Yeldog's bones, a stark contrast to the heat of battle that still clung to his numb fingers. He scrubbed at his vibroblade, the polished metal reflecting the haunted glint in his eyes. Each stroke whispered of fallen comrades, their faces etched in the grime of battle and sacrifice.

His gaze swept the room, seeking solace in the familiar faces of his remaining squad. In the corner, Captain Baker, fresh-faced and new to the 501st, adjusted his dented armor, the remnants of a mortar strike clinging like unwelcome memories. He bore the mark of a warrior, forged in fire, but the untamed light in his eyes spoke of a battle yet to be fought within.

Next stood Captain Fives, his stoicism a balm to Yeldog's battered spirit. Ever the professional, Fives meticulously inspected his helmet, a testament to his unwavering discipline. A wince betrayed the blow he'd taken, a droid staff marking its territory on his brow.

Across from him, Karno, the grizzled veteran, leaned against the wall, his silence heavy with the weight of countless campaigns. His eyes, sharp as a sniper's sight, flickered across the room, a silent promise of vigilance. Though conversation was not his forte, his presence was a shield, a reminder of battles won and scars earned.

Yoelajn and Tempaah, two young troopers, their voices echoed with the youthful exuberance of competition. Their laughter, a melody of blaster fire and droid destruction, sparked a flicker of warmth in Yeldog's chest. Their playful rivalry, though sometimes grating, reminded him of the spark that fueled their courage, the untarnished hope that war couldn't extinguish.

Above them, Emil, the tech whiz, wrestled with the holo-communicator. Each frustrated grunt was a testament to their isolation, their desperate need to connect with the Republic, to report the discovery of the hidden droid outpost. They were the tip of the spear, the eyes and ears in enemy territory, and the burden of their mission weighed heavily on Yeldog's shoulders.

He met the gazes of his squad, each a reflection of his own determination. Scars etched not just on their armor, but on their souls, they were a band of brothers forged in the crucible of war. And though doubts gnawed at the edges of his mind, Yeldog knew one thing for certain: with these men by his side, they would not fail.

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