By ViolettaLover9

49 1 8

Good is Bad? is about a deamon who as a Punishment gets transfered to a Angel school on erth where she meet... More

Good Is Bad?

49 1 8
By ViolettaLover9

Violettas Pro:
I could feel my heart beat as I got draged across the dark corridor only some meters away from the door to my destiny. The long man with glasses wich have been my only friend for years but are now suposed to lead me to my doom looked at me, He seemed abit sad for a moment but fast changed his expretision as the big black door opens. he and the other guard who Was holding me in my arms, lead me inside to the king, The room was dark and i couldn't see a thing untill They put me in the circle of shame, candles around me started burning and I was traped infront of the king sourounded by fire! There was also a crowd of importante creatures and litterally every deamon from my villige around me, everyone I know is watching me with shame in their eyes and start "boo!" and scream at me, to make it stop I bowed for the king. "Silenc!!!" He said to everyone with his deep voice, Now it's all quiet in the room, I start shake as I know he's gonna tell my punichment...Deth!, I try not show I'm afraid as he say. "Violetta Castillo!!!, for your terrible Crimes agains the Deamon Kind you are an big emberesment for the whole kingdom including your familly! It's worth a sentence of a endless Painful death!...." The king took a moment to let me take it all in my head, as I tried to keep myself from crying and continue breathing, "I don't wanna die!" I thought to myself with a big lump in my stomach but Then suddanly the king start talking again "...But! cause Your father is verry high ranked in or society and One of my lefts hands I have desigded to spear your Life!"...Omg! This is the first Time the king has ever Speared someones Life, I can't belive it, I just started smile but try not to show my face, since it unprofesional. I looked down while some lucky tairs feel from my eyes, then I looked up again and saw my Dad come from behind the king, he still looked dissepointed in me but still in a loving way, he still care for me i thought as the king start speaking again "Violetta, me and your Dad have talked and desigded To banish you from the deamon world untill you learn to Respect our kind!!!! And start behaving like one of us again!!!" "WAIT!! WHAT?!!!, dad why are you?!..." My dad answered. "I'm sorry, But that's what's best for you right now" He looked down on his feet, he didn't want to face me as the king talked "Violetta It's desigded for your crimes against our kind we desigded to spear your life but instead we will banish you from our world and send you up to a school on the earth, filled with the worst of creatures you will ever see, our worst enimes" I looked at the king "But why do you send me to enimies teritoury?!!, All my life I have heared horrible stories about what they have done to us in the past, I just don't get it!" The king said as his red eyes lighted up and he slowely disseper in the darkness as the fire slowely burnt down. "To learn My child, to learn and not become like them" Now I'm sourounded by Darkness again and thinking about what he said "Learn to not become like them!" What does he mean?, I would never be like them! i thought as someone took me in his arms and followed me out the door, When we get outside the dark room into the light corridor I could see it was my Dad. "Why?...why do I have to do this?, why do you agree on it?!!!" I asked, He answered With his big wings rised high in the sky "It's the law! and law is the most importante of all but you don't care, you never did, i thought i had raised you better then that but clearly you never will learn and now you are an emberesment for the whole kingdom!!! wich will affect our whole familly if you don't pay the price and stand for what you have done!!! you have to go and never come back!!" he looked at me with red lights in his eyes and a death stare, he then took my hand and we fly to the Traveling Mirrors Hill, where I will be send to the earth and atempt a scholl filled of our kinds worst enimy, the angels, But why, why the angels?!, I get frighten just to hear about them how the F*ck can I live with them?!!! all they do is destruction especially towards or kind, they will probably Torture me and lock me up in a dirty cell for years untill the day i Die! The truth is I havn't really seen an angel before, but I have heared all the storys as a little kid, it's a tradition in our world to learn all about those dangourous creatures and what they have done to our people in the past, The king thinks it's good for us to learn about it so we then can protect orselfs and fight back....But anyway, I told my dad how frighten I was as he opened a portal for me, He said to me that everything will be fine, I just have to keep a low profile and have to Hide my wings, we all know that I need to stretch them out every once in a while, or else They can easy broke, and an Deamon with broken wings are doomed to a life of sickness My dad told me. "as you stretch out your wings you have to make sure no one sees you or else you will be doomed Understand?" "Yes Dad" I said and gave him one last hug. "I guess this is it" I said and looked in the portal, I have never used one of these before so I havn't a clue what will happen but I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, get lose of my dads hand and then walked inside the portal, as I'm inside, I open my eyes to see everything is Black. 

I opened my eyes again, for real this time realising i must have fallen asleep in the portal, but now I got woken up by something tickeling my feets, I looked at them and saw it was some green small straws thoutching my feet, I looked around me and saw the same straws was everywhere, I have never seen something like this before, in the deamon world the whole ground is made of sharp rocks and dirty mud that hurt your feet really bad if you walk on it , even if we always fly, , the ground in our world scared me, especyally cause there is so manny deamons being impaled by the sharp rocks cause their wings can't handle to mutch preassure so they fall to their deaths! I hate to think that someday i might die, even if I as a Deamon have no soul and are domed to live forever in my human body The King can still take this life away from me and then there will be nothing left of me...I think of how close it was for my endless life to end but I got speared, My life got speared I shoulld be happy but I'm not cause I got banished!, I have no problem going away from my world cause I didn't fit in there anyway, I had No friends and basiclly got locked in my room ever since my human death and I arived in Hell but still, Why this world?!, Why the angels! they are gonna tear me apart if they find out what I am! In my thought I realised I have forgoten to Hide my wings, I pull them in my body wich turn them into a small tatto on my back wich i have covered up with some clothes, Now I look human again wich some of the angels are supposed to do to, in the storys it says "You can't trust anyone keeping their wings hiden, it might be an angel trying to fool you into their land of torture" Wich is abit funny cause as i have a look around this land dosn't seem dangourous and torturus like all the storys say, nothing like i imagined it to be, it actually quiet beautiful up here, But that's just a way for the angels to trick us, I won't buy it! right in that moment i looked up in the sky to see a big bright ball shining at me, Its Light, i realise everything is light, It makes me happy, after all these years of darknes I finally see a big bright light in the free sky, I can fly as mutch i want, wherever i want, I wanna fly into that light so baddly but as my father once said "You can't trust anything or anyone in the angel world, it will allways end up In being Captured by them and after that, who knows what happens?!" It makes me scared, might these Green straws getting stuck on my feet be something that later will be my doom?, I can't fly wich mean I won't be able to avoid it anyway so for now i hope for the best and leav it be...I took deep breath, turned aroun and suddanly saw that big building called angel school where I will be speanding the rest of my life or atleast untill i proven myself for the king, it's a place everybody will hate me if they find out who I'm, but with that said I take small steps on forwards untill i get to the school.  

Leons Pro: I was in the schools corridor talking to Maxi and Federico when suddenly a Girl walked thru the door, everybody turned to her and watched her closely as she walked slowely in the corridor with fear in her eyes, she didn't face anyone clearly cause she is new and nobody had seen her before, but still she looked kinda cute, I smiled. Maxi and Federico Try wake me up from my thoughts "Leon?...Leon?...eeh...Leon?...You're staring!" Ops!!!, "Sorry" they both gave me a weird look "Don't tell us you're sorry, tell her" I got comfused "Did she even see I was stearing at her?" The question game continued and maxi asked "Why did you even stear at her in the first place?" That is obvious cause everybody else did to i told him but to my suprice Maxi told me I was the only one who did..."Wait?! did I made that up in my mind?, everybody stearing at her?" Maxi told me "obviouslly! " I started blush as maxi continued his sentence "...and we all could clearly see that she was uncomfterbal when she saw you looking at her so you shoulld go to her and apollegize right away!" My whole mind is blown, what is wrrong with me? how could i made that up? why did i made that up?!..."I need to apolegize right away, see you guys later" I said and start going to the principal room cause I'm sure it's there she went.                                

Violettas pro: I walked inside the school frightened that people would stare at me, but to my suprice they didn't, what a relife but that dosn't change the fact that all of these folks is dangourous creauters, distruction machines, enemies of my kingdom, my dad said that if I keep a low profile everything will be fine, but I'm still scared they might find out what I'm. With that thought in my head I continue walking, trying not to face anyone, hoping that nobody get me any atention, but that didn't last for long when i suddanly got my glance at a Boy standing with his friends, but he was looking at me, he litterally didn't get his eyes of me, not for a second, it made me blush and everything got worse when he started smiling at me, , why does he look at me like that?, why does he smile at me?, why is he the only one who does, can't he just act like everybody else and just ingnore that I walked thru the door?! it makes me feel weird in my stomach and awkward being here! With that thought in my head I desigded to ingnore him and continue walkink towards the principals room, But sad enough I don't know the way so I have to face my kinds biggest enimy and ask for directions. I walked into a big room and In the sky There was 2 Majestic Angel girls flying high, It look like they where doing some kind of dance in the sky, using their big wings as props, it looks amazing but I still keep my distancing and am abit afraid of them especially when one of them saw me and they both flyed down to me, i took a deep breath as I now can see those creauters from a close perspectiv and as they hide their wings and all the shining sparkles dissepered i could see the white ribbon in one of the girls beautiful black braided hair and her beautiful matching dress. The other girl had a long currly almost red hair but not red, almost orange hair but not really orange, maybe some kind of brown, i don't know, The girl looked at me and smiled as she realised I stared at her hair, the both girls started laughing as her hair turned into pink, then blue, then purple. I was In schook! "Don't worry, I'm a colour swifter" she said and then explained "I have the power to coulour my hair/ clothes/skin into whatever colour I want whenever I want. a verry good camoflague" I didn't say a word, just watched them as the black haired girl said "I havn't seen you before around here, are you new?" "" I said with shaking voice and then looked down on the ground. they both becomed happy and said "Well then we're happy to welcome you to this little school, our names is Francesca and Camila and if there is anything we can help you with it's just to ask" I feelt abit calmer now "My name is Violetta" I said and then asked if they could help me to the Principal office for my regestration and they did. as we stood infront of the door I took a deep breath, this gave me big flashbacks from when I got taken to the king for my crimes but this time Francesca and Camila are the guards that lead me and the principall is the king, the Angel king and as we all know if he finds out what I are he will do something terrible to me! Camila calmed me "Don't worry, he just want you to fill in some papers that's all, and after that you are oficially a member of our school" Francesca added "Yes and then we can be bestfriends for ever" I faked a Smile trying not to show that I'm actually are afraid of them, that i don't bellong, that I'm their enimy... "What are you waiting for? go inside" Cami said, and I guess that means i have to, There is no going back, I walk in the door as they both scream after me "Good luck, We're waiting for you outside" then I close it and faces the big leader of this world. His Name is Pablo.  

Leons Pro: I Walked towards the principal office and to my suprice Camila and Francesca was waiting outside "What are you two doing here?" I asked, "Havn't you two a show tonight, you should practice" they both looked at me and Francesca said "Yes we have, but there is this new girl who needed our help and that's way more importante, and by the way we have allreaddy practice enough" I didn't focus on anything else except for the "new girl" I asked about her, "Is she here? or do you guys know her?" Cami answered "She's in the principal room and no we don't know her jet, all we know is her name is Violetta" Violetta?...That's a beautiful name, so different, not anything alike what i have heared before, I like it....i thought as camila asked me why i wanted to know, and I explained "Let's just say that i might have acted abit....Not rude but....hmmm....ruthless, i just wanted to apollegize to her right away" "Wow" Cami said as the both girls apploused me "Antonio would be proud of you"....Antonio, The big parent of our world, the one that have helped us through hard times and showed that kindness and love will always win over everything else, it makes us stronger, Antonio he's our lands greatest hero, our biggest insperation, the kindest man to ever excist and the most powerful but even the ones with greatest power can fall, some years ago in a battle he got killed by offering himselfe to the deamons, he offered his own life to save his people and all our grownups and parents saw when it happened, it's a historical moment in our history that our kind never will forget our forgive, even if i and all of the other kids wasn't there we have still heared about all the stories of all the terrible things the deamons have done to our people. cause our kind dosn't want to asume that they are all evil the stories tells about all the different reasson there might be why they would do sutch terrible things to us, but i just don't get it! No way there is a Reason! all Deamons do is destroying for our kingdom! they are evil creatures, I know I might breake the angels good spirit by thinking it but I will never belive a deamon can be good! I thought to myself as the principal door suddanly opened and out walked Violetta....Since that day she have officially been apart of the school, it have been almost a whole mounth and we all start becoming friends, but lately and honestly ever since the begining everybody have notice she is acting verry of and try keep distance from everyone, for a unknown reasson she always act nervous around us and everybody say to me she allways come up with excuses to leav when we start conversations with her, I don't really belive it's something suspicious going on with her though, but even if that was true it dosn't matter we all love her anyways, me more then anyone...when she became apart of this school and the more I started hang out with her I realises more and more I like her, and I think I did ever since the first day i layed my eyes on her when she entered our school, when I stared at her by mistake, I'm still emberesed about that, but it gave me a reason to talk with her so I guess it's good it happened, I still remember her being so shy with me as I apologized, she didn't know what I was talking about at first but she gladly accepted the apology then her eyes meet mine and I knew it was love I felt for her, I still remember how her beautiful eyes sparkle as she looked into mine....but the point is ever since that they I knew i like her more then just a friend and that i wanted to be with her, but i still havn't told her my feelings jet, even thogh i think she likes me to. i have seen how she behaves around me, she talks, speand time and trust me, more then anyone else here, she acts happier around me and everytime i give her compliments she blushes and have that smile on her face that just make me melt, i get happy just by thinking of her, i love her. 

Vilus Pro: That day when i officially became a member of this school my perspectiv of it have changed alot, i realises the angels actually are verry friendly and i have becomed really close to them all, especially Leon, he have been the kindest of them all and we have actually hanged out together just the two of us quiet often and i feel so happy when he's around even though i still can't trust him or any of the angels 100%, the king of my people told me this is their way to distract me and get me into their trap, but as long they don't know what i am it's fine right?, they won't hurt me if they think i'm one of them...that's why i still try keep my distance from them and give excuses everytime they wanna hang out with me, i just don't want to blew my cover. and honestlly i feel confident and safe, I speand most of the time out of school all alone in a beautiful forest i found as i came to this world, I chosed a part of it as my home and it's well hidden so i don't think anyone will ever find it, it's a perfect place to let my wings out and dance at the lake in the beautiful moonlight, I love it there cause I can sing together with my wild animal friends who's living there with me and it makes me relaxed and happy. I feel safe...but that wouldn't last long, i ingnore the angels and i dissepere/ go away everyday where the angels dosn't know about, they start getting suspicious and lose their trust in me, they havn't said anything but i can feel it, everybody thinks there is something of with me, everybody without Leon. 

Leon's pro: it became an awkvard silenc between us, I saw how Maxi watched Vilu go out the school from the window, his suspicious look couldn't be missed...our conversation continued as he said "I know you Love her and stuff, and you know I support your relationship, or whatever is going on between you two in anyway, but you must agree there is something of about her, like she's different in some way, i just can't put my finger on it" Here we go again "Maxi! How manny times must I tell you there is nothing different about Violetta, she's just like all of us, abit shy and like to be alone that's all" Maxi looked furious at me "But havn't you realissed when she leavs this place everyday" I smiled "That's called go home from school" Maxi seem irretaded " anybody here know where she go? or where she live?, she havn't told us! and everytime we try hang out with her or talk with her she make up some lame excuse so she can leav as fast as possible, and her wings!" I still smille at him knowing that i'm the only one she have full conversations with without giving excuses and leaving, that must prove that she likes me right? I can feel Maxi know exactlly what i'm thinking, he roles his eyes and then i ask out of curiousity"What about her wings?" He looked at me with crossed arms "Nobody have seen them, she refuse to pull them out while she's at the school and everybody knows if an angel won't pull out their wings they will broke and you get dommed to never fly again" I start getting abit worrid "You think Vilus wings have broke?" Maxi answered "it's a possibillity but honestlly i think she just don't want to show them to us, that's why she go away all the time, to pull them out when no one can see her, it's so suspicious!!" I get abit frustraded with Maxi "Stop it!, There is nothing suspicious about Vilu!, and you can't just say that cause she wants alone time and is shy!!" Maxi try calm me down "Take it easy Leon, I did just tell my opinion on the facts and everybody agree that Vilu have been abit of since she came here, but you don't see it cause you're in love with her...and I have a felling that...." I interupted him "Stop it!...Just stop it pleas I don't wanna hear anymore of this." Maxi accepted that and stoped "It's time to go home anyways....good bye" "...Bye" I said as he leaved the room then i go home to.  '

This whole night i was awake thinking about Vilu and about what Maxi and the other angels think of her, i don't like it!, just cause she is shy and acts abit different they think there is something suspicious going on with her, just cause she won't pull out her wings! i mean how rude is that, I'm sure vilu have her reassons for it, I just don't get why Maxi and the others would think it's something wrrong with her! I mean we all have some flaws right?...but anyway it's time for school, I have thought that Vilu need some company now more then ever when everybody else seem to be against her so the first thing i do is walking up to her and start a conversation...maybe i get some answers. "Hi Vilu" she smiled "Hi Leon, what's up?" I answered "Nothing really, i just wanted to say that whenever you need something i'm here for you, and that you can trust me 100%" I could see she got abit nervous "What is that suppose to mean?" she asked, "Well...I'm abit worrid for you, it dosn't seem like you open up alot and I have latily seen something is bothering you and I just want you to trust me and know i'm here for you if you need it..." I stoped myself then continued "...I undersstand there must be a reasson why you keep your disstance and I accept it if you don't wanna tell, but just understand that i'm here for you, okey?..." She smiled at me "Thanks Leon, but just try ingnore it okey I'm fine" I smiled back "Okey...but...." she asked "But what?" i told her "I just wondered, where are you going all the time, i mean where do you live?, is it close or anything?...I just figure out i don't know it jet and there have been 1 mounth of our friendship so i guess it would be fun if i could come over to your place someday and we could hang out or something" I could see she got nervous again "Well....I would Love to tell but I did just remember I have something Importante to do so I might as well go" I smiled to her "I can go with you, It will be fun" She said "No, i'm sorry but I have to do this alone, bye" Then she hurried out and i finally start to realise she give me excuses to leav too, she won't let me in, she won't let anyboody in but it's still okey, i still love her i just need to get her to trust me, but how....I might regret it later but i desigded to go talk with Maxi and the other boys about it... in the Dance studio I found my friends "Hey guys" I said as I entered, Maxi replied "Hey Leon, what's up?" After that I start telling them about my Love for Vilu even if they allreaddy knows it, "It's just so frustrating that she won't let me in!, She won't talk to me or even hang out anymore, I just don't get it why! I want her as a part of my life and tell her my fellings for her but i can't if she dosn't want to talk to me!" They all looked at me, Federico with a smile on his face, he said " won't be easy but I really think you shoulld try harder to speak with her if you love her so mutch, When she try walk away you can't let her, if she do, you shoulld follow her or something, you need to show that you care about her" Everybody seems to agree that was a good plan and i'm really relived that they all support me in this even though i know they dosn't like Vilu that mutch. "Thanks Guys" I said to them but as i thought Maxi wasn't really convinsed, "Just be careful with her okey...I dk...I still thinks there is something of with her and she do some really suspicious activity, but if you love her i support you two" I thanked Maxi for his support and after that I thought alot about what Federico said, If I really want Vilu to be my girlfriend I need to try harder to make her hang out with me, to make her talk to me, to make her let me in her life, I can't let her go away from me ever, i need to be near her even if it means I have to follow her all my life...maybe that's exactlly what I'm gonna do, I will follow her. Next day...Violetta's Pro: Here we go again! why Must he allways go Talk to me?! I thought for myself as I saw Leon walk towards me again "Hi Vilu, How are you?" He asked, And one more time I need to come up with an stupid excuse to leav even if I really Love to talk and hang out with him I need to stop my friendship to everyone of the angels especially to Leon. Yesterday I got a wake up call since I realized My likeing for him have grown way to strong and that is a big problem, I know what he is and I know what his kind is capable of doing, I can never in my life hang out with him again! I feel sad as i told Leon "I'm fine, But i really need to go" And then turned around and tried walk away, but something was holding me back, I feelt how someone took my hand and keep me from moving "Wait!...Pleas stay with me Violetta" I heared His angelic voice say, If it was someone else I would hit him hard in the facevand then run away as fast as i can, but I didn't cause it's him, I start blushing as the warm felling of his hand thoutching mine came into my body, But I still hide it the best I can and turn to him ,my eyes meet his, wow...he's so dreamy i thought as he said to me "There is something I need to tell you" My heart starts beating faster and the coriousity getts bigger inside of me, but whatever it's he wants to tell me i know i can't allow him, I have to make excuses again "I would love to hear what you wanna say Leon but I really need to can tell me another time...okey..." I tried walk away again but he wouldn't let go of my hand "Pleas Vilu all I ever want is to let to know you better and speand time with you, pleas let me inside your world and tell me about yourself pleas let me in!" No! No! No! Leon! why are you asking me this! I can't tell you don't you undersstand?!! I hate it But I need to Lie to him to protect myself "There is nothing to tell, Let go of my hand Leon!" I said but didn't mean it at all, I like it how his hand holds in mine, it makes me feel safe and happy even if i shoulldn't at all, it would be against all the rules! As I thought to myself I almost didn't hear a thing of what Leon said to me, all I know is it ended with "...I want you to be more open and hang out more" I guess this have something to do with me not talking to him, I wish he knew how sorry I'm for that and what I'm about to do, I'm so sorry Leon but even if this will hurt us both I need to do this, I can't be with you or anyone anymore, I roled my eyes at him and hide that a tair almost fell from my eyes while taking a deep breath, I then looked at him and pretend getting iretated "Do you ever give up?! I have told you manny times I'm a loner, I wanna be alone!" I said to him hoping he won't get to hurt, but he didn't give a clear respons, he just answere " Yeah I get that but wouldn't it be fun to once in your life hang out with your friends" "Friends?..." Oh no! I thought, it might be the perfect way for me to end my relationships to him and all of the other angels but am i really that heartless?...I know for a fact if I do this both me and Leon will be completely Broken and Lost, If i do it I will have no one else in this whole world that care about me and If i do it there is no going back but even if it will hurt i have to do it, I looked up at him and as netrual as I can I tell him "I don't fit in, i'm different, i'm not that kind of persson that likes hanging out with people, I have no friends! so pleas Leav! I just wanna be alone!" I looked down and try hold in some tairs that was on the way out, I'm so sad that i might have lost the one persson that actually care for me, the only one, but he's an enimy of my kind and there is no way I can be with him anymore! I thought to myself as I heared his angelic voice again "No I won't!, I'm your friend and I care about you, I would Never leav you, Violetta!" Pleas!, Pleas! Leon! don't make this harder then it allreaddy is, You have to understand that we can't be friends anymore! " "Why won't you understand?!!! I don't have any friends! I don't need anny friends and I DON'T WANT ANY!!! especially Not someone like you, so can you pleas just LEAV ME THE Fuck ALONE!!!!" I said almost screaming at him and to do that made my heart officially broken, I saw Leons look, it was filled with shook and fair, he said nothing as he dropped my hand and apolegized, "Just leav me alone!" I said while hurry out from the School crying, I feel so sad and Broken I need to go to my happy place in the seacret woods, I allways feel better when I go there, I feel better to know only the animals can see me, I feel better when I Dance and sing in the moonlight, I feel better when I let out my wings and fly, i feel better when i pray by the beautiful lake, It just makes me feel so happy and safe to be there, it's a place I call home and I'm the only one who knows it excist . 

Leon's Pro: Now I just wait, Wait untill she takes some more steps, Just waiting on that right moment I can follow her without being seen, It's Kind of crazy to think of it, me following her, watching her every step from behind, i will be the first ever persson to see where she disseperes all the time, i will see how she acts and what she do when we arn't around, I'm gonna let to know her better by this, even if i still feel alot of guilt for following her, i know my attentions are good i wanna let the whole world know the reall her and hopfully they fell in love with her perssonality too, this will give her lots of friends and no one will never again talk bad behind her back, everybody will see the violetta i know and Love and they are gonna like it.... I thought as I realissed Vilu walked into a forest "So weird, I never seen this forest before??? and i think no one else have either....It's well hidden" I said quiet to myself as I followed Vilu into it...after some minutes of walking Vilu stoped infront of a beautiful lake at an open site so i desigded to hide in a bush and watch her. After some seconds of watching I soon realised she made some relaxing movements in her arms while breathing and soon her legs followed, she spinned around and I could see her eyes was sparkling as she danced around for herself infront of the lake in this beautiful forest i never seen before, it almost looked magical, i'm so amazed by her, she looks so beautiful and i just want her to be mine, I thought to myself as i realised that it suddanly came small lights flying around and dancing with her "Fireflies....Wow" Now I'm even more amazed, she just become more and more beautiful for every second i look at her, she's not from this world, she's something else, like a faritale, she have something speciall inside her that i havn't seen in anny other girl ever, i see clearlly that she's the one for me, my one and only true love, I really do love her so mutch, if only she knew I thought to myself as suddanly two rain-dears get closer to her and not just rain dears, also birds! birds litterally fly and land on this beautiful womans arms and i could here them wisthel to her song in this moment my heart beat faster and faster, "Wow, shes amazing" i never seen something beautiful like this ever before, I have never ever in my life meet someone that have made me feel like this, I love her so, I want her so, I know for sure that she's the only woman for me and i need her in my life, i never gonna let her go, i want her to be mine forever. I was watching my beautiful Vilu sing and dance together with the wild animals when I saw she suddanly stopped, I watched how she petted one of the raindears and said to it "Don't worry, everything will be okey" Then she took a deep breath, i started getting verry comfused about what she said, did she say that to the raindear or herself, i honestlly don't know but i continue watching her as she slowely took of her cape, I now started blushing big time, thinking she might be naked Under that thing, she probably about to take a bath and I watches her undress from a BUSH!!! How creepy is that?!!, I shoulld never had follow her, im so sorry vilu, i didn't mean to watch you!!! but still i couldn't keep my eyes of her..."huh..she's not naked" or at least she have a simple short dress on, with a bear back, kinda sexy...but the point is that made me think about..., is this maybe the moment, will she finally let out her wings, can i finally see them?, I hope, as i know us angels gets more attractive when we show our wings and Vilu alreaddy is the most attractive girl in school, or at least for me, my heart meelt by just thinking of her and im so excited to see her wings, i watches closely from my bush as she walked in the lake and bathed her bear legs in the cold water, she then sat down for a while, just watching herself in the reflection in the water, i see too, she looks sad for some reasson, no pleas Vilu!, don't be sad!, ugh...i so much want to go there and hug her right now, but i know If i do it she will be so mad at me for spying, she would never forgive me!, no, i better just watch her from behind this bush i thought to myself as i finally saw her back start shining, then I knew she is pulling out her wings, I watched her closely as the transformation happened but realized fast that something wasn't right about this, the light comming from her back was actually quiet dirty and dark, almost black like the midnight, this wasn't something good, it was a dark light filled with negative energie and when her wings transformation finally was done and got pulled out, she rised them high in the sky, when I watched her i couldn't almost belive what i saw, those isn't angel wings, those are clearly the wings of our kinds worst enemy, SHE'S A DEAMON!!! I feel how my whole body got filled with Anger! My face turned all red as I thought to myself "How can she do this to us!, I CAN'T ALMOST BELIEVE IT! SHE'S one of them, or worst enimy, a spy!!! I can't belive that i trusted her and realise now Maxi and the others was right all along! Why the F*ck didn't I listen to them!!! And How the FUCK DEARE THAT BITCH COME HERE AND FUCKING PRETEND SHE'S ONE OF US ACTING ALL SHY AND CUTE WHEN IN REALL LIFE SHE'S A MONSTER!!!! she's a reall destructiv machin and shoulld be banned from our world for good!!! I can feel how the anger in me grows bigger and the fire in my eyes for revange and justice burns now more then ever, tATH GIRL NEED TO GET SENT DOWN TO HELL AGAIN WHERE SHE BELLONGS!!! She needs to be punished FOR HER CRIMES AND....!!!...suddanly the angry fire in me calmed down, I heared crying, Crying from someone sounding like a scared little girl that lost her parents in a mall, couldn't be her right?, i looked down at her in the forest again, and there i see that deamon Vilu in tairs praying in the water "Pleas! pleas, Forgive me!, im so so sorry!, just pleas let them forgive me! let him forgive me for everything i done wrrong pleas! im so sorry!!!" She said while crying her eyes out, I wont say i didn't feelt bad for her but still i know what she is and she needs to be punished for entering our land! she needs to pay for her crimes one way or another but i need help, thats why i slowely and quiet go out the forest and fly towards the school again when I entered Maxi greeted me with a smile "Hi Leon!" "So , how did it go" I said nothing, just looked at him. "eeehh...Leon did something happen, you seem to look so serious all of a sudden?" Maxi said. I answer with burning fire in my eyes " I want revange, Punichment and Justice" Camila, federico and fran walked toward us now, they had heared everything i said "What?! revange and punichments, that dosn't sound like you at all! and Justice for what?!, what have happened?!" I looked at them, readdy to expose her, to exposse all her lies, she will finally get what she deserv. I looked at Maxi "You where right" they all seem comfused "what was he right about" fran asked. I then told them everything "He was right about Vilu okey!, Shes not who she claimed to be, she never was and she needs to be puniched!" Maxi with a smile on his face "See, I told you there was something off about her" ..."Maxi! Leon!" Camila screamed with a irretated voice! "What is wrrong with you two?! I mean Yeah I know Violetta Lied to us and i know lying is agains our law but still, don't we forgive and give second chances? Im sure if we ask she will tell us why she lied" I answered "well...we would do that if it wasn't for what I found out she is, a monster who can never be forgiven and arnt worthy of forgiveness or kindness, and I say she will get back all the pain on herselfe that she gave to us and our kind!!" Everybody looked at me comfused but still courious, Camila asked "how can you who just one houre ago was heads over heals for her now make her sound like some kind of monster?!" Maxi followed "Leon what are you trying to say? what did you see? who is Violetta really?" thats when I say it "Violetta is a Deamon!" Cami and Fran couldn't almost belive what I said, I saw how shooked they became, with shaky voice Cami said "Dosn't that mean she is a spy" Diego answered "Think of all the information about us she must have gotten from being here this long, I mean we have talked to her and she went to our school wich means she have been learning about all our weekneses and streights..." Federico added "...About all our strategies and planes" Fran started freak out "OMG!, She could have killed us all and destroy the whole school any second, I mean what we know all deamons do is destruction, she just needed to take all information she needed then the school will go boom!" I try calm them all "That won't happen" But ofcorse Maxi need to step in and worry them all again "No Let me correct you, It havn't happened jet, but it will if we don't lock that monster up for good, Its way to dangourus to have her free, we need to find her and take her to our Jail and Leon you're the only one who knows where she is so will you show us the way?" Suddanly I got a Feeling of guilt inside, I mean I have calmed down now and can think clearlly again, and even though Vilu is a deamon my feelings for her where real after all, and I really do feel bad for her, its not right for me to betray her like this, I was her closest friend after all...But No!...No!...No! Leon! She did just Play you!, it was a part of her plan to help the deamons take over our world, she wasn't my friend, she did just play along so i wouldn't be suspicious, she did this to mess with my head but it won't work! I know what I need to do, not only for myself but for my people. "I will take you too her!" I said and after that They all followed me while I show them to The seacret forest Vilu Lives in. I got Very nervous as I walked and they all followed me to the seacret forest, im supossed to expose Vilu for the moster she is and we all are about to give her the punishment she deserve, but on the way i got alot of time to think, think of her, do she really deserve this? i mean she didn't do anything really, just Lied to us, no no Leon!, are you really thinking of forgiving her?!, you can't! no you need to protect your people and remember Vilus kind is the enimy, we don't know if we can trust her or if she just plays mind games with me... she needs to be punished! I thought to myself when Maxi suddanly woke me up from my thoughts. "Leon!...Leon!!! Leon!!" He screamed, I got abit scared and answeared with a Irretated voice "Yeah!!" Maxi pointed "Is that the woods Vilu Lives in?" Yup here we are, "Yes thats it" I said, and Camila added "Well...Lets go Catch a Deamon then...But do we have everything needed?" Diego Noded and Fran said "Yes" Maxi smiled big "Good then lets go Capture her" once again I walked first into the forest, everybody else was behind me with big smiles and laughs on their faces, its almost like they enjoy doing this, to know that they are going to torture someone, what's even happening?! Thats not Angel Law, Our rules is simple, we shall be kind to all, not torture or in anyway hurt anybody! my head hurts abit, is it wrrong what we're doing? i mean when i think of it torture and punishment is something a deamon would do, but we all are angels and or number one rule is to forgive, so maybe that mean we shouldn't Do this to Vilu, maybe we should give her another chance to prove she can be good and I know even if shes born a evil monster and raised that way people is able to change if they only get the chance too, I think we should forgive her, I should forgive her, I really need to Stop this madness, (we can't hurt her!...)...I was about to say...but its to Late, I see everybody Gasping, "Leon you where right!" Cami said and Pointed at Vilu with her deamon wings Just sitting in front of the lake laughing and playing with the small ducklings. Aww she looks so cute and totaly harmles i thought to myself "We can't do this, she havn't done anything wrrong" I said, but everybody just pretended they didn't hear me. they just keept me out of it and discussed the Plan, Maxi started "Okey, are we all readdy to go there and Tie her up?" "Yes" everybody said with those big smiles again. everybody without me "No" I said "I won't let you guys do this, Vilu havn't done anything wrrong and people are capeble of changing, can't you just give her a chance to explain herself?" Maxi and everybody else looked at me with weird and comfused faces, Fran said "EEEhh....Leon...wasn't it you who wanted Vilu to be Punished?" Maxi aded "You clearly can't think clear my friend!, shes a Deamon our worst enimy" Fedrico said "Yeah Maxi is right, no way we can trust her!" I breath out and looked down "yeah i know, but she can change, even if shes our enimy i know there must be good in her, I can see it in her eyes you know and she have been here almost a mounth without hurting or doing anything bad to anyone, i mean just look at her, she wouldn't hurt a fly...." Maxi interupted "Or she do just Play Mind games, she messes with your brain Leon and you need to understand that, we need to lock her up as the monster she is or at least do something to make her go away for good"  I role My eyes and start getting mad, I raised my voice "You guys arn't listening! Vilu isn't like the other deamons, shes good, i can feel it!" Maxi started almost screaming at me "To get some sence into my head" but camila stoped him, she whispered to us "Can you two Just shut up for a moment?! you know Vilu is just right there and if she hear us we're screwed!" We both keept quiet, and Cami continued whispering "Good Now lets do this..." she looked at me very thretening "....You too Leon even if you like it or not!" Maxi aded "Its for the best" In this moment I just wanted to leav, But they all ofcorse Blocked the way for me, I was in the middle of a circle of them all unable to flee or save Vilu from this, I can't belive the people I thought was my friends would do something like this, its terrible! and they force me to join them, Join them and help them Capture Vilu....They are gonna capture Vilu and there is nothing I can do about it....for now. 

violettas pro: I was in the Lake praying, praying for my life, praying for forgiveness, praying for the hope they will accept me here as who im one day, I can't keep this seacret anymore, I need to tell them all the truth that im a Deamon, but that i in some way like it here better then the deamon world and that I wanna stay, i like the kindness of everyone, I like to see the sun, I like all the new friends I got and Most importantlly I like Leon, I never thought I would say this about an Angel but I think im in Love with him, Hes just so kind and calm to me, hé have good patience and have never in the whole time ive been here said any bad word of me, even if everyone else did't he stood by my side. "Pleas Pleas, Let Leon Forgive me! let him still love me even after i tell him what im, pleas" I prayed with tairs in my eyes "pleas If he dont forgive me I would rather Die, Pleas I need him in my life, Pleas..." ...My prayers got suddanly interupted by something touching My Leg, I looked and It was 4 small ducklings swiming around in the water, "Hey little ducklings" I said and all my tairs suddanly dissepeared thanks to their cuteness, I smiled and Played around alittle with them, as we played one of them feel on their feet so I had to Help him up, As I had the little duckling in my hands I could feel how soft it was in the feathers, "OMG!, You must be the cutest little duckling I have ever seen" I said to the duckling, Weird enough I heared a Voice talking back, no there is 2 voices, Did the little ducklings just talk, no it can't be, the voices was both deeper and in some way sound verry familiar, like those voices bellongs to people I know, it also come from above the hill so it can't be the duckling, "Someone there?!" I got no answere, what's happening do I start becoming crazy? I thought to Myself as Suddanly Maxi came out from a Bush with all the other Angels after him, "Violetta For your Lies and Crimes Against Angel kind we have seen you're a danger for our people, and There fore you need to be Puniched and then banned for good!!! Now Tie her up!!" After Maxi said that, Fran and Cami Started Tie me up while I thought for myself, How did they find me? I can't belive im cought, it wasn't suposed to end like this but there is nothing I can do and worst part is my dad was clearly right about the angels all along, they will never accept me, even if i wish they won't happen and now I just have to accept my fate. as I was Tied up I said "I accept my Punichment, I know what I did was wrrong, I shouldn't have lied to you and tell the truth right away, I know what I did Is against your Laws, And if you wanna Kill, torture or lock me in forever then Let it be that way...I acept my fate, but I want you to know how extreamly sorry im..." Everybody looked mad at me, Cami said with a irretated voice "Stop It, Stop with your stupid mind Games you Deamon!" Maxi aded "Yes!, we won't belive a word you say, Now Lets Take her to the dungon!!" They Hold me And Started dragg me out the Forest But before we Leav I got a glance at something that broke my heart into pices, I saw Leon together with them, which mean he's apart of this! we started walking and I started cry, but this Time i wasn't afraid to show it especially as I looked at him and saw him look at me too, I want him to see my tairs, and I know he sees since we both are right in this moment looking at each other deep in the eyes as I get escorted by Fran and Camila and he walks with the other Angels beside, but something isn't right, he seem really emotionally hurt , he arn't happy like the others for capturin me I can even see he cry abit, do he really cry for me being captured, wait...why is he here?, do he wanna be her? or is he forced to be here? I mean I see now the others are sourounding him as we walk towards the dungon, and he dosn't seem happy about it at all, OMG! Leon....He really don't care if im demon, he don't wanna punich me he Just got forced by the others too be here since someone found out the truth about me, but who might that be who dosn't really matter now does it? i mean im allready cought but the good news is i think Leon still wanna be with me and accept me for who im... I thought to myself as I realises we have stoped, oh...were alreaddy here, and im readdy to accept my Dom, I mean this is what I deserv after all, I thought as They tied me once again really hard against a Big Pole in the middle of a cell. Maxi looked at me and said "Here you will Be staying for a really long time since no one is comming here looking for you, you will be stuck at this pole forever and ever untill you roth! and Its all thanks to you Leon, Thank you so much for exposing the fraud"  I couldn't Almost belive Him, It can't be "Leon?....How could you?" I asked With tairs in my eyes realising it was him who saw and told everybody, and stupid me thought he loved me I thought while looking at him, I saw he started Tair up too " so sorry, I really didn't mean to tell them, i was an idiot and..." Maxi Interupted Him "AND Nothing Leon!, Shes Deamon, a Spy, Our enimy we need to leav her now to roth in this cell forever" As The tairs fell from my eyes in the background I could see Leon Losing hope, He got pretty sad face and then they all leaved the cell, as the door closed everything got dark in the room, Im all alone unable to move cause they tied me tight to this stupid pole, but the worst thing of all was I found out It was Leon who told everybody about me, but Im not even mad at him, he just followed the law and as I look in his eyes I could see that he truly is sorry for what he did, and I belive him, Like always hes still kind to me even after knowing what im, he still apolegize for his actions towards me even if he have the whole right in the world to do what he did, he don't want me punished even if i deserve it, even if everybody else of his kind wants me gone, I just Love that boy so much, but i dont think i will ever see him again, or anyone else, not as long im stuck here i can never be free, and even if i could flew from here that wouldn't be right either, i need to stand for what i did and maybe if I stay The angels one day will forgive me and let me go back to their school, I really wish they will give me another chance. But why?, why am i hoping for the things that never could be, they all hate me! I could feel the tairs fell from my eyes in the dark room, as I look and see nothing but black I realise fast I'm never gonna get out of Here, no one is coming to save me.  

Leons Pro: As we walked out the donjon I couldn't help but to feel guilt, This is all my fault! I should never have told them about Vilu! I should have keept Calm and then Aprocied her calmly, I think of what could have happened if I had done that instead, then Vilu would have talked everything out with me and that she's a demon would be our little seacret, a seacret that would keep us closer together, it would make her trust me more and maybe even feel in Love with me. I smile at the thoughts, I really do Love her, No matter what she are and I really need to save her from this big mess I put her into, but I can't do that as long the other Angels are here so I keep my cool and Pretend everything is normal, the day keep going as usually but after some hours when our school day finally is over everybody goes home without me, I stay and Im about to go under to the schools dungon and free her. 

Vilus Pro: I have been in this Dark room for hours now, seeing nothing but black, with no one to talk to, Im still tied to this pole and it starts hurting, the rope is sitting really tight on my body but I just have to live with it...I feel hopless but still know deep down that I deserve this, There is Nothing I can do was my thought when suddanly the lights sourounded the room again wich mean, someone had opened the door, I was afraid It might be Maxi or somebody of the other angels that wanted to come torture me but no, when I had a look at the door opening there stood Leon, My hero"Violetta! He said with the biggest smile on his face" he hurried towards me and I can see the tairs In his eyes "Im so so sorry for this, Violetta, pleas forgive me, this was never meant to happen ever, I was so stupid and mean, pleas forgive me even if i don't deserve it pleas forgive me, i don't care if youre a deamon I love you anyways and I always have, even if you don't feel the same and think im crazy, Just pleas say you forgive me, I need to hear it...pleas" Leon was Litterally on his knees in front of me speaking his heart out for me, he loves me. The lucky tairs start poring from my eyes "Leon....I Love you!" I said and he suddanly startred looking up at me, while slowely standing up untill he meet my eyes, He still had some tairs in them and I think I had the same, but it was tairs of Luck and happiness, "I love you much" I repeted myself..."But is it even possible for us to be together?" I asked "I mean our raises are each others enimy, no way they will accept us" Leon looked at me "I don't care what they think, I love you Violetta and im gonna be with you no matter what" I smiled "I wanna be with you too, but what are we gonna do? I know for a fact if someone from my old kingdom finds out about this we're both dead" Leon added "And I don't think it will be any different with the angels.." while he now finally untie me from the pole and im free. I don't know if this moment is any good for it but when my Arms are free I took them and wrap them around Him, I give him the tightest hug I ever given someone in my whole life, it feels safe when he hugs me back and say to me "I won't ever let anything happen to you, I will be there and protect you no matter what" I'm so happy when he say that and even more when he let go of the hug and holds my hand, he looked at me with sparks in his eyes, he's so beautiful I thought to myself as he asked me to follow him, I agreed and we walked together hand in hand up from the dungeon and out from the school, it was night and the stars shined bright in the sky, it was beautiful, I told Leon nervously thinking this will be the moment for our first kiss, I know we both did just get together some minutes ago but I think we both have been waiting for this moment a very long time, he got closer and started playing alittle with my hair while looking in my eyes, we both smile big and know exactly what each other want, Leon looks down at my Lips and I move even more closer showing him that I want his kiss, he understands and now his lips is thouching mine, it's a very soft kiss but still passionated in a way, you can easy tell Leon have waited for this moment along time and I have too, it's perfect and I'm so happy I told Leon after we let go from the kiss, I smile but he looked kinda sad "did I?...Did I do something wrrong?" I asked but he shakes his head "no vilu, it was perfect I'm just... ABIT sad" I asked him why and I got really surprised by his answere "To leav everything behind" I don't understand "why would you leav everything behind?" I asked while He took my hands "cause you and me Violetta, my love All I ever want is wanna be with you" I asked him questioning "and?..." "And... do you wanna run away with me? I got really surprised but still happy and excited "run away?!" He answered "yes just you and me, we can start a new happy life together away from everybody that judges us, we will be all free to be together and do whatever we. want, so do you wanna?" He looked at me with puppy eyes it seem like he really want this for us and honestly for my part I 100% agree on doing this but I'm worried for Leon, I mean yes I love him more then anything else but he have friends, I just can't tell him to leav them behind, I told him my feelings about it and he answered by telling he understands why I feel like that and that I'm a good person for thinking of him...but in the end he convinced me this is something he want more then anything "I wanna run away with you Vilu, far away" he said and gave me alittle kiss on the forehead, I looked at him "well in that case, yes I do wanna run away with you Leon!" He smiled Big "Omg I can't believe it, you made me the luckiest man alive, I love you so much" he said, I told I love him too. And made sure that if he ever change his mind we go back. "Thanks but that won't happen" he said, "now let's fly" he said whole holding my hand, we both pulled out our wings and flyed far far Away to our new happy life together where were excepted and can love each other without being judged or threatened, we might even get married soon and maybe someday make a lovely family together .

The End.

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