Katsudeku/Bakudeku Mpreg

By IzukiBakugou

109K 1.9K 2.1K

Basically what the title says. Izuku and Katsuki get drunk at a middle school party due to someone spiking th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

13.3K 242 378
By IzukiBakugou

Izuku and Katsuki woke up to a wailing Izumi. Izuku went over and picked him up.

"Hai! Hai! We hear you." Izuku said bouncing him.

"He need something?" Katsuki asked.

"Thanks, Kacchan! The only thing he wants is attention though. He gets like that when he wakes up first." Izuku said.

"Oh! Guess that's another thing he got from you." Katsuki said with a playful smirk.

"Mean. I outgrew that. Can you watch him while I change and get his diaper bag ready?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah!" Katsuki said and took over.

Izuku got dressed in his uniform and packed up Izumi's diaper bag. Then he laid out an outfit for Izumi. He went over to Katsuki and took over again heading towards the outfit to dress him. Then they heard Inko holler for Katsuki.

"I'll be back," Katsuki said and went to see what Inko wanted.

"Masaru dropped by after you had fallen asleep to bring your uniform. Here you go." Inko said handing his uniform to him when he got to her.

"Thanks! Oh! And we'll be taking Izumi with us to school today. We thought we'd tell our friends while letting them meet him." Katsuki said.

"Ok. Just be careful." Inko said and Katsuki went back up to the room.

Katsuki went back upstairs to see Izumi dressed in the cutest sailor suit. As soon as Izumi saw Katsuki he started to giggle and hold out his hands towards his father.

"Looks like someone missed you!" Izuku said, walking over to Katsuki holding Izumi.

"You are so cute!" Katsuki said and tickled Izumi making him giggle.

"Thought he should be dressed up if he's gonna meet new people today," Izuku said.

"He looks perfect. And so do you." Katsuki said and kissed Izuku's cheek.

"I'm gonna get dressed. Dad brought me my uniform last night." Katsuki said.

"Ok," Izuku said and went to pack his school bag while Katsuki changed.

When Katsuki was done changing he took Izumi after putting his school bag on. Izuku put on his yellow backpack and grabbed the diaper bag. They went downstairs and said bye to Inko. she gave them a bottle to feed Izumi on the way. They left and headed to school. After Izumi was fed he fell asleep in Katsuki's arms.

They arrived at school and everyone looked at them with a confused stare. Mostly they were looking at the baby. When Uraraka and Iida saw them with a baby they rushed over.

"Who's this?" Iida asked and Uraraka looked like she wanted an answer as well.

"This is Izumi. Our son." Katsuki stated.

"Son? But you two just started dating yesterday!" Uraraka said confused.

"It happened in middle school. We went to a party and ended up like this after someone slipped us alcoholic food. And until the day I ran out of the school, I didn't tell Kacchan about it since I had assumed he hated me." Izuku explained.

"Ok. That explains that. But your both male. How did you give birth?" Iida asked.

"My Quirk also allows me to give birth even though I'm male. And I don't mind. I didn't think I'd be able to have kids since I'm gay, but now my Quirk proved me wrong." Izuku answered.

"So this is why you kept turning us down! You could've told us. We're besties no matter what. He'll be our cute nephew!" Uraraka said.

"Pfft! Ok! And I didn't tell you because I wanted to tell Kacchan first. We've told our family. Now all that's left is friends." Izuku said.

"We'd better go before the bell rings!" Iida said going back to his position as class president.

They headed to class and when they got there the whole class gazed at Izumi. Kirishima and Kaminari rushed up to Katsuki who was holding Izumi. Sero, Tsu, and Mina following suit.

"Woah! What's up with you guys? It's just a baby." Katsuki said.

"A baby that you're holding." Kaminari pointed out.

"Who is it? He looks a lot like you and Midoriya!" Kirishima said.

"I hope so! Cause he's our kid! Meet Izumi!" Katsuki said as Izumi opened his eyes to two complete strangers.

"Huh?" the two said dumbfounded.

They explained the situation to the two while Izumi went to Izuku. They went to Izuku and Katsuki's desks to talk and Izumi sat on Izuku's desk.

"Mama!" Izumi said patting Izuku's arm.

"Yes, sweetie?" Izuku asked.

"Ah?" Izumi said with a confused face pointing at Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, Tsu, Iida, Uraraka, and Sero.

"That's Papa's friends! And your Uncles and Aunts!" Izuku said and Everyone smiled at that.

"Nice to meet you, Izumi, I'm Kirishima, but if you can't pronounce that you can call me Kiri."

"And I'm Kaminari! Call me Kami if you want, but your Papa calls me Pikachu because of my Quirk."

"I don't anymore. This one told me to stop with the mean nicknames, especially around Izumi." Katsuki said ruffling Izuku's hair.

"...hi..." Izumi said looking at his new Uncles and Aunts after they all introduced themselves.

"Aww!" they cooed at Izumi's cuteness.

"What's all the ruckus so early?" Aizawa said as he walked in the room.

"Midoriya and Bakugou brought a baby to school." Mineta tattled.

"Huh? Did you bring Izumi? You should tell Yagi then." Aizawa said.

"I told mom to text him," Izuku said.

"Ok then. Don't let him cause a ruckus for too long. If he starts to cry calm him down. If not just take him to Yagi." Aizawa said.

"Ok, Sensei," Izuku said and Mineta pouted since he didn't get punished.

Class started and everyone got out their books. Izumi has been around books for a while now and knows not to hurt the books. He was interested in the pictures tho. While Izuku was taking notes Izumi stopped looking at the photos and looked at Katsuki's back. He reached his hand out towards Katsuki's back and touched his father.

Katsuki turned around to see Izumi reaching his hands towards him. He moved Izumi to his desk and gave him his left hand so he can write with his right. Izumi played with Katsuki's hand happily and soon fell asleep on Katsuki's desk laying on Katsuki's hand. Katsuki watched to make sure he didn't fall off while he took his notes.

The first half of the day passed and Izumi only made some noise a couple times but was easily calmed down. When it was lunch Izuku grabbed the diaper bag and headed to lunch with Katsuki who was holding Izumi. Instead of making it to the cafeteria they were stopped midway by All Might.

"Midoriya my boy! And Bakugou my boy! Nice to see you." Toshinori said.

"Mhm! You stopped us on purpose." Izuku said back.

"Ok. Fine. Your mom told me you brought Izumi to school and I wanted to check on him." Toshinori said.

"You could've asked," Izuku said.

"Yeah, but you said you'd be embarrassed if people knew I was..." Toshinori started but was cut off by Izuku.

"AHH! Enough! I'm saying it's fine to ask to check on Izumi, not to tell that." Izuku said.

"What?" Katsuki asked.

"Nothing," Izuku said with a nervous expression.

"Mhm! Your always nervous when you're lying. Spill. You're not allowed to lie anymore." Katsuki said.

"Fine. Toshinori-san is dating mom." Izuku said.

"What? Your mom is dating All Might? That's awesome." Katsuki said.

"Shh! They don't want it out in the public yet. My mom doesn't like all the cameras and publicity." Izuku said.

"Ok," Katsuki said back.

"Oji!" Izumi said reaching his hands up to All Might.

"Hello, Zuzu!" Toshinori said and was handed, Izumi.

"How long has he known?" Katsuki asked.

"He only knew he was my kid. I never told him he was yours as well. And he's known since the first time he came to my house. So, maybe three quarters through summer. I had to rush home one time because mom said Izumi wouldn't stop crying. And All Might came with me since I looked worried. That's also how he met mom." Izuku explained.

"So Bakugou is the dad," Toshinori said.

"Yep! Sorry for not telling you! I wanted Kacchan to know the full story first." Izuku said.

"It's fine," Toshinori said.

"Want me to watch him while you eat? He might be overwhelmed at all the people in the cafeteria." Toshinori asked.

"Um. Sure. Just come and get us if he starts to throw a fit. Here's his diaper bag. There's a bottle inside for him to eat." Izuku said handing the diaper bag to All Might.

Toshinori went to the teacher's room and Izuku and Katsuki went to the cafeteria. They got their lunch and sat down at Izuku's table. When everyone sat down with them they wondered where Izumi went.

"Where's Izumi?" Kirishima asked.

"Oh! All Might took him to the teacher's lounge during lunch because he's shy around too many people." Izuku said.

"Why All Might?" Kaminari asked.

"They've met before so he knows All Might enough to be ok with him for a bit," Izuku said.

"Oh. Ok." Uraraka said in response.

They finished eating lunch and Izuku and Katsuki held hand and walked to the teachers' lounge to get Izumi. When they got there they found Izumi crying and Toshinori trying to calm him down.

"What happened?" Izuku asked worried.

"Um... Hizashi scared him. I was trying to calm him down, but it wasn't working." Toshinori said rocking Izumi.

Katsuki went over and took Izumi. He held Izumi with one hand and ruffled his hair with the other. Izumi stopped crying at the familiar touch and grabbed at the hand.

"Papa... ! Mama...?" Izumi said happy but also wanted Izuku.

"Right here, sweetie," Izuku said and went over to Katsuki and ruffled Izumi's hair as well.

"We're gonna head to class. Thanks for watching him. And Present Mic Sensei, it's not your fault. He gets really scared if he doesn't know somebody. He doesn't calm down until he's with me or Kacchan." Izuku said and they left the teacher's lounge.

They walked down the hallway to class and the movement made Izumi fall asleep. They got to class and sat down. Then Uraraka came over with Iida, Tsu, Sero, Mina, Kirishima, and Kaminari. Todoroki in the back listening in, worried but stand-offish.

"Is he ok?" Uraraka asked noticing his red eyes.

"Yeah. He just got a little spooked by Present Mic Sensei. He'll be perfectly fine when he wakes up." Izuku said.

"That's a relief," Kirishima said.

"We thought something bad happened," Kaminari said.

"We wouldn't let that happen. And he was in a room full of heroes." Katsuki said.

"I guess you're right. But we can be worried for our nephew." Kirishima said.

"Well, he's fine," Katsuki said handing Izumi over to Izuku.

They sat in their seats and waited for the teacher to come. When he did the class started. A period passed and Izumi woke up. He looked around and saw Katsuki in front of him. He took his little hand and grabbed the back of Katsuki's uniform blazer. Katsuki felt the tug and turned around to see Izumi holding his blazer. Izumi's eyes lit up when he saw his Papa look at him. He started to giggle and reached for Katsuki.

Katsuki picked up Izumi and moved him to his desk. He let Izumi play with his free hand while he wrote notes. Izumi looked content playing with Katsuki's hand, but then he saw an eraser that looked like his Oji-san. So he went to grab it.

"Oji," Izumi said and reached for the eraser.

"Shh. you can play with my eraser, but you gotta be quiet." Katsuki said and handed the eraser to him.

"Ahh!" Izumi babbled excitedly and took the eraser.

Izumi held the eraser and played with Katsuki's hand. Katsuki could barely take the cuteness and giggled a little under his breath. The rest of the school day went by and it was time to feed Izumi again. Izuku got the bottle ready and handed it to Katsuki to feed Izumi.

They got their bags and Katsuki fed Izumi as they walked. When they got to the entrance they were interrupted by a car. The person rolled down the window and it was Toshinori.

"Oji!" Izumi said excited.

"All Might?" Katsuki asked.

"Hey, Yagi-san. Did you need something?" Izuku asked.

"I wanted to know if you guys wanted a lift? I'm going to visit Inko and thought I could give you guys a lift." Toshinori suggested.

Izuku looked at Katsuki and then got in the front seat.

"Come on Kacchan! It'll be better for Izumi if we hitch a ride from Yagi-san." Izuku said and Katsuki got in the back, still feeding Izumi.

"Are you going to Bakugou's place or home?" Toshinori asked Izuku.

"Do you wanna show Izumi your place Kacchan?" Izuku asked.

"Um, sure. The...I mean, mom and dad would be glad to see Izumi too." Katsuki said catching himself from calling his mom 'the old hag.'

"Ok, then to Auntie's house please. And nice catch on your wording Kacchan." Izuku said.

"Got it!" Toshinori said and started to drive.

"How do you know where I live?" Katsuki asked.

"I am a teacher at UA. And I've had to call your parents once, and your address was under your parents' numbers. You live surprisingly close to young Midoriya." Toshinori said.

"Well, we are childhood friends. And our moms we're best friends, so they wanted to live close to one another. It's not that surprising if you think about it." Katsuki said Izumi finishing up his bottle.

"I guess," Toshinori said giving it thought.

Katsuki put up Izumi's bottle and Toshinori drove them to the Bakugou residence. When they got there Izuku and Katsuki got out with Izumi and Toshinori said bye and went to meet with Inko. they went inside and went to the living room.

"Yo, mom! I'm home! I brought Izuku and Izumi!" Katsuki announced.

"Welcome home! And hello Izuku!" Mitsuki said coming in the living room and ruffled Izumi's hair.

"Hello, Aunty! Where's Uncle Masaru?" Izuku asked.

"Hmm. He'll be getting home from work in a bit. Want something to eat? I was just cooking dinner." Mitsuki asked.

"Sure! Let us get Izumi situated first." Katsuki answered.

"Sure thing. I'll go set the table." Mitsuki said and headed back to the kitchen.

Mitsuki set the table and came back to the living room where Katsuki and Izuku has made a pallet for Izumi on the floor and picked anything harmful up and put it on a tall table.

"Ready?" Mitsuki asked.

"Yeah! Thanks Aunty." Izuku said giving Izumi a pacifier and holding Katsuki's hand.

They all headed to the table and sat down to eat. As soon as they got settled and were about to eat, Masaru walks in the door.

"Tadaima!" Masaru said.

"Okaeri." Mitsuki, Katsuki, and Izuku said back.

"Oh! Do we have guests? Hello Izuku." Masaru said coming to the table to eat after pecking Mitsuki on the check.

"Hi Uncle. Is Izumi asleep?" Izuku asked.

"Sound asleep more like it," Masaru said as he was sitting down.

They talked as they ate and after Izuku and Katsuki were done Izumi started to ball, as if he could sense when they finished.

"I've got your dishes. Go see what's got him upset." Mitsuki said.

"Thanks," Izuku said and he and Katsuki went to the living room to check on Izumi.

When they got to the living room Izumi was no longer on the pallet. Izuku's eyes got big in surprise. Izumi had crawled towards the dining room. But he had run into the couch.

"Oh My God! Kacchan! Izumi crawled!" Izuku said excited going to pick up his son.

"This is Amazing! I'm so glad I was able to be here for this. I missed his first words, but I promise I won't miss anything else." Katsuki said and hugged Izuku from behind so he doesn't squish Izumi.

"I know you won't. And I'm glad too. Aunty! Uncle! Izumi just crawled!" Izuku said after their little moment.

"Really? Oh! I know. So Inko doesn't miss it, let's make a video. You two see if you can get him to crawl to you and I'll tape it for Inko." Mitsuki said.

"Oh, sure. I forgot mom wouldn't be able to see it." Izuku said.

"Well, she is on a date. I don't think she'll be too upset if we video it." Mitsuki said.

Izuku went a little bit away and put down Izumi. Then he went back over to Kacchan and they knelt on the floor.

"Come on Izumi. Crawl to Mama! Come on. Mama and Papa want snuggles!" Izuku said and Katsuki was making hand gestures for him to 'come.'

Izumi didn't get it at first but then he wanted his parents. He waited for them to come pick him up for about a minute. Then he made a mad face and started to crawl towards them. Izuku and Katsuki's eyes lit up and they started to edge him on. When Izumi got to them Izuku put him on his lap and Katsuki ruffled his hair and let Izumi hold his finger.

"That was the cutest thing," Mitsuki said as she saved the video.

"You can tell he had a piece of Kacchan in him. He got mad just because we wouldn't pick him up. Haha!" Izuku said and giggled.

"What do you mean a little? He's probably just as rowdy as Katsuki." Mitsuki said.

"Not really. He has his moments, yeah, but for the most part he's pretty docile." Izuku said.

"That's good. He won't be as much of a hard one to handle as Katsuki." Mitsuki said.

"Hey!" Katsuki said and glared at his mom while Izumi held his finger.

"What? You know you were a terror." Mitsuki said.

"Ok. Let's not fight! We have Izuku and Izumi here." Masaru said stopping them before they began to fight.

"Thanks, Uncle Masaru," Izuku said holding Izumi who was staring at Masaru.

"Hey Izuku, he's looking at Dad." Katsuki pointed out.

"That's PopPop and MeMe Izumi." Izuku introduced them pointing to them so Izumi would understand.

"PopPop!!! PopPop!!! Hahaha!" Izumi laughed thinking the name was funny.

Masaru was giddy and smiled happily. Mitsuki laughed, Katsuki was staring while smiling, and Izuku ruffled Izumi's hair proud of his son.

"Here Uncle Masaru!" Izuku said standing up and handed Izumi to him to hold.

"Aww! So cute!" Masaru said and Mitsuki came over.

Izuku snapped a picture of the grandparents with Izumi. They stayed at Katsuki's place for a while talking. But it was getting late and Izuku would have to leave before it got too cold for Izumi.

"Well, it's getting late. Bye Aunty! Bye, Uncle Masaru!" Izuku said and got up.

"I'll walk you and Izumi home," Katsuki said getting up as well.

"You don't have to Kacchan!" Izuku said.

"I want to! Plus I wouldn't be a very good dad or boyfriend if I let you two go alone." Katsuki said.

"Ok then," Izuku said.

They packed up their things and headed out. Izuku's place wasn't too far away. They made it there in a matter of three minutes. When they got there they stopped at the front door.

"Night Izuku! Night Izumi!" Katsuki said kissing Izuku's cheek and Izumi's forehead.

"Bye Kacchan!" Izuku said.

"Bye-bye Papa!" Izumi waved.

Izuku went inside and Katsuki went back home. Izuku put Izumi to sleep and went to bed himself as happy as could be. Katsuki got home and went to bed after a sneak attack from his parents into a group hug. He claims he hates them but in all honesty he enjoys them. He goes to sleep feeling happy for once instead of angry or irritated.

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