Taste for Danger [Completed]

By multifaves

23.1K 560 70

When a new student arrives at the Salvatore School, Lizzie has he eyes on him but decides to not pursue anyth... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 3

1.6K 37 3
By multifaves

"So, before we do whatever we are going to do, I want to know who you really are. I mean I don't really know anything about you. For all, I know you could be some psycho killer, here to murder us all." Lizzie said looking at him.

"Well like I said my name is Sebastian and a vampire," Sebastian said simply

"I know that obviously, but what else is there to know about you?" She asked

"Okay, I was turned in the 15th century when I was 17. You see that time was the golden age for vampirism. Feeding whenever we wanted to and killing all the time. A couple of years after I turned, I was desiccated for centuries, until I woke up in the 1900s. I was awake for a couple of years, that was when I met the Salvatore brothers, but I was desiccated again. I had just woken up about a month ago. I came to this school in hopes to see the Salvatore brothers, but to my surprise one of them is dead and the other is no longer a vampire. Now I sort of regret coming here. We are not allowed to feed on locals, which is not what a vampire's nature. We have to feed straight from the vein, not out of bags and certainly not animal blood." Sebastian explained. Lizzie had a look on her face, she was conflicted on what to do next, she knew she shouldn't be attracted to him, but she couldn't help it.

"Why don't you just leave if you hate it so much here, I mean there is nothing holding you back?" Lizzie asked

"You're right, there is nothing holding me back here, but I promised you I would help you and you will help me, so I'm not leaving until I accomplish that," Sebastian said looking at her straight in the eye. Lizzie could feel herself getting closer to him and him to her, she wanted to stop herself from kissing him, but it was like she couldn't control herself. Soon she was able to pull away before anything happened.

"Sorry. I think we should go back to school. It's getting kind of late." Lizzie said getting up and heading to the direction of the school. Sebastian got up and looked annoyed. His plan to charm her and have his way with her was not working. They made their way to the school, walking in silence.

"So, I have to go talk to Josie about some things, I'll see you later," Lizzie said starting to turn around and walking to her room but was stopped by Sebastian.

"How about 8 o'clock tonight? We can start our learning control session. The sooner the better. What do you say?" Sebastian asked

"8 o'clock it is. Where?" Lizzie asked

"The old mills property." He said, she just nodded in response and went up to her room. She needed to talk to Josie and ask her for advice on what to do with Sebastian.

When she got to her room she saw Josie sitting at her desk doing homework.

"Josie I need your help," Lizzie said

"With what?" Josie asked

"Sebastian" Lizzie simply said this peaked Josie's curiosity

"The new kid? What about him?" Josie asked

"Well we kinda ditched class today and we were hanging out at the old mills property, he offered to help me gain control, so I wouldn't have any more episodes. Then after we were talking about that he told me more about him, we sort of almost kissed. But I stopped him before anything happened. And now I'm talking to you about it. What should I do about him?" Lizzie rambled

"I thought weren't going to get involved with anyone this year?" Josie asked

"I wasn't, and I did not plan this. It sort of just happened. And now I don't know what to do." Lizzie said

"Well, do you like him?" Josie asked

"I mean yes," Lizzie said simply

"Well, then I say go for it. Whatever happened last year is in the past. So if you think you two should be together then do it.

"Okay, well I need you to cover me later today. Sebastian wanted me to meet him tonight at 8. So can you cover for me?" Lizzie asked hopefully

"I'll cover for you, don't worry," Josie said, Lizzie, hugged her sister and left the room in excitement.

Lizzie didn't exactly know what they were going to do. All she knew was to meet him by the old mills property. She decided to take a nap before meeting Sebastian. She was so exhausted and didn't know why.

She woke up a couple of hours later and saw the time, it was 7:45. She only had 15 minutes until she had to meet Sebastian. She quickly got up and changed her clothes, she decided to wear a pair of leggings and a loose crop top, with a pair of black and white Adidas. Lizzie left her room and made her way to the old mills property. When she got there Sebastian was already there waiting for her.

"Hey," Lizzie said

"Hey, Lizzie," Sebastian said, "Are you ready?"

"I guess, I mean what exactly are we going to do?' Lizzie asked

"I going to teach you to control your power when you get upset or angry. How to channel your energy." Sebastian said

"Again how are you going to do that I mean you are not even a witch, you're a vampire," Lizzie asked.

"If you've forgotten I have been alive for centuries, so I know a few things about witches. Just go along with it." Sebastian said

"Fine," Lizzie simply said

"First we are going to fight," Sebastian said throwing Lizzie a wooden stick.

"What the hell is this for?" Lizzie asked confused

Before she received an answer from him he swung at her with the stick. She was able to dodge it. "What the hell Sebastian?" Lizzie said angrily "Stay focused. Come on take a swing at me, don't be afraid, I heal quickly" Sebastian said cockily.

"You do know I don't have magic of my own right?" Lizzie asked

"I did not, how do you get your magic if you don't have any of your own?" Sebastian asked intrigued.

"I have to siphon it out of anything that contains magic. Supernatural beings for example and/or the school. The walls are filled with magic so I can siphon out of that." Lizzie explained

"So you can siphon magic out of me, just don't kill me. I like to be undead." Sebastian said

"Are you sure?" Lizzie asked worriedly

"Yea I trust you. Do you just touch me and siphon the magic or something?" Sebastian asked. Lizzie smiled at him and nodded in response. She got closer to Sebastian and touched his hand siphoning the magic out of him. After a few seconds, she pulled away not wanting to hurt him.

"Are you okay? I didn't hurt you right?" Lizzie asked

"No, I'm fine. Let's finish our training session, then I have some questions." Sebastian said, Lizzie, nodded in agreement. Lizzie took a shot at Sebastian but he was able to dodge it and dragged his stick on the floor making Lizzie trip and fall onto her back. She got up and closed her eyes saying something under her breath, Sebastian went flying across and hit his back on one of the trees. Sebastian looked in pain, Lizzie went running towards him to check if he was okay.

"Oh my god, Sebastian are you okay?" Lizzie asked worriedly

"I'm fine, I'll heal. But good job, you didn't hold back." Sebastian said getting up.

"Can we just call it for today? I need some time for my back to recuperate." Lizzie said

"Fine. I have a question for you, why don't you have your own magic, I mean you are a witch?" Sebastian asked

"My sister and I come from a coven of witches, the Gemini Coven. But our whole coven is dead, they all died before we were even born. My sister and I shouldn't even be here when our bio mom was pregnant she was killed, but before they died they magically implanted Jo and me into our mom. The coven had to make sure the future of the Gemini Coven survived. We weren't born with the magic of our own. Our coven is kinda screwed up, apparently, twins are the in line to be the leaders of the coven, but only the stronger twin. There's this thing called the merge, it happens when we turn 22, I don't exactly know what happens but I know it ends with one of us dead. Essentially the stronger twin absorbs the other. Meaning when I turn 22 I will die." Lizzie finished explaining. Sebastian looked at her with sad eyes, she provoked feelings in him, something he wasn't used to.

"How are you sure, you'll be the one who will lose?" Sebastian asked

"Because I know I'm not as strong as her. All she does is learn how to improve her magic, learning complex spell, while me on the other hand, place all my attention to meaningless things." Lizzie said trying to hold back tears, but her efforts failed. Sebastian wiped the tear that rolled down Lizzie's cheek. He slid his thumb down her face and caressed her face until he got to her chin and lifted her face so she would look at him. Sebastian got closer to her and so did she. Lizzie didn't overthink it and closed the gap that was between their lips. After a few minutes passed she pulled away to get some air.

"I'm sorry for doing that," Lizzie said looking back down.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, I wanted you to do that," Sebastian said giving her a smirk. Lizzie smiled at him.

"It's getting really late. I think we should get back to school." Lizzie said

"Sure, I'll walk you to your room," Sebastian said, Lizzie nodded in agreement.

"You know I don't think you're weak, right? And if you want I'll help you figure this thing about the merge. Maybe there is a way for you two not to do it." Sebastian said

"Thank you for believing in me," Lizzie said. They arrived at her dorm but before she went inside she looked at Sebastian.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight." Lizzie said. Before she turned around to open her dorm Sebastian grabbed her hand kissed her once again. Lizzie threw her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to him. He pulled away this time.

"Goodnight Lizzie." He said before he left.

Sebastian made his way to his room, for the first time in a long time he felt something towards someone else. He knew he couldn't get emotionally involved with her, that wasn't his goal. But she was different, she made him feel alive.  

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