[Part 1] A New Assassin (An A...

By Warlord-Dregon

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[PART 1 IS COMPLETE! PART 2 HAS BEEN CANCELLED!] As a child, y/n always heard voices. And rarely, he swears h... More

Sequence 1: The Mission Gone Wrong
Sequence 2: Prisoner
Sequence 3: What Happens At Night
Sequence 4: Escape
Sequence 5: The Attack On Vale
Sequence 6: Their Plans
Sequence 7: Y/n Strikes
Sequence 8: A Lecture From Ezio & A Promise
Sequence 9: A Terrible Reunion
Sequence 10: Nothing Is True...
Lost Sequence #1: A Dream?
Sequence 11: The Lone Hacker
Sequence 12: One Falls, Another Rises
Sequence 13: A Rose's Reunion. Power Grows.
Sequence 14: Everything is Permitted
Sequence 15: Everything is Permitted (part 2)
Lost Sequence #2: Their Secrets
Sequence 16: A Big Decision
Sequence 17: May 17th
Sequence 18: Goodbye?
Sequence 19: Finishing Unsettled Business
Sequence 20: Finishing Unsettled Business (part 2)
Sequence 21: The Start of Something New
Lost sequence #3: A Forced Alliance
Sequence 22: The New Assassin (Finale sequence)
Update on Part 2
Dawn of War Preview 1
The end...?

Sequence 23: The Dawn of War (Epilogue)

1.3K 22 6
By Warlord-Dregon

(A/n: Please read until the very end for a choice and information about the sequel. Thank you and I hope you enjoy.)

May 23, 2218

No one's POV

It was late in the night of Remnant. In the floating kingdom of Atlas, a crow flew by a skyscraper.

The crow flew towards one of the rooms near the top floor of the building. As it did, a man was sitting in a chair alone in his dark office. He seemed to be talking to someone, but no other person was with him in the room. All of the lights were off except for the open computer on his desk. The walls in the room were covered in bookshelves, each practically overflowing with books. One of the shelves had a gap at the center which has a painting above a vase with flowers in it. At the center of the room was a desk with an open laptop on. Behind the desk was a chair facing the back window. The wall was only glass, giving a good view of the outside.

The man was slouching in his chair. He had his right hand resting on the arm rest and was constantly tapping his fingers against the leather, almost in a beat. His other hand was being used as support as he had his head resting on it.

"Well," The man says unethically. "I guess if you put it that way, I should-."

The man stops talking when seeing the crow fly by his window. He stares at it for a split second as it passes by. "Hmmm?" He slowly got up from his chair and walks to the window. He sees his own reflection as he starts looking for the bird.

"Well, well, well, little birdie. I didn't expect your kind to be out in Atlas at this time of the year."

The man continues to search for the bird. As he did, a man in some worn-out robes slowly and cautiously drops down from the roof.

His hood was up, covering his face. He flicks his right wrist and a hidden blade extends from his gauntlet. He quietly steps to the man as he was still looking out the window.

"Huh..." The man says.

"?!" The assassin's eyes widen under his hood. He stops moving as he mentally panics, thinking he was discovered. But he was wrong as the man continues.

"Guess the crow was just lost. But maybe..." He shrugs. The man continues to stare out of the window.

The assassin lets out a quiet sigh of relief before continuing to sneak up on the man. Just as the assassin was within arm's reach, he lifts his hand with the blade up. He was about to stab the man until he felt something grab hold of his shoulders. He looks around himself but found nothing. He looks down to his shoulders and saw two giant hand prints pressing down on him.


The man mutters something unintelligible. The assassin felt the pressure on his shoulders suddenly increase tenfold. He felt his shoulders breaking and could her his bones snapping like twigs. He was forced onto his knees as he shouts in pain. "Gah!"

"This crow was looking for something, right, old friend?"

"?!" Sweat drips off of the assassin's face. He tried to move his arms, but he felt the hands grab his arms and held them behind his back, snapping a few more bones. "D-damnit!" He cries as he leans forward whilst shutting his eyes.

The man turns around to face the assassin. He drops to one knee and grabs the assassin's chin, lifting him up to face eye to eye before pulling the hood down to reveal Qrow. The man grins seeing Qrow in pain.

"Even after all these years, you still never learned how to control your semblance..." The man's grin fades and was replaced with a disappointing frown. "Such a shame."

"D-damn you, P-!" The hands behind him squeezes Qrow's arms tighter, snapping even more bones. "FUCK!" Qrow couldn't feel his hands anymore. They felt numb all of the sudden. He thinks whatever is grabbing him must be preventing any blood from reaching his hands. A few tears drop from his eyes due to how much pain he's in.

The man only stands back up when seeing Qrow in agony. "Such a waste too. You and your sister could have been an unbeatable duo if you only took a little longer to train." He sighs. "But I'm sure you're already aware of that by now."

"L-let me go!" Qrow demands. "This w-wasn't supposed to happen!"

"Perhaps, Qrow, but..." The man trails off from his sentence. He looks behind Qrow and saw a man leaning against the wall leading to the exit door.

The two don't say anything to one another. They simply stare into each other's eyes before the man sneers at the other. The other one vanishes into nothing before the man stares down at Qrow again.

"You know...I think we both know I can kill you right now if I wanted to."

"Th-then what's stopping you?" Qrow asks through gritted teeth. "Finish me off."

"Normally I would, but..." As he continues, he pulls out some sort of handle from behind.

"I believe that you are still needed. You're role in all of this isn't done just yet." He plays around with the handle for a bit before aiming it at Qrow's face. "So for now, allow me to share something with you, old friend." He finishes with venom in his voice.


On some other part of Atlas, an airship flew by several mountains. It began to descend near the ground as it came closer to a military base.

The airship flew in between the two sides of the mountain before landing deep underground.

"We Templars are almost done completing my plans."

Inside the mountain was a giant mined-out area. It was several stories tall and as wide as dozens of football fields. Countless metal poles with speakers attached to them were put around the place to act as support so the mountain wouldn't collapse in on itself. Dozens of giant drills were scattered across the floor as Templars were everywhere. Humans and Faunus were drilling and mining the walls as the Templars were standing by to force them to continue working if they began slacking. In some build in a room near the entrance of the mountain, an old man in armor was supervising everything below him.

"Keep working!" He shouts into a mic he was holding. The slaves were doing their best to satisfy their master, but unfortunately it didn't work. He slams his fists into a table, furious about something. "The Apple should be here!"

"We just need a few more key components before I can set everything into motion."

The general turns around and storms off to take out some stress from his old heart.


In some sort of forest, the White Fang leader, Adam Taurus, was inside a giant tent with one of his men. The two were going over some plans on a map on a table when they heard something from outside. The two share a confused look before running out with their weapons in hand.

"What is-?!"

He stops talking when he saw a single female Templar standing around countless unconscious members of the White Fang.

The bodies had black smoke with red lightning crackling coming out from them. The woman had her left hand behind her back to hide something as she puts on an innocent smile on her face.

"When I have everything I need, there will be nothing you Assassin across Remnant can do to stop us."

"Hello, boys.~" She says as sweetly as possible, sending shivers down the two's spines.

Adam places a hand on the handle of his sword as he felt an ominous aura coming from the woman. He saw a sinister grin slowly creep up on her lips as her eyes turned blood red.

"I need a favor from you two." The woman lets out a creepy giggle.

Adam and his last remaining soldier just stare at each other, not sure what to do.


In the base across from Vale, several Templars were training dozens of White Fang members. James and Miles were on the sidelines, waiting for one of the Faunus to mess up.

"We will take control of Remnant and make sure you and all those who were against us twenty years ago pay for the actions all of you took against the Templars...including the Schnees."


In some sort of circular room, Leon and the two twins were standing behind a railing. In front of the three was a weird large metal contraption holding a piece of Eden in it. Around it was a railing keeping anyone from touching the piece. All around the room were scientists working on their computers, studying the piece.

"We will avenge all those who we're killed that we held dearly and make sure none of you are left to stop us."

Leon stares at the piece for a little bit longer before walking out of the room. He balls his hands into fists as an image of y/n flashes in his mind. 'Bastard! I will kill everyone and everything you hold dearly!' He thought with an pissed off look.


Qrow was still kneeling to the man. He tried to listen to the man's monologue as much as he could, but some of it he ignored as the pain continued. The man smirks suddenly.

"Listen to me, Qrow."

Qrow looks up at the man with a worried look. The man presses a button on his handle and a red energy blade suddenly extends from it. The blade made the room illuminate in a red glow as he points the tip of the blade at Qrow's neck, who flinches and turns his head away from it.

"I am going to let you live just this one time, but I want you to give Scott and Ozpin a message, understand?"

Before he could hear an answer from Qrow, he kneels down to Qrow's ear. He whispers something to him before standing up. Qrow's eyes were wide and shaking with fear as the man turns around and swings his energy sword at the window several times. The window shatters and a giant hole was made large enough for a person to walk through. He looks at Qrow over his shoulder as he speaks.

"My guards will be here soon. If you really want to live, go now. Don't test your luck."

Qrow could feel the pressure from whatever was behind him disappear. He slowly tries to move his arms and noticed he could move again. He looks down at his arms and saw them bleeding and broken. He slowly stands up as he looks up at the man. The man closes his eyes as he has his back turned to Qrow. The latter was about to take this opportunity to kill him and finish his mission, but he heard voices and countless footsteps coming towards the room from behind.

"Make your choice." The man says ominously.

Qrow turns to him with a stern look. A second later the man could hear the sound of wings flapping out of the room. He slowly opens his eyes and saw a crow weakly flying away. He grins as he deactivated his sword and puts the handle on his belt.

"Good luck, bastard." He chuckles.

The door behind him was swung open. Several Templars in black leather suits stood by as two step into the room.

"Sir, are you-?"

"Everything is fine. I just...." The man shrugs with a stupid smile. "Had to get rid of a fly. Nasty things, y'know?"

The Templars look at each other in confusion. The man orders them to leave him alone, so they do. After several minutes of being alone, the man walks up to his computer and flips it around so he could see the screen. On it was a woman who looked extremely annoyed.

"Why did you let him go?' She demands. "Now that he knows everything, he-."

"I wouldn't worry about him, Juno." The man puts on a calm smile. "He knows what I'm capable of if he does decide to do something that would piss me off. Just relax and get some rest."


"Goodnight, my dear." The man says softly as he closes his computer. The room was dark with the only source of light was the outside world. A moment passes before the man lets out an irritated sigh. "Damnit." He mutters. His facade he had disappears and was replaced by an unpleasant look. "That was too close. Everything could have been compromised and we would all have been dead." He pauses for a moment. "Oh well...can't change the past." He says in defeat.

He steps away from his computer and walks to the window. He lets the cold air breeze by his face and cloak as he tries to relax. "Guess this is the dawn of a new war... Let's see if it'll be the last." He continues to stare out into space for a while before leaving the room.

Final sequence completed...

All sequences synchronized... Congregations.

Replay sequences?










Hey, everyone! As you can tell, this is the last chapter of the story! I'm so proud of myself for actually getting this done instead of discontinuing it! I hope all of you have enjoyed this story! I know that this probably could have been executed better, but whatever. I'm overall happy with this story and should probably not worry what's done.

If you guys could, PLEASE give feedback about this story as a whole. What did you guys like about this? What didn't you like about this? What would you like to see be improved upon? Was there any potential plot holes that you thought should be brought up? Is there anything you would like to see in the sequel and in the series in general? You don't need to answer all the answers if you don't want to. But it would help me out with creating a better sequel and overall story for you guys.

Anyways, I just have a little bit more to talk about. One thing is the plans for Part 2! After I release this chapter, I'll be on a bit of a break before working on part 2. I know I probably shouldn't due to taking forever to get part one completed, but I believe it's necessary so I can plan out everything for the future. Not only that, but I need to work on my other stories as well. I have two major stories besides this one and a few smaller stories I have and plan on making in the future. Some include stuff for Fairy Tail, Highschool DxD, Akame Ga Kill, and even a possible MHA one. And of course they'll probably be crossovers, but just not with Assassin's Creed (most won't). There's a lot I need to plan for and I hope you understand. My original plan was to take two months off, but due to the virus and my school shutting down for a while, I may take only one month off. But we'll see. I'll probably leave an update for when part two is out. But I might not remember soooo....

Final thing I want to talk about is a special decision I want y'all to help decide on. Because I took forever to get this story done I'm willing to do something special. Do you guys want a non canon lemon? I know I've asked this multiple times already, but never actually did them. That's because I wasn't comfortable with them but I'm slowly starting to do them. If you guys want, I can make one as a special and as an apology for taking forever to update this story. So what do you guys think?

Alright I believe that's all I have to say for now. Again, please give me your thoughts on this story and leave a opinion on the lemon. Would very much appreciated it. Big thank you to everyone who's been here since the very beginning and have somehow stayed till the end of part one. I hope to see you in part 2. Part two is going to be more focused on the Templars and Assassin's and a little bit on team RWBY as well. I'm excited for it and can't wait to share it with all of you. Thank you again guys and I hope you have a wonderful day/night. Peace out.

Coming soon: [Part 2] The Dawn Of War (An Assassin's Creed x RWBY story)

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