Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls...

By Lightningstorm12

26.5K 437 163

The story takes place in the fictional city of Orario to when gods all came down seeking excitement, limiting... More

Coming soon
Seeing the sun for the first time
New armor and a mix up

Waking up for the first time

7.6K 102 69
By Lightningstorm12

(Your Pov)

It's dark, and my face is cold. Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something important? I started to open my eyes slowly and was met with the side of a ceiling until a girl with white hair, gold like eyes, and some blue marks on her face.

"Good morning, how are you feeling?"- ???

'Who is she? Where even are we? And why can't I remember anything?'- ???

"Can you stand?"- ???

That's actually a better question then all the ones I have. I attempted to try and get on my own 2 feet but my body felt sour and stiff, so much so that when I curled my fingers to make a fist all I hear was cracks. I felt a hand on my back and I couldn't only assume it was that girl trying to help me stand straight. After managing enough energy I was able to stand but, I felt woozie and light headed lucky there was some kind of desk or something near me so I can support myself.

"Your not feeling well. Wait here I'll return shortly."- ???

The girl started to walk behind the desk in some kind of room leaving me by myself. What's going on I don't remember anything about myself or where I am, and yet I still remember names of things like a desk or chair. Actually, what's my name do I even have one? It wasn't long until that girl came back to me with a vial containing something red inside of it.

"Here drink this. It'll help you feel better."- ???

I wasn't to sure on if I trust this girl or not but, she's offering me something to help me feel better. Without anything to lose I took it and started to drink it a bit, it didn't really have a taste to it or at least not that strong of one. However I did feel a little better the stiffness that I was feeling is gone and my lightheadedness is also, what exactly was that stuff some kind of potion?

"T-thank you."- ???

"You are welcome. My name is Eve, what is your name?"- Eve

"I... I don't remember. I don't really remember much of anything."- ???

"It's alright. I don't remember that much either or as to why we're both in this shack located in a dungeon."- Eve

"Huh, a dungeon?"- ???

"Yes, a dungeon. It would be nice if I could actually call you something. Would you like me to give you a nickname until you can remember what your old one is?"- Eve

"S-sure."- ???

My throat is a bit sore and feels a bit dry, I guess I haven't had anything to drink or eat in a while. I looked around a little bit more and we were indeed in a shack but, it looks a bit old and abandoned. Then I found a broken mirror and I got a good look at myself white hair, pink eyes, and a scar on my left eye and my ear are a bit pointed.

"How about (y/n)?"- Eve

"Wh-what?"- ???

"(Y/n), I think it sounds nice."- Eve

"Oh...that's... actually not that bad. I like it."- (y/n)

"I'm glad we should probably get you some food... I went out and happened to find a few fruit's and vegetables growing. I'm sorry but you'll have to go with out  meat for awhile."- Eve

"W-what about y-you?"- (y/n)

"Don't worry, I've already eaten to make sure nothing was poisonous."- Eve

Eve gets something from the back of the desk and it looks to be exactly what she said she had. Not even giving it a second thought I dove right in and started to eat. First was the fruits so I can do something about my dry mouth, good thing there was a few oranges and grapes it was really refreshing even though it didn't really do much for my stomach hunger. The next thing I start to eat was the potatoes which actually helps a little bit with my hunger, it tastes like it's cooked to I guess she might have made a fire or something. I even ate some of the corn and that taste cooked too, I took a little break so I can catch my breath and I saw that Eve was looking at me a little. I swallowed my food and wipe my face, it felt a bit weird that she was staring at me while I was eating and I was eating like a pig so I just stopped.

"Is it good? I'm sorry if it's not too your liking. I didn't really have anything to work with in this shack."- Eve

"No, it's fine. To be frank with you it's not like I remember how anything else taste really."- (y/n)

"I see, thank you for your kind words. Tell me, what do you think we should do know that we're both awake and able to move."- Eve

"Maybe we should try leaving and finding others?"- (y/n)

"That seems like it would be an optimal idea, oh I've also found this."- Eve

Eve started to pull out a back pack and it looks like it had some stuff in it. Rope, some can food, and some weird blue looking stones, not to sure what it is but it might be worth some kind of money for us. I was kind of curious to see what was in the back, so I walked in the back and saw that there are few weapons and potions which I am assuming. This might have been like a weapon shop of some sort or magical item shop I kept looking around until my eyes stopped on a few weapons.

Short swords, you got the perfect weapon for a cave or dungeon from what Eve told me. Don't know why but, I took the one on the right end it looks cool to me and feels light enough to swing around. Then I found a few more of that stuff she gave me from a few minutes ago so I took those to and walked back out to see her waiting for me. I can't shake this feeling with this isn't normal or like I've done this before, but the bigger question is why can't she just leave me? It's not like I know her or like we have some kind of attachment.... do we?

"Hey, Eve why didn't you leave me when I was still unconscious?"- (y/n)

"I'm not sure, for some reason I feel safer around you and I at ease. When it comes to fighting capabilities I'm not really sure. Not to mention I feel like my true place is at your side."- Eve

"I see. I've also been meaning to ask. What is that on your head?"- (y/n)

"I wouldn't be able to tell you even if I wanted to. All I can tell you is it doesn't hurt and it doesn't feel like it's a part of my head."- Eve

"Oooh."- (y/n)

I wasn't really paying attention but Eve was blushing a bit from how close our faces are.

"Well we should go."- Eve

"Right, it's time to see what this world has to offer for us."- (y/n)

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