Love And Secrets

By sheszomi

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Autumn grew up in a small town where her father was the richest man, she had a perfect life until it was ruin... More

Authors Reminders
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Preview of Beyond the Boundary

Chapter Twenty-two

113 6 0
By sheszomi

Autumn's pov

I went upstairs to get my laptop I was about to pass Avery's room but it was open I looked inside and saw something on the bed, I went in to see and on the bed I saw a fake baby bump on the bed. She's not pregnant!!

I heard the shower stop and I immediately left the room. I can't wait for Daniel to get back. I went to my room I got my laptop and as I was coming out I saw Avery wearing a big maternal gown with her big fake bump. She rubbed her stomach and said

"I am so thirsty, Autumn can you make that delicious smoothie"

"Huh, you like the smoothie?"

"Yeah, then why would I drink it if I didn't"

"Mmmh when I was pregnant I hated that smoothie but now I drink it now and then" I said frowning then I saw Avery's eyes widen then I added quickly, "but people are different, you might hate it later after the pregnancy" I said and shrugged

"Ye...yeah as you said people are different, you know what forget about the smoothie I will..."

"No, I will do it for you"


Because I've got a plan. " You're my cousins wife and I don't think he will be happy if I don't take care of you" I smiled sweetly

"Okay, thanks I will be in my room" she said and waddled into the room then locked it. Hypocrite!!

I went to the kitchen and made the smoothie then added a contraceptive pill, I made sure it was properly mixed I went to her room to serve it. I knocked on the door and she said

"It's open!" I opened it and served her the smoothie

"Thanks Autumn you're a darling" Avery said and I smiled widely

"You're welcome Avery, do ask me for anything"

I went downstairs to work on my case with my laptop, soon it was night time, I can't wait to get back to New York.

I woke up by 12pm since I stayed up late last night watching movies with my laptop. I went downstairs for lunch after showering and I saw Daniel.

"Hey Danny, I thought you're coming tomorrow?"

"Yeah, but the meeting ended earlier than I expected"

"Oh, where's Tiffany and Avery"

"Tiffany is in her room, Avery went out. So what are your plans today? Wanna catch up?" He was a little odd

"Is everything ok?"

"Yes everything is fine"

"Okay, I've plans, I'm supposed to meet Astrad in the church for the pre-wedding practice she's finally getting married tomorrow" I am very happy for her.

"Okay, after that?"

"Mmmh, not else" he's really not his cheerful self, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, I am why?"


"Okay, how about after the pre-wedding I will head over to your office so we can catch up"

"I won't be going to the office today, so how about you come home then we will go get some red velvet cake, I know a place" he said smiling sadly

"I will, I promise"

It was really strange that Amaya didn't attend the pre-wedding practice, Astrad was freaking out we all tried to calm her down.

"I will kill Amaya the next time I see her!"

"Astrad come on she's probably busy or something" Belle tried to reason with her

"Amaya busy! When is Amaya ever busy"

"Listen Ast, I will go to her apartment to check on her if that's okay with you" I said

"We did that already, it's locked " Kincaid said

"Oh" I said

"Astrad tomorrow is your wedding you need to get yourself a big fat rest before the wedding" Randy said

"Fine I'm going home so I can get ready, everyone needs to be here by 6:00" she said and I groaned inwardly. 6:00am I hate mornings.

"I will be going now, I've a date with my cousin" I said and left

I called Daniel and he told me to meet him in a cafe across his company. I arrived at the restaurant and saw Daniel sitting in a chair close to the window. He was looking out the window and I approached him and said

"Hey Danny"

"Hey Aut" he was still looking at the window

"Daniel why don't you tell me the problem I'm your cousin"

"Sit" and I sat down

"I love her, but I can't be with her" he said smiling sadly, a waiter came to drop our coffee and dessert

"Who are you talking about?"

"We all sacrifice some things in this world, I sacrificed my love for Tiffany for my company.

"I'm in love with Tiffany but Avery is the heiress of GoTech, we needed that alliance Autumn" I was speechless for sometime

"Why can't you divorce her?"

"If I divorce her GoTech removes their investment"

"There's no other way?"

"Unless there's a scandal around Avery, which I've been trying for years to get but she's too damn careful and now she's expecting my child who I can't even remember how we made it.

"I was drunk one night and she claimed we made love.

"Autumn I'm tired of this marriage but I don't have any choice but to stay in it"

"Daniel I am always here for you, thank you for sharing this with me"

"Thanks Autumn, for listening"

"Daniel we will fix this okay?" I said reaching out to place my hand on his.

"It's okay Autumn, Tiffany is close to me that's all I need" he stood

"I've an appointment with some investors, I will see you at home"

"I will stay here for sometime before leaving" I said and picked my coffee. This seat has a great view, I looked out the window as I drank my coffee.

"Autumn?!" Someone said

I looked up and saw a blonde guy... Maxwell. "Maxwell what are you doing here?"

"I'm in Singapore for business" he said and sat down without invitation, I rolled my eyes inwardly.

"Max you're a lawyer not a businessman, so what business do you have in Singapore?" I asked

"Now now now, Autumn remember they say curiosity kills the cat" Maxwell says, I felt something strange in me but I pushed it at the back of my mind.

"They also say, cats have nine lives" I said

"I see you're not only beautiful, you're also smart" he said leaning in, he was looking at me as if I was naked and that made me nauseous. We were silent as he looked at me all over and he finally looks at my lips.

"Autumn?" Kyle said from behind,

"Hey Kyle" surprised and grateful to see him.

"Hey, I was passing by and decided to say hi, when I saw you, who's this?"

"Oh, this is Maxwell and Maxwell this is Kyle"

"Nice to meet you Max, can I call you Max?"

"Of course, Ky, can I call you Ky?"  Kyle was silent for a while looking into Maxwell's eyes.

"So Kyle why don't you join us?" I said breaking the eye contact between the two men

"I was just leaving by the way, see you later Autumn,I will be in town until next week" Maxwell said and left

"That guy sure is weird" Kyle said sitting down reminding me of Max.

"Yeah" I said absent mindedly

"And he looks awfully familiar" that got my attention

"He does?"

"Yeah, he looks a lot like Giddy"

"Giddy? Who's Giddy?"

"Gideon from high school with the blue eyes"

"Oh Max looks way more handsome that Gideon"

"Yeah, but the blue eyes is still the same, Gideon was a weird kid back then"

"Very weird"

"He and Kincaid never got along, he was always resented him and Kincaid resented him too" he said

"Guys and their feuds"

"Yeah, so talking about high school who did you have a crush on, Kincaid or I"

I blushed to the root of my hair, "That was a long time ago Kyle"

"Yeah, I thought I was the one, I really wanted to be the one, I admired you then.

"When I got that letter I wasn't going to read it out loud but Summer made me do it, thank God Kincaid was there for you"

"Yeah, that's pretty embarrassing" I smiled awkwardly

"I know that I didn't really get along with Kincaid but we were not like you and Summer, you guys were very distant"

"Yeah, but it wasn't always like that, everything changed when we turned 9, Summer always looked up to me,if she wants a role in a play,

" I'll audition for it and when I finally get it I will ask the teacher is Summer can be my substitute and when she accepts I will fake an illness then boom! Summer gets the role" I said smiling sadly

"I took the blame for everything she did, it all changed during our 9 birthday, Anuty Realchel bought a big playhouse for me

"And a bicycle for Summer, she asked for the playhouse which I gave her, but when my mom called her and had a conversation with her that Summer came out crying, since then we became enemies"

"So what do you think made her that way?"

"I don't know if it's the playhouse or the conversation"

"I'm sure she will come around, she's high and mighty outside but she's very soft and kind deep down" Kyle said and I smiled

"Sounds like you know a lot about my sister"

"Yeah, she made my life a living hell after what I did to you"

Yeah after he raped me! I can't believe Summer did that.

"She did?"

"Yeah, she was so mad at me but why dwell on the past, tomorrow is Astrads wedding what are you wearing?"

"The colours of the day is red,blue,silver and black, I was thinking about going with black"

"No way, red is better on you, it brings out your eyes" he said smiling

I smiled back, "Thanks Kyle I think I will settle with red then

"Is Lara coming?"

He frowned and I can see sadness on his eyes, "No, she said she wants to take care of something, she's been secretive lately, she's always crying in her room"

"Lara crying? That's real deep"

"I know you don't like her, but she's still soft and good inside her"

"She didn't give me the chance to know her"

"Yeah she presents her self as one tough nut, while she's just a mushroom" I laughed

"A mushroom?"

"Yes, I was never in love with her before marriage but I fell in love with her later

"It was magical and I feel she feels the same way but her pride is always the problem"

"Lara sure is proud, I better get going, I want to have a long sleep so I wake up early tomorrow" I said standing, "I'll see you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow" I left the cafe and I was walking down the street when o felt someone watching me, I turned and I didn't see anyone, I hailed a cab and got in afraid to walk.

I got to the house, it was already 5:30. I went into the kitchen to make dinner. I wanted to make spaghetti and meatballs.

"Autumn" Avery walked into the kitchen, "I've been looking for you?"

"Okay, any problems?"

"Yes, there's a problem, your cousin is the problem, why would he come home drunk? He's not supposed to drink, he can't even handle a cup of wine.

"Then talk about, Tequila, Scotch, whisky"

"So what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to tell your cousin to stop drinking, he can't get drunk and come into this house, or I will divorce him

"And trust even Daniel wants to get a divorce he won't like it if I'm the one giving it" and she left.

I left the kitchen to Daniel's room but he wasn't there.

"Miriam!" The Mexican lady came out of the servant quarters

"Yes ma'am"

"Where's Daniel and Tiff"

"Mr Daniel left the house with Beto, I don't know the where about of Miss Tiffany"

"Okay, Miriam join me for dinner, I will order pizza since I'm not in the mood to cook anymore"

"Are you sure you want to eat with me ma'am, Mrs Avery never allows the servants to eat with the bosses"

"Well you've figured that I'm not Avery, can you squeeze some orange juice?"

"Okay ma'am" she went into the kitchen. I ordered pizza and went into the living room to watch the news

"Ma'am the pizza is here and I'm done squeezing the juice" I stood up and we went into the dinning room. I loved chatting with Miriam. We talked about many things ranging from when Daniel was a kid and now he's all grown up.

"Thanks Miriam, for spending time with me"

"It was my pleasure ma'am"

"You can take the rest, I'm filled, I've to get myself a big fat rest for tomorrow"

"Okay, good night ma'am"

"Good night Miriam"

I went into my room and lied on the bed and covered myself with a duvet


I turned off the annoying alarm. I grudgingly left the bed into the shower and I wore a big black shirt and a black leggings and left for Astrads house.

When I got there, Astrad was yelling

"Where the hell is Amaya? She's not answering my calls, she's not replying my texts. She's my maid of honour for Pete's sake!!!"

"Astrad you need to calm down, get yourself together. She might show up later" Summer said, I was kinda proud she's thinking about someone else other than herself

"Summer is right, Ast. She might show up" I said

"Autumn what colour did you choose?" Astrad asked

"Red, why?" I frowned

"You're my maid of honour now, since Amaya stands me up on my wedding day" Astrad said

"Okay?" I said, I'm really worried about Astrad.

The wedding planner came in and said

"Astrad get ready, guests are arriving"

Astrad is getting married at the back of her parents house, which has a beautiful beach at the back.

"Everyone too, I will tell you when you're to come out"

We all started getting ready, thirty minutes later we were done. The wedding planner came in and told us it's time to come out.

I didn't realise I was crying when Astrad was walking down the aisle.
She's so beautiful. They said their vows and we all clapped and Astrads mom was crying. Avery and Tiffany came but I did not see Daniel, I wonder where he went to, they're his in-laws.

"We will all head to the Grand hall for the reception" the wedding planner announced.

After the couple dance and Astrad threw her bouquet and Summer caught it.

By 5:30 Daniel arrived, congratulated the couple and was heading towards the exit when I caught up with him.

"Damn this heels, Daniel wait up!!"

He turned and saw me, then he stood there.

"What's up Daniel, you came late and I didn't see you yesterday"

"Honestly Autumn I don't know what's up, look I really got to go, I will see you later" he kissed my cheeks and left

"Autumn!! Astrad is leaving with Stanley let's go" Belle said, I followed her immediately.

Three exhausting hours later, I was home in the comforts of my bed and ready to sleep.


"Avery!! Where the fuck is she?!! Avery!!!" I tossed in my sleep. Unable to take the yelling I got out of bed and checked the time.


I heard a soft knock on the door followed by Miriams voice.

"Miss Autumn, you've a visitor"

"I will be there shortly Miriam, thanks"

I wonder who's came to visit this early and on a Sunday. I put on a booty shorts and a large sweater. I went downstairs and found Kyle standing there in a black short and shirt.

"Hey good morning" I said cheerfully, "I heard yelling what's going on" then I saw Tiffany sitting on a sofa crying.

"It's Daniel, he's damn angry with Avery, she's not back since yesterday" Tiffany said in between sobs.

I looked at Kyle and saw that frown that was always on Kincaids face when he's worried.

"What's going on Kyle?"

"It's Amaya" he said rubbing his hand over his face.

"They've found her?" I asked with excitement written all over.

"Yes" he exhaled and said, "The police went over to Amaya's apartment when Amaya's uncle reported her missing.

"They broke down the door and they saw Amaya on a chair dead, the whole apartment was smelling" I almost fainted, Amaya dead? Impossible.

"Oh my god, how's Astrad taking all this?"

"She has been crying we have to go to Astrad's house for que..."

"Avery!!!" Daniel yelled coming into the living room

"Danny what's the peoblem?"

"Avery is not pregnant!!! You were right Autumn, she's not pregnant" Tiffany came forward to hug him and he cried on her shoulders.

"I will take care of him you go ahead" Tiffany said, not bothering to change I left with Kyle.

Tears were rolling down my eyes as I remembered Amaya, she was always cheerful.

When we arrived, they were two detectives sitting in the couch. Astrad sat across and Stanley sitting on the arm of the couch. Summer was sitting with Kincaid and Belle was sitting with Randy. Elvis was sitting between Darlene and Faith. I sat on a couch while Kyle sat on the arm of the couch.

"I'm Detective Martins and this my colleague Hong" the detective with the brown hair said

"I will like to question you guys about the death of Amaya, so if you would like a bring in a lawyer we've no problems with that and we're doing this here because Mr Lee asked us to"

"I'm a lawyer" Kincaid said

"Me too" I said

"Good, let's begin, Mrs Smith Astrad, forensics told us that Amaya died because of an over dose.

"Are you aware that she did drugs?" Astrad looked at me and I gave her an encouraging nod and she sniffed and said

"She did now and then but only when she's sad and she's hardly sad" a tear escaped from her eyes.

"Did she talk about anybody she hates or anybody that hates her?"

"No one hates Amaya she's really jovial and kind everyone loves her"

"Okay Astrad, that's good"

"Excuse me Mr Martians, you said Amaya died because of an over dose?" I asked

"Yes?" Martians asked frowning

"Then why ask about her hater, she might have taken an over dose of the drug herself"

"That's very smart of you to point out, though I was coming to that, the drug was injected into the left arm of Amaya..."

"Amaya is left handed!!!" Astrad completed, fresh tear bes rolled down her eyes.

"So someone killed Amaya and..."

"I can't take it anymore!!" Summer yelled and stood up

"I lied, I went to Amaya's apartment on the day we're supposed to travel, I was so angry with her, we had a little chat and all was well" Summer said crying

"Sum, why didn't you say this before?" I asked standing up to go sit with her. I noticed Martians note something down.

"I was scared I thought my confrontation led her to suicide, but after hearing this I decided to come clean"

"Miss Astrad you've to come with us to the station for proper questioning" Martians said standing up.

"Am I being arrested?" Summer asking crying

"No Sum, I am coming with you to the station" I said

"Miss Autumn, you can come along but not with us" Martians said, "Let's go Miss Arison"  I stretched out my hands to hug her and she came in with tears.

"You're going to be alright,okay? I promise"

"I didn't kill her"

"Shhh, I believe you" I pat her head and she stood up and left with the detectives.

"If Summer did kill Amaya, I would never..." Astrad started

"Shut up!!! Just shut up!!!, Summer is not a murderer" I yelled...I stood up and left and Kyle followed leaving a surprised Astrad

After the questioning Summer was let go, a woman said Summer left the apartment at 6am and Amaya died at 10am. I went to Daniel's Residence with Summer. Ready to leave for New York tomorrow with Summer.

"Autumn!!" Someone yelled from downstairs

I came down and saw Kincaid sitting down with Kyle and Elvis

"What's going on?" I asked

"Someone said she saw Avery go into Amaya's apartment at 8am and she came out at 11am. So Avery is the murder suspect now, the authorities have been looking for her...they think she left Singapore" Kyle said, Kincaid stands and leave

"We're leaving for New York tonight, i will see you in New York." Kyle said

"I'm going back to Texas, for my business I will miss you Autumn" Elvis said and hugged me

"Me too Elvis, me too"

"I'll see you in New York, Autumn" Kyle said and hugged me then he kissed my head.

"Okay" I said and they left....

"What's going on?" Summer asked from behind

I turned around, "Avery is no where to be found and she's the prime suspect of Amaya's death.

"Let's go to bed now Sum, we're leaving early tomorrow"

Did Avery kill Amaya?  Stay tuned to find our more.

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