You Can't Shift? (BoyxBoy) (C...

By Paragoina

88.2K 3.5K 3.2K

(Book 1 of the Mystery Shifters Series) Warning, this book is messy as hell! Be advised. BxB Fooling the whol... More

Character info
Chapter 1 - Division
Chapter 3 - Date
Chapter 4 - Fight
Chapter 5 - Misunderstanding
Chapter 6 - Water
Chapter 7 - Catastrophe
Chapter 8 - Unusual
Chapter 9 - Heat
Chapter 10 - Caught
Chapter 11 - My Turn
Chapter 12 - Own Me
Chapter 13 - Friends?
Chapter 14 - Sick

Chapter 2 - Mate

7.3K 269 519
By Paragoina


Miles POV 🏳

"Miles, Baby why are you crying?!" Jaden said worriedly.

"I-I can't give y-you kids, I'm sorry" I choked out. His eyes soften and he cups my face, I cut him off before he can say it, "Y-you can reject me if we find out we're mates, I'm sorry for not being able to give you those kittens you want" I cried out.

"Guys lets give them some privacy" I heard my sister whisper out, footsteps make there way out the door, leaving me and Jaden alone.

"I still love you" my eyes look at him, "R-really?!" I squeaked, he just nods and hugs me, "I don't care that you can't have kids, I don't love you any less because of it" he cooed, after the brief embrace he lets go and looks at me while stroking my cheek "Now let's meet them outside, the nurse gave you this slip excusing you for the day" I nod before he helps me down from the bed, and hands me the slip. I hate being short, as a guy whose 5'7 everyone is so much taller and it's not fair, the last person who use this was that one guy who's 7'1 ironically his shift is pigeon.


"Kyson!" I yelled across the hall, his back was facing me, as he turns to wave at me, all the color on his face drains as he freezes. "Miles, I hate to tell you this, but 6 of the most powerful carnivore shifters in school are right behind you" he whispered in my ear.

Kysons shift is a peacock, so that makes him an omnivore, but he's essentially one of the weakest in terms of power and deadliness so he hangs out with us herbivores.

"These are my new friends Kyson meet my sister Madeline, Jaden, Ty, Brenden, Singer and Raymund" I explained. His jaw drops, "T-they are y-your friends?" He stuttered out, I only nod but Madeline leans her lips into my ear "He's kinda cute, why haven't you told me about him!" She whispered out. I gag, if they're mates I'm gonna be ecstatic and disgusted at the same time.

Than out of nowhere I get shoved to the ground, I look up to see Pasco glaring at me, "Pathetic no shift" he spat, he was followed by his two henchmen Micheal and Ryan, they were twins and both had mountain lion shifts, Pasco on the other hand was a Garial shifter, it's basically a crocodile with a narrow snout meant for catching fish, he's actually a pretty weak carnivore. Everyone including Kyson gets in a defensive stance, circling around me to keep them from touching me. "Leave Pasco you're not wanted" Jaden spat, Pasco pretends to be offended and clutches his chest, "Oh my I never knew! You better watch out, especially you Miles. Out of nowhere you're friends with 6 of the deadliest and most powerful carnivore shifters in our town? Somethings up" he snapped out, "I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. Au revoir" he waves and walks away from us with his muscular henchmen not far behind.

"You think they Eiffel Tower when they fuck?" Singer comments, we all burst into laughter, but Singers just standing there his face dead serious. "So they do or they don't?"

Jaden turns to me as everyone else discussed Pasco's sex live with his bodyguards.

"Hey" Jaden calls me, "When do you wanna, head back to your place?" He asked, "Um, after I get my stuff from my lock, than we can go" he gives me a charming smile, wrapping his fingers around mine, "Lead the way" he tells everyone that he's gonna be taking me home and they tell us goodbye.

Opening my locker, the first thing I see is the 10s of photos I have of Jaden shirtless taped all over the walls, Shit I forgot. "I-Is that me?" He asked. "Yes" I whispered out, I could feel the rush of warmth hit my cheeks as I scolded myself mentally. "If you wanted to touch me you could've asked" he said, smirking at me while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

After grabbing my stuff he takes us out to the parking lot and leads us to his car, it was a standard sedan, a little on the pricy side. After entering I sit down on the leather car seat, but I notice that the seat is slightly wet.

I swipe some of the substance on my finger and examine it, it's a an opaque white, oh it's like a juice! I decided to try it, it had a salty yet sweet type of flavor, I kinda want more of this mystery juice is. Jaden opens his side of the door and freaks out when he sees me sucking on my fingers "Oh my god! What the hell are you doing Miles!" He was blushing to the point of a tomato, "I really like this juice Jaden, what store did you get it at?" I chirped.

He looks at me and than back at something on his dashboard, looking in the same direction that he was looking at, I found a photo of me without a shirt eating a hotdog by the pool, with more of the white liquid on my face. How did he get that photo of me, we were in our backyard during a pool party and we have a hedge covering us, giving us privacy.

"That's my... errr..." he drawled out.

My eyes widened and I slowly release my fingers from my mouth and as it all hits me. I'm sitting on his cum stained car seat, eating him, but the weirdest part, I want more of him.

"How did you get my photo?" I questioned out, he stiffens at the question, "I kinda stalked you" he explained, "Hmf, you're lucky we're gonna be mates" I grumbled out.

The drive back to my house was painfully awkward and filled with sexual tension. After leaving his car I unlock the front door and we head inside. "Miles! Why are you home so early!" My mom comes into view from the living room, she was in nothing but a bra and underwear, she had swollen lips with her lipstick smeared and her hair was a mess.

"Who is it babe? I wann fuc- Oh Miles! You're back!" my dad yelled out, he was actually naked, fully. He had 3 hickies on his neck, and from the brief glance I saw that his 'parts' had lipstick on it as well, oh my god. "Miles just head upstairs! We'll talk about that boy with you later!" My dad said quickly.

I happily obliged and grabbed Jadens hand, dragging us upstairs into my room. I collapse on the bed, groaning as my brain replays the memory "Is that the first time you caught them?" He asked, a mixture of amusement and disgusted watched on his face. I looked up at him, narrowing my gaze "Yes! I can't even look at them the same way ever again!" I whined out. Jaden chuckles before lying next to  me and tucking my small body in his arms, "You fit so perfectly against me" he murmured out.

Than out of nowhere I get this overwhelming sweet smell coming from somewhere, it was like vanilla and strawberry in its purest form, the sweet scent continues wafting in my face. I look at the time 2:33 P.M. I'm 18. I whip my head to Jaden "We're mates" we both said in unison. He grabs me by the waist and spins me around in joy, "We're mates!" He said elated, he kissed me smack on the lips. He stops spinning me and nuzzles the top of my head, "I'm so happy, you have no idea how much I wanted you as my mate I've always wished for you in my arms like this" he mumbled in my hair.

"You're so cute, my little bean" he cooed out, I blush at his comment, "I like that name" I giggle out. "So where are we gonna go for our first date?" I asked.

He was about to respond when a knock happened on the door, "Hey mom" I smiled, Mom and Dad tried to make an effort to clean up, but you could tell it happened still. "So, he's your mate Miles?" My mother said, Before I could answer Jaden interjects, "Uh yes ma'am my name is Jaden Endrizzi, we just found out we were mates because we're both of age now" so we're both 1 year ahead of our grade, I thought I was the only one.

My dad looks at him before raising his hands to shake his, "Welcome to the family Jaden" he pats him on the back than grabs his shoulder and yanks his ear to his mouth, "Even if you're his mate if you hurt him, I'll make you suffer" my father growled out, the color on Jadens face pales and he gulps loudly as he nods, before quickly walking back to me.

"Well, I'll leave you guys to it if you're gonna mate please be quiet. Me and your mother are gonna sleep the day away, we're exhausted from our.. activities" he explained.

Mom just looks at him "Seriously? Miles, I sucked your dads dick, than I rode him on the couch end of story" she deadpanned.

"MOM!" I screamed, she just grabs my dad by his tie and closes the door. "Oh my god I'm so sorry, they usually don't get into detail, I'm especially sorry for my mom" I rub my temples in annoyance, "No worries, I hear my dads at it every night" he winced at the thought. "They're old, how are they still this horny" I groan out, he just laughs.

"By the way, your dad is fucking terrifying" I just chuckle, "He's a nice guy, he's just super overprotective with me and Madeline, mostly me" my whole family thinks I'm an omega, nope I'm just super small, that and omegas are usually wolves, besides my shift is not a wolf, FAR from it actually.


We cuddled on my bed for a good hour and a half before Madeline knocks on the door and coming in. "You guys are mates!" She chirped out, Jaden answers for us, "Yep! He's all mine and no one else can have him or hurt him. I'm the only one who can hug, cuddle, hold hands and kiss him" than his mouth goes to my ear, nipping at it before taking a breath "fuck, scream, cum, writhe, spank, and suck also" he whispered seductively in my ear.

I squeak out in surprise at the sudden thoughts racing through my head. "Aww you guys are so cute, Jaden probably said some cute things in your ear Miles, you gotta tell me later" she said happily, she closes our door and leaves us, me especially to think about what I just heard.

"I'm teasing you Bean, we won't do it if you don't want to, you're in control here" he reassures. "I'm a virgin though, what if I'm not good enough for you, I saved myself for when I found my mate, but you probably have so much experience" I mumble out, Jaden looks at me with a mischievous look in his eyes. "Are you insinuating that im a the schools Manslut?" He asked.

My eyes widen, "No no no! That's not what I mean! It's just that you get around a lot, cause you know a lot of guys! I bet you've seen every single boys hole in our school! Er Wait! That's not what I meant, I mean you have fucked them! But, like you get experience from each one, so you get better fucking them! NO WAIT-" I groan out in frustration and hide my face in his chest.

"So I'm a player? You don't have to be shy my little bean, you can tell me" he said softly. I just nod on his pec. "Well, good thing I'm a virgin" he drawled out the virgin part. "What?" I looked at him, he was all smiles "I've been saving myself for my mate as well, so you can get this cock all for yourself baby boy" he purred out. "Oh my god!" I whined out.

"Im joking! I love making you blush" he cooed, "Oh haha, I'm gonna get something from the bathroom" he nods and let's go of me, getting of the bed something snags my pants and I fall on the floor with a resounding thud. It didn't hurt since it was carpet, but Jaden was freaking out.

"Oh shit! Are you hurt baby?!" He rushes off the bed and kneels beside me, he checks everything, and by everything I mean EVERYTHING. "Are you bleeding? Let me see you arms?! Does your head hurt?" He worriedly asked, he was prodding my arms and legs while checking my face for any wounds or bruises, I was currently standing again as he poked and checked me.

"Fuck! I'm sorry I didn't catch you!" He starts kissing my face, begging for forgiveness as he gets on his knees and hugs my legs, snuggling into them while mumbling "It won't happen again!" he was actually starting to cry, "Don't leave me bean!" He cried out, hugging my legs tighter. "Please dont! I love you! I know we only just met, but please give me a chance, I didn't mean to let you get hurt!" He whimpered out.

I get down with him and hug him tightly, "I won't leave you Jaden, I promise" he looks at me, "Really!" He croaked. I nod before kissing him on the tip of his nose, "I love you too" I cooed. Dramatic kitty, but I love him.


DONE-ZO thoughts on this new chapter?

It's a filler I know, but I hope you guys enjoy


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