Percy Jackson and The Avenger...

By h_considine

39.4K 733 668

This is just greatttt. During Percy's senior he just had to become a target for the knock-off version of the... More

Meeting the Avengers
Rescue Mission (1)
Rescue Mission (2)
The Interrogation
Panic Grows
Dreams Hurt


5.8K 95 81
By h_considine


I woke up not to my alarm clock, but by a loud crash in my room. I get up as fast as I could and reach for Riptide, only to find Annabeth passed out with a pile of books all over the floor. I wake her up and explain what she did. I just laugh at her and pull her back into bed for a couple more hours of sleep. Finally, my alarm went off.

Both Annabeth and I are finishing our high school senior year at Goode so we can get into college at New Rome. With the help of Annabeth, I was not completely failing school so far. As we are walking to school, I could feel someone watching us so we decide to rush to school. 


Fury had called a meeting with the team about our next possible target. I see that everyone is there waiting for me to arrive when I walk into the door. "Why were you late Stark?" Fury asked with a stern tone. "Sorry if I have other projects to deal with other than the Avengers" I snap back. Steve clears his voice, a signal to start the presentation.

We each get passed a file with PERSEUS JACKSON on the top. As I open it I read, 

Name: Perseus Jackson

DOB: August  18th 2002 (A/n I chose a diff year for him cuz reasons)

Age: 17


-Sally Jackson (Mother)   

-Unknown Father (Lost at Sea)

-Gabriel Ugliano (Deceased Step-Father)

-Paul Blofis (Current Step-Father)

Crimes: Blew up many of his schools, and been kicked out of all of them but Goode High School. Has been kidnapped at 12 along with two other children and was freed in gunfight with captor. Blah blah blah (you get the idea)

"Fury this kid is only 17." Steve stated with concern. "This kid is a possible terrorist Rogers and I want him in custody alive." Fury nominates me and I just roll my eyes because he is getting back at me for being late. 

After the meeting, I tell FRIDAY to have wanted posters all over the city within the hour. (The poster is above). It is 6:58 AM, so I can grab the kid while he is still in school. This is gonna be a piece of cake. I suit up and head to Goode High School. 


As I walk into school, there are posters of me all over the lockers and hallways. At first, I thought it was a joke but I read WANTED ALIVE BY AVENGERS. I look around and see everyone is staring at me. Then my name gets called over the announcer. "Mr. Jackson please report to the Principal's office. Thank you". I start to panic as I see two of my teachers walking toward me, most likely to escort me to the office. I look to Annabeth and she mouths RUN. Right before my gym teacher could block my only exit, I start running down the halls.

I was about to make it through the main doors when a guy in a red and yellow metal suit files in front of me. "Sorry kid, but your gonna have to come with me" Metal Man said. "And if I say no?" I ask. "Then I'll have to do this" he sighs. I see that one of his arms are pointed at me and a small dart files out. I quickly dodge it and it hits one of the students behind me watching. He crumples to the floor. As Metal Man is still shocked that I dodged the tranquilizer dart, I run out the door into the city. 

I put up my black hood and start walking to a crowded subway station. I ditched my backpack at school, so it wouldn't give me away. As I walk by buildings, I see that there are more posters of me everywhere. I pull my hood down even further and start walking faster. While doing this, I have caught the attention of a police officer. He stops me and pulls my hood down, I pray to the gods that he wont look to his right and see my wanted poster. And of my luck, he does. Right when he reaches for either a taser or a gun, I run the other way.


How the hell did that kid dodge that dart? I thought to myself while flying around the city. "FRIDAY scan every camera in the city and find him" "On it boss" After a minute FRIDAY found his location. I start flying as fast as I could. I will not let a kid escape me. I see him going running down the street, so I start to fire darts at him again. Somehow he dodges everyone and catches a few too. As he was running, he went into a dead end alley. 

I land while still firing darts at him. Finally one hits him, but he just looks a little tired. "What the- You should be passed out!" I yell at him. He starts reaching for his pocket and pulls out a pen. That pen then morphs to a sword?!? He comes charging at me with a battle cry. I kept firing until I ran out of darts, so I started to shoot lasers at the kid. He somehow deflects all of my lasers with his metal sword. Then something REALLY weird happened. 

The ground below me started to break like an earthquake. I look up at Perseus and see him concentrating at the earthquake before me, like he is controlling it. I side step away from the cracks in the ground, but I then realize that they are following me. Then I get hit with the hilt of the sword knocking me unconscious. Before I pass out I hear him growl, "Stay away from me". I slipped into the darkness. 


After I knock Metal Man out I quickly pull my hood back on and start walking to my mom's apartment. I realize that I have been running around the city for a couple hours and it is now 2:47 PM.

 I open the door to the apartment and am greeted by a tackle hug from Annabeth. "Are you okay? Who was chasing you? Are they still chasing you?" She asks in a worried voice. "Wise Girl I am A OK. I don't know who was chasing me, he had this suit made of metal and kept trying to knock me unconscious, before I got him though."

 I could see her analyzing what I just said and she respooled, "Okay Percy we need to get you to camp ASAP. I think Chiron can help with those mortals trying to get you." I just nod and we start to pack a bag in my room, but accidently fall asleep while lying down on the bed together. 

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