The Way We Do (Ziam)

Galing kay CupcakeCait

125K 5.5K 4.3K

Zayn and Liam play on rival football teams, and it's hate at first sight, in Zayn's case at least. Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 13

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Galing kay CupcakeCait

I think I'm gonna win this time... 

Zayn leaned against the dryer, dropping his head into his hands as he fought the urge to go after Liam. This was what he wanted, for Liam to leave him alone, he reminded himself as he absentmindedly picked up the camera he'd left behind, clicking through picture after picture of Waliyha and Calum. He paused when he came to a selfie Liam had taken of him and Safaa, both of them looking into the camera with goofy grins.

Zayn shut the camera off quickly and pushed it to the side, repeating I love Clark like a mantra in his head, until he wasn't thinking of Liam at all. Which was why he didn't know why Liam's face flashed into his mind as his phone buzzed repeatedly in his jeans, his name on Zayn's lips as he pulled it hurriedly from his pocket, hoping that Liam was already breaking his promise by texting him.

A hard knot of disappointment settled in his stomach as he saw that it was only Doniya.

Don:  Why was Liam just up here looking like he was about to cry?

Don:  And why wasn't he wearing a shirt?


Zayn shoved his phone back into his pocket without bothering to answer her. He had no fucking clue what he was doing lately, but he knew he didn't want to hear any shit from Doniya. She really didn't have room to talk, considering how badly her last relationship had ended. He knew that the anger he felt towards her was misplaced, but it was better than thinking about Liam.

Liam, with his puppy dog eyes and his perfect abs and his soft, sinful mouth. This whole staying away from him thing would be so much easier if he wasn't so annoyingly attractive. Or so sweet to his sisters. Or such a good kisser. It would really be for the best if Liam could just stop being himself entirely, so that Zayn could stop wanting him so badly.

Zayn pulled his phone back out, dialing Clark's number before he could stop himself, needing to hear her voice so that he could remind himself of how much he loved her.

She answered on the third ring, her soft, "Hey babe," calming him immediately. 

"Hey," he said quietly.

"Is everything okay?" she asked, because she knew him better than anyone, able to tell with just one word that he was upset.

"Yeah," he lied. "Just missing you," he added, tucking the phone under his ear as he bent down to move the clothes into the dryer.

"I miss you too," she said. He could hear the smile in her voice as she spoke, and it made him smile too.

"You think you'll be able to come down here anytime soon? Maybe for Christmas?"

"My parents were actually planning on coming here. Dad wants to get out of the city for the holiday," she said before pausing. "You could come with them. You know they'd love to see you."

Zayn hopped up onto the washer and took a sip of his beer before answering. "Yeah...maybe I will," he told her, though they both knew that he wouldn't. He changed the subject, moving onto safer topics like schoolwork and Safaa's new claim that Benjamin was, in fact, a girl dog.

They spent the next hour like that, talking about anything and everything. Everything but the thing, which was that Zayn was kinda, sorta falling for someone else and would it be okay with her if he dated them both? But he obviously couldn't ask her that, or mention Liam to her at all, afraid if he did that she'd hear something in the way he said his name, his tongue curling around the word Liam like a kiss.

He felt better when they got off the phone just as Zayn finished folding the laundry, the words "I love you" falling easily and truthfully from his lips. As he headed back upstairs he told himself that this was why Clark was good for him. He needed someone who calmed him down; someone who knew everything about him and loved him anyway. What he didn't need was someone who pissed him off as much as he turned him on.

What he didn't need was Liam. And if he happened to wear Liam's sweater to bed that night it was only because it was really fucking cold, and the sweater was right there on top of the laundry basket. It had nothing at all to do with Liam.

It was still cold the next morning, the wind so bitter on their walk to the park that Zayn wished for the first time that he didn't have a game that day. It wasn't just the weather that was getting to him. He felt totally unprepared to see Liam again, so soon after the fighting and the kissing and the way he'd looked when he'd told Zayn that he was done with him.

Liam wasn't there when they arrived, so Zayn headed towards his teammates to warm up, keeping one eye on the parking lot. Liam pulled in a few minutes later, and he looked far cuter in the light gray beanie he was wearing than he had any right to. Obviously God was ignoring Zayn's prayers that he make Liam unattractive.

He watched as Doniya waved Liam over, handing him the camera that he'd left behind the night before. Zayn supposed that he should have brought the sweater with him as well, but he hadn't, and if Liam had to come over to get it, well, that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Liam looked over at Zayn then, staring at him for a long moment before turning back to Doniya and shaking his head. Zayn wondered what Doniya had asked him, and why it hurt so badly that Liam hadn't returned his wave.

Liam took the long way around to his side of the field, and Zayn had a sneaking suspicion that he'd done it so that he didn't have to pass Zayn. In fact, Liam stayed as far away from Zayn as he could the entire game. He was ignoring Zayn completely, which was even worse than if he'd been rude to him. Instead it was like he didn't care about Zayn one way or the other. Maybe Zayn had imagined the whole thing, and Liam had never liked him at all. 

The thought made him sick.

"Hey Liam," he tried as Liam ran by him towards the end of the game.

"Hey," Liam said, keeping his eyes on the ground and off of Zayn.

Zayn called for the ball on the next play and headed straight for Liam once he had it in his hands, knowing that Liam's competitive streak would drive him to try to stop him. He knew that it was childish, but at this point he was desperate enough for Liam's attention that he was willing to force him into it. 

He wasn't disappointed, Liam barreling towards him with a look of determination. He expected Liam to stop short so that he could tag Zayn, but Liam just kept coming, not giving Zayn a chance to brace himself for the hit before he was tackling him to the cold ground. Fucking finally, Zayn thought as Liam landed on top of him, his heart beating against Zayn's as he looked down at him, and yes, this was what Zayn wanted. He wanted Liam on top of him, Liam staring down at him. 

He brought his hands up to Liam's waist, wanting to hold him there for as long as he could. He didn't even care that Liam was looking at him like he wanted to murder him, because at least it meant that Liam was still feeling something towards him.

Liam climbed off of him all too soon, reaching a hand down to help Zayn up because he was a nice guy even when he was angry. "I'd say I was sorry, but I think we both know you deserved that."

Zayn nodded sheepishly, scrunching his nose up as he brushed bits of snow and grass from his pants. "Yeah, guess I did. Listen, I'm sorry about-"

"Stop. Please just stop," Liam interrupted. "I'm just here to play, okay?" he said, which sounded more like I'm not here for you to Zayn's ears. He didn't give Zayn a chance to reply as he started jogging backwards, moving further and further away from him, his eyes already back on the game.

Zayn didn't bother calling for the ball again after that, nor did he try to speak to Liam again. The Guns won the game after Niall scored a pretty impressive touchdown in the fourth quarter, but Zayn couldn't bring himself to get excited over the victory. He overheard the other team talking about meeting up for drinks later that night, and he forced himself to look away before he could see whether Liam was part of the group that was going.

It didn't matter anyway. It wasn't like Zayn was going to go hang out with a bunch of firemen just so that he could maybe, possibly spend some time with Liam, especially when it was obvious that Liam wanted nothing to do with him.

He jogged over to join his sisters, all of them heading to the other end of the park, where the parking lot had been filled with Christmas trees for sale. Safaa picked the biggest one they could afford, meaning that Zayn and Doniya had to drag it all the way home while Safaa ran circles around them, telling them that she got to decide where all the ornaments went.

"Bet you wish you and Liam weren't fighting now," Waliyha said snidely as Zayn paused on the landing of the third floor, dropping the tree to the floor as he tried to catch his breath.

"Shut it, or I'm making you carry it the rest of the way up," he told her, though he knew she was right. He should have asked Liam to help him. Liam would have said yes, too, even though he was obviously still mad at Zayn, and then Zayn could've had the chance to give him a proper apology. And his back wouldn't have been aching from having to carry the heavy end of the tree.

Though the one good thing that came from lugging a 40 pound tree down five blocks and up four flights of stairs was that he was in too much pain to think of Liam. Well, to think of him much anyway, his face only flashing in Zayn's mind every few feet or so.   

He spent the rest of the day with his sisters, decorating the tree and hanging their stockings on the fire escape so that Santa could get to them since they didn't have a fireplace. He managed to make it to the end of the day without mentioning Liam, but as Doniya got up to get ready for bed he couldn't stop himself from asking her what he'd been dying to know all day. 

"What were you and Liam talking about, after you gave him his camera back?"

Doniya looked up from where she was straightening Safaa's toys. "I asked him if he was okay."

Zayn bit his lip, wondering if he should press for more information. In the end he had to, even though he was pretty sure he knew what Liam's answer had been. "What did he say?"

"He said no," she told him simply. Zayn wished immediately that he hadn't asked, the knowledge that Liam wasn't okay sinking into him, making him ache all over.

It was all his fault. Liam was hurting and it was all Zayn's fault. The thought kept sleep at bay, and Zayn was still tossing and turning when his phone buzzed just after midnight. The hope that it might be Liam calling him made his heart beat a little harder, and when he picked the phone up to see his name he couldn't stop the flicker of excitement that shot through him.


"Zaaaaayn, you answered!" Liam shouted drunkenly over the din of people talking in the background. "Connor told me not to call because it's late, but I knew you'd answer and you did."

"Where are you?" Zayn asked, though really the only question he needed answered was who the fuck was Connor?

"I'm at Wag's," Liam told him, before lowering his voice a little to speak to someone else. Zayn strained to hear what he was saying, picking up, "Stop, your hands are cold...Connor!" followed by giggling. Fucking giggling, like whatever this Connor dick had just said was the funniest thing Liam had ever heard.

Zayn was on his feet a second later, sleep long forgotten as he started to pace the room. "Liam, I think you need to go home."

"Connor just said the same thing! He even said he'd take me. Oh, he says I should hang up. I don't think he likes me talking to you. Wants all my attention on him I guess. Hey, I said okay-" Liam was cut off, the line going dead as sudden silence filled Zayn's ears. He immediately hit the call button, his stomach sinking as it rang and rang. 

He didn't stop to think about the million reasons why this was a bad idea, just pulled on his boots as quickly as he could before grabbing his coat and heading out the door. The bar was just a few blocks from his house, and he wondered if Liam had chosen it on purpose, knowing that Zayn wouldn't be able to resist coming for him if he knew Liam was there.

Zayn spotted Liam as soon as he walked inside, running a hand through his hair to brush the snow off of it as he looked from Liam to the man next to him, who was wearing a suit and standing way too fucking close. Zayn noted the man's hand on Liam's waist, and the way he smiled at him, and he didn't like it, not one fucking bit. But Liam seemed to, basking in the attention like a flower in the sun.

Liam turned his head to the side as he giggled at something the asshole was whispering into his ear, his eyes crinkling into slits before widening dramatically as he spotted Zayn. Zayn strode towards him, expecting him to meet him halfway. But Liam stayed where he was, sliding an arm around the stranger's shoulders as Zayn came to a stop in front of him.

"I knew you'd come," Liam said happily.

"Yeah," Zayn said, suddenly feeling very stupid standing there in his sweatpants as his eyes flitted from Liam's smile to the hand sliding up and down his side. "You sounded like you needed me, so..."

Liam turned his head to the side to look at the man who was still fucking touching him, obviously not realizing that Zayn was about three seconds away from breaking every one of his goddamn fingers. 

"Connor, this is Zayn. He's got a girlfriend named Clark that he loves very, very much and never ever wants to break up with. Zayn, this is my new friend Connor. He doesn't have a girlfriend. Actually, I don't think he even likes girls. Do you, Connor?"

Connor - that had to be the stupidest fucking name Zayn had ever heard, so it went perfectly with his stupid fucking beard and his stupid fucking brown hair flopping down over one eye - shrugged. "He's not wrong," he murmured in agreement, his hand creeping under the hem of Liam's shirt, and no fucking way was Zayn just going to stand there and watch this happen. 

"Come on," he said, taking the half-filled glass out of Liam's hand and setting it on the bar. "We're going home," he ordered, his tone leaving little room for argument as he grabbed Liam's hand and pulled him away from Connor.

"Hey," Connor called, taking a hold of Liam's arm and pulling him back. "I don't think Liam's quite ready to leave yet. He still needs to finish his drink."

Zayn took a step forward, crowding into Connor's space. "You don't know what Liam needs," he said through gritted teeth.

Connor cocked his head to the side, smirking as he looked over at Liam. "I think he was just about to tell me when you showed up."

"Ooooooh," Liam crowed delightedly. "Careful Connor. Don't want to piss this one off. He shot a man once, you know. Not very well though, 'cause he's a terrible shot. Aren't you, Zayn? Copper copper crime stopper," he sang, picking up his drink and bringing it to his lips.

Zayn snatched it away and downed it in one gulp before slamming it down on the bar. "You've had enough. And we're leaving."

He didn't give Connor the chance to argue this time, positioning himself between him and Liam as he propelled Liam towards the door. 

"Bye Connor," Liam yelled over Zayn's shoulder. "Call me!"

Zayn flinched but didn't stop walking until they were out the door, the shock of cold air that met them making his muscles tense as he watched Liam struggle to find the right arm hole in his coat.

"Jesus, how drunk are you?" he asked as he reached out to help him put it on. Liam leaned into him, letting Zayn do all the work as he rested his forehead on Zayn's shoulder. Zayn took a step back so that he could zip up his jacket, his hands lingering a little longer than necessary as he flipped the collar of Liam's coat up, more as an excuse to keep touching him than as a precaution against the cold.

"You've got snow in your eyelashes," Liam said softly, bringing a hand up to brush a snowflake off of Zayn's cheek. "You're so pretty."

Zayn rolled his eyes. "You need to go home, and sober up."

Liam shook his head, plump lower lip popping out. "Don't wanna go home. Wanna stay here, lookin' at you."

"We're going home, even if I have to drag you the entire way," he insisted, grabbing Liam's hand as he started to walk.

But Liam followed eagerly, skipping beside him as he tangled his fingers with Zayn's. Zayn let him, but only because he was pretty sure Liam was too drunk to walk in a straight line on his own.

"So, when you say we, that means you too, right? Like you and me, going to the same place? Together?"

"I'm taking you to your house, Liam, yes."

Liam tugged Zayn closer, until they were touching from their shoulders to the tips of their fingers. "And then you're staying? Like, for the whole night? I really think you should. This snow's like, hazardous."

Zayn ignored him, still thinking about Connor. "Did you really give that prick your number?" he demanded hotly, looking over at Liam to see a slow smile spread across his face as he nodded.

"I think he likes me. You know who else likes me, Zayn?"

"No, but I'm sure you're gonna tell me."

Liam stopped walking abruptly, causing Zayn's shoulder to nearly jerk out of its socket as Liam pulled him back towards him. 

"You. You like me. You told me so yourself."

Zayn groaned. "I said I might like you, and I was wrong. You're terrible. The worst, really. Probably the last person on earth I'd ever like," Zayn lied.

"Nooooo," Liam said, shaking his head from side to side as he grinned at Zayn. "You like me. You said you can't stop thinking about me. You probably write Zayn Payne in your notebook and used one of those computer thingies to see what our kids are gonna look like. Come on, Zayn, admit it. Admit that you wanna marry me and have my babies."

"You are such a loser," Zayn laughed. "You're the one who probably does that shit. Now come on, it's fucking freezing."

But Liam didn't budge, the teasing smile fading from his face as he stared intently at Zayn. "Say it, Zayn. Say that you like me," he begged, backing Zayn up slowly until his back was pressed against a cold brick wall. "I need to know I'm not the only one feeling this way."

Zayn swallowed. The snow was falling harder now, cocooning them in sheets of white, cutting them off from the rest of the world. It felt that way to Zayn; like they were the only people on earth that mattered. It was a nice thought, not having to worry about Clark or Connor, or his sisters, or anyone who wasn't Liam. It made him want more. More of just him and Liam and Liam and him. 

It was the wanting that made him speak.

"You're not the only one," he admitted quietly, licking his lips as Liam leaned in closer. "I feel it too."

Liam paused, his lips only centimeters away from Zayn's. "It's a damn shame I can't kiss you right now," he murmured, tracing his thumb along Zayn's cheekbone before stepping away unexpectedly.

Liam let go of his hand and started walking away, leaving Zayn standing frozen in place as he realized that Liam really wasn't going to kiss him. He'd been so sure that Liam was just as unable to resist him as he was to resist Liam, but he'd been wrong. He scrambled to catch up to him, still wanting to make sure that he got home safely even though he suddenly seemed a lot less drunk.

They didn't speak the rest of the way there, and Liam never reached for Zayn's hand, but the never ending tension was still there, pulsing between them with every step. Zayn itched to touch him, to grab his hand and pull him close so that they could kiss and kiss and kiss, until all the snow melted around them because that was how hot kissing Liam was. 

But he didn't, keeping his hands to himself as he tried to think of the perfect thing to say that would magically make everything better. In the end it was Liam who had the magic words, a whispered "Fuck it," the only warning Zayn got before Liam's lips were on his.

He pressed Zayn against the side of the garage as he fumbled with his keys, his lips never fully leaving Zayn's skin even as he spoke. "One night. I'm giving you one night, so that you can see how good it can be."

"One night," Zayn agreed immediately, his hands finding their way under Liam's coat and sweater, needing to touch his bare skin. They kissed and caressed their way through the garage and up the stairs, bumping into walls and tripping over discarded clothes, leaving a trail of coats and shoes and jeans behind them.

Zayn had never seen someone undress as quickly as Liam did, and by the time they'd closed the door to his apartment he was only wearing a pair of white boxers briefs that were perfectly showcasing how turned on he was. 

"You're wearing too many clothes," he told Zayn, motioning to the sweater and sweats Zayn still had on.

"So are you," Zayn breathed.

Liam smirked, his eyes never leaving Zayn's as he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down. The next thing Zayn knew Liam was walking towards him, and he was probably still fucking smirking, but Zayn couldn't be sure since he couldn't take his eyes off of Liam's body. His thighs were paler than the rest of him, but looked thick and strong, and Zayn wanted to kiss every inch of them. But that would have to wait, because there was another part of Liam that Zayn was dying to get his mouth on first.

"What do you want to do?" Liam asked him, coming to a stop in front of Zayn as he reached down to stroke himself. 

Zayn's eyes followed the movement, and his answer was out of mouth before he'd consciously known what he was going to say. "I want to suck you off."

Liam's breath hitched. "Have you ever...?"

"No," Zayn said, shaking his head. "And I'll probably be shit at it, but I really, really want to give it a try. If you want me to," he added, finally looking at Liam's face again.

"Oh, I want you to," Liam assured him. 

That was all it took for Zayn to drop to his knees, eager to get started before he got too nervous and talked himself out of doing this. He reached a tentative hand up, wrapping his fingers around Liam and stroking him slowly. The angle was obviously different from what he was used to, but he knew how to use his hand to make a cock feel good, and he did just that, pumping Liam from base to tip as he worked up the nerve to wrap his mouth around him. 

In the end it wasn't nerve that made him do it, but need. He could see Liam's tip leaking more and more whenever he pulled his foreskin back, and he just had to taste it. He stilled his hand as he scooted closer, leaning in to flick his tongue across Liam's slit. Liam tasted good on his tongue, and Zayn wanted more. 

He flattened his tongue to lick over the head of Liam's cock properly, before opening his mouth and wrapping his lips around his tip. Liam groaned as Zayn swirled his tongue around him, sucking him a bit farther into his mouth as he continued to stroke the rest of him with his hand. Zayn's lips were stretched wide, Liam hot and heavy on his tongue as he attempted to bob his head, wanting more of Liam in his mouth.

"Feels so good, Zayn," Liam moaned, sliding his hands into Zayn's hair, not to guide him, but just to let him know he was thinking about him. Zayn wanted to make him moan again, so he moved farther forward this time, not stopping until Liam hit the back of his throat. It made his eyes water, but he forced himself to stay still, allowing his throat to clench around Liam's tip as Liam swore above him. 

"Fuck, Zayn, you're such a good boy for me. You know how many times I've thought about this? About my cock in your pretty little mouth, my come leaking on your tongue?"

Zayn moaned at his words, causing Liam's cock to pulse in his mouth. And then he moaned again, just because he could tell that Liam liked it. Liam rewarded him with a loud moan of his own and Zayn slid his hand into his sweatpants, unable to resist touching himself when Liam was making those sounds.

Liam tugged on his hair and Zayn looked up at him, taking in his swollen red lips and dark eyes. "No touching," he ordered, forcefully enough that Zayn moved his hand out of his pants at once. "I'm the only one who gets to get you off tonight," he added, and yeah, Zayn liked the sound of that.

In fact Zayn couldn't wait to get to that portion of the evening's entertainment, so he sucked Liam down harder, reaching his free hand up to cup his balls the way he liked. He felt them tighten under his fingertips and knew Liam was close, his ab muscles rippling as Zayn looked up at him. 

Liam's hand tightened in his hair, his voice tight with restraint as he groaned out, "I'm so close, Zayn. You need to stop if you don't want..." 

He didn't get to finish his thought because Zayn did want. He wanted everything Liam had to give him, so he pulled off of Liam and stroked him off more quickly, his tongue pressed to the underside of Liam's cock as he waited. Liam didn't make him wait for long, spilling onto Zayn's tongue in streaks of white that dripped down Zayn's lips and chin as he tried to swallow as much of him as he could, finally wrapping his mouth around Liam's tip to make sure that he didn't miss any more.

Liam pulled him off and hauled him to his feet as soon as he'd finished coming, lifting Zayn up as he kissed him square on the mouth. Zayn wrapped his legs around Liam's waist, rutting against him shamelessly, his own need the only thing he could think of now that he'd gotten Liam off.

"That was fucking amazing," Liam told him as he kissed his neck and walked them into his bedroom. "You're amazing," he added, tossing Zayn onto the bed. He climbed on after him, sliding his hands under Zayn's sweater to take it off before sitting up quickly, his hands still gripping the soft cotton. 

"That's my sweater. And are those my sweats?" he asked with a laugh, looking down at the sweats that were indeed his.

"I was out of clean clothes," Zayn said without thinking, hoping that Liam would at least pretend not to remember seeing Zayn doing laundry only the night before. "It doesn't mean anything."

Liam's mouth twisted up in a smile. "I knew you liked me."

"Yeah well, I won't for much longer if you don't hurry up and get me off."

"Oh, don't worry, I have every intention of getting you off, again and again," he murmured, hooking his fingers into Zayn's sweats and sliding them slowly down Zayn's legs as Zayn tore his sweater off and tossed it onto the floor. Zayn's boxer briefs joined it a second later, leaving Zayn naked on Liam's bed. Liam eyed him hungrily, his cock already showing signs of interest as he looked him up and down.

He blanketed his body over Zayn's, sliding a knee in between Zayn's legs as he began to move against him. Zayn could feel him getting hard again, and the thought made him even harder. He moved his hands to Liam's hips so that he could rut against him more quickly, but Liam didn't let him, grabbing a hold of Zayn's wrists to bring his hands up to the pillow before tangling their fingers, effectively holding Zayn in place as he moved slowly against him.

Liam leaned down to kiss him then, his lips and tongue dancing to the same beat as his hips. He kissed his way down Zayn's body, pulling Zayn's hands with him as he went like he didn't want to let him go. But he finally did as he settled between Zayn's legs, his breath fanning out over Zayn's length making him twitch with need, more precome blurting out onto his stomach.

He looked up at Zayn as he licked his lips, and Zayn was sure that he'd never been harder. And then Liam was wrapping his lips around him and sliding Zayn into his mouth, and Zayn was sure that Liam Payne was an angel, and that heaven lived within his lips. Liam took him all the way to the back of his throat, not gagging even a little bit as it clenched around Zayn. He did it again, and again, his mouth sliding up to the head so that he could swirl his tongue around Zayn's tip before moving lower again, swallowing Zayn down greedily, and no, Zayn had been wrong before. Liam was the devil, his mouth hot and full of fire and sin and Zayn never wanted to stop feeling this good.

But he knew he would, and all too quickly, his orgasm racing towards him as Liam began to tease his hole with the tip of his finger. He pushed in, just the tiniest bit, but that was all it took for Zayn to lose it, coming into Liam's mouth before he'd even had the chance to warn him. Liam didn't seem to mind, sucking down every last drop as pleasure flooded Zayn's senses. 

He finally pushed Liam away, unable to take any more of his expert tongue, but Liam just moved lower, bending Zayn's legs so that he could lap at his entrance. Zayn's whole body jerked at the unfamiliar feeling, partly because he was oversensitive from coming so hard, but mainly because he'd never expected someone licking him there to feel so fucking good. 

But it did feel good, Liam switching between flicking his tongue and flattening it out so that he could lick at him properly. Zayn tried to hold still, he really did, but Liam had to help him, gripping his hip and holding him to the bed as Zayn thrashed and moaned above him, his cock growing impossibly heavy once again. 

Zayn whined when Liam pulled away, desperate to have him back between his thighs. He was about to tell him just that when he saw Liam reaching into his nightstand. He had a bottle of lube in his hand when he pulled it back out, and yeah, Zayn was really fucking okay with that. A nervous excitement ran through him as he watched Liam slick his fingers up and bring them up to Zayn's entrance before pausing.

"This okay?" he asked, his dry hand rubbing soothing circles into the silky skin of Zayn's inner thigh.

"Yeah," Zayn breathed, not certain of what was about to happen but knowing that Liam would take good care of him. That was all the encouragement Liam needed to push the tip of his middle finger past Zayn's rim. Zayn gasped at the feeling, Liam's finger a little thicker than his own as he moved it slowly in and out of Zayn, gently stretching him open. 

Zayn's whole body was trembling with want by the time Liam added a second finger, and this time the gasp he let out was due to pain. Liam seemed to understand what he was feeling without him saying a word, because he stilled his fingers and bent over Zayn, taking him into his mouth and coaxing him back to full hardness with his tongue. By the time he started to move his hand again Zayn was feeling mostly pleasure, and he ran a hand through Liam's hair, wanting to see his face as he spoke. 

"I'm ready, Li. Need you to fuck me."

Liam pulled off of him and sat back on his heels, his fingers still pumping in and out of Zayn even as he shook his head. "Oh, you're not getting all this," he murmured, reaching down to stroke himself, "until you're all mine. But don't worry, babe, I'm still gonna make you scream my name," he promised with a wink, his eyes wicked where the moonlight shone down on him as he curled his fingers to brush against the spot inside Zayn that he'd never been able to reach on his own. 

"Holy fuck, Liam," Zayn moaned, his back arching off the bed as his hands balled into fists in the sheets. Liam smirked down at him, relentlessly rubbing against Zayn's prostate, Zayn's cock pulsing with every thrust of his fingers. Zayn moved a hand to his head, tugging on his hair harshly, needing to feel pain to balance out the complete and utter bliss buzzing through his entire body. 

He knew that he was about to come again, his stamina failing him once more as Liam started to stroke him off with his other hand, but he couldn't bring himself to care, not with everything feeling so fucking good. His heart felt like it was trying to force its way out of his chest, beating along to the the steady stream of LiamLiamLiam falling from his lips. 

"That's it, baby, come for me," Liam urged, twisting his palm over Zayn's tip as he massaged his spot ruthlessly. 

"Liam," Zayn moaned, reaching out for him as he started to spill over his hand, coming harder than he'd ever imagined he could, every one of his senses lit up with Liam's touch.

As soon as he'd finished Liam released him, moving up Zayn's body, holding himself up with a hand next to Zayn's head as he got a hand around himself. 

"I'm so fucking close, just from touching you," he told him, his lips red and his skin flushed. Zayn wanted to kiss him so badly, but he wanted to see him come more, so he lifted his head off of the pillow, looking down to watch as the pace of Liam's hand faltered and he began to come, hot streaks of white landing on Zayn's stomach. 

"Zayn," Liam moaned shamelessly, and Zayn did have to kiss him then, needing to taste the way his name sounded on Liam's tongue. Liam gave him what he wanted, collapsing onto his side and kissing him deeply, moaning Zayn's name into his mouth. Zayn moaned Liam's name right back, Liam the only word he knew how to speak as they kissed for what seemed like hours, until Zayn's lips were swollen and sore. And then they kissed some more, because Zayn never wanted to stop.

And as they finally pulled apart, Zayn's hand coming up to take the place of Liam's mouth, pinching his lips between his fingers because he liked the reminder that he'd just been kissed harder and longer and better than he'd ever thought possible, Zayn knew that even though Liam hadn't fucked him, he was still royally screwed, because there was no fucking way this could be the only night he ever got to spend with Liam Payne.

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