Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie...

By FiftyShadesDakota_x

178K 5.5K 1K

Hi!! So, I started writing this story when I was going through a hard time, it really helped me distract myse... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108
Part 109
Part 110
Part 111
Part 112
Part 113
Part 114
Part 115
Part 116
Part 117
Part 118
Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
Part 122
Part 123
Part 124

Part 58

1.4K 47 5
By FiftyShadesDakota_x

Here's another update!! I'm glad you're all still loving this! Enjoy x

*Dakota's POV*

I wake to the smell of pancakes and the sound of Jamie talking to Charlotte. I smile to myself and close my eyes again, it's sunny outside and it's started to creep through the curtains. "Are you ready baby?" I hear Jamie say so I open my eyes again as he walks through the door holding Charlotte against his side, a tray with a plate of pancakes in the other hand.

He's softly singing happy birthday to me as Charlotte gazes from him to me, the widest smile lights up her face. I grin and watch as he makes it over to the bed, I sit up and take Charlotte, smothering her face with kisses as she continues to smile widely.

"Thank you baby girl" I kiss her head, gently stroking her stomach as Jamie sits next to me on the bed, placing the tray in front of him. "Breakfast in bed for the birthday girl" he smiles, kissing me gently. "Happy birthday baby" he smiles against my lips, pulling away and taking Charlotte so I can eat. "Thank you" I grin shyly, eating the pancakes and bacon and feeding him some at the same time.

"What does our favourite birthday girl want to do today?" He leans back once I've finished eating and strokes my hair gently as I rest Charlotte against my chest. "We have this little ones appointment today, then we could go for lunch?" I smile widely at him. "I don't want anything special today, just to spend the day with my favourite people" I smile and he kisses me gently.

"okay, but you're only thirty once baby.." she laughs and I giggle, shrugging. "I'm a mommy now, nothing else on my birthday can beat that" I wrinkle my nose as Charlotte frowns slightly. "But, I'm not doing dirty diapers today, so that's daddy's turn" I pass Charlotte to him giggling. He just shakes his head, passing me his phone as it starts ringing. "It's for you" he winks before leaving the room.

I frown and answer the FaceTime call, my face lighting up when I see Dulcie. "Happy birthday Kota!!!!" She squeals down the phone and I giggle loudly, laying back down in bed. "Thank you angel" I blow her loads of kisses and she giggles.

"What did daddy get you?" She grins "nothing yet, he hasn't given me my presents yet" I pout and she rolls her eyes, causing me to chuckle. "Where is he?" She frowns "changing Charlotte's smelly bum" I wrinkle my nose and she covers her mouth with her hand, giggling her head off "oh no!"

I ask her what she's doing today, and she sighs. "Not sure kota, I wish I was with you and daddy today" she pouts looking down. "Hey missy, we'll see you real soon okay? I promise" I pout, hating the fact she's upset.

"Okay that one was really bad" Jamie wanders back through and I giggle. "Was it?" I wrinkle my nose as he sits next to me, I lean up into his lap and point the camera at him and Charlotte too. Dulcie grins

"Hello daddy and Charlotte!" She grins, her face lighting up when she sees her baby sister. It melts my heart. "Hi baby, are you okay?" Jamie asks her. "Yeah daddy but why didnt you give kota her presents yet?" She sighs and I burst into fits of giggles.

"Hey you, she's only just woke up, I did breakfast in bed" he pouts, chuckling. We talk a little bit more until we hear Amelia in the background telling Dulcie it's time to get ready. She sighs sadly and I pout.

"You be a good girl okay? We miss you" i pout, looking up at Jamie who's making Charlotte wave with her hand, helping her with it. "We love you baby. See you soon" we both blow her loads of kisses and she blows loads back before ending the call.

"I miss her! Thank you for getting her to FaceTime me" I grin, getting up, watching as he does the same. "You're welcome baby.." he smiles. I make the bed then go round and kiss him gently on the lips, leaning to kiss Charlotte's head as she rests on his chest facing me.

"I'm going to shower, then I'll be down and we can head out to her appointment for her injections" I pout and he nods, telling me he'll get her dressed and sorted ready. I head to the shower, washing my body and my hair quickly before getting out and getting changed.

I wear light blue ripped skinny jeans and a white blouse which I tuck into my jeans a bit to make it a bit baggy. I dry my hair and decide to leave it wavy, as I head downstairs i hear jamie singing to Charlotte and grin.

On the breakfast bar is five gifts wrapped in pink sparkly wrapping paper as I walk in, Charlotte is by them in her bouncer seat and there's a mug of coffee beside them. I grin and sit in front of them, looking to Jamie shyly as he glances at me.

"Are these mine?" I giggle and he nods. "Charlotte wrapped them especially for mommy" he says and I grin, kissing her head as she kicks her feet about. I notice she's dressed in a little denim dress with a pink vest underneath.

I open them slowly, the first one is matching night-time cozy hoodies. They're fluffy and brown with 'mommy bear' and 'baby bear' on the back sown in white thread. The hoods have bear ears on too. "Oh my god they're so cute!!" My eyes fill up and I lean over, kissing his cheek. "It probably won't fit her for another few months, just in time for winter" he smiles broadly at me and my heart melts. I place them to one side and open the next. It's a Tiffany & co locket necklace. "Open it" he whispers so I do and I gasp.

One side is a photo of Dulcie and Charlotte on the day she was born and the other side with Jamie and Charlotte from our photoshoot a couple of months ago. I wipe a tear as it rolls down my face, my hand over my mouth. "Thank you.. I'm speechless..." I gaze at him, my eyes full of unshed tears.

The next one is a beautiful lavender smelling bath set with bath crystals, a bath bomb, and scented candle set , then I get a pandora charm that says 'best mom' on it. I grin and open my last one. It's spa day and treatment for two plus a night in the Spa's 5 star hotel. "I thought we could go on one of those couples spa days" he smiles shyly and I grin.

"Or you can take your sister, or mom.. I don't know, maybe you wanted time to yourself" he rambles and I wrap my arms around his neck, linking my lips with his to shut him up. "Sounds perfect!" I grin against his mouth, pulling away. "Right, lets get these injections out the way baby girl" I go over to Charlotte and lift her into my arms, placing her gently into her carrier for the car.

"She's growing out of it so quickly" I pout as I lift her and jamie grabs her bag with her diapers, wipes and bottles in. "I know" he pouts and we head out to the car together.


We're called into Naomi's office and she grins when she sees us. "Hello, come in sit down make yourselves at home" she chuckles and I giggle, sitting on the chair next to Jamie. "How's everything going?" She asks as she scoots over to us on her chair, stroking Charlotte's cheek as she sits in my lap with her back resting against my stomach.

"It's perfect.. her sleeping pattern is getting really good now, she wakes once in the night and most of the time it's the same time. She's smiling more, she loves to try and lift her head and look around." I grin, leaning to kiss her head gently. "Yeah, she's noticing things more isn't she? Like voices, if one of us is talking and walking through a room her head kind of follows" Jamie adds and Naomi grins.

"Great! She looks very healthy, and super happy" she says as Charlotte smiles at her. I smile widely and she goes back to her desk to get the injections. "Just like before, it's just going to be a little pinch for her, there's two more and then that's it for today" she sits back down and strokes Charlotte's hand.

"Just a tiny pinch sweetheart" she murmurs and I hold Charlotte's hand. Naomi distracts her as she does the injections and she doesn't seem phased by them, I grin. "Way better than the first lot" I say just as Charlotte begins to whine softly. Jamie kisses her head "it's okay baby, it's all over now" he says, stroking her hand.

"I just wanted to ask about contraception.." I say shyly and she smiles, nodding for me to carry on. "Can I just start taking the pill again? I've not been taking it recently as I'm breastfeeding" I blush slightly and she nods. "Of course, your body might not react the same to start with, you may notice yourself bloating a bit on it but that'll go. Breastfeeding stops a hormone, so there's no way you could've got pregnant again yet" she smiles warmly and I smile, nodding.

"I'll need to get some" I say, more to myself. "I can see if I can grab some for you, I just need to measure and weigh this little one before" she takes Charlotte and I thank her, watching her wander over to the weighing scales.

"She weighs thirteen and a half pound" she giggles, handing her back to me. I pass her to Jamie and he takes her, smiling. "She's so chunky" he laughs, lifting her above his head before resting her against his chest. "So she's four months old in two weeks, what can we expect her to start doing?" I pout, and she reaches for Charlotte's chart.

"She'll start sitting up properly but she still might need a little support, she'll recognise noise more. Are you doing tummy time?" She asks me and I grin, looking to Charlotte. "We love tummy time don't we" I tickle her stomach and she smiles widely.

"Great, you'll notice she'll lift her head more, be able to lean up on her arms a bit and she may even start rolling over to her back" she smiles. "Oh okay, she's growing up so fast" I pout and she nods. "It usually does, but she's wonderful, one of the only babies who doesn't cry when they see me" she chuckles and I laugh.

"She doesn't really cry at all though, it's usually just whimpers" Jamie says and I nod. "That's a good thing, it means she's happy. You're wonderful parents" she compliments us and I blush. "Right, I'll have to see you again just before she reaches five months, she may need other injections, I'll book an appointment and we'll go from there" Naomi smiles and I nod, smiling too.


Once our appointment was done we went to see my mom for a while and then my dad before coming home. I got loads of birthday cards and my sisters got me a wine set with a engraved wine glass, my mom got me Tiffany necklace with my name and my dad got me a bangle to match the necklace my mom got.

Charlotte's just gone down for her nap and Jamie's upstairs. I'm just replying to text messages I've received from friends and other family when I hear him shouting me. I head up to him and he meets me at our bedroom door.

"Close your eyes" he smiles and I giggle shyly, doing as he's asked. He leads me through to the bathroom I think, holding my hand gently. The smell of sweet lavender hitting my nostrils. "Open" he announces and I open my eyes, gasping when I see the candles lit around a warm bubble bath.

There's a glass of fresh cool wine on the edge of the bath and a magazine. "You're going to have some you time. Charlottes asleep and if she wakes I've got her. You relax, have a nice bath and drink your wine. The bottle is in the fridge if you need more just give me a shout I'll top it up. When you're done shout me, there's something else for you too" he says and my face splits into the biggest grin.

"You're the best!! I love you so much" I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him lovingly. "I love you too, anything for my beautiful birthday girl" he kisses me back before pulling away and kissing my head tenderly. "Now get in, before it gets cold" he smiles and exits the bathroom.

What did I ever do to deserve that man? I grin and strip, stepping into the hot bath. I reach for the glass and take a welcome sip, I don't really drink much anymore, so it's nice and refreshing; my favourite wine too. I lean back and close my eyes, feeling every part of my body relax.

I read through the magazine and finish my glass of wine. The water starts to get cold so I climb out and wrap myself in the big fluffy towel he's laid out for me on the towel heater rack. I empty the bath and blow the candles out before going into the bedroom. I call for him and tell him I'm finished and he darts up to me, Charlotte resting on his hip.

"Nice bath?" He grins kissing me, I nod and watch as he goes to my walk in wardrobe and comes back with a dress bag. "We're going out somewhere nice this evening. Me and Charlotte already have our outfits, we picked this one out especially for you" He says and my eyes fill with tears.

He reaches into the drawer under the bed and fishes out a shoe box. "These will match the Dress.. we have to be there in an hour" he says, leaning to kiss me gently. "We'll be getting ready in Charlotte's room won't we baby?" He says to her, stroking her back gently. I grin and kiss him again before he leaves our room.

I'm intrigued. What is he up to? I giggle to myself as I dry. I slide into a pair of black lace thongs and a matching bra that cups my breast and enhances my cleavage. I decide to do my make up next. A slight bit of foundation, mascara, a light colour for my eyeshadow with a hint of glitter too; a little bit of blusher and highlight, a quick shading on my brows and a bit of nude lipstick then I'm done.

I leave my fringe and decide to curl my hair a little on the ends, so it falls wavy down my back and into my cleavage. I head to my walk in wardrobe and unzip the dress bag, gasping when I catch a glimpse of the dress. It's a short burgundy dress with a lace pattern, the sleeves are long and laced too. It's beautiful. Something I would choose myself.

I waste no time in putting it on, sliding up the zip at the back. It fits perfectly. I stand in the long mirror in our room, gazing at myself. I look amazing. I actually feel beautiful. The dress falls to the middle of my thigh and has a low cut v neck so my cleavage is on show. I love it.

Hurrying over to the shoe box on the floor, I discover he's brought me a pair of louboutin heels. They're nude and glittery and I fall in love with them straight away. I stand and slide my feet into them, turning to the mirror to check how they look. They go beautifully with the dress, and my heart soars with love for Jamie. When has anyone ever been this thoughtful? Never...

I head out of our room in search for my man and baby. I find them in the kitchen, charlotte laying on her tummy in the living room and Jamie on the phone to someone, his back to me. As he finishes on the phone he turns and our eyes meet. I hear his gasp. "Damn..." he whispers, walking over to me slowly. "You look fucking hot" he speaks lowly, his hands snaking around and resting on my bum. I kiss him hard.

"You look yum" I say against his lips, biting it gently before pulling away. Jamie's in black jeans and a black polo shirt with his navy bomber jacket. "Look" he goes and lifts Charlotte, my heart melts instantly. She's dressed in a light pink dress with a bit of netting at the bottom with flowers on it.

"She looks gorgeous" I pout, coming over and kissing her head. She smiles and Jamie passes her to me. "Let me take a photo of my favourite girls." He grabs his phone and I stand in front of the sitting room door holding Charlotte against my chest looking outwards. She smiles for the photo and Jamie grins.
"I love it.. come on baby, lets go" he says. I get him to quickly put on the locket necklace he got me and then we leave.


He's gotten us a private car with a driver to take us somewhere, I'm unsure where until we stop outside one of my favourite restaurants/ bars. We used to come here a lot before I had Charlotte. I frown at him with confusion but he's bouncing with excitement.

He grabs Charlotte's carrier out the car and takes my hand, leading me to the reception part. The lady gives us a smile and nod, letting us continue on into the restaurant. "Happy birthday!!!" Out of nowhere my whole family, friends and some of Jamie's friends pop up from behind tables and set off party poppers.

I gasp, walking back into Jamie a little bit as it scares me. When I see everyone I cover my face and look to him. "You did all this for me?" I pout, welling up.

The rooms decorated with balloons, banners, a huge 3 and 0 balloon against a wall where there's a photo camera like a little photo booth. There's a long table against a wall with sandwiches, snacks and chips and dips on.

"It's my girls thirtieth birthday, there's no way I wasn't going to throw you a surprise party" her grins, leaning down to kiss me gently. I smile shyly against his lips and turn to all my guests, going round and thanking them all.

I keep glancing over at Jamie as he takes Charlotte from her carrier, comforting her as she whines. I get to my mom and she hugs me tight. "Isn't he amazing?" She chuckles and I giggle. "He really is, I don't deserve him!" I smile, kissing her cheek before making my way over to him.

"There's one more surprise that's just arrived" he smirks as he takes me to a door that's closed. "I honestly don't think my heart can cope with more surprises" I put my hand to my chest and hold his hand with my other. "You'll like this" he grins, opening the door to the exit of the restaurant.

Dulcie darts through to me, squealing my name as she hugs my legs. I gasp and kneel down to hug her. "Hello you! What're you doing here?" I giggle, lifting her to my hip as she wraps her arms around my neck. "Daddy planned it" she grins at Jamie and I pout.

"I love you so damn much" I kiss him, before kissing Dulcie's head and letting her down to run off into the party. I wrap my arm around Jamie as we head to everyone else. "Go have fun baby, it's your night" he kisses my head and passes me a glass of champagne.

I smile shyly and take a sip, heading to my sisters and Dulcie who are dancing on the dance floor. I keep glancing over at Jamie and he's sat with my mom and dad, all of them fussing and smiling over Charlotte. My heart hasn't ever been this full. I grin and blink my tears away, concentrating on dancing with the girls.


The party has been in full swing for a few hours now, I'm sat with Jamie, Dulcie and Charlotte whilst we eat a bit of food. I'm on my third glass of champagne and its the most I've had to drink since before I was pregnant. "Kota, I got you a present" Dulcie smiles shyly, passing me a gift bag as she gets down to stand beside me.

I open it and inside is a photo frame with a photo of her and Charlotte in. My heart melts and it looks like she's decorated the frame herself. "That's beautiful, thank you so much" I lift her onto my lap and kiss her cheek, hugging her tightly. "I did it at day school" she grins proudly as I show Jamie.

"Well I love it, it can go in my bedroom" I smile and she grins nodding, Jamie kisses her head gently. "It's lovely baby" he says, we watch as she jumps down and grabs my hand. "Let's dance kota" she jumps up and down as her favourite song comes on. I chuckle and join her on the dance floor with my mom and sisters and Tippi. We dance for a few songs.

I lean and whisper to my mom, asking her to take charlotte for me for one song so I can dance with Jamie. She wanders over to him and they talk. He laughs and gets up, she takes his place as he strolls over to me. He's taken his jacket off and his arm muscles are on show, it's hot.

"I wanted to dance with my beautiful man" I grin, wrapping my arms around his neck and we sway, gazing into each other's eyes. "I hope your birthday has been the best.. it's what you deserve" he whispers, kissing my head.

"It's been perfect, absolutely perfect. Really I don't deserve you, you're the best thing to ever happen to me" I whisper, kissing him, deepening it as our tongues dance together. He pulls away when breathing becomes an issue, his hands on my back holding me close.

"You deserve everything and more princess" he kisses me once more. After a few more songs the lights dim and my dad appears carrying a huge cake with thirty candles, I giggle shyly as everyone sings happy birthday to me, my mom beside us with Charlotte as Jamie holds me close, singing into my ear.

Once they've done I reach for Dulcie and lift her so we can blow out the candles together. 'I wish for this much happiness and love for me and everyone here, always' I close my eyes and silently say my wish, before opening them and kissing Dulcie's head, setting her down on her feet.

I cut the cake and give everyone a piece to take home, then everyone dances a bit more. I stand with Jamie, holding Charlotte on my hip and holding her hand, swaying with her. "Lets go in the photo booth?" Jamie chuckles, taking my hand and getting Dulcie to follow too.

"The birthday princess wears this" he grins placing a tiara over my head that says 'birthday princess' Jamie lifts Dulcie and we face them to the camera, we pull funny faces four times and then it prints out. "Look" Dulcie gasps giggling as in one of them Charlotte is frowning and then smiling in the rest of them.

"Silly char char" I giggle, kissing her head. Dulcie runs off to the dance floor again, me and Jamie decide to have another go in the photo booth and then I sit at the table and rock Charlotte to sleep. Jamie wanders off to dance with Dulcie and my dad sits beside me.

"Good birthday?" He asks, reaching over to stroke Charlotte's head. "The best!" I grin up at him. "We like seeing you this happy" he takes my hand and gently squeezes it. I grin at him and kiss his cheek.

"I love being this happy, I never have before" I say, looking back down to Charlotte as she's fast asleep in my arms. "It suits you" he kisses my head before wandering off as Dulcie runs over. "My mommy is here now I have to go home" she pouts, looking up at me before leaning to kiss Charlotte's head.

"Okay baby, thank you for my present, I love it" I kiss her cheek and she hugs me. "Love you kota. See you later" she kisses my cheek "love you" I say and watch as she skips over to Jamie, who takes her to Amelia outside. He's soon back in and I stand, putting Charlotte in her carrier.

"We should probably head off too, get her settled" I say, looking and seeing that it's 9:34pm. He nods and we say bye to everyone, telling them they're welcome to stay and party as long as they like. We head to our awaiting car and we get in. Once he starts driving us home I rest my head on Jamie's shoulder.

"Thank you for the best birthday I could've ever asked for" I whisper, and smile when I feel him kiss my head. "You deserve it baby, you're amazing, and you deserve to be happy" he whispers, and I smile.
"You make me happy, and I love you so much" I whisper, leaning up to gently kiss his soft lips.

Comments are appreciated as always ♥️

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