Beautiful Goodbye

By eeisoptrophobia

894 16 3

“Be mine.” I asked her resting my forehead on hers trying to catch my breath. “What?” she asked me slightly c... More

Chapter One - Day 1
Chapter Two - Day 2
Chapter Three - Day 3
Chapter Four - Day 4
Chapter Five - Day 6
Chapter Six - Day 13
Chapter Seven - Day 14
Chapter Eight - Day 15
Chapter Nine - Day 16
Chapter Ten - Day 17
Chapter Eleven - Day 18
Chapter Twelve - Day 19
Chapter Thirteen - My Secret Place
Chapter Fourteen - Lovely Lunch
Chapter Fifteen - Movies with Bæ
Chapter Seventeen - Turn of Events
Chapter Eighteen - Day 80
Chapter Nineteen - Day 81
Chapter Twenty - Day 83
Chapter Twenty-One - Party!
Chapter Twenty-Two - Day 143
Chapter Twenty-Three - Day 147

Chapter Sixteen - Day 79

22 1 0
By eeisoptrophobia

It had been two months since Stacy had her relapse and she seemed happier then ever. Her skin was tanner and healthier and her smile was twice as bright. I had got her to study more and try to improve in her school work so that we could graduate together. I was planning that after we graduated I would take her to New York and we would live there together. I wasn't sure what we would do for work but I knew that everything would work out as long as we were together. She always told me how much she wanted to move to New York and travel the world, and I was going to make that dream come true.

It was Monday morning, so I didn't have football training, I had english with Stacy. We walked hand in hand down the corridor to our classroom. I shook hands with a couple of the blokes and gave them a quick nod acknowledging that I saw them, Stacy had made a couple of other friends from other classes and said a quick hello to them on our way to class.

When we walked into the classroom Mr Borne was already sitting at his desk as usual giving everyone death stares as they walked through the door. Everyone took their seats and Stacy and I took ours. Mr Borne stood up from his desk and started writing on the bored. 


“Listen up you pack of losers. Most of you will only just pass this class to graduate. The reason for that being is Im going to give you all higher marks then what I should give you. But seeing as though I hate this class and everyone in it, I dont want to have you for another year. You will all make it out of high school, but the real question is, what do you want to do when you get out? I didn't want to be a teacher but I didn't have a high enough OP score to be a doctor. Thats just life, its unfair and horrible. The sooner you learn that the better.”

We all looked around and one another in confusion.

“What do you want to be Tony?” Stacy asked me sweetly.

“I want to work in government. Not like the President or anything, just something that could make a difference to the world. Like human rights or something, you know?” I said returning her smile.

“I think you would make a huge difference baby.”

I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and we got back to work. We got handed laptops and started researching for our future. Turns out I would be a pretty good catch for the human rights department, everything they described in the article and all the problems they were challenged with made me realise that I could be the one to fix it. The thought made me grin.

The class went rather quick, It only felt like five minutes, but I got a load of work done. I took notes in my book about the problems that we were being faced with and how I could help. Mr Borne asked Stacy to stay behind after class so her could talk to her about her grades. I have to admit i was a little worried but that all changed when i saw her running joyfully out of the classroom with a giant smile plastered from ear to ear.

“So how’d it go?” I asked concerned yet curious.

“I got a B on my paper!” She exclaimed excitedly.

“Holy shit babe! Thats fantastic!” I smiled enthusiastically back and her and wrapped my arms around her tight and picked her up and started spinning her around in excitement.

We walked to the cafeteria and she ran up to our table showing everyone how well she did on her paper. Everyone looked at her in shock at first but then as they scanned the paper started clapping for her. Marie embraced her in a girly hug where they jumped around in circles happily. I sat in my usual seat and chatted with the boys.

“So, what are you going to do when you leave Tone?” Darren asked.

“I want to be in government for human rights.”

“Nice man! I want to be a personal trainer. I want to help people get to their happy weight so they can feel better about themselves.” She said with a serious tone.

It felt weird talking about our futures. For years we have all tried to ignore it and avoid any conversations to do with leaving school. It hurt knowing that this was my last year with them, and our last year all together. I don’t know what I would do without them, they’ve all helped me through a lot of shit. Especially Sid, he was there the day my dad died and he’s been my my side ever since. Suddenly the conversations started to get really deep with a lot of sniffling and tears welling up in our eyes.

“What the fuck are we doing mates? We still have ten months together before the year is up! Lets make the most of it lads!” Sid said lighting the mood.

I held Stacy hand and she and Marie rested their heads on one another with tears in their eyes at the thought of leaving school. Lunch went rather quick and we all headed to our next classes. I walked Stacy to her science class with her friend Claudia, they were talking about their project theta their doing together. When we got outside their class I gave Stacy a kiss goodbye and headed to my class which was Commerce. I literally had no idea what I was doing in this class, I had no idea what the teacher was saying. Darren was in my class with me, we spent the majority of the time drawing stereotypical drawing of the teacher. 

“Hand it over Mr Weakins.” He said to Darren holding out his hand for the piece of paper.

“Okay, but I don’t think you want to see it Sir.” Darren chuckled.

“Pfft.” The teacher said before he looked at the paper. He was utterly horrified. He looked back at Darren and I and gave us the scariest look of my life. “Principals office for you both!”

We both stood up and laughed walking out the door. It was last period so we didn't see much point in seeing the principal.

“C’mon, lets go practice.” Darren said throwing all his stuff into his locker.

“Yeah alright.”

I followed him out onto the field, the was only a small year eight class doing PE so we didn't care. We did laps around the oval before doing fifteen suicides and practiced some ball skills. It was pretty quiet aside from the panting and heavy breathing waiting for classes to end so we could go home.

“So, Stacy’s birthday is coming up.” I said casually.

“What are you gonna do for her?” Darren asked passing back the football

“I don’t know, what do you think she’ll like?” 

“I dont know man, she’s your girlfriend bro.” He said putting an emphasis on the ‘your’.

He had a point, she was my girlfriend and I should know what my girlfriend wants for her birthday.

“Oi, you should throw her a party!” Darren said with enthusiasm.

“Do you think she would like that?”

“Okay, maybe not a party, but a gathering with you, Sid and I. Then we can stay at yours for the night and just chill. We’ll bring presents for her and everything. I think she would like that. And so she's not the only girl there, we’ll bring our girlfriends so she wont be alone.”

I liked this idea, and she was close with everyone so she wont be uncomfortable. The bell rang not long after our conversation. I walked to Stacy’s class and walked her to the car.

“How was class beautiful?”

“Good actually, we finished our project and next lesson we’re presenting.”

“You’re doing so much better babe, I am so proud of you.” I kissed her on the forehead and we drove home. The drive home was filled with laugher and jokes about how much of a nerd Stacy was becoming.

“You’re so mean Tony!” She exclaimed as she lightly slapped my arm.

“You’re such a nerd Stace!” I replied.

“Shut up! I am not a nerd!”

“Nerdy nerdy nerd!” I wound down my window and stuck my head out. “Hey everyone! My girlfriend Stacy Bell is the biggest nerdy nerd in the world!” I yelled embarrassing her to the max.

She slapped me on the arm and coved her face still laughing. The thing I loved most about Stacy and I’s relationship is that we were 100% real, we didn't hide weirdness around each other. Being weird makes everything so much more fun. Everything was so happy until…

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