(RusAme) ~ Roommates ~ (Count...

By sec0ndacc0unt

618K 16K 28.4K

Russia finds out that he's having to share a dorm room with the one and only America, a country that's too lo... More

part 1!!
part TWO!
part four
number 5
part 7 yay
number eight!
numero 9
part ten :))
hell ye number 12
13 (one of my favorite numbers!!)
Part 15
16 :D
1 8
22, also one of my favorite numbers
twenty 3
part twenty four
two six
twèńtÿ šêvēñ
twenty NEIN (yes i already made this joke)
thirty thREEEEE
your daily disappointment in life
last update


17.6K 474 607
By sec0ndacc0unt

alright alright, here's your complimentary 'person A is sick and person B has to take care of them' cliche. enjoy it while it lasts :))


Neither of them apologized.

America spent the entire night tossing and turning, debating on whether he should say something into the darkness in case Russia was awake. He had this horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach, and being unable to deny what Russia had said made him feel all the more worse. He was an awful friend.

Actually, he wasn't even sure if he could call himself a friend to Russia. Russia probably hated him. He had plenty of reasons to, at least. The thing that didn't sit well with America, thought was that it had almost felt like Russia was blaming the unrest between him and Georgia on America.

But it wasn't his fault! He was just trying to help.

I always fuck it up. America bit at his thumbnail before catching himself and shoving his hand under the pillow. His nails were already short enough. Every time I open my fat mouth, I just make him more mad at me.

He sighed, turning over and staring at the wall. Maybe he should stop trying to be friends with Russia. It seemed like he didn't even want to associate with America.

Four hours later, America finally decided he should get up once the sun was leaking through the drawn blinds. To his surprise, he saw that Russia was still in bed. Usually, he got up pretty early.

He must be tired, America dismissed, picking out some clothes and going to the bathroom to take a shower. He took his time with it, coming out after 45 minutes, feeling clean and a lot better about himself.

Russia was still in bed.

What? America checked his watch. It was almost 10:00 on a Saturday, so it wasn't like either of them had classes. It wasn't against the law for Russia to sleep in.

But it was definitely odd.

Against his better judgement, America walked over and bent over the bed, trying to see Russia's face. "Rus?" he asked quietly, not wanting to make the other country lash out again. "Are you asleep?"

"Fuck off."

America quickly stepped back, but he neared again. Russia's voice sounded strained, like he had been crying, or had a sore throat, or... "Are you sick?"

Russia mumbled something unintelligible and pulled his blanket over his head.

"Are you going to stay in today?"

Russia's face appeared over the edge of his sheets, his skin covered in a red blush. His eyes were barely open. "No. I'm going to class."

"But we don't have classes today." He knew Russia's schedule like the back of his hand, as weird as that sounded, and he knew that Russia didn't have any classes scheduled on the weekends. America cautiously felt Russia's forehead with the back of his hand. Thankfully, Russia didn't move or bite back with a sarcastic comment, just closing his eyes. "You're really warm. Did you catch a fever or something?"

"Be useful and go get me some citramon," Russia grumbled, in denial of being sick. "I have stuff to do today."

"Oh! Sure!" America ran to the bathroom and grabbed a medicine bottle out of the cabinet and ran back, holding it out to Russia.

Russia shook his head. "Wrong one."

America put it back and brought out a different bottle.


This time, after putting the bottle back, America grabbed three and brought them out to show Russia.

"Ugh," Russia groaned, tilting his head back. "I'll go get it myself." He started to get out of bed as America protested. Russia made it to his feet and balanced there for a second before falling back into his bed.

"It's okay, I'll take care of you!" America threw some blankets over Russia.

"I'm going to die," Russia mumbled.

America picked up the bottles he had dropped, walking them back to the bathroom. He couldn't read the labels; they were all in Russian. "I can go buy some ibuprofen or motrin if you want?" He didn't have much spending money, but he felt like he owed it to Russia to at least try to be a decent roommate. "Rus?"

When he got no response, he left the bathroom to check what had happened. Russia had apparently fallen asleep.

Now what?

As much as America hated to admit it, he wasn't sure what to do. He had never had to take care of a sick person - if anything, he was always the one getting taken care of, usually by Canada.

Russia's friends with Germany, America remembered, pulling out his phone. Maybe he'll know what to do.

After a few seconds of scrolling, he found Germany's contact and pressed the call button, holding the phone up to his ear. Hopefully, Germany wasn't the kind of person to let calls go to voicemail.

He picked up instantly. "Ja?"

"Hey... Germany?"

"Oh, hey America! What's up?" America could hear explosions in the background, and Germany cursed quietly. He was probably playing a video game.

"Uhh, Rus is kinda sick, and I don't know what to do."

"Sick? Really?" Germany sounded surprised. "Wow, he's never even caught a cold before. How sick is he?"

America glanced at Russia, who seemed to be sleeping. "His skin is really hot and he seems a bit out of it. He's sleeping right now, though."

"Huh. I'll be over in a few- VERDAMMT-" The phone cut off, and America looked at the screen before hanging up and putting the phone back in his pocket. Russia muttered something in his sleep.

Maybe if I help him get better, he'll forgive me, America thought hopefully, standing over Russia with his arms crossed like some kind of concerned bodyguard. As soon as that thought passed through his head, though, it came crashing down with guilt. No, America couldn't use this as leverage to get on better terms with Russia. He was awful for even thinking that.

America brushed his fingers over the small blush on Russia's cheeks. A sudden knock on the door, however, made him jerk his hand away. "It's open!"

"Hey, it's me." Germany entered hesitantly, swinging the door shut behind him. "He's asleep?"

"Mhm." America stepped back and let Germany check Russia himself. "I don't know what to do with sick people, so I figured you might know what to do. Y'know, since you're friends with him and stuff."

Germany turned his head, looking around the room. "Yeah, uh, where do you keep the medicine?"

"Bathroom cabinet."

America sat on his bed with a passive expression and watched Germany give Russia the right medicine. Russia woke up just long enough to swallow the pills before falling back asleep. Thank God someone knew how to take care of sick people around here.

Staring at the bottom of Russia's bed, America's mind wandered. How did Germany manage to make friends with Russia? Probably because of their past. But then how come countries who went through something similar to Russia weren't friends with him? It didn't make a whole lot of sense to America.

*slight change to third person germany pov*

Germany glanced at America. His had been sitting there frozen for about a minute, and Germany was getting a little weirded out by the listlessness of the bubbly country. Typically, he'd be bouncing around the room and talking Germany's ear off, like how he did with all the other countries. It was disconcerting. "America, are you okay?"

"Huh?" America sat up straighter. "Yeah, of course I am! Why'dya ask?"

"You seem..." Germany searched for a word that didn't make him sound rude. "Tired."

"Well, this is college," America grinned. Germany wasn't a close friend of America, but even he felt that there was something off-- his smile seemed flimsy, like it was just painted on cardboard.

"I suppose." Germany looked at America doubtfully before turning his attention back to Russia. It was honestly surprising to him that the Russian had gotten sick, but it didn't seem too serious. He'd probably be fine by tomorrow; maybe a little out of sorts, but nothing too bad, Germany was sure.

He noticed America had stopped smiling, casting Russia a nervous glance. Germany wondered if Russia had intimidated the other country or something. He would have to talk with him later.

"So," Germany said, in an effort to catch America's attention. "I think he'll be okay now, but you'll have to keep an eye on him."

"Okay," America agreed.

"Give him another one of those pills in two to four hours."


"Uhh, let me know if he throws up or anything."


Germany moved towards the door. "I guess I'll leave now."

America suddenly jumped up. "Wait!"

His loud voice made Germany flinch. "What?"

"Um..." America looked down at his hands. "Do you know how I can make Russia like me?"

Germany wasn't really expecting that. He didn't know the American actually wanted to be friends with the standoffish country, but it made him happy. It would be good if Russia could start making new friends. The problem was, he wasn't sure if Russia really wanted new friends.

"Russia's... Russia," Germany finally said helplessly, after thinking for a minute. "You can't make him like you."

"Oh." America seemed disappointed, but he quickly flashed a smile and adjusted his sunglasses. "I'm sure I'll find a way!" He still sounded unsure.

Germany sighed, awkwardly shifting his weight. "Look, don't take anything he says to heart - he's a lot nicer than he pretends to be, I promise. He's just a little temperamental."

"I know." America's expression was pained. "I've already messed up a lot. I just... I just want to be friends with him, but I can't. It's frustrating."

Germany felt somehow responsible for America's down mood. "Maybe you're thinking too much about this. Give it some time. He'll warm up to you eventually," he assured, not even believing his own words.

America nodded reluctantly.

"Just be nice, and be considerate." Grabbing the door handle, Germany opened it. "It may not seem like it, but he does have feelings."

When met with another nod from America, Germany left the room, quietly shutting the door behind him. Then he hurried down the hall. Their room had been stuffy, almost stifling -- with tension? With unresolved feelings? Maybe just from the fact that Russia was sick? Germany wasn't entirely sure, but it had made him feel uncomfortable to be between the two of them. He should've told America to open the window or something, air the room out.

He took out his phone, leaving the building as he decided to start a text conversation with America instead of calling.

'Hey, this is Germany! I forgot to say, but you can open the window to help air flow if you want'

A little speech bubble popped up, disappeared, showed up again, and was then replaced by a thumbs up from America.

Germany sighed, dropping his phone back into his pocket. He hoped Russia and America could resolve whatever was going on between them. It seemed to be affecting America in a not-very-good way.

germany is such a good boy, we love him

(and ik that wasnt really fluff, so sorry to disappoint 😔 but soon!! i promise) (maybe) (idk, we'll see)


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