Never Again - Ruby Rose x Mal...

By Pie-inator

89.8K 996 784

Due to a tragic incident that took place in Haven Academy, (Y/N) (L/N) was forced to move to Vale. After bein... More

Welcome To Vale
You Belong
First Impressions
Dust Hike Brawl
Best Day Ever
Unfolded Past
Unfolded Past II
Proposing for a Dance
Swaying Preparation
Swaying Preparation II
Dancing with Fire
Stocking Up
Down Under
Brace for Impact
Last Stand

A Close Encounter

1.7K 31 5
By Pie-inator

Your POV

Team RWBY approached Team CFVY clearly worried, and engaged in a conversation. Perfect, I can give Ruby these cookies as a 'good luck' parting gift for their mission. Might as well greet and old friend while I'm at it. Getting through the crowd of students wasn't exactly easy, however.

"You first years are just shadowing Huntsmen, so you should be fine." I heard Velvet reassure them.

If only these other students would move!

Before I knew it, I got passed the huge crowd. Barely.

Ruby's POV

"You first years are just shadowing Huntsmen, so you should be fine." Velvet reassured us.

I couldn't help but still feel worried for our fellow schoolmate seeing them in this state. But at the same time, I can't help but feel excited for what we were about to go on!

"I should go. Be safe, okay?" Velvet smiled.

As she was about to leave, we heard a loud thud from right behind us.

"What was that?" Yang turned around. "Oh hey, it's (Y/N!)

I went to help him up, but not after giggling at him for being clumsy.

"Are you alright, (N/N)?" I said picking up the paper bag he dropped.

He gently stood himself up and dusted off his clothes.

"Thanks Rubes." He stretched his arms up. "Who knew the return of the upperclassmen would brew up this much attention."

"I mean you can't help but feel excited, but worried at the same time." I handed him the paper bag. "Just look at them."

He held my hand, stopping me from giving the bag back.

"Actually those are for you, it's something I picked up as a good luck present." He smiled.

"Really?" my eyes lit up in happiness as I saw what was inside. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!"

I latched onto him, giving him a tight squeeze. I felt his hand pet my head, and couldn't help but nuzzle into him a bit more.

Your POV

As expected, Ruby likes the cookies I got her. I can't help but smile at her behavior.

"Don't eat it all in one go thou-" my sentence was cut short when I heard that familiar voice scream out my name.

Followed by another person tackling me into a hug.

"I can't believe it's really you!" Velvet squeezed me tighter.

"Yeah... I'm surprised you can still remember me.." I said trying to push her off of me. "It's nice to see you again too."

"You two know each other?" Ruby asked a bit confused.

"Sort of," Velvet began her explanation. "There was an exchange program that my previous academy had with Haven. I met him there, barely able to withstand training."

Velvet's excited expression then turned into a sad one.

"I heard what happened." She hugged me once more, this time sympathetically. "I'm sorry..."

I broke off the hug and tried to give a reassuring smile, which she understood.

"Well it's been a nice little reunion, I'll see you guys around. Good luck and be safe!" she waved at us as she left.

"Speaking of leaving, I have to leave soon as well." I said turning my attention back to Ruby. "I wish you guys the best of luck. You guys better get back in one piece."

"Same goes to you, (Y/N)." Ruby playfully punched me. "You're the one who literally throws himself in front of danger."

I hug her one last time, before seeing them go off to their bullhead. Looks like they'll be shadowing Dr. Oobleck. I felt someone punch me on the back, which made me groan in pain.

"We've been looking for you!" Wintria scolded me. "We were supposed to leave five minutes ago!"

"Cut me some slack..." I said trying to recover from the pain.

Wintria shot an angry glare as she grabbed her 'Dust-Tumbler'.

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry. Just wanted to wish Team RWBY good luck on their mission." I sighed.

"I wouldn't worry about them," Perseus spoke up. "I mean they are one of the strongest teams on campus."

I couldn't help, but look back at the general direction their bullhead went off to, but I have to agree with what he said. We made our way back to our bullhead station when we were stopped by Professor Ozpin.

"Did something happen?" I asked him, only to receive a smile.

"I'm sure you're all excited to head off to your mission, especially since it'll revolve near a bay area. However, I must inform you that there will be a change of plans." He took a sip from his mug.

"What kind of change are we talking about here?" I asked curiously.

"Professor Peach was unable to attend today's mission due to a 'plant' related infestation at the laboratory." He explained.

"Does that mean we won't be going on a mission like everyone else?" Wintria asked him.

"Due to you four being first year students, it would usually mean that you won't be able to do so. However, there is another solution." The headmaster adjusted his glasses. "You will be assigned to a huntsman that requires additional reinforcements due to the severity of the mission they're on. Usually missions that only second year students and higher can take."

I look back at my team only to receive nods of approval.

"We're the we go?" I look back at Ozpin.

We follow the professor towards a bullhead, however, this one was a bit different.

"This looks like it was made for a stealth mission." Etsuki commented at the bullhead's look.

"That is precisely correct Ms. Hayashi." Ozpin commended her.

"You will be sent to the southeast quadrant of Vale, to assist a Grimm control team." He continued.

Southeast Vale, then that means.

"You will be heading off to Mountain Glenn." He said in a bit more serious tone. "Are any of you familiar with that quadrant?"

"It was once an expansion of the city, but it's poor design caused it to be overrun by Grimm." Wintria responded.

Ozpin simply nodded; "Are you four up to the task? It won't be an easy one."

"Let's do this." I said smiled.

-Time Skip-

"5 minutes until we reach the drop zone." The pilot said over the intercom.

We sat there in silence, looking out at the ruins of the once busy city of Mountain Glenn.

"I can't imagine what the people who used to live here went through, especially once they had to evacuate." Wintria broke the silence.

"Not to mention how easily it was overrun to begin with." Perseus added.

I look at the device Ozpin gave us, it looks like the huntsman we have to shadow has settled as the blue dot on the screen stopped moving. We then hear the pilot speak up on the intercom once more, telling us that he cannot go any further and that we have to get off. The side hatch opened.

"Hold up, we're supposed to jump!?" Perseus looked down at what seemed to be at least a hundred-meter drop. "Can't we drop off onto a building a bit higher to our level!?"

"Not to mention we don't even have any parachutes on us." Wintria added.

"Oh come on, guys! We were launched off a Cliffside during initiation, this should be nothing!" Etsuki giggled.

"Well see you guys down there!" I said jumping off the bullhead.

I felt a fast zoom behind me as I saw Perseus pretty much fall down like a cannon ball with Etsuki frantically tailing behind him. They disappeared soon after, and teleported onto the building's roof safely. Wintria followed with what looked like a pair of glider wings.

"I should've thought of a landing strategy." I mentally facepalmed.

The building was getting closer and I decided to speed myself up. I could hear my team frantically yelling.

I decided to end my fun by stopping myself about 1 foot off the ground. I look to my side and see Wintria with a baseball bat made of ice approaching my angrily, while Etsuki was fanning off a fainted Perseus.

~Another Time Skip~

After about nearly half an hour of Wintria trying to bash my head because of the stunt I pulled, we made our way through the city, fending off Grimm while trying to locate the area we were supposed to head towards to.

"Man there's no end to these guys!" I punched another Beowolf off of me, before shooting it in the head with my gauntlet.

"How far off are we!?" Perseus yelled as he held back two Beowolves by their throat before Etsuki took them out.

"Not that far, we can make a run for it!" I said motioning them to get behind me.

I activated my semblance and created strong force that pushed them all towards the opposite direction causing the Grimm to crash into the nearby structures.

"Now!" I yelled as we all booked it towards the direction of the blue dot. We watched each other's backs as we ran as fast as we could. After what seemed like endless hordes of Grimm we were nearing the blue dot on the screen.

"It has to be that building!" I pointed towards it. "Go on ahead, I'll hold them off!"

"Are you crazy!?" Wintria yelled at me. "There's too many of them!"

"I rammed myself in front of an Atlas Robot, I'll be fine!" I insisted.

I fought them off one after another, making sure none got pass me. I look back to see my team near the building's entrance and I decided to make a run for it as well. Perseus began shooting down the Grimm that followed me, while Etsuki and Wintria did the same with theirs.

"Look out!" Etsuki screamed at me.

I turn my head around to see a Beowolf jump out of nowhere, pinning me onto the ground. I was about to push it away using my semblance when a bullet went straight through its head. I looked back at my team to thank them. However, they were surprised at where the bullet came from as well. I then look up about four stories high to see Ruby cocking the handle of Crescent Rose's rifle mode.

"Well don't just stand there, get in here!" we turn around to see Blake and Weiss waiting for us at the entrance.

The four of us rushed in, before helping them barricade the entrance. We made our way up to where they took camp, before I knew it Ruby rushed at me. I took her into an embrace before breaking off the hug.

"That was a close one, don't you think Mr. (L/N)?" Dr. Oobleck scolded me.

"Yes sir, it won't happen again." I apologized to him.

He went up to me and gave me a quick pat on the back.

"I commend you for your act of bravery, however, be a lot more careful next time." He said dashing off onto some nearby stairs. "We don't want to lose you this early now do we?"

We got settled around the small bonfire they made, and I couldn't help but feel bad for what I did.

Ruby's POV

My shift was about to begin and I couldn't help but notice (Y/N) wasn't with everyone else. I head to the vantage point to see him looking the shattered moon, clearly tired, but was forcing himself to stay awake. I decided not to say anything and just hugged him from behind.

"It's my turn to take watch, you can go rest up now." I tried to lighten his mood.

He didn't respond.

"There are still some cookies left over~"

Still no response.

"What's the matter, (Y/N)?" I squeezed his face, only for him to let out a sigh.

"I... just didn't want them to get hurt." he gently removed my hands from his face.

"You can't just risk your life like that every single time." I began shaking. "I'm sure you had them worried sick, who knows what would've happened if I missed that shot."

He squeezed my hands which made me feel a lot calmer.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry anyone." He sighed. "How can I make it up to you guys..."

"You can make it up to me, by getting some rest?" I put my forehead on his. "And maybe stop being so reckless?"

He let out a small chuckle.

"That's a bit ironic coming from you, don't you think?" he gave me a quick peck on the lips before standing up.

"I'll see you in the morning Ruby," he smiled. "I love you."

Your POV

"You better get some rest!" she whisper-shouted at me. "I love you too!"

I simply nodded and tried to put on the best fake smile I could, trying to mask the guilt I felt. I took one of the empty sleeping bags and dragged it to the nearby window. I was about to fall asleep when I felt a presence in front of me. I opened one eye to see my teammate looking down at me. 

"Etsuki?" I look up at her. "What's the matter?"

She sat down beside me, then pulled her knees to her chest before sulking her head down onto her arms.

"I could've teleported you out of there..." she began sobbing. "But I didn't..."

"H-Hey, relax..." I tried to calm her down. "I was unharmed thanks to everyone."

"We could've easily avoided the incident if I wasn't such a wuss..." she explained. "When I saw you pinned down, surrounded by all those Grimm. It reminded me of that day..."

I sat up and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm not going to let that happen, it was my own fault that I got into that predicament in the first place. I should've been more responsible." I reassured her. "I'm not going let anything happen to anyone as long as I'm still alive."

I look back towards the bonfire to see Wintria and Perseus dragging their sleeping bag towards us.

"I know you meant well, but try not to get yourself killed every single time." Perseus sighed.

Wintria sat next to me, before punching me on the head.

"That better have been the last reckless stunt you pulled." She said irritated before putting her head on my shoulder. "You had me worried sick."

"I'm really sorry, I should've put more trust into you guys. I just didn't want to lose another family." I closed my eyes and let out a sigh.

I felt arms wrap around me to see Wintria hugging me, followed by Etsuki. I then looked at Perseus who initiated a fist bump which I gladly returned. One by one they dozed off, and I was the last person to fall asleep.



A/N: Surprise, I'm still alive. I ran into writer's block so I couldn't think of anything, to make it worse school work had piled up drastically. To whoever was patient enough to wait this long, I commend you, and wonder how. Thanks for being able to wait this long!

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