Anime One Shots.

By Cupcakes20040

1.4K 22 11

The title, is considerably self-explanatory. However, I will maintain small details within this description! ... More

Request Page: [OPEN] [UPDATED]
Bad!Lucy x Nerd!Fem!Reader. [REQUEST]
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Sting x Rogue- (StinGue) [REQUEST]

133 2 1
By Cupcakes20040

Requested by: YellowMeerkat
Sting has to use his stigma on Rogue.

A/n: I'm so sorry for the long wait- but now I'm back (with my spirit) and I am preparing to begin writing again. Thank you so much for your patience!


"White Dragon's Roar!" Sting yells, shooting a ferocious beam of powerful white-hued magic towards his opponent. The beam pummels into the dark mage, causing the said mage to fall to the ground in a bloody heap. Sting sighed, wiping a thin layer of water from his golden locks before turning around excitably.

"Hey, look Rogue, I took him down!" He grins, before a look of confusion moulds upon his features.


Rogue stands there, his naval, midnight looks submerging his features. There seems to be no attempt of movement from the shadow-dragon slayer; he simply appears to be like a statue. Standing still made of the strongest stone. Suddenly, Rogue shot up. An almost robotic motion that made Sting jump ten feet. Rogue's actions were calculated and smoothed. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong. And whatever it is, it scares Sting. For the first time in his life, Sting experienced utter, raw terror. A type of fear that coursed through his very veins.

"Woah, Rogue! What are you-"

"Sting. I can't control my body" Rogue whispers. Sting was barely able to catch it, but luckily, thanks to his dragonslayer hearing the words reached his ears. A weak cackling is heard from a distance, forcing Sting to glance behind him to the fallen dark mage behind him.

"What's so funny huh? What'd you do to him?"

"You want to be careful, for currently, I am in control of your little friend" the mage grins, a disturbing grin that crawled across his disgustingly dry, chastised lips. Sting quickly strides up to the mage, grasping him by the collar and lifting him up into the air,

"I don't know what you're doing to him, but release him. Now" Sting growls threateningly. His face merely inches from his opponent. Sting soon felt an uncontrollable flare of pain explode within
his side and his grip is released as he is thrown across the opposite side of the battlefield. Landing with a large thud, Sting winces. Slowly glancing up at Rogue's figure. Sting couldn't clench the sadness that welled up inside of him.


"I'm so sorry Sting. I can't control myself."

Sting simply ignored the cackling mage behind Rogue. All he concentrate on was Rogue. He had to find a way to save him. Somehow, an idea popped to mind. An idea that might just save Rogue, from himself.

Rogue couldn't help but get upset over the current scenario. Sting meant everything to him; and hurting him with his own hands seemed like mental torture. Tears welled up in his eyes, tears he refused to allow fall. He can't let his enemy see his weakness. Not now. Not ever.

Sting slowly got up, dusting spare bits rubble and dust from the claws of his trousers. A dark look engulfed his orbs, and for a moment, Rogue felt scared. Scared, at what he had done. It was his very last intention on the planet to hurt Sting. And that, was what he had just done. A strong look of determination glanced his optics, and Sting began drawing magic from his palms.

"White Dragon's Claw!"
Sting immediately begins to create a sphere of white-dragon magic around his hands before firing it regrettably at Rogue. The blast connects with Rogue's stomach, scorching his skin, leaving Sting's infamous Stigma engraved on his stomach, and for a moment Rogue couldn't breathe. Not just because of the Stigma. But the fact that Sting has done this to him. He had grown. Sting was no longer that little child who fought his dragon. Now he fights against himself and injustice. An act Rogue wouldn't of guessed Sting was capable of. Rogue found himself getting closer and closer to the cold ground, and before he knew it he was lying there, paralysed, staring at the cement beneath him.

"What? No! Get up" the dark mage roared. Rogue almost felt sorry for how pitiful he sounded.


And he couldn't help the small smile of satisfaction that danced across his lips as Sting began to remorselessly beat the mage go a pulp. Little glimpses of his dragon force emerging from it's shell as he forces the dark mage to release him. Rogue released a breath of relief at his newfound freedom. He found his muscles now responded to him in the way they should, and his limbs no longer felt like they were being held down by ten tonne weights. He felt free. Both body and soul. He knew, no matter the scenario Sting would be there for him. Sting was the answer to most of his problems. The light to his darkness.

Just like he was Sting's darkness to his light. They're  were always together. They may be dual in nature, but complete on heart.

"Rogue, are you okay?" Sting questions roughly, lightly grabbing at Rogue's ark and pulling him up gently. An arm fixated securely at his waist for support. Sting slowly removed the stigma. The spell beginning to slowly melt away, and remove it's printed form from Rogue's skin. Rogue nodded, before taking a few deep breaths. Unexpectedly, he turned round. Grasping Sting's collar and pulling him closer. Sting didn't process that Rogue's lips were upon his until a few minutes later. His eyes were saucers as he stared down at the angel in front of him. He couldn't believe it. Rogue liked him back? Gently, Sting began to kiss back. Rogue released short breath he didn't even realise he was holding. He smiled slightly against Sting's lips, before pulling away.

"Just then...Made me realise how stupid I was all this time to think you'd ever abandon me."

Sting grins, a boyish, adorable, childish grin that warmed Rogue's heart.

"Not a chance. I'll always be beside you Rogue. Always."

Rogue smiles, placing his head upon Sting's shoulder.

"Thank you."

"Don't even mention it."

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