By Tommygirl2580

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A young widow meets her new neighbor. More



66 6 6
By Tommygirl2580

I took in a sharp breath when I saw her.  Tubes, IVs, the works.  Chelsea looked so unlike herself:  weak...helpless. 

"Do you want me to stay Tom?"  I turned and shook my head.  "Go.  Hurry!  Only one of us will get in trouble.  Thanks man, for coming here.  You're my rock, brother!"

Chris smiled and pat my back.  "She'll be on her feet in no time!  She's the sister of Thor!"  And with that he left.

I pulled up a chair and covered my face.  My head was killing me!  How did this happen? I mean really...why Chelsea?  Was this a random thing?  Does she know who did this to her?  No!  Damnit stop!  I can't think about this.  It will drive me crazy.  I held her hand and kissed her forehead.  "I'm so sorry precious.  No one will hurt you again.  I promise..."

I fell asleep holding her hand, when I felt a gentle shake on my shoulder.  Someone whispered,  "Mr Hiddleston, wake up, hurry!"

"Huh, wha..."  The little blond nurse was panicking,  "You have to go.  The doctor will be here any minute!!"

I stood up quickly, almost falling over.  I was still trying to adjust my vision.  "Ok, darling,  thank you."  She grabbed my arm and pulled me out.  I had just got into the waiting room, when I  saw him walk back in.  Damn bastard!  I swear, he better tell me what's going on! Or...

I shuffled up to the nurses station and asked the blond, "I'm sorry, I don't know your  name. 

"It's Amy, Mr Hiddleston."  Smiling sadly, she walked over.  "Did you need anything?"

"Oh, please call me Tom."  I was so tired, frustrated, and worried.  "Um...oh, well obviously you know Chris isn't Chelsea's brother."  I half smiled sheepishly.  "Chelsea doesn't have any family and he had to go.  But would you please give me information if the doctor doesn't?"

Her eyebrows raised and she gave me a warm smile,  "Of course, Tom.  I really hate the fact that he won't tell you anything...and it's so heartwarming to see someone so much in love."

I smiled sadly.  "She is a very  special woman, that's  for sure."  I wiped a tear falling down my face.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you two meet?"  Amy, although trying to be professional, was anxious to hear details of a love story, so I  obliged...


Leaning on the counter, with 3 other nurses standing shyly behind Amy waited.  I told them everything:  from when we met, hanging out, the meals, goofing off, pretty much everything.   The more I talked about her, the better I was feeling.  "I liked  her for so long, but she just wanted to be my friend."  Two nurses shook their head, and Amy smiled,  "Oh men can be so stupid!  Even you Tom!"

All of them giggled at the comment and I was confused.  Amy said,  "Tom, she liked you.  She might not have been too sure of it, but she did!"  They all "awwwed" when I cocked my head and smiled slowly.  Did she?  Maybe not the whole time, but did she?

Now they were excited.   "OK, first date, first date...what didya do?"

I was still chewing on the thought that she liked me.  I don't know about that one. "Alright, calm down, let's see.  She was on a date with..."  my expression  changed to horror then realization.  Fuckin Brian did this to her!!  "Ladies, I'm really sorry, I have to go!  I'll check  in, OK!  Thank you Amy!  Thank you girls!"  I ran out of the hospital coming close to knocking over 3 people before I got to my car and drove.

But I don't know how to find this son of a bitch!  Where to fuckin go?!  Shit!  Pick up Chris.  Consulting my clock, I saw that it was 5 o'clock.  He was still at the set.  C'mon!  This traffic is not helping!  I swerved back and forth between lanes, until the road became  clear.  I got to the set 10 minutes later.

I saw Kevin first and he looked  pissed.  "Hiddleston, where..."

"Kevin, I know, I'm sorry, but I know who hurt Chelsea.  I have to get this taken care of!"  I was almost jumping like a little kid who had to pee.  He hesitated for a second, "Tom, this is a business.  You've been gone too much already.  Anyone  else I'd fire.  But I know this is a serious problem,  so go!!"

"I love you man!  Where's Hemsworth?  Trailer?  Is he done for the day?"

"Yeah!  Go!"  Kevin pointed outside then pat me on the back as I took off.

I ran outside and almost knocked him down. "Whoa, what's going on brother?  Is it Chelsea?  Is she OK?!"   

Catching my breath, I  put my hand  on his shoulder.  "Hey, remember Brian?  I told you about him from the bar?  He did it!!   I don't know where to find him though."  I pinched the bridge of my nose.  "How the hell am I  going to find him?"

Chris clenched his jaw, and narrowed his eyes.  "We'll find the son of a bitch!  Come on, I'll drive!" 

We ran to his car, got in, and Chris looked at me and said, "OK, who is this bastard?  What's his last name?"  He was tapping his hands on the steering wheel, anxious to get this guy, while I'm drawing a blank. 

"She never told me!  Although it's her friend's brother in law.  Her husband's brother.  Shit, what's Jen's last name?"  I squeezed my eyes shut.  I've known her for over a year and I never found out her last name!  "Do you know where she works, or her husband?  C'mon man!"

"I don't know!  I can't think!  I just..." I got out of his car, slammed the door, and kicked the garbage can in front of the car.  I was losing my mind!  Chris was behind me and tried to calm me.  "Tom...hey, hey listen.  We will find him.  C'mon.  Let's go get a drink."  My shoulders slumped as we got into his car and he drove off.


We went to Charlie's.  Thee were just a few people  there but we still put on our ball caps and sunglasses.  This was definitely not the time to be with fans.  Chris waved to Charlie when we walked into the back and I grabbed a chair and sat down.  Not even 3 seconds later  I was up.  "I need a whiskey, Chris.  Where's Charlie?"

"Give him a minute brother, we just walked in here.  And don't be getting sloshed.  That's not gonna help anything!"

Charlie walked in with a beer and whiskey.  "Hey fellas..."  Looking from me to Chris, he sensed the mood.  "What's going on?  Anything I can help with?"  I looked at Chris and shrugged, then walked across the room.

"Well, I don't know...maybe."  Chris said.  He looked hesitant about the next part but I nodded.  "Chelsea was attacked three days ago."

Charlie rushed over to me and hugged me, "Oh goodness Tom, I'm so sorry!  Where is she?"  I shook my head as I began to cry so Chris talked again:  "She's in the hospital.  ICU.  I had to pretend I was her brother to get information.  Since Tom's only her boyfriend, the bastards won't tell him anything."

Charlie looked up at me.   "Do you know who?" 

My eyes were like fire.  "Yeah!  It was that asshole that hit me that night, Brian  something.  I don't know his last name, how to..."  Charlie ran out of the room.  Chris and I looked at each other in confusion, then he came back with papers, and a smile.

"Brian Daugherty  is his name!"  Charlie handed me what looked like a police report.  "He came in 2 nights later, drunk, called the cops.  So there's his home address."

I looked at the report, still trying to believe it was real, and Chris said, "Tom!  Let's go!!!"  Still in a daze, I  looked up at Charlie,  who was still smiling, then picked him up, hugging him.

"Whoa boy!  Put me down!

I laughed and replied,  "Thank you so much Charlie!" We both ran out.

I heard Charlie yell, "Be careful!  I can't save your  asses out there!"

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