The Prodigal Daughter

By SlinkyReads

35.4K 926 98

My name is Carmen Blaque. I'm 18. I live with my mom(Jane Blaque) whom I love with all my heart and my sister... More

The Prodigal Daughter
1.The Beginning
2. Onika
4. Graduation and A Road Trip
5. What Really Changed?
6. It's Been A Long 5 Years
7. Moving On?
8. Face The Music
9. Dangerous Woman
10. Who Is This Chick
Chapter 10.5- Birthday Party

3. My Birthday

2.7K 87 4
By SlinkyReads

Chapter 3- My Birthday
*The Song is Birthday Song by 2 Chainz ft. Kanye West.*

5 Months Later

Carmen's P. O. V.

MY birthday is tomorrow. Yass Bishes April 12th. I'm finally about to be legal... To vote lol!!!

DAMON and I are still going strong and I couldn't be happier...surprisingly. He is everything a girl could want. He's smart, kind, gentle, loving, honest, patient, trusting and not broke or stingy. I get along so well with. We complement each other so well and my mama loves him. I think I could love him.

ABOUT a week ago our 5 month anniversary passed and he told me he loved me. I already knew though because it shined in his actions. I felt bad because I couldn't say it back but he told me to relax. It was okay. He planned to change my mind and heart.

BESIDES Mark there is another reason I can't fall for Damon. We graduate in 2 months and I'm going to Oxford in England(Cuz a chick is smart). I got accepted early decision which means I'm legally and financially obligated to go there. I don't wanna fall head over heels in love then have to put an ocean between us!!

ORIGINALLY I had applied to Oxford to get away from Mark and Alley. I didn't think I could continue to live under the same roof lusting my sister's husband. But now I regret it because I kind of wanna see where me and Damon go but you can't change the past.


Carmen's P. O. V.

FINALLY, I'm 18. I can drive after 11:01 pm now(legally anyway lol). I'm so excited. My mom is cooking all of my favorite foods. Plus, Damon and Onika are coming over for dinner. As I get ready I hear my sister and Mark arguing down the hall but I can't really make out what the he'll they're saying.

Alley's P. O. V.

"WHAT do you mean you can't come tonight?!!" I asks Mark as I feel my face heat up. "You know tonight is Carmen's 18th birthday dinner. It will probably be her last for awhile since she's going away for college. This is a family tradition. It's been the same date since forever. DAMN IT. I CANT BELIEVE YOIR PULLING THIS SHIT TODAY!!!!"

FOR awhile Mark just stared at me. Which pissed me off even more. As I was about to yell some more he started talking. "I didn't say I couldn't come, what I said WAS something has come up and I might be late at the office."

WAS he fucking serious. That was his big explanation. Nah, not today. "Nigga," I started "do I look stupid to you. Late at the office means yo punk black ass will be there all night going over paperwork that can wait to the morning. Nah, nah, not today. Yo black ass will be right here in this house by 6:30pm.... 7 at the latest. I ain't playing. YOU ARE NOT GONNA MISS CARMEN'S 18th BIRTHDAY DINNER. AND WHILE YOU OUT GET HER A BOMB ASS GIFT."

WITH that I left the room because I didn't wanna say something I'd regret.

SORRY, I'm Alley Blaque. I'm 24 and I'm engaged to Mark and Carmen is my baby sister. I work as a hospice nurse for the rich and famous whose family just wants them to die and they don't care how they do die. Just as long as it's fast. But I care. These people are old and frail. They just someone to care and listen to their stories. That's what I do. I care. Anyway this ain't about me.

I LOVE Mark but sometimes he acts so damn weird especially when it comes to Carmen. Sometimes. I think he likes her. Other times I'm not so sure. It's crazy. But I'm not gonna let him ruin a happy day. My baby sister only turns 18 once.

CARMEN'S P. O. V. (later that night like 6:30)

IM so excited. In less than 5 mins in gonna be sitting at the table with the 5 most important people to me with my favorite food on my 18th birthday. It felt weird. There was so many emotions going on inside me right now. I'm happy, sad, excited, angry. I don't know. But I'm ready to do this. As I put on my finishing touches. My door opens. And there stands my Amiga Cheetah Onika looking fierce as always.

"You in first place. You first place. Bad bitch contest you in first place" she starts singing quoting 2 CHAINZ. Even though she got tears in her eyes, I can't help but smile and laugh.

"I know. I know" I respond as I grab her arm and start downstairs. As we walk in I see everybody is there looking hella right.

"Before we do anything we need to take pictures cuz my squad look poppin." I said. After the pictures. We sent to eat and say grace.

MY mom starts the conversation off talking about Prom and what we wearing and where you wanna go after. Damon jumps right in "Carmen mentioned you guys haves shore house so I wanna go there. I mean it's free and we don't have to worry about the bs. If that's alright with you??!" he finished looking at my mom and Alley.

"Yeah, sure we'd rather that" my sister answered.

THE conversation continued to flow and and as I looked around all I could do was smile because my family was perfect. Even Mark who actually looked happy to be here. I couldn't be happier. As for my gifts. Mark got me this varsity jacket I wanted from the Nicki Minaj collection. And he got me the ONIKA perfume. Which led to hella jokes about the way Onika smelled. But she was a great sport. I love that girl.

SPEAKING of her. She got me a name plate with a diamond bracelet that had charms with our initials on it and the saying BAD BITCHES RUN THIS under them!!! I loved it.. it was so us and so her. UGh!!!!

NEXT was Damon's gift. He got me a giant ass teddy bear with my name in the middle of the heart the bear was holding. It was something I had mentioned to him I wanted but never got. I hugged and kissed and whispered I love you before I could even stop myself. And I guess it wasn't a whisper because I heard my mom go.

"I knew it. Didn't I Tell you Alley. I told you."

SHAKING her head and laughing Alley simply went " You always know mom. It's one of your gifts."

IN all this Damon just stared at me with this stupid grin. And he wouldn't let me go so I spent the rest of my night on his lap. And no one batted an eye. We just continued like me sitting on his lap was a normal thing.

FINALLY at like 11 pm we decided to call it a night. I had had so much fun. I got everything I wanted but most importantly I had my crew with me. That's all that matters. And I know I'm not to suppose to fall in love with Damon but it happened and I can't deny myself because I might get hurt.

SURE I will always love Mark but I gotta move on. And Damon treats me like I wanna be treated. When he left Damon kissed me hard and whispered "Glad you finally got some sense."

AND I couldn't help but smile back because he was right. He gave me one last hug and a ass grab and left.

STILL flying off of the realization that I was in a two way LOVE relationship and I turned around and saw Mark just standing there. Looking at me with those DAMN PERFECT EYES!!! At first he didn't say anything he just stared. So I started to walk away. As I passed him he grab my arm and leaned in and
asked "Do you really love him, Carmen?"

I was stunned a lot of nerve he had asking me if I really loved another person. He wouldn't know my love if it slapped him in the fucking face. But I didn't say any of this. I simply smiled and replied " Yes, I do. He treats me the way I wanna be treated. The way my dad treated my mom and the way you treat Alley. How could I not love him. Good night, Mark"
AND with that I was gone. I was so proud of me. I had just stood up to him. Yass.... this were changing and I was glad I was going with the current. My birthday had kicked major ass!!! I got my varsity jacket, my perfume, and LOVE. WHO could ask for me.

*Thank YALL for reading. Love all of you!!! Thank you for being so damn patient with me. I'm gonna be updating the next chapter soon!! Please COMMENT VOTE !!! BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY ENJOY!!!!!!

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