Apollyon x Male Warden Reader

By Jet_The_Knight

85.1K 1.2K 954

Apollyon, warlord of the Blackstone Legion. She began her campaign to find out those who were strong, who wer... More

Chapter 1: The Cornered Wolf
Chapter 2: Forced Alliance
Chapter 3: Tales of war, intimacy and misplaced faith.
Chapter 5: into the Myre
Chapter 6: Warfare and its great wisdom
Chapter 7: Friends old and new.
Chapter 8: We are War.
Chapter 9: An old Wolf
The story continues...

Chapter 4: Breaching the Palace.

8.3K 115 69
By Jet_The_Knight

Another cIash of steel, another fight for nothing.

Another speech of war and wolf analogies from Apollyon.

Working for Apollyon's lust for power and lust for him.

Another session of rough hate-sex and regret the next day.

And lastly, sitting alone and missing his friends.

This was the cycle (Y/n) lived by now. His comrades, his brothers and sisters....his friends. Left the Blackstone legion merely a week ago, Asking him to come with them Which as much as he was ashamed to say, refused and told them to 'Ask The Warden why.' 

He felt abondon to a pack of wolves, Apollyon wouldn't let him out of her sight yet he still did his job right.

But why did he feel his plan was going to fail?


"Uh yes Apollyon." 

"Do you have anything to add to the plan?" Apollyon asked suspicious of (Y/n)'s changed attitude since those traitors left him.

"Yes, master. The Myre has much dangerous plant life and a long fog allowing our troops to easily get circled around. The Samurai have chosen a good place to hide if it weren't for the excessive amount of floods leading to an inability to secure land."

(Y/n) said recalling his time spend wandering the lands. A small shudder ran down his spine remembering the samurai's ferocity to protect their land.

"Ah, so they have no permanent fortifications then?" One of the new commanders asked.

"Quite the contrary, the Samurai are nothing if not resilient." Apollyon interjected 

"They have powerful forces unlike the vikings, they rely on quick and deadly strikes. They are not an easy foe to challenge." (Y/n)

"Psh, neither were the vikings." A lawbringer said mockingly.

"Show some respect! You do not truly defeat your enemies unless you know why they fight." (Y/n) said to the man who scowled at him.

This Lawbringer and (Y/n) did not see eye to eye, the Lawbringer showed no honor nor respect for his enemies.

"They fight for the sake of fighting." The Lawbringer responded.

"They Fight! For their Kin." (Y/n) said

"True, but now they fight to survive and the wolves will rise among them." Apollyon said putting a hand on his shoulder. Walking around the table to her original seat again Apollyon put her hands on the table.

"We move into the Myre at nightfall be prepared for the swamp, it should prove interesting."

"Dismissed." Apollyon stated soldiers then started to exit the room (Y/n) was the last to leave getting ready to exit the war room a voice interjected.

"Not you (Y/n), I wish to have a long 'talk' with you." Apollyon said smirking walking up behind (Y/n) arms wrapped around his shoulders preventing him from escape a blush formed on (Y/n)'s face as his eyes widened.


There are many things that (Y/n) hates: archers, tyrants, murderers, occasionally Apollyon when she schemes her plans, but the one thing (Y/n) hates the most was..

The swamp.

(Y/n) growled as every step he took sunk into mud and water with a squelch from his armored boot.

"Having fun?" Apollyon said amusement in her voice as her horse trotted next to (Y/n) easily.

"Oh yes, nothing like tripping over a rock and getting eaten by an alligator or bit by a snake." (Y/n) responded pushing a large peice of bark out of his way.

"Think of it this way, if you do get eaten by an alligator it will most likely suprise you bite you and spin breaking your bones and tearing into flesh then you would be in pain all of seven seconds until death." Apollyon mocked cutting a vine out of her way.

"Here's hoping, judging by the mission ahead. I'd prefer to fight off the alligators." (Y/n) said weary of the intense fight that surely was to happen.

"Was that hesitation I hear in your voice My Wolf?"

"Not entirely, I've had many run ins with Samurai. Some pleasant, others not so much." 

"I'm afraid you will not have any pleasantries with their forces, (Y/n). They will kill with no mercy to defend this land." Apollyon said bluntly.

"I think I'm well aware of that." (Y/n) responded sarcastically trying desperatly not to laugh at the death glare he was most likely receiving but unable to see from Apollyon.


"Yes Apollyon."

"You are the last one of my warriors who remained out of those, traitors. I am...thankful to have you here." Apollyon said showing a small moment of humanity.

(Y/n) winced under his helmet, she was not going to make this easy for him was she? He didn't expect..this sort of relationship when he said yes, he just wanted to destroy all she had used to oppress those who have suffered the pain of injustice.

Now that she was a little barely noticablely human again he didn't know if he could betray her. He knew that once someone was heartbroken, they become the cruelest humans on the planet.

Judging by how cruel she was before he met her...

He dreaded what she was like when SHE was heartbroken.

"I fear what is to come, if you truly do..." Muttered (Y/n) hoping Apollyon didn't hear it.

Apollyon had noticed. Only hearing small bits of the sentence.

"What is the plan this time? Are we going to take children hostage? Kill old men and women burn their cities or eradicate them completely." (Y/n) said with spite wanting to know Apollyon's plans for the Samurai so he can sabotage it with the aid of his new allies in the rebirth of the Iron Legion called the New Iron Legion.

"No we are not barbarians  (Y/n), we are merely going to observe." Apollyon anwsered cryptically with her beautiful sinister voice.

'Observe what are we observing? We already had the cities mapped out from reconnaissance.' (Y/n) thought with confusion and suspicion.

Deciding to find out. He followed Apollyon anticipation twisting his gut.

After a while of marching Apollyon led (Y/n) to a small clearing which overlooked a Samurai city which was being raided by Viking Warborn. By the time they had arrived the raid was over and Vikings were carrying loot and weapons and food out of the castle.

"What is happening?" (Y/n) said shocked as he watched Samurai be slaughtered by Vikings mercilessly

"The Vikings have embraced what we taught them, and are currently sharing this knowledge with the Samurai." Apollyon stated watching every detail of what is happening whilst (Y/n) turned and faced her.

"They are slaughtering them!  You said that we would protect the innocent from our war!" (Y/n) hissed with anger.

"Have You studied Samurai lifestyle? Their customs and traditions."


"So you do not know what the Bushido is?" Apollyon asked quizzing him.

"I am afraid I don't, I did not spend as much time in the Myre as I did Ashfield and Valkenheim." (Y/n) admitted.

"The Busido are laws the Samurai live by, It demanded they be loyal, courageous and assess situations with veracity. Tell me (Y/n), do they fight with veracity? Have you seen a Samurai think and assess a situation before striking?"

"No, they usually use their training, solely expecting it will carry them through the battle." (Y/n) responded solemnly remembering their training and using it against them. 

"Then they are not truely samurai, they are also not innocents. How many Viking and Knights have been slain by these Samurai? They are murderers." Apollyon said looking away from the warfare and down at (Y/n).

"I suppose some of what you say is truth." (Y/n) admitted

"Then let us take control of this situation." Apollyon stated as (Y/n) whistled for a horse to come over to him. After pulling himself up onto the horse (Y/n) looked at Apollyon then at the other Knights getting on their horses.

With a shout Apollyon rode off,  (Y/n) followed beside her towards the Samurai Palace knights following behind. As they got closer to the palace he could see the lower city burning being plundered and destroyed by the Vikings.

It sickened (Y/n).

They were approaching the gate as it was being closed by Samurai, but it was too late. Apollyon managed to burst through the gate knocking it back open it took them a few days to reach this place to find Koto in ruins.

"To the palace!"

Apollyon rode past an Orochi slashing at the Orochi at which they barely countered but being knocked back by the force. That same Lawbringer rode in next kicked the Orochi over to the ground, (Y/n) rode in next racing towards the Orochi who in turn sheilded themselve from their death.

Quickly (Y/n) pulled the reins back as hard as possible coming just short of the Orochi. (Y/n) looked down at the Orochi who in turn looked up at (Y/n) confused, why didn't this warden take the chance?

(Y/n) looked at the Orochi nodded in respect and rode around the Orochi not caring for how they grabbed their katana and managed to kill one Blackstone knight.

Catching up to Apollyon (Y/n) asked. 

"What is the plan? (Y/n) asked, ducking arrows.

"Just do your job Warden." The Lawbringer piped up.

'Please God let an arrow nail that prick.' (Y/n) prayed in his mind.

"We are to get into the palace and find the Emperor and kill him." Apollyon stated slashing a samurai soldier trying to shoot a bow at her.

(Y/n) frowned why are we truly going on with this?  

Apollyon approached the palace (Y/n) beside her (Y/n) looked at the towering building with dread.

"Bring them." The Lawbringer stated confused (Y/n) looked at the Lawbringer then Apollyon.

Just then Blackstone knights holding hostage a small group of Daimyo came forward. 

"Emperor! Come, show yourself or your Daimyo will be slaughtered!" Apollyon stated. As Knights and Soldiers closed the gate behind them preventing the samurai from escaping. 

Silence only passed until the Emperor surprisingly emerged from the gate, hair in a bun clean shaven wearing long robes and..not armed.

"Ah the coward emerges." Apollyon stated a sick venom in her words.

"You murdered my people! You mistake me for yourself..you are the coward." The Emperor growled with anger

(Y/n) looked at Apollyon waiting for her next words.

Apollyon just laughed getting off her horse as did (Y/n) and the Lawbringer on their horses.

Walking forward, she slowly circled the Emperor who waved his hand to keep the Samurai foot soldiers from attacking.

"If You know what I am then explain why I am here?" Apollyon questioned the Emperor facing him.

"To destroy our city and kill my people alongside your Viking dogs!"


Apollyon with a swift swing of her blade and beheaded the Emperor his head hitting the ground with a thump shock still on his face.

The Blackstones slaughtered the rest of the Emperor's men and half of the captured Daimyo. Apollyon turned to the Lawbringer.

"Find the rest of the Royal family and deal with them." Apollyon stated ignoring (Y/n)'s rage filled glare.

The Lawbringer turned and raced to the palace as (Y/n) growled at Apollyon.

Screaming could be heard by a woman and a child.

It would haunt (Y/n)'s mind for the rest of his life.

The Vikings were growing restless outside the gate, slamming against it with all their force only to make the gate barely hold the lock together. Blackstones stood at the ready in case the Vikings do break through.

Apollyon wiped blood off her sword as she turned to face what's left of the Daimyo.

"Ah, the last few."

"Daimyo! Your Emperor is dead." Apollyon stated walking up to the line placing the tip of her sword on a Shugoki's throat.

"Will you take his place?" Apollyon asked

"Never!" The Shugoki shouted glaring at Apollyon who stabbed her blade into the Shugoki's throat killing him.

Without another glance Apollyon moved on to the next.

"Would you be Emperor?" Apollyon questioned again.

"After I kill the rest of them?" The Samurai said glancing at the other Daimyo.

The Samurai then looked up at Apollyon.

"I'm coming to kill you."

Apollyon chuckled. 

"A wolf." Apollyon then looked at (Y/n).

"Leave the Palace to Seijuro."

"The rest can fight for the scraps."

"Who do you think you are!" Seijuro jumped up growling at Apollyon in rage

Apollyon just casually turned around.

"War. I am War."

Silence was met as the Knights did what (Y/n) was supposed to do.

"Did you not hear me? I told you to take the prisoners, now go!" Apollyon stated to (Y/n) as she turned putting her back to (Y/n) 


Stopping, Apollyon turned around irritation practically radiating from her body.

"That was an order, or have you forgotten our Deal?" Apollyon growled 

She did not need him to be like a stubborn pup.

Not right now...

Quickly (Y/n) raised his blade faster than Apollyon could remember him being able to, and placed the blade on her neck.

"You broke our deal, You murdered a man and his family. And for that, our deal is broken." (Y/n) hissed out at her.

Apollyon shoved the blade from her throat and raised her sword blocking (Y/n)'s second attempt at an attack.

Apollyon was enraged, (Y/n), her WOLF was betraying her too? Those Traitors must have contacted him.

She cannot allow (Y/n) to escape.

And he knew that.

(Y/n) carefully thought about his options.

He could fight Apollyon and possibly lose or on the slight chance he won he would have to fight off an army of Blackstones AND a Viking invasion force.

OR he could retreat into the Myre and potentially get killed by the Wildlife or Plant life..or Samurai.

So either way he was going to die.

So he made the best choice he could.

(Y/n) slashed his sword at Apollyon who countered and slammed her shoulder into him making him hit ground and roll backward. As he rolled he stopped himself and rebounded throwing a heavy strike at Apollyon.

Though she blocked it the force of the blade made her strength waver for a second.

"Hmm your skill has improved My Wolf." Apollyon said with a sadistic smirk though (Y/n) could not see it. 

"You are going to die I'll see to it." (Y/n) yelled at her in rage throwing the blade down at her she again blocked the strike.

"After all our time together? You wound me with your harsh words (Y/n)." Apollyon mocked as she pushed against (Y/n)'s force and kicked him making him stumble back.

(Y/n) thought for a moment then charged forward at Apollyon who blocked a strike from (Y/n) and threw a slash at his side.

(Y/n) stumbled  and slumped over as he hit the ground landing on his hands and knees.

Apollyon looked down at her Wolf disappointment in her voice.

"Tsk tsk (Y/n), I thought you were a better fighter than that, Your skill is poor." Apollyon said disapproval evident.

"That is a matter of perspective." (Y/n) said as he jumped up throwing a left hook and hitting her helmet. (Y/n) then tried to slash her which she barely blocked. Then Apollyon tried to punch him with right hook.

He had tricked her!

(Y/n) ducked the punch and slammed his shoulder into her side, and ran as she stumbled back and fell.

Confused and Angry Apollyon got up and turned and watched as her Knights stood there dumbfounded until (Y/n) slashed a Blackstone Knight's throat as he ran by to the other exit Apollyon had showed him to command the forces to retreat to.

"Pursue him you idiots! Bring him back Alive!" Apollyon shouted at her Knights and soldiers who jumped in fear and turned and ran after (Y/n).

Apollyon stood at the exit watching Her Wolf be chased by her men and that Lawbringer. Apollyon gripped the handle of her sword with rage and sadness?

'(Y/n) has truly changed me more than I thought..' She mulled over her thoughts as she walked towards the direction of the Myre where (Y/n) ran.

(Y/n) ran with all his might away from the Blackstone Legion...and Apollyon.

Why did he think about her? she was a killer, a murderer! 

But why did he care so much?

(Y/n) barely ducked an arrow flying towards his head as the Guards chased after him he followed the path into the swamp the Blackstones not far behind.

That bastard Lawbringer was leading the hunt.

(Y/n) weaved around trees and marsh and mud ducked over fallen trees and avoided the occasional alligator as he escaped the Warlord and her hunting dogs.

Apollyon followed behind thinking while seeing the dead Knights and soldiers of Blackstone lying on the swamp floor and watched as a alligator dragged a dead soldier into the swamp blood staining the muddy water.

(Y/n) had gotten better in combat, and it surprised her how furiously he tried to smite her. Apollyon wanted to see his full potential first hand. She smiled under her helmet as she planned on how she was going to get him to fight with such strength again.

(Y/n) ducked as he fought to get past a Blackstone who tried to intercept him. Finally slamming the hilt of his sword into the man's throat and made him fall to his knees as (Y/n) slammed his knee into the Knight's helmet the force knocking the Knight over as the hilt was pulled out of the Knight's throat.

Hearing the numerous sounds of clanking metal and footfalls (Y/n) picked up his pace running in the shithole swamp called the Myre. (Y/n) halted his fast run when he seen four knights guarding the trail waiting for him. (Y/n) turned as they noticed him and he made a beeline towards the surrounding forest as the horde of Blackstone saw him and raced after him.

(Y/n) couldn't make it far as he approached a steep drop off at the opening of the swamp where the ocean waited at the bottom.



(Y/n) sighed, turning around facing the Warlord instead of the steep drop off.

"Surrender (Y/n) and I will be merciful with your punishment, I implore you do so."

"I cannot! I will not let this happen again! All those souls slaughtered..."

(Y/n) looked at the drop off.

"One more hardly matters."

Sparing Apollyon one last glance (Y/n) turned his back to the Warlord walking towards the edge.

He needed to get away by any means necessary.

"Fire!"  Lawbringer's voice shouted.

An arrow lodged itself into (Y/n)'s shoulder and the force behind the arrow threw him off the cliff, he passed out before he could reach any form of surface.

Apollyon watching Her Wolf...Her (Y/n), fall off the drop off, she was speechless until she realized why he fell.

Turning around she faced the Lawbringer.

"Why did You execute that order!" Apollyon growled at the Lawbringer.

For once the Lawbringer looked uncomfortable as he shifted.

"He was a traitor Master, we had to get rid of him. You trusted him and he betrayed you." Lawbringer stated 

Apollyon wanted to cut the Lawbringer's head off but she held back if (Y/n) lived he would want revenge, and he would be as merciless as he was when they fought.

And she knew the (Y/n) would kill him. And it would bring  him running, right into her arms.

"You are correct although may I remind you that you do not have the authority to command my armies, and if you ever utter another command to my men. I will cut your head off and put it on a wall."

"Am I understood?" Apollyon stated.

"Yes. Master." Lawbringer muttered. 

"Good. As of now I shall have no second, I will lead my armies into battle myself." Apollyon stated. She didn't have to kill him (Y/n) will do that for her.

She knew (Y/n) was alive he was a hard man to kill, as much as she hated to admit it.

Or atleast she hoped he survived.

Oh that fool better have survived....

(Y/n) drifted in the water. Body hurting, he was ready for death but as he drifted down the river the yellow and black cloth of his armor burned by fire arrows leaving behind remnants of black burnt cloth his armor covered in soot and dirt and blood. 

He felt himself slide onto a bank as he cracked his eyes open barely seeing outlines of people surrounding him the familiar shape of samurai armor glistening in the moonlight.

Oh...just great...

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